Need do something with SLUG killers
Sick of tired from SLUG killers... well u do nothing to deserve been sluged, but they do... Slug you to get last surv die and facecamp and tunnel same surv till death... I`m not pro player, but i wish to enjoy game, but is not possible instead of slug... Lol, game starting with slug and finishing dead on ground not even picked up, if someone heal you, you got insta slug back to the ground, and if you are DC , ban for 25 minutes, DUDE WHY???? This new killer SLUG gameplay and DEVS DC penalty ban is a big trash. Sorry, but this is true. Why i need to suffer instead of normal gameplay, I`m SURV MANE AND I WANT TO PLAY 2!!!
PS: using borrowed, spine chill , iron will and still dont help xD
Use Unbreakable and maybe some stealth perks so you avoid going down.
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Yo doc carter has some advice
Also there’s a wealth of perks to handle this from unbreakable to flip flop to no mither
slugging isn’t the issue as much as the people you are paired up with
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Slugging, while it can be boring at times (especially if the Killer’s slugging everyone before hooking them), is part of the game. There’s multiple perks and even a power that incentivize slugging. Bring perks like Unbreakable, Tenacity, and Flip-Flop (maybe even No Mither if you have enough confidence in yourself) to counter it.
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well, got many times killer who even dont pick u up, so i dont know, and as soon u are up, killer goes to you and slug again
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Like this?
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I`m a solo player, no friends to play with, thats why i chose sacrifice to save others lol
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While i dislike camping and tunneling and while i understand slugging can be boring, its a legit and good strat.
High risk with high reward.
Sometimes if needed i slug too.
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You should run no mither and see if you get slugged lol
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@Nikatara69 also I’ll play swf with ya you on steam psn or xbone?
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Sounds that u are killer main. You know that both sides want to play. And when i play killer i try not to hit same person after unhook or its to hard for you??? I even do a gate escape for last person, if i see that they playing bad survs??? everyone wants to play, but community in this game is done
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Thanks, but dont worry )))
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Ok just offering =p also
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Why everyone always calls someone a main just because they defend something? I am not a killer main.
Also i know that BOTH sides want to play. I dont camp or tunnel i just said theres nothing wrong with it.
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Slugging is a strategy that the devs have actually encouraged to not only counter things like DS, but also to provide map pressure. There are several perks on both sides centered around slugging, so I highly doubt they will ever take it out of the game or punish players for doing it.
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Slugging is just a strategy if the killer doesn't want to face the RNG of a hatch spawn or gate standoff in EGC. BHVR hasn't said anything against it, and Unbreakable always exists anyway.
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Lol run no mither and never be slugged again.
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Or escape unless you're an absolute god
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What rank killer are you?
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Idk about them but rank matters not but I am rank 1-2 and I will slug a unhook if I catch them.
if there’s no obsession I’ll rehook instead cause 3v1 is better then 4v1
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Run tenacity if you hate getting slugged so much, vanish into the night and have someone get you up where it's safe.
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14 was the highest and i was playing against rank 4 survs or 6 xD
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Well, its doesnt mean killer spose to slug in start and dont give a chance to play for others, u know that sometimes killers on high ranks slug you and try to kill u in first 5 minutes, like all party, i understand if they will be have a bunch off bloodpoints, but this give absolutely nothing, instead of bad chat and report in end. I`m saying again, EVERY ONE WANTS TO PLAY A GAME, yes, sometimes they gen rush (survs) but its dont mean you need to be TOXIC killer or surv player, as i sayed, the community in this game is toxic and i think nothing will changed, and i think DC penalty is a bull trash, because if killer or surv play TOXIC, why i need to take this??? Is no balance in game, and every time is getting worse. Survs getting nerfed, and all preferences get to the killers, if they know how to play
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I called Dr. Phil and he is on his way to help you👋.
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Tell him he’s trash and not needed we already have the best doc in the world here dr carter...
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This community is probably the most entitled one I've seen. Both sides always want to 4k/escape and if they dont they go cry on the fourms.
Most annoying thing is all the made up rules, no tunneling, no camping, no gen rushing, no slugging, no swf, no ds+unbreakable, no noed. i can keep going forever
This community would be so much better if everyone just accepts they've lost instead of crying about it on the fourms
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I don't mind to give a kill to the killer, but dude, maybe we all try to play instead of don't give a chance to play for all of us??? Game can be fun as well u know??? 😂
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Well with how many different meaning there are for the word tunneling alone. Just it seems like everyone has a different meaning to it. Since well when i think of tunnel vision, i think of focusing sololy on one person, above and beyond any logical reasoning, to the point it backfires and harms you. Yet i seen others who have a clearly different meaning for it. So like it possible not to tunnel, when there is a dozen different meanings of the word floating around. That and some would call the killer going from gen to gen camping.
