What's the dumbest reason you lost? (no bugs)

Orion Member Posts: 21,675
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

EDIT: To be clear, I don't mean bugs. We all know about those. Also, post your story, don't just type a small sentence. We're all here to laugh at ourselves.

I'll go first. TL;DR at the bottom.

I was playing survivor in a 2-man SWF with another 2-man SWF against a Hag. She got one, put him in the basement, traps all around, the usual. There also seems to be an issue with her TR because it's much lower and smaller than it should be (no, she didn't have any TR-reducing add-ons or perks).

Out of nowhere, a fly flies into my room and starts buzzing around me. I wave it away while trying to play the game. Eventually I get tired and try to "chase" it out the door. However, thanks to the aforementioned bugged TR, I didn't hear the Hag until she was right on me and hit me. I was eventually unhooked, but still died because that stupid fly kept flying in my face and distracting me.

TL;DR: A fly flew into my room and distracted me, so I died.

Post edited by Orion on


  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    the killer brought a mori bc of keys. So, i go and be a dumbass and step in a trap very early, get hooked. I get off hook and run straight into another trap, and then insta morid...

    was kinda sad because i was the only one without an item :/

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632


    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    As a solo: Got into a match with a Deathslinger who had mori and a David who had No Mither. Spawned right next to the killer in a fairly dead area on Ormond and got downed quickly and hooked. No Mither David also spawned in the area, waited for the Killer to barely turn a corner within 10m of the hook and off-hooked me without BT. Killer rounded the corner, shot me, and mori'd me. The match lasted maybe 2 minutes. I got less than 2k points. The David ended up working with the killer to out the rest of the team as well and got the hatch. Because sometimes this game is trash. 😂

    As a team: I made some terrible plays and got myself dead a couple days ago to a huntress. She couldn't land a hatchet but I mind gamed myself twice and got M1'd to death. Just one of those situations where you expect more devious chase tactics and the basic bia tactics end up being what get you, as you try and evade mind games that aren't coming. LOL I did manage to distract long enough for the last gen to get done at the end...all my team had to do was get out. One of them went down. Instead of coordinating to heal and save with the door 99'd or open, they just rushed the hook injured like chickens with their head cut off. It was a hilarious spectacle. One after the other they got downed and hooked by a huntress who couldn't even hatchet. They were all red rank. The last guy literally himmed and hawed by the hook, where she was camping, to see about a save...waited way too long and got seen...tried to run for the door and got ALL THE WAY TO INSIDE THE EXIT GATE HALLWAY, tried to juke a hatchet with a spin (why?) instead of simply side stepping while running and ended getting hit SIDEWAYS rather than falling out the gate to safety...got promptly death hooked in the basement as the shack was right next to the gate, where he belonged. It was a 4-person SWF with my friend who streams and his community members so they got roasted in voice chat and could not stop laughing. It was pretty fun to lose. Had to GG that huntress, we were all morons that match. 😂

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    My dumbest irl reason was when I was trying to learn Nurse and one of my roommates came in and gave me a fish slap. It was all banter in the end, but it went from 5 gens left with 2 kills to no gens left with 2 kills.

    My dumbest in game reason was when I was playing Huntress, I hit three blank hatchets in a row (When the blood splatters and you hit the hit box but it doesn't actually damage them).

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Hmm this is quite difficult. Most recent example of this was when my team faced a pig on badham. She was struggling to hit anyone so we decided to try and give her some hooks. She instead started slugging people so we decided we would all get a trap on our heads and activate the trap. Turns out she had tampered timer and crate of gears lol

    In the end I only got to search 2 boxes (because she pushed me off them both when it was 75% searched). I love dying to the bear traps so I found this hilarious but it was a dumb death.

  • zkelvln
    zkelvln Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2020

    An open hatch literally like 2 meters away from a dropped shack pallet. As I was getting chased I hit the button to get in the hatch and instead got vaccumed to vault the dropped pallet, letting the killer close the hatch that I ran over. Happened twice.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    Getting super outplayed by having my grab get dedicated into two adrenalines and a key babyyy.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Was playing with a minor streamer who was apparently know for sandbagging and farming. The match itself only lasted less than 3 minutes, with a ten minute hatch-standoff. A mutual friend who knows him irl said he's lost more money from investing in streaming, than he's earned so I still get some gratification.

