If you were the leader of the DbD team, what would you change in the game?

Anything that comes to mind. Whether it be a few minor tweaks or a plethora of game-changing ideas. I'm just interested in hearing what you guys would do.
Dedicated servers.9
• All teachable perks can only reach tier 2
• When playing survivor the game is darker than killer
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I would probably just fix the framerate issues plaguing console. That's about it. Of course, there are other things that should be changed, but BHVR is already doing that now, so yeah.1
Buff Freddy
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Whichever thing I would do, I would collect salt from the DbD community.1
@Iceman said:
• All teachable perks can only reach tier 2I know right, survivors are so boringly the same ; after the teachable perks have been learned, there is only one character with multiple cosmetics. I would be a litter more extreme to adress that specific matter: survivors might have only 3 perk slots + 1 unique perk / power which you cannot have with a different character. Something like this:
Meg: Sprint burst.
Nea: Urban evasion
Dwight: Prove thyself + Leader combined together
Jake: Calm spirit + something else ?
Claudette: Self care
David: Dead Hard combined with a better version of No mither (he doesn't have to start the game injured)
Ace: personnal kobe chances are increased by 30% minus the number of minutes played
Feng: ?
Bill: Borrowed time
Laurie: Decisive strike
Quentin: ?
Tapp: Detective's hunch + something else ?
Kate: a much stronger version of Boil over
Adam: ?Of course all of this would have to be thouroughly tested and balanced as much as possible.
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Rename the "Killers" as
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Michiko said:Rename the "Killers" as4
I got 20 main changes numbered here.
1) Weaken the sharable Tier 3 Perks, and Make a Tier 4 perk for the originating survivor.
2) Make it so survivors can hide inside chests that have already been searched and relieved of their item. Make make getting out of and into the chest is a little slower.
3) Make it so there is 1 extra Hex Totem each game as a standard.
4) Make it so survivors have to open the hatch, and give the killer the ability to close the hatch
5) I'd add a second sacrifice method.
ie; Probably a bed/altar with a spike that stabs into the characters left shoulder. Maybe also a Pyre like structure, like a wooden post, that you're tied to. Both can be sabotaged as well.6) Make Sprint Burst only work every 60 seconds, but make it so you push a button to activate Dead Hard.
7) Make it so you have to fill generators with fuel. Fuel slows your speed by 3%.
8) Add the ability to quietly place pallets for survivors, let the killer lower pallets and break them.
9) Each DCing survivor gives the killer 1k BP, when a killer DC's they provide 1k BP to each survivor.
10) Dedicated servers
11) BBQ and Chili shows survivors nearby the hook an ally is on for 30/35/40 seconds, not distant survivors.
12) I'd make trash cans that survivors can throw down which hinder speed by 5% for both killer and survivors if you run through the mess. Doesn't stun the killer.
13) Add doors that the killer slam open without slowing down. The main purpose of an unlocked door is to block line of sight. This can be great for jump scares if the killer slams it open and rushes at you. Think of the generator on the bottom floor by the stairs in the Halloween level. Thats a perfect spot to cause someone to screw up a skill check and make them panic. When a door is locked, the killer needs to break it like a pallet which will remove it permanently.
14) Keys: I'd make is so if you bring a key, you can lock and unlock doors. Locking the door makes it so the killer has to break through the door instead of being able to slam it open. You can't lock a door without a key.
15) I'd add the ability to kick a survivor away if they try and remove you from the hook.
16) Add the gestures "Stop", a palm being held out, and "Shhhh!", the survivor puts their finger to their lips.
17) Give Self Care a different button than Unhook to avoid healing yourself in front of your ally and waste time.
18) Killers can repair Hooks if they want, slightly faster then Saboteur, and keeps its progress like saboteur.
19) Add ropes survivors can climb to windows. If a killer shakes the rope, survivors fall to ground and must take a few seconds to get up by holding R1. killers pick you up and throw you over the shoulder while you're down.
20) Make it so you can fill up a tool box or med kit at the respective 10% speed of saboteur or heal, but only at specific locations. Chests for toolboxes, and 1 large red box fixed onto a wall right outside of the killer basement. It would be great bait to get someone there.
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TheHourMan said:Michiko said:Rename the "Killers" as1
Nurse would be retired like a card set in hearthstone.
