20 hours in, I don't get it.

I'm a relatively new player to the game. Been having a lot of fun with it. Mostly playing as Killer, but there's a problem.
About every 3 or 4 games or so, I get shouted at for "tunneling". I asked a few people about and came the conclusion I'm being asked to play as inefficiently while Survivors are allowed to play the game any way they see fit. Why should I, as Killer, not try to remove someone from the game as quickly as possible, as to deny them resources and repair speed? Because that's toxic, apparently. Killers should be "fair" to survivors.
Meanwhile Gens get done in the blink of an eye, sometimes before Killer has even found a single survivor. I don't have any of the anti-gen perks like Ruin, Corrupt or Pop, the closest I have is Unnerving Presence and Distressing (I mostly play Trapper), which rarely results in anything because you have to have Parkison's to fail a skill check even with Unnerving.
I've found most of the time trying to be "fair" to survivors results in no kills or 1k's, occasional 2k's and a lot of t-bagging at exit gates. The exceptions are when survivors just, don't look at their feet and fall into traps like a Scooby Doo villain.
If you want me to stop "tunneling" then I need an incentive not to just delete someone from the game ASAP so that Gens stop getting repaired at FTL speeds. Would require changes to both sides. Slowing Gen Speed and perhaps giving unhooked survivors some sort of buff like a free Sprint Burst or even invuln frames after being unhooked.
Ignore the salty comments, or mine for them if you find them funny. As for the rest, practice and better perks will make you better. Corrupt and pop will go a long way towards slowing the gens. Playing a killer other than trapper will help too.
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The faster any killer throws away the survivor rule book, the more fun they will have. Burned my copy about 2 weeks after PS4 release.
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I'm being asked to play as inefficiently while Survivors are allowed to play the game any way they see fit
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Not that many killers don't also have a bunch of arbitrary rules that they like to impose on survivors, but in the case of tunnelling specifically you basically hit the nail on the head.
There is a case to be made for not tunnelling for moral reasons, because it isn't much fun for the survivor(s) on the receiving end, and many killers try to avoid it out of courtesy for that reason. I try not to tunnel as a killer, and as survivor I certainly don't appreciate it when I get tunnelled, because it feels crappy and it can be hard not to take it personally, but that's an entirely emotional response and I recognise that it's not a very justified one.
Having said that, I never expect killers not to tunnel, or give them crap about it after the game if they do. If your opponent goes out of their way to make sure you have fun at their own strategic expense, that is a favour they're doing you, not something you should expect of them. No one has the right to shame or abuse another player for not playing according to a set of arbitrary rules that they never agreed to. If you're the killer in that situation, don't let yourself be bullied, because they're the ones in the wrong, not you.
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Just play your game as ju like. There are no rules but some survivors just wants to win so much they want you to play "fair". If you want to use tunneling as a strategy then do it.
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You'll run quite frequently into the "Survivors Rulebook For Killers". Pretty much every action a killer can take is in there as a no no, including doing nothing. No way to win against the handbook, just kill people.
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Don't listen to them, just play how you wanna play. If they call you any names so what! If you didn't do any of that then you shouldn't have to prove anything to random people. If ya did then so what! It shouldn't matter cause you play how you wanna. Good luck on future games and just do you.
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if you are just starting out its fine but tunneling becomes less efficient at higher ranks as most survivors will know how to run loops properly and will have a bunch of second chance perks so even if you hard tunnel a survivor most of the gens will be done by the time you finally sacrifice one. same goes for camping. but by that time you will be better at the game so you won't have to tunnel or camp you will join us at high rank and become a god of slugs
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I just played a game as plag vs 3 red ranks and a purple
I have'nt plagged in a minute. One of the red ranks was afk. I didnt realize it until on of the hooked red ranks died because nonone save them. I found the afk survivor and hooked camped them while doing spew spew spew at their hooked body.
I hate afk'ers, and i don't want the other team to suffer because they have one player who gives up just because.
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I really don't believe for a hot second that you are new to the game or forums. LoL
But to answer your question, because there is a difference from disabling someone from playing the game and people doing gens... Which you need them to do in order to do your own objectives...like to find survivors and gain destruction points. You tunneling someone off a hook just disables them from getting back in the game at all. Tanks their pts, pips, and rank and there is nothing they can do about it. You can do something about gens getting done.
It's about common courtousy. They waited just as long as you did get into the match, how would you like it if the Survivors broke your leg in the first 2 minutes of the match and you just got to sit back and watch while you bled out and they popped all the gens and left you with no pts and a derank? It would really suck.
So don't do it to others.
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I don't understand messaging people angrily about their play styles because I can just play another game and hope for better, and honestly messaging someone to complain is just immature. If someone did something against the rules, there's a nice little "thumbs down" button at the end screen you can press, and I've used it before (but not for tunneling bc it's not against the game rules).
But just as a survivor, I don't like being tunneled because then I feel like I don't get to interact with the game as much. And like... I like playing. It's why I bought it. I want to be able to do all aspects of the survivor objectives, but if I get hard tunneled off my first hook and then again off my second, I can't do much. If I'm playing with friends it becomes more frustrating because now I have to wait even longer.
I get that there are alternatives to all this. I can get better at looping (I'm working on it), or I can play solo (I do plenty when I'm the only one on).
And I get that sometimes when you come back to the hook, the only person you find is the person who just got unhooked. I play killer too, just not as often. I don't consider it tunneling to return to the hook if you're not in a chase (or if you're in a chase where you're getting out-looped), and if you can't find the unhooker because they're some immersed player that abandoned the person they just unhooked without healing them, then... well, you've gotta kill people still. /shrug What I usually do then is slug the unhooked person and see if I find someone nearby. This makes it seem less tunnel-y, but also helps eat time if they've got DS.
