Are the devs done with licensed killers?

Now I really like the original killers because I love to see the awesome stuff the devs can come up with but I'm getting the feeling they might be done with the licenced killers. The only likely candidates left are possibly Jason, a slight chance for ghostface even though he's human and a very low chance for pennywise considering he's his own entity and all. I think we're just going to see original killers from now on although I could be wrong, we never know.


  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    The devs said they will take the opportunity for licensed killers if the option presents itself. 
  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    Would be cool to have It, not just pennywise. Can make itself look comforting or horrible, like a survivor until you get close and see deformities and stuff
  • Ravean
    Ravean Member Posts: 98

    Besides Pinhead from Hellraiser I don´t really see any neccesarity for more licensed Killers. Chucky, Ghostface and the Jeepers Creepers Guy are boring af. I like the original Killers much better.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    I'm a bigger fan of the original killers as well, but I'd still geek over more licensed killers. I think someone on here who wasn't a moderator said they plan on having 1 licensed killer come out for this year. Not sure how much validity it holds.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    No pennywise, he is a god, why would cosmic god be in this game, doesn't fit entity's mo. 
  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Now I really like the original killers because I love to see the awesome stuff the devs can come up with but I'm getting the feeling they might be done with the licenced killers. The only likely candidates left are possibly Jason, a slight chance for ghostface even though he's human and a very low chance for pennywise considering he's his own entity and all. I think we're just going to see original killers from now on although I could be wrong, we never know.

    Theres way more possible than that. And every year that theres new horror movies, even more.
    Jason may not happen due to legal issues.
    Jeepers creepers is confirmed never happening due to the creator being a...well...sicko...
    Pennywise should have been there instead of clown
    Chucky has been fawned over for a while.
    Ghostface is possible.
    The Grudge girl is possible, (just talk to the creator, he's a really nice japanese guy, he'd love stuff like this)
    The Nun is new and god damn is she nice with the fear.
    The Ring girl would be in heavy contest with the grudge but still possible.
    Slenderman is a free agent, nobody officially owns his lore/image as he may legally be considered along the lines of myths and legends etc.
    Smiley is a decent one nobody really remembers.
    Mama is a god damn terrifying ghost.
    Hellraiser may or may not be possible considering where he came from but is a horror movie classic.
    Left 4 Dead special zombies, the fact they have Bill, but not any of the zombies is a shame, Tank would be a god damn nightmare.
    Exorcist, if they could get that girl in that'd be another contender with the grudge and Ring. And an icon and legend among horror fans. Got a chance to meet the actress, she's strangely creepy even then.
    Insidious- If we got the red faced man holy ######### that would be amazeballs. Or any of the insidious demons.
    The Leprechaun- I know its a funny character, but if they can pull of chucky (if ever) then they can pull of the leprechaun.

    Theres hundreds of movie monsters they could bring into this games, and iconic horror sets they could add in. The killer menu would look like a Mugen character select screen. But in all honesty, when you consider they'd have to also make 3 perks per new killer, plus throw in a new survivor with 3 more perks, we may never even see a fraction of the iconic killers and monsters reach this game because everyones so obsessed with the meta and technicalities and trying to make this game a damn E-sport, that it misses out on the potential to be the best horror game on the planet....period...
    Which is a shame.... I really miss when survivors were afraid... I feel like the cast from AAAhh!!! Real Monsters, sitting in a school lobby full of other killers, moping about how we can't get enough scares on the humans....its sad...

    They don't even scream at us anymore....

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Now I really like the original killers because I love to see the awesome stuff the devs can come up with but I'm getting the feeling they might be done with the licenced killers. The only likely candidates left are possibly Jason, a slight chance for ghostface even though he's human and a very low chance for pennywise considering he's his own entity and all. I think we're just going to see original killers from now on although I could be wrong, we never know.

    Theres way more possible than that. And every year that theres new horror movies, even more.
    Jason may not happen due to legal issues.
    Jeepers creepers is confirmed never happening due to the creator being a...well...sicko...
    Pennywise should have been there instead of clown
    Chucky has been fawned over for a while.
    Ghostface is possible.
    The Grudge girl is possible, (just talk to the creator, he's a really nice japanese guy, he'd love stuff like this)
    The Nun is new and god damn is she nice with the fear.
    The Ring girl would be in heavy contest with the grudge but still possible.
    Slenderman is a free agent, nobody officially owns his lore/image as he may legally be considered along the lines of myths and legends etc.
    Smiley is a decent one nobody really remembers.
    Mama is a god damn terrifying ghost.
    Hellraiser may or may not be possible considering where he came from but is a horror movie classic.
    Left 4 Dead special zombies, the fact they have Bill, but not any of the zombies is a shame, Tank would be a god damn nightmare.
    Exorcist, if they could get that girl in that'd be another contender with the grudge and Ring. And an icon and legend among horror fans. Got a chance to meet the actress, she's strangely creepy even then.
    Insidious- If we got the red faced man holy ######### that would be amazeballs. Or any of the insidious demons.
    The Leprechaun- I know its a funny character, but if they can pull of chucky (if ever) then they can pull of the leprechaun.