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Dedicated servers for the love of God dedicated servers2
@fcc2014 @NoxiousOnnyyxx.
The ability to push over the flaming trash cans and light the killer on fire for survivor OR after a survivor has been hooked once the killer can stuff them into the barrels head first. Maybe a 15-20 second "struggle" if u will where the survivor can push againts the barrel while the killer does skillchecks. Couple of good skillcheck and BAM charbroiled survivor.4 -
My own custom killer and survivor1
Just a small list
Dedicated servers while retaining Peer2Peer for Kill Your Friends lobbies
Lan Support for offline games in Kill Your Friends
Workshop support for cosmetics and maps
Experimental / Seasonal perks that are not tied to a character. Each season a new change would be tested and if favorable would be a permanent part of the game. If disliked would be immediately retired.
Better spectator experience for Observer in Kill Your Friends for better tournament experience along with improvements to spectator in ranked matchmaking so those in post-game lobby can use chat while they're spectating. Additionally hide killer loadout in ranked matchmaking until all survivors have left the trial by escaping, sacrifice or death.
None of these would be immediate but it would be something I'd try to add based on community feedback.
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This content has been removed.
@xmenfanatic said:
I got 20 main changes numbered here.1) Weaken the sharable Tier 3 Perks, and Make a Tier 4 perk for the originating survivor.
2) Make it so survivors can hide inside chests that have already been searched and relieved of their item. Make make getting out of and into the chest is a little slower.
3) Make it so there is 1 extra Hex Totem each game as a standard.
4) Make it so survivors have to open the hatch, and give the killer the ability to close the hatch
5) I'd add a second sacrifice method.
ie; Probably a bed/altar with a spike that stabs into the characters left shoulder. Maybe also a Pyre like structure, like a wooden post, that you're tied to. Both can be sabotaged as well.6) Make Sprint Burst only work every 60 seconds, but make it so you push a button to activate Dead Hard.
7) Make it so you have to fill generators with fuel. Fuel slows your speed by 3%.
8) Add the ability to quietly place pallets for survivors, let the killer lower pallets and break them.
9) Each DCing survivor gives the killer 1k BP, when a killer DC's they provide 1k BP to each survivor.
10) Dedicated servers
11) BBQ and Chili shows survivors nearby the hook an ally is on for 30/35/40 seconds, not distant survivors.
12) I'd make trash cans that survivors can throw down which hinder speed by 5% for both killer and survivors if you run through the mess. Doesn't stun the killer.
13) Add doors that the killer slam open without slowing down. The main purpose of an unlocked door is to block line of sight. This can be great for jump scares if the killer slams it open and rushes at you. Think of the generator on the bottom floor by the stairs in the Halloween level. Thats a perfect spot to cause someone to screw up a skill check and make them panic. When a door is locked, the killer needs to break it like a pallet which will remove it permanently.
14) Keys: I'd make is so if you bring a key, you can lock and unlock doors. Locking the door makes it so the killer has to break through the door instead of being able to slam it open. You can't lock a door without a key.
15) I'd add the ability to kick a survivor away if they try and remove you from the hook.
16) Add the gestures "Stop", a palm being held out, and "Shhhh!", the survivor puts their finger to their lips.
17) Give Self Care a different button than Unhook to avoid healing yourself in front of your ally and waste time.
18) Killers can repair Hooks if they want, slightly faster then Saboteur, and keeps its progress like saboteur.
19) Add ropes survivors can climb to windows. If a killer shakes the rope, survivors fall to ground and must take a few seconds to get up by holding R1. killers pick you up and throw you over the shoulder while you're down.
20) Make it so you can fill up a tool box or med kit at the respective 10% speed of saboteur or heal, but only at specific locations. Chests for toolboxes, and 1 large red box fixed onto a wall right outside of the killer basement. It would be great bait to get someone there.
I want to answer to this one!
- sounds good, needs lots of balance of course, but would not be impossible
- Can killer open a chest like a locker? If not, a surv could hop in there in a chase and has no need to get out again?
- you mean an additional hex perk slot or just a 6th totem on the map?
- If survs can open the hatch, they are out. when a killer finds an opened hatch, he can close it but noone is left becaus this guys who opened it, also jumped in, i think. OR you need to change spawn cirteria for the hatch.
