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Silent Hill = Next DLC (an in-depth analysis)

Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

Hi fellow gamers! I started a discussion several days ago about the possiblity of Pyramid Head from Silent Hill being the new Killer, but I didn't go too in-depth about why I thought he'd be a possibility. Since then, I've discovered and researched things that strongly suggest that my suspicions might come to fruition, and I wanted to share them with everyone! Let's get started.

"Iconic in the world of horror since it's release"

This statement can be applied in full to Silent Hill. According to Wikipedia and the Silent Hill Wiki:

I would also like to state clearly that the "world of horror" obviously includes video games. And "iconic" doesn't mean it has to be on the level of Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers and Jason. "Iconic" can mean "widely recognized and well-established" or "widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence", and I think it's safe to say that Silent Hill falls under these definitions. According to Wikipedia, it is "a defining title in the survival horror genre", and on the Silent Hill Wiki, it "had a huge impact and legacy on the survival horror genre since it's release" (inception!).

"A Classic License"

With "classic" meaning "serving as the established model or standard" or "having lasting significance or worth", we can easily say that Classic can be applied to Silent Hill. It is a "classic" horror game, as it has been and is still being referenced to this day, and is an established model of the survival horror genre, with many horror games taking inspiration from the franchise.... and it still has great worth and significance, as many gaming journalists and individuals still cite it as "one of the best horror games of all time". (Fun fact: The Duffer Brothers cited Silent Hill as an influence in the creation of their show, Stranger Things!)

The 4 on the anniversary logo

The Dead by Daylight 4th Anniversary announcement photo has a few odd details here and there.... but I immediately saw a similarity between the 4 logo on the image and Pyramid Head's appearance, and got to work.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the 4 and Pyramid Head: by side comparison.jpg There was an error displaying this embed.

If we take the 4 and rotate it slightly, then place it over Pyramid Head's "hat"....

.... it's a perfect fit.

There's really nothing more to say about this!


I'm not going to say that it's 100% certain that Silent Hill is the next DLC, but I'll be quite surprised if it isn't, as I think it's an extremely strong possibility! Silent Hill has been iconic since it's inception, is a classic horror game that is still being referenced to this day, and marked the world of horror by being considered one of the best horror games of all time by many, with many other peoples' horror games (and in the case of Stranger Things, shows!) taking inspiration from Silent Hill. But, I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Thank you for taking the time to view my post!



  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    That is a possibility, true.... but I feel more inclined toward it being a hint! 😋 It seems like the perfect hint, too.... very subtle but clever!

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Just because the team within Konami who made Silent Hill (Team Silent) doesn't make the games anymore, doesn't mean that Konami wouldn't be willing to work a licensing deal with another company like BHVR!

    Here's something I read from the Wikipedia page: "He (CGI Director Takayoshi Sato, who created the story of Silent Hill 2) said that the development team intended to make Silent Hill a masterpiece rather than a traditional sales-oriented game, and that they opted for an engaging story, which would persist over time – similar to successful literature.". Reading this, I don't think that the original development team intended for games to be made decades into the future -- they wanted to make a franchise that was memorable and existed on it's own, without needing to continue to make games to keep the franchise alive. I think that Konami isn't making any more games simply because Team Silent doesn't want to.

  • NoBSFriendlyGamer
    NoBSFriendlyGamer Member Posts: 15

    You act like they wouldn't adjust it for DbD gameplay, If they didn't adjust killers for the game then Demogorgon should technically be immune to all stuns ingame considering that he is a near immortal other-dimension being, but he's not, soooooo...

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I think you missed my point, and maybe I should have been more clear.... let me replace the last sentence in my reply to you with, "I think that **Team Silent** isn't making any more games simply because Team Silent doesn't want to." They are (or were) part of Konami, and they don't want to make any more Silent Hill games. And if a company wants to no longer make games in a franchise, then that's their right.... I mean, I'd cry if Bethesda decided to never make another Fallout game, but it would be their decision and I would completely accept it. It's their property and they can do what they want with it. Same with Konami. And a company doesn't have to give/sell their IPs to people just because they're no longer using them....

    Knowing the internet, I think this "Konami only cares about gambling machines" business has been blown up and overhyped by internet users, like countless other things have been. If Konami wants to make gambling machines, then they can make gambling machines. If they want to make games, then they can make games. Honestly, their property is their property, and they can do whatever the heck they want with it. If they receive a big offer from BHVR wanting to include one of their IPs in DbD, well.... they can do that, too!

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Oh god it would be awesome, but I doubt it would happen. Konami is now completely a dead company now though.

