"Killers have tools to apply pressure"



  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033
    edited January 2020

    I completely agree with this. Now more than ever the game is mid/end game focused for killers, and it's important to have a strategy as the killer. It's not just about chasing, and that's why higher ranked killers don't feel as bad about the recent changes.

    A lot of my games I spend the beginning of my games on setup.

    1. Find a good area with few loops and 3-4 gens bunched together.

    2. Find a survivor and push them into that area so that they break all of the pallets in the early game. So that come late game they don't have them.

    3. Dominate and push survivors out of that area until they've finished the other generators

    This is a great strategy that I use a lot in most matches because of the difficulty to play against this. It's tricky to master because it requires a little foresight, and then being able to get the pallets in your area in the early game. But most times survivors don't know what you're doing, they think you're just bad. But then they look up, they only have 2 gens left to go, and then they realize they've three gen themselves.

    I did this twice last night as a prestiged rank 1 doctor and 4k both times against red and purple rank SWF, one on coldwin, the other on McMillan. Both were large maps, but using this method I cut the map in half and only had to apply pressure to one side. You can win most matches like this. You just gotta know when to break chases, and like they said above, know which objectives to prioritize.

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    my only issue with this is that it also puts you in a bad position too. it's not gonna be long until they're able to just kamikazee gens with self-care if you aren't playing someone with expose/aoe like Myers/Leatherface. playing Wraith or Trapper this quickly becomes a sort of war of a thousand cuts that you can very easily lose in the end. i feel like this is the most effective strategy for killers now, but it requires putting yourself in a very shaky position and just exposes a flaw in the way the game flows right now.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I can agree that this isn't for every killer. Ones that have high mobility like wraith, nurse, spirit, and Billy, keeping to one side of the map is not the most optimal way to play. They're best at hit and run tactics, slugging, things like that. They have other strategies for them. Same thing with stealth killers, they're best for sneaking up and pressuring people when they least expect it. But control killers like doctor, freddy, hag, clown, this strategy is amazing for them. So many killer mains try to take killers like that and make them have full map pressure like high mobility killers, and then get upset when it doesn't work. Trapper you can definitely use this strategy with though. Because most of the time when survivors realize you've 3 gen them, they'll start doing a gen, then take a hit and run away. They hope you'll chase them. But instead just trap a random spot and go back to pressuring gens. You can get a lot of traps in a small area. I did this on Yokomo estate and got a good 16 trap catches in single map. Eventually I got so sad that all the survivors were trapped or down that I let them wiggle free and finish the gens. It was beautiful :'D

  • skiafluff
    skiafluff Member Posts: 58

    The thing you have to remember about devs is that none of them are actually good players.

  • bob_bobber
    bob_bobber Member Posts: 54

    Press Alt+F4.

    Very good pressure for Survivors. :)

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    "Pressure doesn't mean only chases". Except that everything you stated starts with a chase. So pressure is literally ending chases quickly. You guys do play this game, right?

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    First off, many of you need to shed the mental shackles you've put on yourselves. These mental shackles include

    1) forbidding yourself to take a swing at somebody just rescued in front of you

    2) forbidding yourself to slug survivors where appropriate

    3) Forbidding yourself the use of perks you find unfair.

    If you use the full toolkit of any killer including the above, you never have issues building pressure.

    You can never expect your opponant to fight fair, game doesn't care that you fight fair - it only cares if you win or lose.

    Only scrubs limit themselves and whine about how they can't build pressure.

    This is my bi-yearly PSA to people that they need to read the below and take it to heart - they'll find themselves a lot less stressed in any game they play.


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Except the traps ARE NOT RNG.

    A key is placed when a trap goes on. They have to pick. It's not RNG, its luck.

    Can you say its inconsistent because people can get lucky? Or guess right? Yes. But s key IS in a SPECIFIC box. Thata not RNG removal. Its RNG key allocation at best.

    DBDSM Member Posts: 134

    I have a plan to apply early game pressure that can be completely eliminated over time:

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Yeah, that's what I meant. Calm down, no need to caps lock.