- sounds good, and would be a special thing for the basement maybe
- lets say 90 seconds and a button to activate. but what button? if you have SB and DH with you, it could not be the same button?
- what about coal? coal could be picked at the firespots of the maps. actually all these fire barrels are just useless (or for some hiding) 3% is alot when a fast killer chases you. but you can drop your coal when you got downed so another mate can pick it up there, where you lost it. What about franklins? if this affects coal carrying, the game would almost impossible? lets discuss about that
- hmm... could be difficult. if three mates just plant pallets all over the map, the killer wouldnt have a chance to chase someone in later match. OR he needs lots of time to kick pallets, while survs can setup new ones and/or rush gens. maybe limit it to 1 placeable pallet each surv and 4 breakable pallets to the killer? (maybe upgradeable with perks/addons
- 1k is not enough. if you hit a surv 6 times, hook him 3 times and sacrifice him 1 time you get 3500 points for him. (without any chasepoints and special stuff) so what about 2500 per DC? A surviving Survs gets 5000 points for escaping. so i also would say 2500 per surv is fair when killer DCs. (IF the surv is still alive of course)
- no point to discuss. agreed
- not that good, BBQ is one of the (less) anti-camp perks. i think it should stay wher it is. also freddys wallhack is on distance survs because he could camp invisible. Maybe Nurse calling should be changed to distance survs too. everything that prevent camping is necessary these days
- would be a possible thing yeah, but survs could use it for chases when they push over the mess with dead hard.killer could just be billy and nurse (again), maybe the pig with launch attack to prevent getting slowed.
- good idea, so keys could have a really good function. but locked doors AND pallets? maybe door can just be closed in areas where is no way to escape through a second exit. OR (to prevent use locking in chases) it need to take about 5 seconds to lock a door with a key (maybe more as standart and less with key addons)
- of course.
- Farming Prevention. Nice idea. but could you struggle and kick without to die? ;D And what happens to the kicked one? if he is healthy, hes injured then? xD (not a good idea. just helps traitors to help the killer)
- agreed
- agreed
- Hm. good idea, but would be another action that take/waste killers time. on high rank you just dont have the time for repairs. Maybe Killer can perform an action (lasts 5 seconds more or less) to activate the repair of the hook by the entity. so killer can go away, and entitiy needs 30/60 seconds to repair the gen completely.
- really great. but not possible on every map. but i would love it
- Add a workbench in basement (left side near the steps is alot of space for that) to fill up toolboxes and for medkits i would prefer the wall between the 4 steps and the (lots of) other steps at basement stairs. so killer can see from above that someon is filling up there. Maybe workbench can also fill up flashlight batteries.
Other spots for filling should be spawn random on the map. but only ONE more spot for every item. (hard to find outside, but guranteed in the basement)
wow lots of great things that would get some freshness in the game. i love it
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The changes I'd focus on first would be making generators more interesting / dangerous, fixing / adding map tiles, and also giving both the killer and survivor more options of things to do on the map.
When working on a generator your sight radius gets reduced. Whether that's first person, or it just zooms in on the generator to give you less peripheral vision, I don't know, but I've always found it crazy that while repairing something, you're able to constantly look around and behind you. Smaller los while working on a gen means it's a lot more dangerous, making it more tense for players, and giving killers more chances to surprise people.
The other change I'd make to gens is more variety in the types of skill checks that happen. For example, what if instead of the standard skill check we have now, some gens had a more guitar hero style skill check? Letters (probably just wasd) fall down your screen, and you have to hit the key at the right time to pass the skill check, or else you fail. You could even take a page out of friday the 13th and have the standard kill check, just with multiple skill checks on the circle. Again, it's designed to make survivors focus more on the generator, and giving killers more chances to actually surprise and scare survivors. I'm sure there's tons of potential skill check variants that could be made, and once you have the game designed so variant skill checks are possible, it's easy to add more later down the line.
I would also work on creating more map tiles. I like the idea of more tiles more focused towards hiding, and tiles that are instead focused more on mindgames. I also like the idea of tiles the killer can manipulate. For example breakable walls (maybe requires two hits, so someone like billy or leatherface can just suddenly burst through), or objects that when hit rotate, changing the safety of some loops.
