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I give up



  • Member Posts: 116

    I'm not going to try and argue with anyone, but I will tell you it's just factually not a bad game. Hopefully more people will actually *play* it and feel just how much better it is to play, for both killer and survivor. To each his own, and to each his own opinion. Have a good day

  • Member Posts: 581

    I disconnected from a match for the first time in my years of playing yesterday. First guy I knocked down,they got a flashlight save that shouldn't have even worked. I chased the guy with the flashlight,and unfortunately there was a setup that had 3 walls with windows really close together.

    By the time I realized I was pretty much in an infinite...turned around to go after someone else,3 gens popped instantly. I swear I only chased him for one loop,so I don't know if the other 3 were on gens the whole time,or they got them to 99,I dunno. I tried chasing the guy a second longer and just got mad and quit. Never don't that before. Found out there was 3 rank 1s and a rank 4. I'm rank 12.

    I don't agree with quitting,and I'm not happy I did it. Just got frustrated after match after match of the same nonsense. I even turned my messages off,and people get around it by sending messages with friend requests.

    You get frustrated by what they are doing and play even the slightest bit cheap or stay near a hook for more than 3 seconds, someone has something to say. I like to win too. It does get old. I have no problem playing against people of my skill level,it's just some of these guys not only outplay me,they know every trick in the book and find a way to abuse anything possible,even when there's no reason for it.

  • Member Posts: 31

    I've went against 4 rank 1's before and still got a 4k rank doesn't mean anything same with luck the only thing that matters is skill.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Take the good with the bad mate. I had a garbage first match as Huntress, one I hadn't used before & almost quit. But after a couple of yeet matches as survivor I went my main man Doc got 1 in the first then moried all 4 the next one. Don't get caught chasing the same one because they'll gen rush & it's over.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Man your build does not help u, when you see two flashlights use lightborn and destruction to break pallets faster, u can get a several hooks while they try to blind you when u break a pallet. U can just use one totem perk, with gosth face use supervision from pig, u will be able to defeated swf

  • Member Posts: 1

    Dude he is a rank 9. Going against 3 rank 1 survivors and a rank 2 survivor.

  • Member Posts: 47

    They have already explained matchmaking before. Shorter lobbies = Random ranks...besides, a rank 16 doctor just beat 4 red ranks by face camping and is about strategy, but with this game its all about toxic b.s.. I play every day. I wouldn't say I'm the best ever but I'm not bad either. I stay in red ranks. But I'm tired of this game...its going in one direction and that's killer based. Idgaf what anyone says...sure its 1 v 4. Gens take 3 mins each. If killer is working gens it won't be pop, pop, pop...once you get injuries, they heal, gens are slowed, knock'm as you go. Keep pressure, play the right perks and keep pressure. Heals take forever now even. Thats how you strat. But match after match its the same. I'm over it. We move at 4.0 mps killers move on average 4.2 - 4.6 with 6.5 - 6.9 mps lunge....we can't fight back. We run like we are all geriatrics... And if you run the killer good you get hit over and over on the hook. As always crappy players ruin games. Devs many problems with this game. First off dedicated servers is supposed to stop lag switching and hacking yet Its a big problem now. A streamer during a live stream had to switch to console because of behavior servers for pc were hacked... I have had games where the killer was no where in sight, a survivor was behind me and me and another survivor 40 yards away go down at the same time. After changing the map, there is invisible barriers all over the maps, glitches jumping down and getting suspended, hitboxes are trash, the vacuum problem with vaults, pallets, and traps... Actions not working even though you are spamming the button. End game and exit gate placement is killer based. Every update is 90% fixes for killers. Even though hitboxes have been on the road map to things they are fixing since last summer!!! They fix infinite loops but not unsafe loops. If we can't smack the hell out of the killer, I mean we got to have something to work with I mean dang... long lobbies with the same bs is not my idea of fun...idc to lose...really I don't but not this way, or that much in one day when I am not a toxic player. I never t-bag or clam slam. I let the killer hit me out if they were a legit killer. But even though I once loved and couldn't get enough of this game, you all can enjoy it without me. Most of my friends have deleted anyways...they feel the same. I'm just sad I have to give up on a game that I really loved. Good luck I guess.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I feel you on this all the way it’s super unfair to new killers I was the same level as you getting paired up with a lobby of level 1’s and even though I could have gotten an easy kill just by facecamping or tunneling I don’t like to play that way but when you get paired up with skilled survivors it’s really the only option I wish they’d just fix their matchmaking already

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Any insight on what type of skill will it be based around?

    Skill is so broad like...chases? Gens? Healing?