So even if someone wanted to try and follow the rules. Some of them would simply be impossible to do so, with how there is a dozen different conflicting meanings to some of these terms.
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The funny thing is, some of my absolute closes games where where me and the survivors throw away the rulebooks. I've legit made some friends with a couple of my regional SWF squads, we swap compliments and criticisms in the post game and we try to give each other hard games. That's not to say the significant majority don't call me a camping, slugging tunnelling tryhard while all running DS/Unbreakable, though.
I feel like the rulebooks have their place, no-one likes getting proper tunnelled or proper facecamped, that's not helping the killer get a 4k. No-one likes those SWF teams that bring every second-chance under the sun just to abuse them for giggles and extend the game instead of trying to escape. But the problem is that you have no idea who you are going into a match with: it could be baby survivors/a baby killer that you are about to give just the most awful game of their lives and they're STILL going to black pip, or it could be Seal Team SWF/Mother Daughter Ring Spirit. The only indicator is a map offering, and it's a bit late once you see that.
That really seems to be why people despise the more BS items/add-ons/offerings: yes, both sides have some powerful shite, but that doesn't mean the specific other team you are about to face is prepared to deal with 4 BNP's and stay-injured meta builds. If you aren't prepared it is extremely overwhelming and unfair. And a lot of people carry that tilt to the forums, because they wanted a fair game and didn't get one because hindsight is an absolute #########.
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I don't think that slugging as a whole should be taken out of the game, because I agree with some other people that it's a strategy that has strengths and weaknesses.
That being said, I do think they need to add an option to give up when your bleedout bar is halfway gone or something like that. People are allowed to literally kill themselves off their first hook, and even accelerate the process by attempting to free themselves, yet people that are slugged have no option, unless they bring a situational perk (choking down on perk diversity), other than just crawl around on the ground and hope that one of their team mates can get them up. Both situations you'd need somebody to help you out without a perk (Unbreakable or Deliverance respectively) but the difference is, people on the hook can choose to take themselves out of the game while people that are slugged don't really have much of a choice.
I'm just saying, as much as I don't really mind waiting the 4 minutes, I still feel like it's kind of stupid that they'll allow somebody to kill themselves on the hook but not on the ground. This irritation is fresh in my mind too after just having gone against a Huntress who refused to pick me up until I crawled over to the hatch, just for her to kick it in my face. It's like the equivalent of having a survivor just sit at the exit gate or on top of the hatch and just tbag until the killer walks over, only to jump in. There's no reason somebody should have to just sit there while another person takes the game hostage like that.
Again to reiterate, it's 4 minutes so whatever, big deal. It doesn't bug me that much. I just think it's kinda weird allowing one and not the other. I would even be fine if they kept dying state as it is, and forced people to stay on hook and not allow them to kill themselves. Whatever would make it consistent, I would like that.
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That's exactly it: they are made-up rules. I'm not about to handicap my own game play for my opponents' made-up rules, either. This is a PvP game, I play to win.
The great thing is that I have after-match chat always closed, and my Steam profile is fully private, so they can't even send me toxic messages afterward.
When I play a PvP game, it's about winning. Now, that doesn't always mean a 4k for me in DbD. Sometimes, I am just trying to farm BP as fast as possible, so it might be my self-set BP goal per match. But whatever the goal, I will use whatever Dev-allowed tactics at my disposal to achieve it. Period.
As far as those made-up rules . . .
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Stop going into the game feeling entitled to use your legs. Stop using your legs. Stop using perks you like. Play the perks you need for that 1/20 chance of broken killer builds.
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slugging isn't a punishment, you know that right? It's a just a decision killers make to put additional pressure on survivors.
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In the high ranks they only have 5 mins. And going into a match you dont know the rank of the people youre facing
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It matters a little. Red rank killers behave very diff than purple, and in a match i can tell if im facing less than 1's and 2's
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I don’t find anything wrong with slugging one itself, the real issue is the massive bleed out timer. No reason a survivor needs to be on the ground for 4 minutes. Wish they’d shorten it to 3 minutes at most.
