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Silent Hill = Next DLC (an in-depth analysis)



  • Member Posts: 85

    Oh I know it's copied and pasted. That's why I asked that "this" not be put in every Pyramid Head theory thread since this isn't the first time I've seen your post in the few I've seen before. It's also a bit of hyperbole on my part when it comes to your "outrage." I'm just sayin that was a metric butt load of stuff you unloaded on here.

    Also, I would hate to think Paulie finds this kind of theory crafting silly since he's practically been posting videos speculating since the announcement that it was a licensed chapter. If I had a dollar for every Candyman video he's made I'd couple of dollars, I dunno.

    And yes, I am deeply aware of the ######### show that is Konami. As much as I'd hate for them to be given money, I more so want to see Team Silent's hard work be recognized as something iconic. To let Konami muddle the name of Silent Hill with their horrible business ventures is to let all of Team Silent's hard work go to waste.

    On a final note, your remark that I should, as you put it, "chew on that" really makes it seem like you're a bit more aggro than ya should be. I'm just asking that ya be a bit considerate when responding to these posts because some people quite enjoy making these little theories during the wait for the big announcement. It's not like I'm calling for your arrest, dude. I would never want to try and indict someone who has such deep connections with the fun police.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    I agree it is very silly. At the same time though, it's only about as the theory itself that I'm responding to in the first place.

    And yeah, it is their money, but guess who gave them their money? The playerbase who is funding them, their prosperity, and their popularity in the first place.

    Well, I mean yeah, the points are still equally as valid as when I typed them (all happening in the same week) so why RE-type them y'know? That's just more effort than necessary at that point.

    I never said Paulie finds the Theory crafting itself silly I was mentioning the fact he specifically called out the Pyramid Head theory in a video. He said 1. he doesn't think it's Pyramid Head and 2. if it was he'd be very disappointed because he has it hyped up in his head that it's something far greater and more significant than Pyramid Head.

    And obviously Paulie's word isn't gospel but there's a logic to that which I am echoing. Chapter 16 being hyped as the most important and emotional chapter in the history of DBD and people are going with Pyramid Head? Sorry, but no. It's not like I'm evil guy here, maybe because of the way I'm being blunt about it is hurting some feelins out there, but everybody is excited for Pennywise, or Jason Voorhees, or Candyman, or The Xenomorph, or something. By the twisting of some similar logic, the people saying its pyramid head are raining on the parades of everybody else. That's why I'm here.

    Sometimes aggro is necessary to get a point across (more quickly). The point being use your head

    And again, I want to make it clear that Pyramid Head is not a bad choice unlike the many naysayers before me (who I only now realize I have temporarily become what I typically despise) who are hating on all kinds of potential candidates, I'm not saying pyramid head can never come to the game. I'm just saying, it's not chapter 16.

    At the end of the day nobody knows what it is, so it's whatever.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    It's a pretty sound theory if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I wouldn't consider him iconic. I had no idea who he was until I read this thread. He's really only known I think to a relatively small subset of people. Older gamers who remember playing silent hill back in the day. I played the first silent hill but found it boring and I dont really remember much from it. I never played any of the sequels. But maybe I'm wrong and this pyramid head guy is widely known and I just happen to miss the bus on it. I should go ask random strangers if they ever heard of him, I have a feeling most wouldn't.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    To be fair, knowledge of characters depends on the person, i for example dont know pennywise, candyman or that hellraiser dude. Never even saw a single leatherface movie.

    Pyramid head came from the second game and became hugely popular so they put him the movie, and then the movie's redesign int the fifht game. He's known enough so that newer charakters with something stuck on their head getcompared to him, example being the keeper from evil within games.

  • Member Posts: 961

    Here's how you make him terrifying. Zero terror radius, only thing you hear is the scraping of his great knife getting closer to you. M2 creates a 32m fog, similar to clowns gas. Pyramid head gets faster by 10% and can see the the aura of anyone trapped in the fog. Ultra rare add on slows him by 5%, but makes his knife an Insta down in the fog.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    As someone else said, it's a very small demographic you'd be fitting by adding such a character most likely. I for example never played Silent Hill, I've heard of it, but know nothing about it. If I specifically were to think "Video game horror", I'd be thinking of Until Dawn, because it blends the ideas of classic horror movies and video games so perfectly into each other. I don't hear a lot about Silent Hill anymore, sure, in some corners Silent Hill may be some god-like title, and I've heard the name Pyramid Head, but it's not like I've ever felt a desire to find out about it. I don't think it's some super popular horror franchise that everyone and their mother know about, especially story-wise.