  • NoBSFriendlyGamer
    NoBSFriendlyGamer Member Posts: 15

    Held HOSTAGE and being under a contract (That he agreed to) for a Japanese company that probably doesn't want to waste time and money sending one of their devs overseas are two different things don't you think? And it's funny that you think because Konami doesn't make games that suit you (Gambling games in this case) that they need to sell the IPs when i'm pretty sure the gambling games are made for the vast majority of the Japanese gaming market where gambling and mobile games are quite popular and enjoyed. Doesn't really make sense to whine when you aren't the targeted demographic or even in the same country as the intended consumer IMO.

  • NoBSFriendlyGamer
    NoBSFriendlyGamer Member Posts: 15

    I would be sad but it's still the company right to do what they want with their property, just like I would be sad if you were renting me a pool in your backyard to use and then you decided you didn't want me to use it anymore, would you rather I respect the decison that you made with YOUR property and that's that or for me to whinge and cry about it like you feel inclined to when a company doesn't do what you want them to? Also you saying he was locked away doesn't make it true, I'll wait until he says it himself and not a moment before cause until then it's all heresay.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    You're acting like they took all of their games off the market and confiscated every copy of every game they sold.... you can still play all of the games they've made, you know. They just don't want to make games anymore. You're acting like these gaming companies OWE you entertainment.... but they really don't owe you anything. Yes, I can be upset if a company discontinues a franchise that I like, but to hate them and act like they owe me new games for the rest of my life is completely asinine. They can do whatever they want with their property.

    Sorry, but I don't want this thread to devolve into a senseless argument about "Konami bad company", when I was just trying to put out some research I had done about the possibility of a Silent Hill chapter, so I won't be replying to you anymore.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    That sideways 4 is very compelling, that doesnt look like an accident

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    The Demogorgon showed differing agility and speed in the show than in game. I doubt it's much of a limitation. Most killers only 'walk menacingly' anyway.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    I would guess there's about a 5% chance it's Pyramid Head. It's a stylized 4. That's all.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Konami went from a respectable company, to one I despise as much as Bethesda. They treat their employees like Blizzard does, and they cut ties with Hideo Kojima, and proceeded to ruin his franchise, Metal Gear. Now they make a ######### pachinko machine instead if a proper remaster for Silent Hill AND Metal Gear.

    Im particularly incensed with the departure of Kojima. Konami would be long forgotten if it wasnt for him

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Like I said on a previous comment, I don't want this thread to be about "Konami bad company", so I'm not discussing anything more about them. Just wanted to share my findings about the possibility of Silent Hill being the new DLC!

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    I know. I apologize. It would be awesome to see a non movie licensed killer make it to DBD

  • Meroko
    Meroko Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2020

    The clues suggest it's a horror franchise, implying it's from a movie not a video game. Silent Hill is far from iconic anyway, the characters were forgettable as well as the monsters involved. I loved the games, but even I admit it's not that impactful

    The announcement implies this chapter will make a huge impact, and in no way whatsoever would Silent Hill do anything remotely to that. I think the most likely answer is something that marks the horror industry such as characters like Jason, Xenomorph, Candyman, Chucky, or Pinhead.

    As much as you'd like it to be Pyramid Head, I just don't see it happening. The number 4 is a coincidence IMO, and if anything it looks like honey dripping to indicate Candyman.

  • NoBSFriendlyGamer
    NoBSFriendlyGamer Member Posts: 15

    Dunno why you would lose it over the number 4, seeing as how the 4 was intentionally drawn to have a descending front sharp point and not the typical middle connecting flat line across, I guess the artist could of also had a stroke and trailed off in the middle of drawing it but I don't think that would be very likely.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    I hope it's Silent Hill 2 pyramid head and not the ######### movie licence.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I really hope its candyman but everything is possible.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    I hope it's either PH or Jason. I'll be somewhat disappointed if it's Candyman as I don't care for him.

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    If this was real, i'd be interested in seeing how dbd would do the otherworld. Just a certain part in the map? Or maybe a timelapse thing if the killer is Pyramid Head? Either way between Pinhead/Candyman/Jason/Xenomorph and PH, Xeno and PH are the ones i'd even bother to get excited about.

    Even then it'll come down to gameplay on how fun they're actually to play.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Dude, I hate to burst your bubble but you cant use Wikipedia as an information source 😅 I want Pyramid Head. But this whole thread based off Wiki is useless in debate. The on li y thing you've got is the 4 comparison image which is isnt much as you could find many different images to squeeze into that I'm sure.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    As a big SH fan i had to upvote the OP, just as a sign for BHVR that many people would love having Pyri as killer and James as survivor (or Heather - which wouldn't fit the lore, but hey). But i also agree that it's very unlikely. He would be slower then a 110% killer. And what would his power even be?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    If i remember correctly, dear ol' pyramid boy was namedropped in one of the older dev streams for being too vague for a power. "Slow guy with huge sword".


