Freddy is way too OP

Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

Yall screamed for a freddy buff and now look what happened. He is way too OP now. He has 3 powers and a ridiculous lunge. Oh andddd fake pallets. He needs a nerf or rework or SOMETHING. I am so tired of going against Freddy and 90% of the time he has fake pallets.



  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    I do drop early but what am I supposed to do when every single pallet is fake? Its ridiculous

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    The only thing I don’t like about Freddy is dream world. Every time I work on a generator it’s a guessing game of which way the generator will go left or right. If it was an option to shoot Freddy I would do it until then 😒.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    His lunge is NOT the same, the hitbox for his claw is broken. He is the only one I've been hit by while standing 5 ft. from a window. His slowdown addons are too much especially when paired with slowdown perks. Freddy requires absolutely ZERO skill to play and makes it a brainless slog to finish a match. Freddy main=Potato, change my mind.

  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    Glad to see someone with some sense. His lunge is ridiculous.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited May 2020

    Yes, drop the pallets early so he can place his fake pallets more quickly all around the map. What could possibly go wrong? 🤔

    EDIT (for op): Try to stay awake and always look for the closest windows when not in a chase. Freddy can't fake windows so loop them as much as you can and accept he will most likely get you eventually as he is generally considered the "strongest low skill killer" in the game.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    I disagree, he's the only Killer that hits me after a vault (when I'm not even by the window anymore), his hitbox is BROKEN and he DOES NOT require any skill whatsoever (especially 'Forever Freddy', those add ons should cancel his teleportation). Name another Killer that has as much as he does in basekit. Go on, I'll wait...

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Fake pallets is exactly what you want. Especially on certain maps fake pallets are terrible. Snares make looping more difficult whereas if your chases first you pretty much know all the pallets are real. When it comes to freddy he's good but not top 3.

    Spirit, Nurse and Billy still are better. I'd rather face him than hag and oni also.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Demogorgen: teleportation and a longer lung.

    Oni. Super easy to track survivors with his passive blood spoil thing. And his 1 hit down mechs.

    A goodbunny/deathslinger. They can use their range to basically ensure a down after a hit. Not to mention bunny has an add on that if she hits you. Youre exausted for 60 seconds. Or her one hit down.

    Nurse in general. Teleportation with her is still very very op if you learn it.

    Spirit and her mindgames. Stand still and a survivor would come to you.

    Hag and her teleportation traps. Not to mention her addons that can 1) make you unaware that it procs. 2) can act as a body block. 3) disable her teleport but makes her super fast.

    Wraith. His pink addons are prob the most broken ive seen in the game.

    So yes. I can name a few killers with a lot of stuff in their "basekit"

  • ZarinaKindaThick
    ZarinaKindaThick Member Posts: 63

    Fake pallets are weaker than Snares, and he has the SAME EXACT LUNGE AS EVERY OTHER KILLER. His teleport has a very long cooldown and he relies almost completely on addons. Y'all don't seem to understand what Overpowered actually means.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    You can do that with any killer. That doesnt prove your point whatsoever.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    You clearly don't know what base-kit means. Add-ons are not included when talking about base-kit. The bare minimum of a killer's power is their base-kit. Freddy has a teleport for map pressure, anti-looping mechanics, and a free passive slow-down on gens every minute. No killer has that kind of potential. Spirit has mind-game potential, not cross map pressure. Nurse has chase potential, not cross map pressure. Billy has cross map pressure, and not a lot of mind-games with his chainsaw.

    Demo takes a while to set up his portals effectively. Plus, I think you're overcompensating on his shred attack. It can be good, but easy to predict and juke. If he misses, it punishes him a decent amount.

    Oni is an M1 killer unless he's using his power, which is a map wide audio cue for when he both fills up his power bar and when he actually uses it. There is plenty of time to adjust your play-style accordingly.