  • Member Posts: 613

    You are being too strict. The font used in the 3rd year teaser was rather close to your link image as both was written with a knife. Blood was used to wright it to further enforce that. And its overall coloring being a shade of white plastic, even the in the darkened images of Spirit and Clown. All of that was hints towards Ghostface.

    Where OP is failing is that he is over focusing on a SINGLE detail while ignoring the other hints of the 4th teaser.

    PH fits the font used for the 4. But what about the gold that 4 is made of? What about the background? The entire background looks to be made of gold metal covered in black. The 2nd teaser shows even more gold having the skull also made of out gold and even details that the blackness is likely to be oil. What is oil often called? Black gold!

    The OP is outright ignoring more than 2/3s of the teaser and is solely focusing on a single detail. PH or Silent Hill has nothing to do with gold the color nor metal that I can remember. Oil as well I can't recall having to do with anything in Silent Hill.

    Ghostface fit all 3 details of the 3rd teaser. Font, material, and color. PH only fits the font in the 4th teaser.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Honestly I kind of hope it is.

    Who would they have as a survivor? 🤔

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Oh my goodness! This is almost exactly what my brother and I were thinking could be his character in-game!

    With something like that, he would definitely be unique and terrifying....

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Well, you have to understand that "iconic" and "classic" do not mean "extremely popular" and "recognized worldwide". Like I said in my main post, not every character has to be on the level of Myers and Krueger to be "iconic"! Silent Hill is iconic in the world of horror games because it is still being referenced and praised to this day as an excellent, groundbreaking horror game for it's time, and developers are still taking inspiration from the franchise. Of course there will be people who don't know about Silent Hill (especially younger gamers), but that's to be expected.

    There is also talk of Konami working with Sony, Hideo Kojima and Masahiro Ito to reboot the Silent Hill series, so.... who knows? This could be a way to introduce more gamers to Silent Hill, through a monster and character from their game being in DbD! It would be very smart to include a popular, successful and classic horror game franchise in DbD.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Unless that talk of Konami wanting to reboot Silent Hill is recent, that project was cancelled long ago.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I really don't think the developers care too much about the communities whining as much as you think.... looking at their latest devstream Q&A, there were things that stuck out at me that I thought, "Dang, good for them for not catering to everyones' every whim". For example:

    When asked about buffs for Legion and Clown, they only responded about Clown and not Legion. You'd think that buffing Legion would be a priority with all of the forum users that cry "Legion is bad!!11 ! pls fix !1!", but I think they know that he is in a good spot right now and not in need of any changes. His recent change of being able to see blood and scratch marks while in fatigue actually gave him a great boost, and I personally think he's great right now -- I think the devs share this opinion. I think this goes for many other "issues" that people have -- to the devs and many other gamers, they're NOT actual problems, but they're hyped up to appear like actual problems by forum users.

    I mean, they added Deathslinger.... tall old man with a gun and a limp! And Demogorgon.... puppy! I think they'll do something great with Pyramid Head, if they do end up adding him.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    The talk that I heard of only took place a couple months ago! 😊 Around March, to be exact.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I hope Kojima gives Konami the finger for what they did to MGS.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Silent Hill in Dead by daylight, YES I buy !🤗

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    Pretty well written theory at least.

  • Member Posts: 613

    Iv looked and looked over google images using any form of text I can think of covering gold, oil, or a mix of them. I also skimmed over a wiki list that "supposedly" named every horror movie made since the the 1920s. Doubt I seen everything, HIGHLY doubt it. But I just haven't been able to find anything that fits all 3.

    Very few movies fit the 4s font at first glance. There is several different posters and ads for just about every movie made so I might have looked through 5% at BEST, but nothing worth noting. The font could also be something within the movie itself and not in promotional fluff. Though how extremely drawn out the 4 is in going all the way below the teaser is likely as important as the font itself.

