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Why do a lot of killers treat hooked survivors like punching bags?

cenoflame Member Posts: 320
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

It really gets under my skin for some reason, especially when I never trolled or looped the killer during the match. I've never felt like whacking a survivor after I hooked em. It feels like that itself is kind of trolling.


  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Because survivors are literally Jason Voorhees level durability and the killers - who can't even take a little flashlight - are desperately trying to find a way to kill the four monsters plaguing him.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,367

    Tbh might have something to do with a god complex. They feel as though a survivor playing to survive is in some way them trying to make their playing experience a misery. They're usually the same people usually the same people that generalize all survivors as being toxic.

  • ZarinaKindaThick
    ZarinaKindaThick Member Posts: 63

    It's mostly out of frustration, if anything.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I do it if people teabag me. The only killer ill do it without reason on is clown, because I want to hear the clown laugh.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    They want to waste time doing a useless action and let survivors progress gens for free?

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    I recently had a death slinger not only tunnel me for unhooking another survivor but stand there beating and shooting my poor character while she was hooked and fought off the other survivors who tried to unhook me. Finally unhooked he tunneled me again and again beat my character while on the hook ignoring the others as they pounded out generators. Once I died, he tunneled another player and beat her until the end game collapse and I'm like, how the heck is this fun???

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Going back to the actual topic of the thread before it gets really derailed:

    One thing that kinda annoys me with the fact that you can hit survivors on a hook is when "Aim Dressing" prioritizes the Survivor on the hook rather than the Survivor you want to hit.

    It makes it even more annoying because as far as I can tell, STBFL doesn't really register hits from I-Frames.

    I wouldn't mind if BHVR took this ability away from the Killers, but I guess it makes sense why it's there. Though I don't really agree with letting out your frustration by smacking your opponent who is only playing to win, which is what you're also doing anyways.

    Smacking them once you won, sure, that's basically asserting your dominance over the game. One final smack to signal the end of the game. I can understand players like that. It's something small but it can make them feel better about themselves that they've won.

    But doing so while the game is still ongoing is kinda... I don't know, BMing a bit? Like you aren't doing it to play the game, you want to do that to annoy your opponent which is something I am always against for both sides.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I love seeing it as survivor. I find it funny that someone can get that irritated especially if you do nothing to them.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm not even saying this to be mean so please don't take it that way but...

    You shouldn't be saying "I never trolled or looped the killer" or whatever. If you like living, looping the killer is a good thing. Don't let anybody tell you looping is a bad thing. That would be like saying shooting people in Call of Duty is bad. That's just kinda what you do in the game, ya know?

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2020

    As far as the topic, it really bothers me when killers abuse hooked survivors. They don't get any points for it, so why do it? Is it because they're bad(mad) at the game and want to take it out on hooked survivors? It makes no sense to me. I wish that they could be penalized for that, but they won't.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Pftt, man it's a video game. That's like asking why survivors will teabag me at 5 gens left. You do it for the disrespect.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    "You spun me 3 times" lol the excuses for this are endless

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I vividly remember the face of The Doctor that tunneled me because I saved a teammate with BT. I didn't even know you could get tunneled for using BT until that day.

  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    Sometimes I hit them just to silence the scream, the female survivors in particular have some pretty ear piercing screams

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I think it's as simple as 'because they can't emote' sometimes lol. I've done it a few times when I felt like someone was trying to be a jerk or show off,or when there used to be assets that could be abused. Was like me saying "you did all of that and now look at where you are" haha. I do think there's an element of it that's frustration as well. I've whacked a few people that ran me through an unholy loop and cost me the match (even though I should know better) and once when this guy was clicking away on his flashlight to get me to chase him,and he proceeded to run me to this place that had three walls with windows in a row. Basically I thinking it's usually sending a message since there's no way to communicate. Some of the new players probably just think it's fun that they caught someone,or use it for entertainment as they face camp,lol.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I got voice messages because I bodyblocked the killer trying to get a hook 😂 you can get tunnelled for just simply existing lol

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I mean you don't get any points for teabagging a killer 10+ ranks below you,when you've already easily won the match either. Or for blocking the hook with your body,but I guess at least that has a purpose. Same goes for face camping,or tunneling one person. Anything that frustrates or taunts the other side and gains no tangible reward.

