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Might aswell quick the damn game

jiguiri Member Posts: 124

Every damn game i play i get matches up agaisnt red ranks. Yes i know im purple ranka but ita not the same. A 100 hour killer agaisnt 1000 hour survivors. That isnt fair. And everygame i either give up or dc. At this point i dont even know why i play of the dc penalty is just gonna keep stacking and the game isnt gonna fix matchmaking


  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Nooo, don't DC.

    I know it's tempting. I know the frustration and the desire to just make it stop. I know you want to make some kind of statement to the opponents and maybe the game itself. But you're only punishing yourself.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Disconnecting wont get you anywhere, maybe record your games and see what you're doing wrong.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    As long as youre giving up/dcing youll never get better. Believe me, i get the frustration

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I feel you. I've moved on to being toxic or being silly. Face camping, ebony mori off first hook, tunneling. Or pig and go boop farming. Pips don't matter any more, since you face red ranks from rank 20 right on down.

    It's not him doing wrong. You can't expect a 100 hour killer to go up against 1k hour survivors. I swear I don't know how this game has any player base with how poorly the game is made. This crap has been broken for 6 months and NOTHING out of bhvr. Matchmaking should have been fixed in two weeks.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    It feels like the matchmaking has been worse for way longer honestly. But then againi mainly play killer so i dont know. Ive had the game since april of last year but got into it when stranger things got announced.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I've had it for two years, but got back in after stranger things. Matchmaking wasn't that bad in October and November.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054


    i forgot about the 100 hours, thats still relatively new, my bad

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 885

    Yeah, you might want to take a break until you can come up with a way of playing and having fun. Killer is stressful. Giving up in a game or DCing is not a good way of dealing with it. That just feeds your frustration even more. While it can be a good way to improve your skill (playing against more experienced players), it gets old, especially when certain survivors throw it in your face. Though, I find playing new killers that I am bad at, just to screw around and have fun with, to be quite relaxing.

  • Dahaka420
    Dahaka420 Member Posts: 2

    At least your purple rank. Imagine how us low rank killers fell i.e rank 16 and below feel. I'm getting matches that at least half the team is rank 8 to rank 1.Send a report to the devs just to get a bot response of we are working around the clock to fix it. But they have the balls to tweet out pics of cats and other bs instead of giving a update on this and other major issues i.e the rank up error. The match making has cost me ranks because I go from having a good game aginst ppl in my rank area 20-15 to getting bent over by a team of rank 4 to 1 . Sorry didn't try to highjack this but I feel your pain as a killer, but because we arn not survivors the devs don't care because the survivors are happy to get free wins.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Whats wrong with the devs posting pics of there cats? They have a life you know. they dont spend 24/7 working

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Yeah i get you, its a good way to look at it. I just get frustrated when i get looped for basically most of the game and i dont get my first hook until the third or fourth gen pops and survivors dont miss the chance to tease me the moment they have a chance. And i know this part is stupid but the comment has always stuck with md for some reason cause i feel like im bad at the game " gen rushing is just another way to say you are doing a bad job at applying pressure to survivors " ever since i read that from puppers i feel like my play style changed cause i usually play killers that donr have alot of map pressure on their own because i have fun with them. Legion ( only started playing him after the rework so im not that annoying ) and now deathslinger a bit since i finally got enough iredescent shards to buy him. But now theres a glith that kicks you out the game when you reload so i havent played him in a bit and a glitch with legion that he cant vault in frenzy but im not a dev i cant fix anything.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735

    Good news, the devs are working on a new matchmaking system (found here) which will match on skill instead of ranks. Therefore these 1k hour players will have higher MMR ratings and will be matched with killers like that.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    I know and it isnt just red ranks it happens in literlly all ranks. When i was a rank 20 and didmt understand rank yet i would literlly go up agaisnt rank 10. Yes bot responses are a bit annoying and dont help the issue alot. And now it feels like everyone runs prove thyself to counteract the gen slowdown speed so the gen speed nerf pretty much didnt happen. Nowadays if j wanna have " fun " and not get stressed i have to play survivor and its not really fun cause i get low rank killers and i feel bad for them and i give them the kill most times cause i feel their pain

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Yep, good point. Still think they want to do a good job at their game and try to please the community and give them what they want but want to make a balance between working on the game that literlly changer their lives and their actual day to day life