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The problem is basically this:
Devs are currently moving in the direction of making things a bit fairer for killers, encouraging people to play killer, balancing killers vs. SWF and so on.
This means if you take away killer options in some way, you have to buff killers to compensate. For example if "slugging" can no longer be done, it's going to mean something.
If slugs can bleed out on their own if their timer goes below the 2 minute mark, does that mean the killer gets sacrifice points for them? If yes, they won't care about slugging you, if no, this is yet another nerf to killer ranking up and also means killer has to juggle one more thing (what if someone is at 2.5 minutes on their slug timer, but they have DS - does the killer now have to either get DSed OR risk losing points to a DC? How do we resolve this situation?
This is just one example of one proposed solution.
TL;DR: If you remove killer options, you have to buff the options they DO have left, and you don't want that. If the devs made it so survs couldn't be slugged, can't be tunneled, can't be proxy camped, killers would all have to be 125% speed to compensate for the huge loss of pressure moves. (this obviously wouldn't be the ACTUAL solution but its an example of the magnitude of buff you'd need)
Fortunately, the devs have said that instead of camping itself being punished, they want to open more space for other tactics to work just as well/disincentives to camp in the form of more gameplay options.
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The one situation involving slugging that drives me bonkers is our team failed so bad we all are all down, no gens done, no unbreakables, and no hooks are made. The killer just stops and stands still for the 4-7 min or so as we all slowly bleedout.
That scenario, while a bit rare, makes me wish for that quicker bleedout mechanic mentioned from time to time. Doesn't happen often enough to justify UB or the other slug perks, but always leaves a bad taste when it occurs. No doubt it makes me slug less when killing.
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Well, I mean, 4 is the maximum number of minutes the killer could stand still in that situation, since the first slug would be at 4 minus some number of seconds, and the last person would be at exactly 4.
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We all go down at different times so we all have different start times to those 4 min. True the killer is still for just the last 4 min. Feels much longer when it happens though.
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Flip-flop has actually saved my ass a few times recently. Killers don't see it coming at all
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Unacceptable you find a way to pressure gens without actually pressures...uh, gens...
Oh no....are WE the bad guys!?
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I leget read everything and my brain hurts nows
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Really, well, i got sluged and facecamped for using Sprint burst or Slap killers face with pallet (challenge) explain that lol xD
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Survs get nerfed all the time, toolbox are useless right now, and killers ask about nerf flashlights and multiple perks... and map resizing is awefull, cuz u can spawn right next to the killer, for killer is easy enough now to control the gens. Rreduced quantity off pallets on map as well, but they still slug and facecamp lol
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one more moment, when u are lucky and got escape through the hatch, killer straight away call u an arshole and idiot because u are escaped lol
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I've honestly seen a dozen posts about how awful afk killers are
I've even played a cloaked wraith match and gotten hatemail messages because they gen rushed and didn't pip
Nothing makes these people happy
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If the killer is slugging you right off the bat without any clue where any other survivors are, then it's massively to their disadvantage. What they've essentially done is save themselves the time of hooking you in exchange for a pseudo hook timer that is twice as long, doesn't progress to the next stage next time they down you, doesn't give you a set location, and alllows you to move to your allies if they take their eyes off you. If he's slugging you because he knows where another survivor is after downing you, it's a completely entitled assertion to say that they should be hooking you instead of going after that other survivor that they have in their sights. If it's honestly the former case and you're getting wrecked because of it, the problem is with the survivors, not the killer. Slugging from the start without knowing where any other survivors are is less than half as effective as hooking.
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yesterday and day before i got killers, who was slug me down and standing next to me, so other survs was far away from me, but if killer go away and knock someone down, and see that i getting up, straight go to me to slug again
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I LOVE THIS COMMENT, SO GD TRUE.... it works both ways at times but it's obvious that one side is inherently more entitled and with expectation. Meanwhile you shouldn't have that as killer
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You obviously either don’t play survivor enough or maybe are lucky to never get slugged. It is possibly one of the most annoying things in this game especially when you consider the fact that it is at the killer’s disposal 100% of the perk/add ons required. I say that as a red rank with over almost 4K hours in this game and where many of my matches have consisted of getting slugged at 5 gens.
I feel the OP is just venting their frustration which last time I checked is ok to do in the forums.
This could open up other ideas that don’t just rely on “slugging” all the time that the devs could implement.