    Theres hundreds of movie monsters they could bring into this games, and iconic horror sets they could add in. The killer menu would look like a Mugen character select screen. But in all honesty, when you consider they'd have to also make 3 perks per new killer, plus throw in a new survivor with 3 more perks, we may never even see a fraction of the iconic killers and monsters reach this game because everyones so obsessed with the meta and technicalities and trying to make this game a damn E-sport, that it misses out on the potential to be the best horror game on the planet....period...
    Which is a shame.... I really miss when survivors were afraid... I feel like the cast from AAAhh!!! Real Monsters, sitting in a school lobby full of other killers, moping about how we can't get enough scares on the humans....its sad...

    They don't even scream at us anymore....

    Pennywise is a god once again, not something with humanity. Pennywise doesn't fit and is overrated. Read the book and saw the movies, his lore does not fit I feel with the entity. An ancient god of consumption who lives in an alternate plane made of energy that can shape shift and made beside maturin and the other. Why would the entity bring in something that is as strong or stronger than it. The entity is the unchallenged god of the realm.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Also, I miss that nick show
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  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Now I really like the original killers because I love to see the awesome stuff the devs can come up with but I'm getting the feeling they might be done with the licenced killers. The only likely candidates left are possibly Jason, a slight chance for ghostface even though he's human and a very low chance for pennywise considering he's his own entity and all. I think we're just going to see original killers from now on although I could be wrong, we never know.

    Theres way more possible than that. And every year that theres new horror movies, even more.
    Jason may not happen due to legal issues.
    Jeepers creepers is confirmed never happening due to the creator being a...well...sicko...
    Pennywise should have been there instead of clown
    Chucky has been fawned over for a while.
    Ghostface is possible.
    The Grudge girl is possible, (just talk to the creator, he's a really nice japanese guy, he'd love stuff like this)
    The Nun is new and god damn is she nice with the fear.
    The Ring girl would be in heavy contest with the grudge but still possible.
    Slenderman is a free agent, nobody officially owns his lore/image as he may legally be considered along the lines of myths and legends etc.
    Smiley is a decent one nobody really remembers.
    Mama is a god damn terrifying ghost.
    Hellraiser may or may not be possible considering where he came from but is a horror movie classic.
    Left 4 Dead special zombies, the fact they have Bill, but not any of the zombies is a shame, Tank would be a god damn nightmare.
    Exorcist, if they could get that girl in that'd be another contender with the grudge and Ring. And an icon and legend among horror fans. Got a chance to meet the actress, she's strangely creepy even then.
    Insidious- If we got the red faced man holy ######### that would be amazeballs. Or any of the insidious demons.
    The Leprechaun- I know its a funny character, but if they can pull of chucky (if ever) then they can pull of the leprechaun.

    Theres hundreds of movie monsters they could bring into this games, and iconic horror sets they could add in. The killer menu would look like a Mugen character select screen. But in all honesty, when you consider they'd have to also make 3 perks per new killer, plus throw in a new survivor with 3 more perks, we may never even see a fraction of the iconic killers and monsters reach this game because everyones so obsessed with the meta and technicalities and trying to make this game a damn E-sport, that it misses out on the potential to be the best horror game on the planet....period...
    Which is a shame.... I really miss when survivors were afraid... I feel like the cast from AAAhh!!! Real Monsters, sitting in a school lobby full of other killers, moping about how we can't get enough scares on the humans....its sad...

    They don't even scream at us anymore....

    Honestly I feel the same way about people wanting to make the game an e-sport. I dont think the game is even close to be ready for that. We just need this to become a fun horror game again. I mean it's still very fun but the game like every other game has its issues which I really want to see resolved.
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Personally speaking i hope they are done with the licensed killers. I like their original creations more. They can be more creative in their design and power. Plus it also allows us to purchase the killer with playtime/shards rather than being forced to buy them via money.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    No pennywise, he is a god, why would cosmic god be in this game, doesn't fit entity's mo. 
    Yes the entity feeds off of hope and pennywise (IT) feeds off of fear. What if maybe just maybe if there is just a slight chanse for pennywise to be in the game I think that the lore would be that pennywise and the entity made a pact so then IT could feed off of the fear while the entity feeds off of the hope just an idea though
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258


  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    I hope they make one more and save it for the last one.... Jason Voorhees. It would bring a crowd. I bet it would take that long to get get permission to make him anyways
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    I’m hopeful they will visit other video games for Killers and Survivors. I’m a bigger fan of original Killers as well, but I would flatline if they got the rights for Tyrant from Resident Evil and maybe Jill Valentine, Claire Redfield, or maybe big bad Chris Redfield.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    No thanks, all licensed killers are weak and still stay that way

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 768
    No pennywise, he is a god, why would cosmic god be in this game, doesn't fit entity's mo. 

    How would a god control a god
  • BearTrapSnap
    BearTrapSnap Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2018
    I still really want The Thing and think it would be a super creative final licensed killer. Either finding a way to make a shapeshifter work in the world of SWF, or just saying screw it and doing it anyway. The fun that could add to the game would be worth the trouble. If we get another licensed killer I think it'll be the last licensed one for the game, so hopefully it'll be awesome.
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    @dbd900bach said:
    Dabrownman1812 said:

    No pennywise, he is a god, why would cosmic god be in this game, doesn't fit entity's mo. 

    How would a god control a god

    Because you can simply state one is stronger than the other for the sake of story and game mechanics.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    No pennywise, he is a god, why would cosmic god be in this game, doesn't fit entity's mo. 

    How would a god control a god
    It would be more of a pact between the two. Entity feeds on the Survivors hope, Pennywise feeds on the Survivors fear. It’s a win/win.