Random "Disconnected From Host" (PC)

widescreen Member Posts: 49
edited May 2020 in Bug Reporting

Map: Auto Haven

Killer: Doc.

Survivor: Yui (me)

Hook near the back of the garage, off to the side. I was in madness and went for the save/unhook. As soon as I got the unhook and ran to the back area of the garage, toward the gen inside, my game froze and later I was kicked. "disconnected from host" was the error message. Now I have a timeout ban for this!? This is really getting old and very annoying. Several of my previous games there would be a random survivor getting dc'd and Im pretty sure it is very similar to what happened to me; involuntary disconnecting should not be getting the bans. If there is no way to distinguish from a deliberate dc, then pls adjust the parameters; under these circumstances with whats going on in the world atm, Everyone's internet is being stressed out and might be the reason of these random blips of brownouts. Heaven forbid it is BHVR servers acting up?! I honestly feel really bad for those players that get this experience often and have timeout bans of many hours.

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