I'd also enjoy if there was more to do on maps in general. For example, rework sabotage so instead of breaking the hook, it rigs the hook to fail a set time after someone is hooked on it. If there's some aspect that shows a hook is sabo'd (slight discolouration, sparks, etc) then survivors and killers can play around those hooks. Survivors can use it to get saves from campers by distracting a killer, while a killer who notices it could intentionally place a survivor on that hook to try and double hook a survivor. So it'd be high risk high reward. Possibly give an extra second or two of immunity to the survivor saved from a sabo'd hook, so if you are on a sabo'd hook and the killer camps it, you at least have a few seconds to try and outplay the killer and make some distance.
The idea of survivors being able to set little snares or traps for the killer sounds fun too. If there was an item that could be brought into the map that could set up little tripwires, that could have a lot of potential. When a killer (possibly even survivors)walks over it they stumble, dropping a carried survivor and suffering a brief ds style stun. Sounds brutal for killers, but if the item has a charge, and if it has a decent length setting time (with cancelling it midway through removing all progress similar to how breaking a totem works), then it makes the item risky to use while the killer is near by, since if you are interrupted you just wasted a bunch of time and charges. It would extend game length meaningfully, and provides big moments of triumph when used correctly. Could cause griefing if it was allowed to harm other survivors, but at the same time it'd feel pretty great as the killer if you could manipulate a survivor to walk into a trip wire, breaking it for you, and letting you probably get a free hit / down.
In a similar vein, I wouldn't be opposed to killers being able to temporarily sabo a set number of pallets(2-3 max). For example, the killer locks a pallet in place, so the next time someone tries to throw it down, it fails or requires a skill check to drop. That would let the killer feel more in control of the map, by letting them see areas that have bad rng, and manipulate it so that the next time a chase happens in that area, they have an unexpected advantage. Probably would give survivors a way to fix a sabo'd pallet, but it would probably require a skill check, which if you, fail you still disarm the sabotaged pallet -- but the failure causes the pallet to drop.
That's the kind of changes I want to see. Make games a bit more interactive, give people more options to get creative and extend game length, and does it without just making killers faster, survivors gen speed slower, or any of that nonsense the devs have done a thousands times already.
Post edited by Abyssionknight on1 -
Dedicated Server
2 vs 8 like in Identity V
Ranking rewards
Casual Mode
Surrender system to stop wasting everyone's time, for both Killers and Survivors
Survivors can surrender once everyone is on the ground, Killers can when survivors refuse to leave/ last survivor trolling and doing nothing /8 minutes into the game
Crow activates if a survivor did nothing for past 3 minutes even if he is moving (Identity V has this)
Hatch-stand off fixed like in Identity V without nerfing survivors
Buff all useless perks
Trapper now have now +1 trap carrying capacity, not extra trap
Buff Freddy, Leatherface, Pig and Spirit and balance all Killers to Billy's level, and not relying on add-ons
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@chemical_reject said:
@fcc2014 @NoxiousOnnyyxx.The ability to push over the flaming trash cans and light the killer on fire for survivor OR after a survivor has been hooked once the killer can stuff them into the barrels head first. Maybe a 15-20 second "struggle" if u will where the survivor can push againts the barrel while the killer does skillchecks. Couple of good skillcheck and BAM charbroiled survivor.
YES THIS!!! I also would like the ability to harm Leatherface in someway to make him cry, maybe hit them with a rock.
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Remove swf
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Invest all the money I made from the game in a salt production plant
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@Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
Includes but not limited to:Mechanics
Etc.Anything that comes to mind. Whether it be a few minor tweaks or a plethora of game-changing ideas. I'm just interested in hearing what you guys would do.
If I were the leader of the DBD team I would be highly under-qualified and in no way fit for leadership, ultimately destroying the game and company all while ruining the livelihood of those with the skills to actually work there.
I apologize in advance if this highly unlikely scenario should come to pass.
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@Michiko said:
Rename the "Killers" asAnd call Trapper's ability The glory hole
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xmenfanatic said:
I got 20 main changes numbered here.
1) Weaken the sharable Tier 3 Perks, and Make a Tier 4 perk for the originating survivor.
2) Make it so survivors can hide inside chests that have already been searched and relieved of their item. Make make getting out of and into the chest is a little slower.
3) Make it so there is 1 extra Hex Totem each game as a standard.