    Personally they should give him an ability that emulates the dread of being confined with him in an small space, akin to the first battle with him. Some dome or cage made of entity blockers would do the trick (i had a really old killer concept for this).


    But konami being pricks is probably the biggest hurdle. Might be wrong bit ive hesrd that even his creator got fed up with his oversaturation in media.

    Im all for his inclusion, but bhvr would be much happier with a generic executioner/torturer expy.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    i think the main problem with a silent hill chapter is like.. pyramid head is already shirtless.

    what would the public outcry be? pantless pyramid head? 👀 food for thot

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    So basically the whole reasoning behind this theory is, the 4 fits on pyramid head's pyramid.

    I swear if this actually turns out to be true and that's legit the clue that BHVR gave us that would be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,189

    If it's pyramid head, i'll buy instantly.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Horror game franchise =/= horror franchise? Like I said, "world of horror" includes the world of video game horror.... and there are two Silent Hill movies....

    And I understand if you don't think that it was iconic, but it obviously influenced the entire world of video game horror upon it's inception.... that's pretty big! And people still love it and reference it to this day. I know that people think "Wikipedia bad" because their school teachers drilled that statement into their heads, but Wikipedia does provide citations and articles to back up the statements made on their pages. I don't trust Wikipedia for some things, but I think they're fine when it comes to movies, games, e.t.c.. Especially if they're providing the articles that they take their statements from, so you can check the validity for yourself.

    I think the honey dripping thing is MUCH further of a reach than the 4 fitting perfectly on PH's hat.... Lol

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I hope it's Pyramid Head. Like it or not, Silent Hill 2 basically put psychological horror in video games on the map. It has influenced so many video games developers to this day. I'd call that iconic, but you're free to disagree I guess!

    Please please please be Pyramid Head. He's actually scary. 😆

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Didn't they say that they won't (at least for now) add killers from other horror games?

    Pyramid head would be so cool to see in game though

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    If it is a Silent Hill chapter that would be amazing but it probably won’t be, nothing related to the series has been made recently

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    You don't think an interdimensional being like the Entity could pull a horrifying monster created by someone's mind from Silent Hill? 😏

    Not everything makes sense in DbD, anyway.... I don't think a "hallucination monster" would be too out of place!

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020

    I want to point out that most of that response was actually me copying and pasting separate comments I've written in the past, the only thing that was new in there was the last sections talking about "relevance".

    In all reality I am only as "outraged" as you would think one would be when it comes to theory crafting, which is not very. It's not like I'm going around my house clutching my fists thinking about Silent Hill

    Although I stand by my criticisms and critiques which are entirely valid in pointing out this whole theory which hinges on the font of the number 4 is quite frankly dumb. If you don't like my opinion, because it's "toxic" or "the voice of a party pooper" know my opinion is also shared by Paulie Esther, who is very much possibly the most wholesome member of the entire Dead By Daylight community.

    The difference is, he's nice enough just to say "I would be disappointed if it was Pyramid head" and leave it as that, whereas I am far more willing to, as you put it: "systematically dissect" and dismember the theory on the spot.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Yeah, because when they added Demogorgon he was immune to flashlights (no eyes), pallet stuns (extremely powerful and resilient creature), and couldn't be affected by DS or Head On.... oh wait....

    You know that Pyramid Head uses a spear as well, and is decently fast with it? And it's obvious that they would adjust him for DbD gameplay. I mean, they did it with Myers, Freddy, Leatherface, Ghostface, Demogorgon and Pig, so I believe they could easily adapt him to the game.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm sorry that you believe this "Paulie Esther" to be the "pinnacle" of the DbD community, and that his opinion is fact and should be set in stone.... no offense to him of course, but you do realize he's just a guy who plays DbD, right? He can have his opinion, you can have your opinion, I can have my opinion.... everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Having notoriety doesn't make your opinion any more valid than someone who doesn't, especially when your opinion is based in your own personal feelings, likes and dislikes. And people can have all the opinions they want, but in the end, BHVR will add whomever they want to the game. Plenty of people dislike the thought of Candyman being in the game, but he'll be added to the game if BHVR wants it. Same for Silent Hill.