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    edited May 2020

    So, the exit opened. I was in the dying state, crawling to the exit. I was about to made it (like, 3 seconds more crawling, I'd escape), the killer was nearby but was distracted by another survivor. Then, the healthy guy that was distracting the killer came and heal me (so I couldn't move), and the killer came, hit him (he escaped) and grabbed me...

    At that time I didn't know that cancelling healing by pressing Shift still work even in dying state (I thought you'd have to run run). So I guess it's partly my fault.

  • bangbison
    bangbison Member Posts: 104

    I versed a trapper. I was first chased and first down for a bad play. I think I was doing archive challenge. I got to 2nd phase. I get unhooked and run over to a gen in a jungle gym. I run completely through the pallet safely, and see the killer. I turn around, run through the pallet and step on a trap that was in the pallet :( don’t know how I walked passed it before

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    edited May 2020


    Playing Wraith. Managed to hook two people, down the remaining two, all with one generator remaining, kobe happens across the map.

    They finish the generator, my slugs stand up since EVERYONE had Adrenaline, down one and hook him. He is unhooked with ANOTHER KOBE, downed and d-strike.

    All four escape...

    There were ZERO luck offerings played....

    Post edited by Khroalthemadbomber on
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Crashes/Freezes are very dumb reasons to lose to me.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Tried to bodyblock. Didn't realize I was the Obsession and that Freddy had Rancor..

    Another Honorable mention: Fat shaming spots.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    We all spawned on a 3-person gen, so i meme'd around and went into a nearby locker as dwight. The wraith saw it and uncloaks in front of me and i slow vaulted out. He grabbed me, threw me on the ground and mori'd me in front of everyone just few seconds into the round.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I tried playing Spirit purely using her phase because I was playing against a Twitch streamer and I thought that might be fun.

    BIG MISTAKE, that streamer read me correctly the entire time and I made an abyssmal performance as a killer.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Teammates feeding Myers, then getting murdered by him from a nanosecond of stalk.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    Playing solo survivor did 2 generators, looping the killer for the last 3 gens, I go down and hooked (with Kindred). Killer doesn't camp, surprisingly. He chases another survivor but none of the two other teammates come to save me cause one had found hatch and the other did an exit gate and just stood there. Chased survivor makes it to the exit that has been opened. Those two escape, other person waits for me to die on hook so he can get hatch.

    So I basically carried the game, but got left to die on first hook for no reason.

  • Kirby
    Kirby Member Posts: 26

    My friends and I were in a lobby, we get invited into the killers Ps4 party right before the game started. My friends and I thought he wanted to bp farm but as we get in there he says and I quote "Ready to die" (in a kinda high pitch voice) but he told us he was a new hillbilly so we just gen rushed him and slamming pallets in his face. Someone opens the door so the timer starts, i don't care cause i gotta key and I'm near hatch. As I'm about to open it I DO IT FROM THE WRONG SIDE AND GET PARANOID CAUSE I THOUGHT I HAD THE WRONG KEY. Me and my friend run around trying to kind the escape door (we're on THE GAME map) he finds it and escape, while i die. My friend starts being mean calling me names :(

    If you wanna see it for yourself i posted it on my YouTube channel.

    Video: https://youtu.be/4_AswVNDI0U

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    TLDR at the bottom.

    I managed to get stuck in a pallet that another survivor was already stuck in.

    Admittedly the killer was very smart as they chased me to the shack where they proceeded to loop me until I jumped the pallet and got stuck with the other survivor. After they had us both trapped they went off to find the third survivor.

    This was long before DC penalty and so after a few minutes of being stuck and the killer not breaking the pallet we just DCed. While I find it dumb this bug somehow makes a comeback every couple of patches I still have to give props to the initial shock at how outplayed I was when the killer herded me like a sheep to their trap. Was a good laugh.

    TLDR at the top.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    My controller died as soon as i picked a survivor up. Whole min i was afk at a crucial moment 🤦‍♂️

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    I sneezed and lost because of it

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I didn't realize I hit 'ready', and had my headphones off. The survivors got a really easy win, though I did get a hit on each of them as they made it out the exit gate. They wanted more BP I guess.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Because I can't control Oni for #########.

    Because I can't control Billy for #########.

    Because I can't blink on Nurse for #########.

    Because I can't hear people on Spirit for #########.