    Gold and oil aren't exactly good themes either when doing random searches. Plenty of stuff about Aztec, Mayan, Amazon, Congo, or those likes that have gold as a sub plot. Oil is a harder thing to come by though I'll admit but they exist. BOTH gold and oil? I'll NEVER be able to know without sitting down and watching every single movie that even remotely looks to fit. That would take days to gather a list of movies, weeks to find copies of them all, and likely months to watch.

    Im stumped to put it simple. No ideas at all and I am working off of assumptions as well in it being literal gold and oil. They could be a reference instead of raw materials.

    The gold could mean "golden age" and the oil can be an artistic vision "black and white" using the colors black and gold as I only assume it is oil from the skull. But as the skull itself is no more than the DbD tally mark logo, it should be ignored. That even makes the hints support each other. The font is the odd man out, but "golden age" and "black and white" both refer to classic films.

    Meaning it could be one of the original move monsters such as Frankenstein's Monster, Invisible Man, Dracula, The Mummy, or The Creature from the Black Lagoon.

    Crazy thought.

    The Creature from the Black Lagoon. It fits. It fits VERY WELL!

    That movie is a golden age classic. Fits the gold theme as well as the vague "classic license" detail in the teasers description.

    It is black and white as well as deals with water. Black and white is obvious, but after taking another look at the teaser's background. The black could be water and the gold could be air bubbles. Those gold spots, are all ROUNDED! Ignoring the skull as I assume we should and the background gold spots are all circles of varying sizes and look a LOT like air bubbles in water.

    That leaves the font used for the 4. A pair of human legs can make that shape.

    Watch this clip and compare it yourself.

    Notice the bubbles of air all being varying sizes of circles in and out of focus, just like the teasers background. Now look at the 2 minute mark. Her legs roughly form the shape of the teasers 4, be it backwards and upside down, and see how the Creature nearly grabs those legs to drag her all the way to the bottom. That matches the 4s font AND it going all the way below the bottom

    It fits EVERYTHING!

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Cool theory! I'm welcome to anything at this point, as long as it's not Candyman.... but even if it is him, I'll keep playing anyway, of course! 😏

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    I literally only know the name of the game, and am not a younger gamer. If it's not something that is well known in the entire genre of horror, I don't see how it'd be considered iconic. Maybe it was a great game, but that doesn't mean most of the world knows about it, which would mean that it would mean very little to most people if it were to be introduced as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 961

    Silent hill 2 was a bad game. The controls are horrible, the film grain is annoying, the voice acting is terrible, and the characters are over the top. What made it iconic is pyramid head and the environment.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I don't know how to explain it to you any further, but it's iconic because it was basically the first game of it's genre. Like I talked about in my original post, it had a very large impact upon the world of horror gaming upon it's release, and many game developers still take inspiration from it to this day. I mean, I'd never heard of Hellraiser until recently (due to all the speculation), but that doesn't mean it's not iconic just because I and other people haven't heard of it. I'm sure it's had an impact of it's own upon the horror genre, and me not knowing about it does not change the fact. That's what I'm saying about Silent Hill.... just because you personally don't know much about it doesn't mean that so many other people don't that it's not iconic in the horror genre. I mean, heck, I'm sure BHVR took at least some inspiration from Silent Hill, with the fog and different realms and all that!