4) Make it so survivors have to open the hatch, and give the killer the ability to close the hatch
5) I'd add a second sacrifice method.
ie; Probably a bed/altar with a spike that stabs into the characters left shoulder. Maybe also a Pyre like structure, like a wooden post, that you're tied to. Both can be sabotaged as well.6) Make Sprint Burst only work every 60 seconds, but make it so you push a button to activate Dead Hard.
7) Make it so you have to fill generators with fuel. Fuel slows your speed by 3%.
8) Add the ability to quietly place pallets for survivors, let the killer lower pallets and break them.
9) Each DCing survivor gives the killer 1k BP, when a killer DC's they provide 1k BP to each survivor.
10) Dedicated servers
11) BBQ and Chili shows survivors nearby the hook an ally is on for 30/35/40 seconds, not distant survivors.
12) I'd make trash cans that survivors can throw down which hinder speed by 5% for both killer and survivors if you run through the mess. Doesn't stun the killer.
13) Add doors that the killer slam open without slowing down. The main purpose of an unlocked door is to block line of sight. This can be great for jump scares if the killer slams it open and rushes at you. Think of the generator on the bottom floor by the stairs in the Halloween level. Thats a perfect spot to cause someone to screw up a skill check and make them panic. When a door is locked, the killer needs to break it like a pallet which will remove it permanently.
14) Keys: I'd make is so if you bring a key, you can lock and unlock doors. Locking the door makes it so the killer has to break through the door instead of being able to slam it open. You can't lock a door without a key.
15) I'd add the ability to kick a survivor away if they try and remove you from the hook.
16) Add the gestures "Stop", a palm being held out, and "Shhhh!", the survivor puts their finger to their lips.
17) Give Self Care a different button than Unhook to avoid healing yourself in front of your ally and waste time.
18) Killers can repair Hooks if they want, slightly faster then Saboteur, and keeps its progress like saboteur.
19) Add ropes survivors can climb to windows. If a killer shakes the rope, survivors fall to ground and must take a few seconds to get up by holding R1. killers pick you up and throw you over the shoulder while you're down.
20) Make it so you can fill up a tool box or med kit at the respective 10% speed of saboteur or heal, but only at specific locations. Chests for toolboxes, and 1 large red box fixed onto a wall right outside of the killer basement. It would be great bait to get someone there.
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I personally would go on an anti toxicity crusade.
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@Iceman said:
• All teachable perks can only reach tier 2
• When playing survivor the game is darker than killer
This, and the Survivor info hub would go away in an instant. No notification of Exposed, no idea how hurt other survivors are unless you see them with your own eyeballs or get told via voice, innate aura reading gone. if you want to read auras, take the perks -if somebody gets hooked, you physically look for them. if someone is slugged, you have to find them if you don't have a perk to help you see auras. Less information for Survivors gives Killers back some control of the game and brings back some fear and uncertainty.
I'd also eliminate Bloodlust and introduce a stamina system that made survivors lose speed the longer they run, though they'd never drop more than about 10-15% speed. The current exhaustion perks would burn stamina very, very quickly when used.
Next, every Killer would get one 'free' totem perk slot ONLY usable for totems. Survivors would get a slot for choose one of their personal teachables for free.
Hooking would no longer be the only viable option for Killers. Getting slugged to death would still award the sacrifice points, and after two downs the Killer would have the option to Mori a survivor. Moris would go away as an item.
I'd fold DLC killer maps into other mapsets - add the game to the MacMillan maps, Haddonfield and Badham would get combined with Lery's.
Rebalance all the maps to be fun and fair for BOTH sides. This means more stealth options, less pallets and more mobility options for both sides.
last but not least, crutch perks like Self-care would get balanced and healing would become far more time-consuming and difficult. More stealth options would be added in, such as going prone. Some environmental objects would be destructible by Killers; taking the time to destroy a window to prevent vaulting would be valuable time spent. Taking time to go around and destroy pallets would be worthwhile.
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@BigBlackMori you gave a lot of good ideas
However I'd like to react about something you said:@BigBlackMori said:
@Iceman said:
• All teachable perks can only reach tier 2
• When playing survivor the game is darker than killer
This, and the Survivor info hub would go away in an instant. No notification of Exposed, no idea how hurt other survivors are unless you see them with your own eyeballs or get told via voice, innate aura reading gone. if you want to read auras, take the perks -if somebody gets hooked, you physically look for them. if someone is slugged, you have to find them if you don't have a perk to help you see auras. Less information for Survivors gives Killers back some control of the game and brings back some fear and uncertainty.