I would definitely try to get Corrupt Intervention though. I only have it on my Plague atm because I haven't leveled anyone up enough to get Teachables (other than my Ghostface), but having those three gens blocked off at the beginning forces survivors to move closer to you or do other objectives for a time. In your case as Trapper, that's good because it gives you more set-up time.
TL;DR - Ignore the immature people that waste their breath messaging dumb things, and just work toward expanding perk base to have a good load out. It helps as you move forward!
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first off
Second off, why is the onus on me, the Killer, to fix the problem with BHVR's game. Why should I have to ignore (or even detriment) one of my prime objectives to kill people? Because it's unfun for the survivor? Doesn't that mean there's a problem with the game then?
Do you even realize how much easier the game becomes for killer with even one person dead? It's simple math. 2 Survivors dead is almost always a win for the killer, especially if there's 2 or more gens remaining. The game's design encourages you to kill as early as possible.
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It should just not be as rewarding as Killer to play this way. But saying that genspeeds are the cause of this is just not true. You just want an ez game and that’s okay and sadly it is designed this way. but then don’t complain that someone isn’t happy that you ruined their game.
You are also complaining about genspeeds and ask for nerfs as well, even though you are already using cheap strategy’s that ensure a good outcome for you. Guess what you would do with longer genspeeds: use the same tunnel-strat and have more ez games than before.
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Not to tin-foil hat, but I have a alt-account that has even fewer hours. Your whole post betrays knowledge in detail of a number of topics and being current on community debates that a new player simply wouldn't possess. That's why this thread smells bait from a mile.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and I'll tell you this. Play however you want. The others can do the same. You can 100% ignore their complaints and don't be surprised if yours will be ignored as well. You keep doing your tunnel thing and they'll keep doing their gen fly thing, as you said. Everybody's focused on their own backyard and then, when you'll have more hours, don't be surprised to realize how bad the health state of this game is.
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Usually I hate following one survivor for too long. I feel like I'm wasting my time. Usually they are very skilled at looping and are doing it to distract me. There isn't a great pay off for catching them after 2 min chase if at all since I have ######### perks.
If they are the designated looper, you'll know when you go off to check a Gen, they'll follow. At that point I know they are going to try their best to prevent me from completing any of my objectives. That's when I play as dirty as I can and do my best to return the favor. If I can get someone that person becomes bait, because that's the only way to possible catch someone with a God flashlight and perks that let them fly off like Speedy Gonzales.
Mostly I run around patrolling gens and that is fun, but in general tunneling is boring and can result in a huge waste of time for me with few points.
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Using trapper doesn’t help gen speeds survivors probably got 2 gens by the time you put your traps down
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Tunnel all you like, but don't complain when the tactic stops winning you games when you face survivors with DS/BT/etc...
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Whenever I read a thread like this I can't help but feel like I'm attending a killer support group meeting :)
My name is Space Coconut.
It's been 2 matches since I last tunneled a survivor.
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To be fair, before I purchased the game in 2018, I first spent a lot of time here at the forums reading the various community debates and learning things from it (this was before I even made a forum account upon purchasing the game), viewing YouTube guide after guide, and even dropping in on multiple streamers.
Before I spent a penny on the game, I was well-aware of camping, tunneling, Mori vs Keys, mindgames, what a God pallet was, "infinites," and so forth.
And I didn't have a single minute played in the game, yet.
All that said, the OP should get out of the forums while they can. Video game forums are cesspools of complaint after complaint. I started enjoying games like DbD and Overwatch a lot more again after spending a hell of a lot less time at the forums.
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Common courtesy...from a supernatural serial killer...never have I ever not laughed when people say goofy things like this 😂
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I have Parkinson's. :(
(You decide how you play. In high ranks tunneling doesn't work anymore, because DS and BT exists. And most survivors understand tiles and know the optimal looping route.)
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Ignore them. When they say "nice tunnel" my respond is pretty much "Well thank you, if you want to I can bring an ebony mori next time :D"
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I've done perkless trapper at red ranks before the new MM system, remember this, trapper is a set up killer not a chase killer like clown, freddy, billy, etc, learn to set up fast, don't use distressing I don't think other killers than doctor can use it well, but if you can afford Plague/Clown get them and unlock pop and corrupt, also infectious fright.
Watch Otzdarva for trap placements.
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First and foremost, you do you. If something's working and it's within the rules of the game, go for it. Your goal isn't to get a 5 star review, you goal is to win.
That said, though, tunneling often isn't as good as it might seem. Yes, you'll kill that one guy sooner. Yes, if you manage to kill that one guy really early in the match, it's going to help you out a ton for the rest of the match. But it can very easily backfire. I'm sure by now you're already well acquainted with both Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike; they'll both make it way harder to down and hook the same guy right off the hook. The entire time you spend chasing that one guy is time that the other three survivors that you're neglecting can spend on generators. They're all healthy, they're not being chased, the only thing they have to do is gens. Unless you kill that first guy really quick, the game is likely going to be over by the time you tunnel a decent survivor to death.
To put it simply, it's a 4v1. If you play it like a 1v1, those generators are going to be popping off left and right because you're giving the other 3 no reason not to. It might work wonders one game if the other survivors throw themselves at you or waddle around the map wasting time, but other times it's going to fail horribly.
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They way how you speak doesn't sound like 20 hours at all. Smurf or what?