    Stealth? I just don't understand the word "Skill" in this game. =/

  • Member Posts: 6

    No they have to fix this u just are rank 1 i get it i kill them sometimes sometimes not but they need to fix it

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    No clue unfortunately, the devs are being pretty tight-lipped about it.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Yeah, the ranking system has not been good recently... and there is just no cause for it. IDK why this happens, but it does.

  • Member Posts: 101

    The new matchmaking system comes out with the new chapter. Tune in to the Q&A stream tomorrow to learn more, as I'm sure they'll cover it. Have faith in BHVR, they want us to be happy.

  • Member Posts: 2

    It Sucks. I'm in the same boat as you. It's even worse when it's a swf. They just run around and troll. This group would coordinate chases, so they could get stuns.. If something isn't fixed, there will be no killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,358
    edited May 2020

    You're experiencing the game at its highest play. If you can't beat em change your perks. Ghost face isn't that good anyway and ruin along with noed and Franklin's are not going to help him. Switch those off and you'll probably do better. It may work against lower ranks but the more people learn the game the less fun you as a killer will have if you don't change your perks to better match the killer you play.

    Edit: Don't take this as a git gud answer. Your perk choices just aren't helping you against a good team whether they be rank 1 or not. Franklin's is basically useless now after medkit and toolbox changes since they last for a very short time now anyway. Only thing it's useful for now is keys and flashlights and a good group will leave them where they can find them or won't let you hit them anyway.

    Post edited by Ramxenoc445 on
  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Also it's better this way if you want games fast plus cross play is coming at some point and matchmaking is gonna get changed soon as well anyway. Just focus on improving and figuring more out and the game will become more fun for you.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Because nobody would use it and players would get a 4k on dumb bots and think they're good only to face real players and get destroyed because bots don't learn your patterns and try to outsmart you. It'd be a waste of time and resources for something only people looking for some sort of single player experience would use and even then probably not many would use it. If it were successful it destroys matchmaking even more.

  • Member Posts: 86

    Wait, so this won’t get fixed. I’ve been holding on playing every once in awhile hoping for a fix. I guess I’m done with this game then. I miss playing with people around my rank and skill set. When it wasn’t like this, I would get some better ranked players but not this many times. I guess I can stop going crazy over who the next killer will be. I’ll still watch Pupper’s videos tho

  • Member Posts: 240

    The only pattern I'm seeing are these green ranks desperately trying to win through perks while their gameplay is seriously flawed (most likely).

    Also you have the chance to get better faster when playing against good players. But I doubt that's people's main goal, they just want some easy win where survivors flip pallets on themselves.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    It's simply a matter of getting better at the game to eventually beat higher ranking players.

    I've said it once and I'll say it again...rank doesn't mean skill. Hell, it doesn't mean anything other than survivor being easy when you can hit rank 1 from rank 20 in less than a day, saying your queue times are forgivable.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I see what you mean, but unless your 100% new to the game, rank means almost nothing. What I think the real issue is that your using a horrible combo of perks, 3/4 perks you have are horrible here.

    Those being NOED, Franklins, and Ruin.

    First off your using NOED when Ghostface can already inflict expose on survivors that he's near. NOED only activates in the endgame and you should try to end the game before that anyway. And finally, it's a Hex, if the survivors cleanse all the totems before the game even reaches endgame your wasted a perkslot on false hope. Not only that, it's a very easy for it to be broken the second it becomes active.

    On to Franklin's. If your bringing this because your afraid of Flashlights, either bring Bright born or make a habit of staring at a wall or corner when you pick someone up instead. Franklin's used to be an ok perk, but now since survivors keep items even when used to 0 charges, it's only very slightly useful to waste a bit of survivors time in going back to pickup their item.

    And finally, Ruin. Again, it's a Hex perk, not only that, with the tweak they did to it it's only really good on an anti-gen build or on a high mobile killer such as Billy or Nurse.

    Some perks I'd recommend for ghost face are: Discordance and Survalience to locate survivors faster.Nurses Calling and BBQ to sneak up on survivors. Thrilling Tremors and Surge are excellent anti gen perks. And STBFL is great if you can sneak up and hit people in quick succession if your not able to stalk them up, also just great to decrease the wipe animation.

  • Member Posts: 11

    thanks for all the gameplay tips I’ve been getting, but that didn’t have anything to do with the point I was making. I wasn’t asking y’all to analyze my perks or setup, I was pointing out the messed up ranking system. There’s no casual/ranked game modes, it’s all one. With the huge skill cap in DBD you should expect to go against players similar to your skill level. They probably haven’t fixed it yet because of players like y’all that are cool with it and have more of a “get good” mentality and not a, “wow they should really fix that” mentality.

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