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    Agreed I have not had a single issue with corrupt if anything it’s better because it’s consistent

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    the only downside is when a whole team just tries to stealth the entire 2 mins. But I don't think that strat has ever worked before I found somebody.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    Against good survivors you'll never be able to apply pressure and put them on hooks faster than they can do gens. Maybe if the health states didn't take so long, but if you play "fair" then all you'll get is someone doing a gen before saving, then saving with 0 punishment. Even injured/slugging you have to contend with DS, BT, Unbreakable, DH, or Adrenaline. They have the tools to deal with your pressure far more than you have the tools to deal with them.

    Here's the thing, you can't apply pressure like that at the start of the game easily against good survivors because every pallet on the map is up. There are so, so many ways how these things are problems but we we just decide that it's fine, and have the people who make the game do the best they can to find ways to tell us it's fine. It's not fine. Your maps aren't fine. Nerfing Ruin wasn't fine. People won't be less angry because you nerf toolboxes because the problem still persists.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I still say it's SOME killers have tools to apply pressure. My mind hasn't really changed on that, only solidified more over time. I'm guess it's down to the person and build even,but more often than not,once I hook that first person,and turn around to get the next,we are talking two gens on at minimum. Sometimes it's 3. So now it's down to a choice of stay sorta near the hook,or patrol,and if you choose wrong,you're boned. You don't know if they will even go for the save or finish the gen they are on. Especially an SWF that can coordinate.

    I'm not some highly skilled player either,just giving the average experience when I play,so everything is also imo. (And the matchmaking does put me against highly skilled players nearly every match anyways) Some of the slower killers,you almost need something like Discordance,Bitter Murmurs,etc. so you at least have an idea where to patrol because it takes so long. But then there's a slot gone you could've used for something better. I kinda agree with the guys that say a lot of times it comes down to slugging or doing something else players deem cheap or unfair.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Legion? Because by the time you get to the next person with your power the first could be already finished mending. Also his power doesnt down unlike deathslinger.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2020

    Slugging is neither cheap nor unfair. The only people that think that are people that subscribe to the survivors rulebook. Thats silly, and as long as you have that mentality youll continue finding playing killer frustrating. Its a 4v1 game, not a 1v1. So yes, sometimes you have to slug. Its part of tge game and earlier in this thread a dev recommended it so its not going to be against tge rules anytime soon. Youre playing the role of a supernatural killer, if you want to be nice play as survivor

    Edited to add: as long as you have that mentality youll also be frustrated playing as survivor as everytime youre slugged youll get tilted over the killer being "cheap and unfair" best to just get over it imo

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    If I can thats the person I go back and dow. I like the add on that puts survivors in tge broken status, so if i hit all 4 of them, 3 of them are broken. Going back to the one dude that can heal just makes sense

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    I want to understand this commentary, you are saying that killers have to camp?

    In other words, if you hang a survivor and not see anyone, you should wait for a survivor to arrive and chase him so that a third person can go for the hang-up and if you can intercept him, is it even better?  your advise is known as camping

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Thats not what he said. He gave a very specific scenario in which you can apply pressure to 3 different survivors at once. If you hook someone and see no survivors in the area then of course you should leave.

    If you walk 10 feet and see scratch marks leading down another path back to thd hooked survivor of course you should go back (and thats not camping). And lets say the survivor gets pulled off the hook just as you get back, you have a choice to make, slap the unhooked or slap the unhooker. If you slap the unhooked (which is not tunneling) and they go down the next thing you should do is chase the unhooker. If it goes as I just described youre now pressuring 3 survivors. The unhooked, the unhooker, and the guy who now has to come off a gen to pick up the unhooked.

    And just to reiterate, in this specific scenario nobody was camped or tunneled.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    You are wrong, the scenario you just described is also not valid, that is, you cannot hit someone who has just been rescued because u are tunneling him, that is, you moved away from the hook and returned to find two survivors, this is a feature of many Killers and the survivors know t as tunneling and campping at the same time .... I believe that you do not play as KILLER because if you do this you will receive many insults from the survivors.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Number 1) nothing in what I described is actually camping or tunneling. Survivor mains like to call it that but thats not what just happened.