    And if you read my post in full, you would see that it doesn't "just" hinge on the number 4.... I pointed out how many of the things they stated in their anniversary announcement matched up pretty well with Silent Hill! I just put the 4 logo correlation at the end as the cherry on top. Konami is a big company, which means big license, and Silent Hill is a very iconic horror franchise, having inspired the creation of many, many horror games since it's release. But, I'm not going to type it all out again here after I typed it in full on the main post, haha. And like someone else said, the 3 on the 3rd Anniversary announcement looked like the 3 from Scream 3, and it turned out to be Ghostface! I wouldn't dismiss the Silent Hill possibility so easily.

    And like I said on other comments as well -- I would really appreciate if people would quit with the Konami thing. I'm rather tired of seeing Internet Justice Warriors call for boycotts on every single company that's bigger than a new 2-man indie game company on Steam.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I get ya' with the original story, but Pyramid Head makes numerous appearances after Silent Hill 2 in subsequent story lines. Heck, I took a Google, and he was even in a Nintendo DS game called Track & Field. Plus, BHVR doesn't exactly follow canon law here. We have survivors that are dead in their canon universes, and a couple of killers. We have the Demogorgon which needs a direct connection to The Mind Flayer to not croak on the spot, and it's never stated how that connection continues on through the entity's dimension.

    And agreed! I think there's a lot of things BHVR could do with it. I'm not a very good arm chair game developer though, so we'll just have to see if it happens.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020

    Well, I wouldn't exactly boil him all the way down to "just a guy who plays DBD" since he is both a content creator whose job it is to cover Dead By Daylight and related news day in and day out and someone who has been doing it alongside playing the game since 2016 so he also has the benefit of a very great amount of experience, which makes him stand out a bit more than just "a guy who plays DBD"

    And if that wasn't enough he's also a Fog Whisperer, which is a group of people who have been recognized by the dev team themselves as individuals who have "who have gone above and beyond with their impact on the Dead by Daylight community." (a quote from a community manager / official member of the dev team) So, whether you like it or not, his word does carry a certain amount of weight and influence and there's not much you can do or say to change or dispute that.

    I only brought him up as an example because he is a very well-respected and extremely wholesome character in the Dead By Daylight community, so I used him as an example to point out both "toxic people" (which I guess, is me in this situation) who are just wet blankets raining on the parades of others and "wholesome, positive people" can share the same opinion and just go about expressing it in different ways.

    And yes, I skimmed your whole post (I might as well have read it in full, even if I wasn't hanging on to your every word) and yes, I read your silly attempt to somehow squeeze "Silent Hill" into the framework of the words the devs said. If you read my original post in full, you would have seen me shoot that notion down completely and utterly.

    You also would have read me say that the third anniversary teaser image had NOTHING to do with the chapter, so if I'm forced to repeat myself more blatantly: it had nothing to do with Ghostface. Side by side here is the Scream 3 teaser image:

    and here is DBD 3rd anniversary:

    Not only does the Ghostface we have have nothing to do with the scream movies or franchise. At all. THESE. LOOK. NOTHING. ALIKE.

    Stop drawing comparisons and parallels where they don't exist! You don't have actual empirical evidence, and regardless of whether or not you like my saying that, doesn't change the fact.

    And finally going back to the Konami thing, I'm sorry, but I can't change the fact that the company literally soiled and sullied their entire name and brand to the point where now almost nobody wants to support them as a company, so now when everybody thinks "Konami nowadays" they think of the popular phrase: "F*ck Konami" and for good reason. If you don't know about that reason, you should honestly take the time to look it up and see whether or not it impacts your "theory" and I guarantee you it does.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    I think trying to design a slow killer on purpose woud be very interesting. A killer that can't really chase at all. What kind of abilities would he need to be viable ? I don't care about the red pyramid thing, I just think it would be cool way to design a killer from the bottom up.

    The closest thing we have right now is Nurse but her power is basicly a better way of moving than walking. Not really what I have in mind.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm sorry, but I think our discussion is over. I only wanted to talk about the possibility of Silent Hill in DbD, as many other people are speculating as well -- but your comments contribute very little to healthy discussion. As I said before, neither proving nor disproving me will change what DLC is coming out next, so to belittle and argue against my theory and try to prove me "wrong" is silly. They'll add whatever they want to the game, because it's their game and their money that they're spending on licenses and development. And I'm sorry that you missed my point about the fact that Paulie Esther is still just a guy who plays DbD, but I will make it more clear -- him being recognized for his contributions to the community and being an extremely active member of the community still does not make his opinion more valid than anyone elses', especially if it is based in personal like or dislike. This goes for anyone of or above his level of fame.

    And I am well aware of the reasons that people believe Konami is a bad company, but I personally only boycott gaming companies that are actually bad and unhealthy for the current gaming market and consumers in general.