    A good Huntress will obviously perform great because range = good, but she's still only 110% movement speed so you can loop her for a long time at usually unsafe loops, but Deathslinger suffers from the same weaknesses as most other killers. Pallets. If he can't basic attack you, you're safe. He just has some potential to reel you in from open spaces (which you shouldn't be running around in versing either ranged killers).

    Hag is a very strong killer, especially using a 3-gen strategy, and if the survivors don't have flashlights. But there is still counter-play. Crouch walking! Everyone's favourite. The main issue people have with Hag is they allow her to snowball and have ridiculous map pressure. I've had plenty of games versing Hag where we all die with 5 gens left.

    Wraith is not even worth considering since his base-kit is so weak and terrible that he's entirely add-on reliant to perform well at high ranks.

    But my original point: No other killer has anything close to Freddy's overloaded base-kit. I agree he isn't the strongest killer in the game, but he's so strong for such a low skill ceiling. Every time I play against Freddy it is boring and definitely not interactive. He needs changing. Maybe not another rework, but something has to change so he's actually fun to verse. And his kit needs to reward players depending on how hard he actually is to use. Right now, they are being over-rewarded for such easy things to do.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    He only gets 10, if evety pallet is fake then its vety late in the game and someone fed him pallets. With fred its vety important to keep track of which areas havd been dead zonesmd while youre awake. Also, wake yourself up, often

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474
  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    The one thing that I dislike is that Freddy gets pressure simply for existing.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    The more survivors that are asleep, the faster the cooldown is for Freddy's teleport is, that's pressure.

    If I remember correctly, that is. I could be wrong, so correct me if I am!

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You are given so much info of when he uses his teleport. That's not pressure, pressure is making your opponent slip and panic by constantly being up your butt and denying you the ability to do anything that makes haste od your objective.

    Pressure is the gen kick after the teleport, pressure is being hit after he teleports. One of which you can completely avoid by not leaving scratchmarks everywhere.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    No, you're right, but that still doesn't coincide with your earlier statement that's not "pressure just from existing" that's freddy exerting map pressure through his presence at key points in the map.

    Having the teleport up doesn't just "automatically apply pressure" he first needs to teleport to the right place, and even if he does he still needs to find (potentially immersed P3 Blendette) and then chase to gain that pressure. It's not like his power has a built in Ruin that's exactly why the devs nerfed the perk because it was "pressure for just existing" it slowed survivors gen progress just by having it.

    Where even Freddy's Teleport is still at the end of the day only a tool Freddy can use to exert pressure, it's not the actual pressure itself.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    I can get behind that point, thanks for your comment!

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    remember the pallet spawns? When it's different every time? And even then you don't know when other survivors have dropped pallets for him to replace? Also, you can't exactly wake yourself up midchase. Don't let him hit you? Jeez, how did no one think of that? That's something we can apply to literally EVERY KILLER.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Freddy has the same lunge as everyone except Myers T3, the difference is that Freddy has a smaller weapon and is short in size, the weapon hitbox is the same for every killer, it just looks off because of the size of it.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Freddy basekit has teleportation snares and dreamworld. Thats it. No slow downs. No fake pallets. Addons makes him have slow downs while in dream world, and fake pallets. Now if you're talking about him countering bt while youre asleep. Then that really sounds like you dont wake up to unhook.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah the big pools of blood pouring out of the gen, normally give a good idea. Oh yeah Freddy is here. Unless they are running that add-on which makes all gens pour out blood. Which normally only fools a survivor once. With Freddy teleport having the same cool down as ghostface ability, which is a very long cool down. 30 seconds is a fair bit of time on one or more gens.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    Because someone already used that resource, and now Freddy can use it to trick Survivors into using it and giving him a hit. But Freddy's pallets are only visible and useable if the person he is chasing is asleep. Freddy can't place a pallet somewhere if there is already a real one there, but he can put one somewhere that didn't spawn a pallet, but has a slot for it.

    I don't even understand what this section is about.

