Matchmaking Issues?

Am I the only one who gets placed into matches against people who clearly are better players? I'm a level 12 killer, and I constantly get matched against level 2-5 survivors. They literally run circles around me....

I know this has been asked before, but is this issue ever going to be addressed?

It is easier and better to just to quit a match when going against people who clearly outrank me for a reason, then it is to sit and wait for the match to be over with. This is including having to wait on a time penalty.

Please tell me this will be addressed?

Idea--- if there aren't enough people to properly matchmake on specific servers, reduce amount of servers, and buff those servers left standing up, to take the increased load so that way games can be somewhat fun again?


  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    Hopefully soon, but I'm starting to doubt it. It's getting to the point where I don't want to even try to do the killer portion of the rift, and just do the survivor side with my friends. Every other match or more is against rank 1 or 2's. And I'm rank 9. Last game I got two hooks the entire game. Why the hell am I playing against them?

  • Prophets
    Prophets Member Posts: 2

    Yeah i just played against level 1s & 2s and got 1 hook the whole match. I couldn't even find them, except once. At the end, one of them messed around when gate opened, and i got them but at that point I felt bad because they had been doing so well the entire match, so I just carried them to the exit.

  • Stuballs89
    Stuballs89 Member Posts: 89

    Agreed. I was thinking this today. The matchmaking will eventually kill the game. No one wants to play killer when as a rank 10+ you are being put against Rank 5 and below. I played a lot of killer when I first started playing and found it was fun. Got my friends into the game and so I played survivor for ages and didn't go to killer for a few months. Went back to it at the start of this week. So far my experience has been that I will get 4-5 games against players far too high a rank for me. I will drop rank and then I will get one match against my rank. Then it is back to 4-5 matches against higher ranked survivors. Eventually the only killers you will have playing the game are high ranked ones and everyone else will avoid it like the plague.

  • Buttereye
    Buttereye Member Posts: 19

    I'm main survivor. and my killer skills is not high rank. it's not fun to play as killer when the matchup is like this :/

  • zavch
    zavch Member Posts: 33

    I played with 4 rank 1 swf and the killer was rank 20 😭