Do you enjoying playing Killer?



  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I enjoy playing it for the most part. Sure there is certain aspects that get on my nerves but I try my best to overlook them. If I get frustrated I simply take a break

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Depends on my mood

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited May 2020

    I used to. But when I login nowadays, it's purely survivor. Maybe one day if their MMR matchmaking ever sees the light of day, and maybe if it actually functions as advertised, then I might play killer again. But until that day, no thanks.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    I ain't even gonna lie but i enjoy playing killer. I literally bought the game cause of the license killer then the original ones. Just wish there are some balancing in matchmaking. Can't blame a team when it my fault for picking up or not prioritizing the gens.

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    I enjoy playing killer, however i feel like i can only play 2-3 games before being burnt out

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I enjoy killer ...when ppl spend effort to wish my death by sending a friend request or commenting on other games i play...i'm gonna assume you have a micro penis...😂😂😂

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Just accepting you probably will lose and you are there for the survivors amusement is absurd.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    It's pretty much what the community tells killers to think, though. It's kinda sad.

    GRANDxPAPPY Member Posts: 1

    As a person that plays both sides and I usally keep surv/killer red to purple I'd say I'm happy I started out playing the game as killer.

    The only problem I see is that some survivors play to harass and abuse, then throw the statements of tunneling or camping.

    Honestly now when I play and I get tunneled or camped I don't get angry, the killer is already in a uphill battle and needs to make the smart/common sense decision of taking out the weakest link.

    Instead of raging at the killer it's better to look at the mistake that got you there. throwing down pallets to soon, not running good loops, and sometimes just being outplayed which happens in any game.

    If your trying to get enjoyment in the higher ups as a killer I would recommend just eliminate one surv as soon as possible. Don't face camp but usally they have thier flashy/clicker boi follow you so there's really no reason to go to far cause why give up the free hit and waste your time just to cater to someone else. After ones eliminated there's usally 3 gens left and the game becomes much more manageable and fun.

    Just go for pressure and knowing that you can hook and go to the other side of the map for a new chase knowing that one has to rescue and your hunting the third.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    More than survivor. Survivor is too easy and boring for me. I hope survivors get more to do in the future instead of holding a button most of the match.

  • profrog
    profrog Member Posts: 20

    I think a big problem with why everyone are at each other's necks right now is because both sides have an expectation to win. I was feeling the exact way as you until I stopped playing to win and started playing to play again. It's still frustrating getting camped or getting survs that are just insanely better than you though

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    No, survivor is more fun for me. Killer is fun sometimes.

  • Carisma1005
    Carisma1005 Member Posts: 17

    You could run NOED like 99 % of killers then slug endgame like 99% of killers. People are really saying the game is unfun because if the survivor does everything right they can't hurt me and I can still hit them literally 4 steps after a fast vault. What exactly do you want form the game? "Do you have fun playing killer because I don't have fun unless I Mori off first hook and waste survivors time" says more about the average killer mentality than anyone could hope.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited May 2020

    Just don't expect to 3k or 4k every time, a 0k against good Survivors is normal, if you try to pressure everyone. If you really want the kills, you have to play a little bit more "dirty".

    Most of the games go in either one direction (either 0-1k or 3-4k), which is part of the frustration i think. I barely have balanced matches, but i will make a thread about it soon (got some statistics of my games for the last 2 weeks).

    That is to say, survivor can be fun with friends or for the quick game in between, but i couldn't "nerd" it the way i nerd killer games. But because of the focussed nature of killer games, i can only play maximum 3 games in a row before i'm too stressed out.

    Some tipps that really helped me:

    • watch good streamers, it helps so much
    • watch tutorials about running tiles & loops and playing killer in general on Youtube
    • it's all about managing your time, commit & drop chases, run loops correctly & thus end chases faster, 3 gen-setups

    I made a post similar to this while i was at high green/low purple ranks. Now i'm at red ranks. Just keep on going. Nonetheless, i can understand your frustration, i still get owned by good squads. Just dodge lobbys where everyone is from the same country, is in friends list of each other, have over 2k hours in the game, have similar names etc., that helps also a lot.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Just don't expect to 3k or 4k every time, a 0k against good Survivors is normal, if you try to pressure everyone. If you really want the kills, you have to play a little bit more "dirty".

    Most of the games go in either one direction (either 0-1k or 3-4k), which is part of the frustration i think. I barely have balanced matches, but i will make a thread about it soon (got some statistics of my games for the last 2 weeks).

    That is to say, survivor can be fun with friends or for the quick game in between, but i couldn't "nerd" it the way i nerd killer games. But because of the focussed nature of killer games, i can only play maximum 3 games in a row before i'm too stressed out.

    Some tipps that really helped me:

    • watch good streamers, it helps so much
    • watch tutorials about running tiles & loops and playing killer in general on Youtube
    • it's all about managing your time, commit & drop chases, run loops correctly & thus end chases faster, 3 gen-setups

    I made a post similar to this while i was at high green/low purple ranks. Now i'm at red ranks. Just keep on going. Nonetheless, i can understand your frustration, i still get owned by good squads. Just dodge lobbys where everyone is from the same country, is in friends list of each other, have over 2k hours in the game, have similar names etc., that helps also a lot.