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Unable to break pallet when survivor on both sides

VIle Member Posts: 167

Windows 10 PC

1: Boot game

2: Play a few rounds as Doctor, Legion, Pig. No problem.

3: On pig game clown around because literally just doing the match for rift challenge ( get 3 bronze chaser in the current tome chapter 2) survivors play around, have fun.

4: Find that as killer I can not break any pallets when there is a survivor on either side of the pallet. If i were to stab them to get them to move or react the destroy option would pop up, but if they were insistent on staying there it was very hard to get it to come up.


Here I slash as i tab back into the game after loading SLOBS to record. I show the issue at this pallet, then lead them to another, and demonstrate the same problem. I'd run into this on every pallet before and after in this match with this team. The team isn't to blame, I let them know I'd be posting this in the forums for DBD bugs. (grabbed before i loaded slobs to record fully)


Character: Pig


Map: I forget

Frequency: So far one match. Haven't tested friend wanted to watch Netflix so I made this post while doing that.

1 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    This isn't a bug. The problem is that if a survivor happens to be blocking you from behind, there is no room for the animation to occur, the reason being you slightly move back when breaking a pallet.

  • VIle
    VIle Member Posts: 167
  • Meroko
    Meroko Member Posts: 107

    It's not a bug, it's a survivor tactic to block you from breaking the pallet. They took advantage of your inexperience. Just stab the one behind you and move on. It's a free hit anyway, so consider it a win now that you know how to counter it.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    I did this to a streamer once, and he threw like a minute long tantrum about how the pallet was "glitched." Like a minute or so later he raqequit and said it was because "the pallets were glitched so I couldn't break them." This guy was rank 1 and I guess he'd never heard of this.