    The killer has no way to emote like the survivors. Can maybe shake their head at best. Some are probably just saying "gotcha" by doing it. If it's a new player maybe they don't know better and just think its funny,or they are excited they finally caught someone. A lot of the things are stupid and pointless,but I'm sure the person doing the stupid things know what it means lol.

    Most people are going to know it's a pointless thing to do. It's wasting time,and could possibly leave you open for a unsafe save by someone with Borrowed Time,or to be blinded so someone can get the save. If they are doing it repeatedly then they are probably just going to camp,at which point it's a free opportunity to do gens. Then they either get one kill,or have to go after the popping gens so someone can get the save. So in theory they are already being penalized.

    I play both sides. Mained survivor since launch,and just switched to killer main this year because of the queue times mostly. Maybe they are mad. It happens. There are some pretty frustrating things that can happen on occasion. It wouldn't be easy to penalize,it's the attack animation,ha. Just like they can't penalize teabagging because maybe you are ducking on purpose,idk. With the hitboxes it might be hard for the game to recognize they are hitting you and not the person unhooking you. Sometimes you swing after an unhook and it doesn't count as a hit towards either person already,lmao.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020

    As a killer and a survivor main I never hit survivors when their on a hook. But when I’m a survivor sometimes they hook which is not fun. It also could be because either you were toxic in someway that the killer considers toxic. Or they don’t like you because you looped them or you choose a specific character they don’t like.Or they had a bad match before and lost so they take it out on the next survivor group.And or they just like to ruin other people’s Game experience and are toxic to anyone in general. Just play how you want to play and don’t listen to anyone who throws made up rules. Don’t sweat it tho sometimes it will happen I know it’s not fun but we all experience it at some point.

    Post edited by NinjaDette1 on
  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    Before you could get points for hitting hooked survivor, but I'm not sure if it still counts.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    Killers usually do it because either the survivor was being rude or because the survivor was being good at the game.

    In my experience I've been camped because they chose to throw away 5 gens to chase me, then they bm me on the hook.

    It's incredible how much sand you can put into an emotional killer's undies.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Fun Fact: As Legion, while in Feral Frenzy, you can hit the hooked survivor at a very fast rate.

    Please don't smite me for my end game celebration. It's fun, and you can't stop me!

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    originally I thought I was tormenting the lost souls of the fog and pleasing the entity

    But someone told me it was the killer tbag and now I don't do it anymore because it's lost all its horror feel.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I don't do any of that stuff though. I go in, do gens, beak bones and save teammates, then I get out of there. I try to avoid any interaction with the killer as possible, so it frustrates me when I get hooked and I'm being abused. Now, if I get rescued and am able to escape the trial, then yeah I'm T-bagging by butt off as a f you. But I play the right way and I don't think it's right to be abused because of it.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    It makes you wonder, what is the killer's purpose of playing, if all they're going to do is either camp or abuse hooked survivors? Then those are the same killers that will complain about being gen rushed, even though they're choosing to waste their time on someone that can't even do anything.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    "I play the right way"

    Come down off the high horse, survivors.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020

    If survivors had the option to hook the killers. Killers would complain about being abused by survivors I would be very ok with that😏. Malicious intent indeed😀I play on both sides don’t hurt me.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Honestly a lot of times we do it because its funny, so funny that when a killer does it to me i laugh

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    They like you.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    I do it every time because the screaming is so painful to my ears that I have to do it. I try to mention it every time afterwards cause don't wanna be "that guy" ya know but I can't stop the screaming short of smacking them.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Please, that's not on-topic of the thread. If you're going to post, please address the topic of the thread. Thank you.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    I only do it at the end of the game to survivors who where constantly taunting me during the trial.

    It's more like banter than anything else tbh.

  • bigfootismydad
    bigfootismydad Member Posts: 86

    When I first started playing, I thought it caused extra damage. These days, I don't do it. Just hook and move on.