You describe the game as I'd like to play it as a survivor. The less information I get for free, the better immersive and thrilling horror mood the game will have ... and I like it ! Unfortunately, voice communication using SWF, have those information given for free, and since they (PC users) use a third party program to communicate, there's nothing the devs can do about it. I guess this is why the devs are giving away more information for free to all survivors, just to try (emphasise on "try") to make solo players and SWF even. Since a few months ago , everyone know when someone has No mither, or when the obsession is being chased ; now they're talking about giving the perk Kindred for free to all survivors ... that's sad really, I really wished they tried to keep the game mysterious and full of danger ; now it will be more and more predictable, just because some players don't have the guts to drop off their mics.
@BigBlackMori said:
Survivors would get a slot for choose one of their personal teachables for free.This is a far better idea than the one I gave earlier. 3 perk slot + 1 extra to choose among the character's unique perks. Sounds great !
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@Iceman said:
• All teachable perks can only reach tier 2
• When playing survivor the game is darker than killer
I think the devs want it to be that you pick the survivor you want based on look and cosmetics as apposed to how they play when you get further on in progression
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@Someissues said:
Dedicated Server2 vs 8 like in Identity V
Ranking rewards
Casual Mode
Surrender system to stop wasting everyone's time, for both Killers and Survivors
Survivors can surrender once everyone is on the ground, Killers can when survivors refuse to leave/ last survivor trolling and doing nothing /8 minutes into the game
Crow activates if a survivor did nothing for past 3 minutes even if he is moving (Identity V has this)
Hatch-stand off fixed like in Identity V without nerfing survivors
Buff all useless perks
Trapper now have now +1 trap carrying capacity, not extra trap
Buff Freddy, Leatherface, Pig and Spirit and balance all Killers to Billy's level, and not relying on add-ons
Did they just add 2 vs 8? Cause last I played IV the Geisha was just released and it was still just 1v4
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@Rootlo said:
Did they just add 2 vs 8? Cause last I played IV the Geisha was just released and it was still just 1v4CN version has it now, NA and EU is getting content really fast, perfumer and octopus already released. cowboy this week, black and white and 2 vs 8 extremely soon, then Dancer next, then Embalmer
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@Someissues said:
@Rootlo said:
Did they just add 2 vs 8? Cause last I played IV the Geisha was just released and it was still just 1v4CN version has it now, NA and EU is getting content really fast, perfumer and octopus already released. cowboy this week, black and white and 2 vs 8 extremely soon, then Dancer next
Oh boy, time to start playing again. I heard the perfumer was op, but i enjoy minds eye. Havent been killed once with her yet.
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@Rootlo said:
Oh boy, time to start playing again. I heard the perfumer was op, but i enjoy minds eye. Havent been killed once with her yet.I'm playing both games at the same time, once I reach weekly limit I go back to Dead by Daylight
The perfumer is amazing, time travel back to 5 seconds prior to healthy state from injured, 3 times
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Eh, it would take too long to explain everything.
The main two:
A moderate increase in objective time for survivors, which will give killers more breathing room.
Heavily reduce looping and replace it with more stealth and juke mechanics. This will make chases more skill-based.
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chemical_reject said:@fcc2014 @NoxiousOnnyyxx.
The ability to push over the flaming trash cans and light the killer on fire for survivor OR after a survivor has been hooked once the killer can stuff them into the barrels head first. Maybe a 15-20 second "struggle" if u will where the survivor can push againts the barrel while the killer does skillchecks. Couple of good skillcheck and BAM charbroiled survivor.
@Vietfox said:
chemical_reject said:The ability to push over the flaming trash cans and light the killer on fire for survivor OR after a survivor has been hooked once the killer can stuff them into the barrels head first. Maybe a 15-20 second "struggle" if u will where the survivor can push againts the barrel while the killer does skillchecks. Couple of good skillcheck and BAM charbroiled survivor.
Why is this not in the wishlist subforum @chemical_reject ???
JUST DO IT!This was part of a 2am idea he had this past weekend!! Those are the best ones.