    With anything that exists in media, there are going to be people who don't know what it is or have never heard of it. For instance, I didn't even know about Stranger Things until I started playing DbD. Did that change how I thought about Demogorgon whatsoever? No! I just thought it was pretty cool and Nancy and Steve were neat as well. It was cool to find out that they were from a Netflix show, and that just made me like them even more. I think if Silent Hill is added to the game, it would be the same thing as that -- the people who didn't know about it would think it was neat and scary, and the people who do know about it and want it in the game would love playing as Pyramid Head on a Silent Hill themed map.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I hope it's not. I'd rather have Jason, Pinhead, or the Tall Man.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    Stranger Things was added because it was very WIDELY known and talked about at the time. It's been extremely popular since it's creation and almost everyone knows about Stranger Things(even the normies talk about it, if not mostly the normies talk about it). That's just what I'm saying the difference is. I barely know anyone who talks about Silent Hill(actually no one talks about it now), it's just not as well known. That's why Stranger Things has a such a huge price tag. While yes, just because I don't know of something doesn't mean that many other people don't, but considering it is NOT a hot topic right now and has never been a WIDELY talked about hot topic, means that not many people will be like "Ooh yay Silent Hill!". IF they made a Silent Hill chapter, it would not be targeted towards a very big demographic. If this chapter is supposed to be very big, Silent Hill wouldn't be that.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I understand what you're saying, but, you know.... Silent Hill was also popular in it's time. Probably not on the level of Stranger Things since it's a Netflix show (and the internet was smaller at that time), but it was still very popular and widely known (and a best-seller!) among the gaming community when it was in it's heyday. Stranger Things is currently in it's heyday, just like Silent Hill was two decades ago, and I guarantee there will be far less people talking about it in 20 years time, just like Silent Hill. And like I said before, something doesn't have to be on the level of Michael Myers or Jason to be iconic, which is what I feel people are stuck on for some reason. Silent Hill was and still is memorable and influential in the world of video game horror, notable for revolutionizing the video game horror genre, and numerous video game publications still praise Silent Hill to this day. That is "Iconic"!

    And I think it would still be a very big chapter. Adding a character from a successful and classic video game franchise into your own would be a very smart business move, especially if the talk of Sony, Kojima and Konami partnering to make new Silent Hill games comes to fruition.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    It is from Silent Hill 2 body! He looks exactly like from the game!

  • Member Posts: 442

    Y E S

  • Member Posts: 107

    Yeah the 4 was indeed the pyramid head. It was a good call out to whoever discovered it.

    However, it doesn't change my other points. They over-hyped this saying it's an iconic horror franchise and that it marked the world of horror since its inception.

    Silent Hill is just neither of these, like at all. The movies were medoicre at best and it was hardly a franchise.

    Now yes, the game was a pretty big franchise, but again it was a casual rip off of other survivor horror games.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the chapter, and it is very entertaining, but they hyped it to be something completely different and that to me, is where most of the disappointment is coming from. I'll certainly enjoy it personally though, as I loved Silent Hill 2 and 3, 1 was okay but 2 and 3 were it for me. I'd say The Room, because that was a fantastic game but it was far away from what Silent Hill was

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Not particularly.

    To be fair it's not like I'm not the only one who was caught by surprise either by this out-of-left-field pick, both Paulie Esther and The King also misjudged the evidence. Also made practically a dozen other theories and Pyramid Head was on the low priority end in the scale of likelihood for both of them.

    To be entirely honest the people who said it was PH just made a lucky guess based off a hunch and some pretty stretched logic, the fact that it just so happened to actually pan out does not change that.

    And it was indeed out of left field, almost 4 years and I had never once (that I can recall) remember hearing the devs even passingly mention Silent Hill, and all of a sudden Dave Richard comes on stream saying Silent Hill was one of the first and really beloved horror video games he played way back when. This was entirely new information, at least to me, that was basically the equivalent of a Deus Ex Machina.

    I remember seeing Scott Jund's reaction to the "4" turning into the Side Profile of Pyramid Head and he said: "It was so obvious" and my immediate thought was - Yeah, it was so obvious. Way too obvious, such a blatant hint put front and center in front of the eyes of literal thousands that was not subtle at all. There was no way the devs would actually make it that easy to figure out would it? Apparently the devs were counting on this, and quite literally pulled a mindgame on many including me.

    That and the whole deal with Konami, everybody thinking about the evidence for Candyman, Pennywise, Pinhead, The Xenmorph, hell even Jason Voorhees became a much more plausible candidate than ever before. The evidence seemed to stack up far in the favor of literally anybody else, and what evidence there was for PH seemed far too surface level or coincidental, and I don't think anybody can fault me for that.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    So I've heard, and yet at the same time that's not something particularly unique to me especially in this community of all communities.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    I mean, you can't be blamed or shamed for something that was done media-wide.

    Pyramid Head is someone that the community responded aggressively to.

    But, can all take a step back and chill some times.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i love looking through old threads, people thought this was crazy and now we're sad that our triangle man doesn't have a fat ass anymore

  • Member Posts: 6,025
  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Hello fellow Forum Member, it seems we are both going through some old threads, huh? Don't tell anyone.

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