    Yeah, playing any of those can make me feel pretty dumb.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Dead hard for distance. Stupid and uncounterable, has lost me full games, same with keys.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347
    edited May 2020

    So a Meg had jumped off the hook with Deliverance and ran at full speed towards the hatch, but I managed to down her 10 meters away from it or so. I should have this, right? Just close the hatch, deal with adrenaline if she has it and that's that.

    But no, for some reason I just instantly picked her up instead, got hit with decisive and she escaped. And it's not any of the perks she had or the combo that's the dumb part here, but me being a bit of a 🤡 and doing the last thing I should do in that situation 😄

    EDIT: I've also lost a game or two because of a wasp finding its way into my room and making itself as annoying as possible to deal with.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Just wait until they Dead Hard once you know they have it?

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I was doing the Key-hatch escape Challenge. The Huntress had already killed someone, someone else was on the hook (I think it was Claudette) and Jake was being chased. I find the hatch as Jake gets downed, and I'm determined to bring someone with me.

    Yeah... that didn't happen. My overly altruistic self got me killed.

    The other one was right at the exit gates where Doctor was waiting. He didn't shock me, Dead hard just decided to not actually work. Would've gotten another Archive challenge too.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Drinking lot's of Irish Coffee I just fell a sleep in a game I was winning as killer and woke up with survivors t-bagging around me and all gens done. What a waste.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited May 2020

    Gotcha. Well you’re right, that’s tough to counter but it’s still possible. Predict when in the loop they’ll expend their Dead Hard then go the other way to the other side of the pallet or window... this strategy helps me catch those DH for Distance players.

    Typically when using DH you have to look straight for an accurate use, otherwise if you’re looking behind you it’s possible to bump into a wall. Use this window of time to change your direction and catch them off-guard.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I recently played a game where I was RIGHT next to the opened exit and couldn't see it from where I was, although I knew it was somewhere nearby.... instead, I looped the Plague around the Rancid Abattoir main building and went down with 10 seconds left on my DS.... she then puked on my prone character for like 20 seconds straight and then hit me on the hook until I died. And the exit was only 20 meters away.... if I had run to the exit right off of hook, she would have had to slug me and let me crawl through the exit or pick me up and get DS'ed! Just a string of bad decisions leading to a loss that was totally my fault.... 😭

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Was on hatch, waiting for the last survivor other than myself to run out the exit gate so I could get out through hatch, but my team mate was one of those people who stay in the exit gate until the very last second of EGC, so I just died to EGC standing over the hatch while he ran out last second.

    If I remember correctly, the killer was letting us go for free too. I don't know how, but people always find new ways to surprise me and make me hate people even more.

  • GRT_Alkaline
    GRT_Alkaline Member Posts: 226

    The dumbest reason i died, well it was a couple weeks ago and the match had been going for maybe 10 minutes give or take, i was waiting for the killer to leave the area so i could sneak round and finish the last gen.

    Next thing i knew i was on the scoreboard screen with the skull next to my name and the reason was because i actually fell asleep while playing, so i can only guess what happened during the match or even what the killer thought seeing my survivor just standing there.

    The reason i fell asleep was because i had been awake for almost 35 hours

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Survivors hook rushing each other instead of doing gens and they all get downed in the first five minutes of the match and I only get one gen done.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I got cocky with a Myers who had tombstone (I didn't know and wanted to improve my chasing), he beat my ass though.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Hit through deadhard

    hit when im fully cleared a window

    stuff like that

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    But, my man, that bug cost you the match...

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    Was looking for devour hope totem, found it, started cleansing it, killer was within TR, other survivor throws a pebble in my direction and runs away, i get insta killed.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    overwhelming presence prevented me to fully heal with a medkit found in a chest, hence the killer downed me few inches before the exit.

    when the F tier perk suddenly becomes meta.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    i had to pee

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Hatemail from older matches, the loud notification distracted me against an oni that for some reason hated me, he started saying how trash etc I was while bringing moris back to back, (we played like 5 times together).

    Also once I was playing against a baby trapper, guy didn't used traps all match (I thought) but after the last gen was done I stepped one and didn't made it out of the match, that is what happens when you don't expect things I said.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Went to eat cat jumped on my desk queued me for a killer game doesn't Obie until I came name to a game work 4 escapes