    If Freddy is bloodlusting, then he's clearly not doing too well in that chase, which clearly contradicts your statement about him being OP. Snares are not really that strong unless there are several in place during that chase that he can use to catch up.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I don't mean to be THAT guy but....gitgud my dude, no offense but he isn't that hard to escape from. If you struggle to survive then GOOD, you are playing at a level where you should be, you shouldn't have an easy time escaping it should be a struggle, a limp across the finish line. Besides, idk about the rest of you but I have the most fun on survivor when I just barely escape, it is a huge adrenaline (no pun intended) rush and far more fun than an easy stomp fest.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    @DudeDelicious You called it ahead of time...

  • Meroko
    Meroko Member Posts: 107

    Pallets aren't even strong for freddy, his snares are far superior.

    Also Freddy has the same lunge as other killers, his body is smaller, that's why it seems farther. He's perfectly fine, he deserves this kind of buff considering how bad he was in the past. Freddy can be beat still, just learn how to counter him better.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Since when does spirit require skill? You press a button and dissapear, just go through red marks, listen, and there you go! On my first spirit's games, i did 4k and sometimes with 5gens left with no perks and addons! I was streaming, and a friend told me to play spirit for the memes, knowing i hate her, and the survivors couldnt do anything! Im rank 1!

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 2020
    • Constantly put u to sleep every 1min by doing nothing. Run to other side of the map to wake up then run back to continue repairing Gen is stupid because you just waste over 30sec not on Gen.
    • Survivors always glow makes hiding from him is impossible.
    • Slow down snare in chase, can be used as spotting Survivor from far away.
    • Ability to teleport to the opposite side of the map.
    • Immunity to BT.

    As a Trapper main, Freddy power is pretty decent with massive tools at hand.

    I honestly think Killers who use tool like Trapper, Clown ect should have some other side power like Freddy, but should not that op.

    Freddy should at least put u to sleep by hitting, not auto putting Survivors to sleep. In change that Survivor waking up takes more time.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    If he is using fake pallets you already won, pay attention to which pallets are fake (they don't appear when you are awake) and don't use those ones.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Spirit cannot see her targets. Spirit cannot bump into targets, and it is about predicting where the survivor is (or, if you have good/attuned hearing listening for where they are).

    Playing against spirit is different to playing against a normal M1 killer. Most survivors do not know how to play against her. It takes time and dedication, and since a lot of people play Doc or Billy at the moment, there is not a lot of time to learn those counters.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Still no answer for my argument. You dont need to see the targets, just see the red marks and listen. Also imagine bringing stridor, thats a party pinata for your side. I didnt need perks or addons to kill everybody in games. Just takes no skill in my opinion.

    I also dont understand the people4 that cry about the bump nerf on spirit, it was an idiot way to kill someone with even less skill.

    Not to mention the people that says the nurse is not the same as the old one. All they did was putting a 2-3 sec cooldown on her power. I dont see a huge difference here lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    The one change I would make is to only passively put survivors to sleep after the first hit. Therefore it would be rewarding to stealth Freddy.

    They could get rid of BT immunity too.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Apparently you've missed the point and are going off topic, I simply listed a few viable Killers that actually have a learning curve (unlike Krueger) and you wanna nitpick one word out of the entire post. Focus on the main topic please

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Your argument was: Spirit is easy.

    My rebuttal: No for these reasons (the base mechanics of spirit are a massive hurdle).

    The only thing you say that is a dispute to my rebuttal is: That Stridor Helps.

    This is not always the case, as Stridor can throw off people who don't use it, as well as not always working (silent survivor bug).

    Spirit was fine because people just never mastered how to play against her. She got nerfed (not as bad as nurse) and now she suffers for it. Nurse was always bad on console, and now it is even worse because stacking cooldowns isn't fun. I don't play deathslinger to be hit with 4-5 slowdown/cooldowns, I play deathslinger to outmaneuver people with the Redeemer. Nurse needs her blinks to move. Adding a cooldown essentially limited the way she is able to move around the map.