    Number 2) I play killer about 70% of the time. Both sides im at rank 1 and have been for quite awhile. Im not god tier by any means, but im not bad either for either side.

    Number 3) Survivors do send me messages, constantly, i dont care. Nobody at a high rank on either side does.

    Number 4) you have been brainwashed by those insulting messages into playing the game the way they want you to play and as long as you keep doing so you will continue to be frustrated at playing this game on either side. Youll be frustrated as killer because youll continue to do poorly and youll be frustrated as survivor because every time a killer doesnt abide by the madd up rules you think are real youll think hes cheating of being unfair. You have to get over it.

  • NerfDS
    NerfDS Member Posts: 14

    Survivors crying about camping or tunneling, its like a myth, its not real, its not a problem. If he was really camping, do gens. Tunneling, sounds like you did an unsafe save. If the killer is trying to make the best of what they have, if you unhook someone and the killer is near, they should drop the guy to put him on death hook, its just a good play.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    As you say the main survivors will say that you are camper and tunneler. We return to the same to be able to play well as a killer you must tunnel and camp because it is the name of this style of play

    I am rank 1 as a killer and surv and have been like this for two years ...

    I don't care what the baby survs say. I only laugh at your comments and posts on the forum but I see that the developers are looking for, that is, that I am doing things well when I camp or tunnel.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    No, they say its camping and tunneling but its not.

    Tunneling is when you chase 1 person through the entire match no matter what else is going on. Its called "Tunneling" because you have tunnel vision. In nothing i described are you tunneling as you slug the unhooked then chase the unhooker. For it to be tjnneling youd have to pick that person up, eat tge ds, chase them again, hook them again, then chase thdm off hook 1 more time, THAT would be tunneling. Which, btw, also isnt against the rules, its just stupid.

    Camping is when you purposefully stay near the hook to intimidate other survivors away so you can secure the kill. It comes in two forms, proxy camping and face camping. In the scenario I described youre walking away from the hook, youre leaving, the unhooker made the poor choice to rush the hook leaving scratch marks so you know what hes doing. He could have waited 10 more seconds and you would have been gone. Thats not camping, thats just him being dumb.

    And clearly you do care if youre calling things that arent camping and tunneling camping and tunneling while also complaining about not having tools to pressure the survivors 🤷‍♂️

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I understand and don't disagree at all. I get infuriated,let alone frustrated. Makes me want to stop playing every time...but I never do. It's especially frustrating when it's a group of rank 1's (that are 10+ ranks above me) and know every trick in the book. They are blocking you with their body,going out the window as you are going in,doing the reverse pallet thing, exploiting tiles,flashlights and keys on deck lol. I never understood it when it always seems to be the ones that are good at looping. I personally dont find situational slugging or camping cheap,but a lot do. Like if I break a gen and a second later it's back on and I can't see the person,I'm going to stay there. If I hook someone and see two people hiding behind walls,is it camping if I wait for them to make a move? I usually only play "cheap" when I feel like I'm being trolled or get especially aggravated after a few matches. But again,I don't disagree,and I see your logic.

    I get the messages on PS4 even,let alone PC. Even when I turned off messaging...they got around it by sending friend requests with messages attached. It probably does condition you after awhile. I do get the occasional GG,but most of the time it's baseless accusations. I stayed at the hook two seconds too long so I was camping. The one guy goes "GG,but you could've got a 3 or 4k if you didn't camp me" first of all I wasn't camping,and second,if I had an opportunity to 4k why wouldn't I? I rarely,rarely get a 4K anymore. It's usually when the matchmaking gives me anyone of my rank or below,lmao.

  • ItsaDwight
    ItsaDwight Member Posts: 4

    They say, killers have tools to apply pressure, huh? Well, there's a red ranks SWF on comms. Look, I'm the Wraith! Where are my tools? Oy, devs! What's that you say? I'm invisible? Oh, that's gonna stop these survivors from doing 5 gens in 2 minutes while wasting every pallet, that's for sure.