nothing here
uh oh
Spirits fine
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Why is a friend code there? So random...
Oh, that makes sense.
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not needed tbh...
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Spirit is balanced.
Just because she isnt easy to counter, it doesnt mean she needs a nerf.
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They just need to make it so Stridor doesn't stop her only counter from being a thing OR they could make her actually skillful and make it so wearing a headset doesn't mean you auto-win a chase.
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I was confused too until i clicked at the photo.
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why though?
spirit is fine
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Aaah, so that's what it was. Gotcha man <3
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It doesn't. I use a Bose headset and i have a hard time tracking with her.
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Stridor is meant to counter IW not the other way around.
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Give a clear indicator of using her power, otherwise she okay
thats all she needs
(inb4, "yOu jUSt wANt wEAK kILErs")
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I don't get it.Help me plz
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Meanwhile, I, someone who is bad at killer, have an easy time tracking with her at red ranks. Without Stridor. With? It's a joke.
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"Mind game" killer
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It's almost like maybe differences in hardware can have a big difference in performance here.
For example, I've literally never heard a survivor breathing. Headset, volume on max, all that. Literally don't get that sound at all. Maybe my fault for having bad onboard sound on the motherboard. But yeah, I literally never hear that.
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(when the whole community gets over you for asking a nerf to spirit and for shame you have to edit the title and description)
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He had a friend code too lol.
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Yep, this community is belligerent on both sides.
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