How bad is matchmaking for you?

As a green ranks killer I just played 6 games in a row with all red rank survivors. Lately it's been terrible for me, but I wanna know if it's been that bad or even worse for you guys. Please let me know.
Most of my games are fairly... Well, fair.
But I also have been getting Killers who should not be facing me as a Survivor.
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Hit and miss. Most of the time is fair...but I have had some matches that just should not have happened
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Do you play killer as well? If so which side seems to be worse for you. I play survivor in red ranks and its not too bad, but my matchmaking for killer is ridiculous
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I also play Killer extensively. I have gotten games where I faced a Baby Survivor who is obviously a baby. But they tend to just be one or two of them, and not the whole group.
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Currently rank 8. 80% of matches are rank 1-4. Haven't seen a non smurf account under 1k hours in about 30 matches. It's to the point that I'm about to quit the game. Just no fun seeing the same 6 perks every match and seeing the same tactic of loop the pallets, then run to one that's just barely in reach.
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Really sorry to hear that. I'm just hoping that they make some changes to the whole system, but I kinda doubt that will make it any better. I really don't understand what makes it so hard for them to find people my rank. Anyways stick with it, this game is too fun to quit over matchmaking. Or you could switch to survivor. It seems to be better for them from what I've heard so far.
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as a red rank survivor in the past 2 days i’ve gone up against at least 15 grey rank killers. They all had fun
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MM has been bad for a long time now. Supposedly they are working on a better system that will match players more inline with their skill. Unfortunately, they plan on hiding that system from us, so we will never know how well it is working. Until then, this is what we are stuck with.
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It's usually fairly even, but like... rank reset sucks so /shrug. I get the occasional rainbow game, but I find that for the most part my matches are as balanced as expected given time and matching criteria.
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Survivor is the opposite. I absolutely crush every killer I come up against, which isn't fun. For a game to be fun, you need an appropriate challenge to your skill level. Killer is too hard due to bad balance and survivor is too easy for the same reason.
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I’m was a killer, fair enough, lol
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half same level half all rank 3 2 1