Regarding add-ons and prestiging.

I have never been one for prestiging in this game, the cosmetics are cool but really do not justify prestiging imo. Saying that, have any of you that have prestiged notice much of a difference when it comes to the add-ons and perks that appear?

Best Answers

  • Sam00077
    Sam00077 Member Posts: 87
    Answer ✓
    Killigma said:

    @Sam00077 said:
    I notice a slight difference when it comes to getting items in the bloodweb. As for perks, there isn’t a huge enough difference for me to notice if I’m getting better perks or worse ones.

    Would you say it is still not worth it overall?

    I would say do it once you get all of the teachable perks on every character (unless you just really hate certain ones) and then prestige your characters. Before I had all the teachable perks, I would just get my survivors and killers to level 40, and then move on to a different character.


  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Sam00077 said:
    I notice a slight difference when it comes to getting items in the bloodweb. As for perks, there isn’t a huge enough difference for me to notice if I’m getting better perks or worse ones.

    Would you say it is still not worth it overall?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Killigma said:

    @Sam00077 said:
    I notice a slight difference when it comes to getting items in the bloodweb. As for perks, there isn’t a huge enough difference for me to notice if I’m getting better perks or worse ones.

    Would you say it is still not worth it overall?

    Not worth at all imo

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Sam00077 said:
    Killigma said:

    @Sam00077 said:

    I notice a slight difference when it comes to getting items in the bloodweb. As for perks, there isn’t a huge enough difference for me to notice if I’m getting better perks or worse ones.

    Would you say it is still not worth it overall?

    I would say do it once you get all of the teachable perks on every character (unless you just really hate certain ones) and then prestige your characters. Before I had all the teachable perks, I would just get my survivors and killers to level 40, and then move on to a different character.

    Yeah, that is basically what I have done. Got all the teachable that I actually want so now I am just putting points into Huntress with no real end game.

  • TheDarkLycan
    TheDarkLycan Member Posts: 435

    @Sam00077 said:
    Killigma said:

    @Sam00077 said:

    I notice a slight difference when it comes to getting items in the bloodweb. As for perks, there isn’t a huge enough difference for me to notice if I’m getting better perks or worse ones.

    Would you say it is still not worth it overall?

    I would say do it once you get all of the teachable perks on every character (unless you just really hate certain ones) and then prestige your characters. Before I had all the teachable perks, I would just get my survivors and killers to level 40, and then move on to a different character.

    agreed about the wit to prestige characters until you unlock all the teachable you want. got every perk tier 3 on huntress and Freddy because I waited.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    edited September 2018

    When you prestige you have a slightly higher chance to get more rare items in the bloodweb (with every prestige)

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Milo said:

    When you prestige you have a slightly higher chance to get more rare items in the bloodweb (with every prestige)

    So everytime you prestige you get more chances with getting ebony Mori the thing that saves items iridescent axes 2 extra throw belts and stuff?
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @redsopine1 said:
    Milo said:

    When you prestige you have a slightly higher chance to get more rare items in the bloodweb (with every prestige)


    So everytime you prestige you get more chances with getting ebony Mori the thing that saves items iridescent axes 2 extra throw belts and stuff?

    Basically yes. It is still RNG based but it slightly improved the chances of not getting a lot of commons filling your web.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346
    edited September 2018

    @Killigma said:
    I have never been one for prestiging in this game, the cosmetics are cool but really do not justify prestiging imo. Saying that, have any of you that have prestiged notice much of a difference when it comes to the add-ons and perks that appear?

    After I've got compensated with a lot of bloodpoints so I've tested that.
    I got a character to lvl 50 and then leveled it 10 more times and wrote down what I've got in those 10 bloodwebs.
    Then did the same for every prestige level.
    And from the results I've seen that maybe 1 prestige is worth it but the difference is very small. As for the prestige 2 and 3...seems to be not different than prestige 1.
    So if you want to prestige for items/addons then do only prestige 1.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    Also , the difference was a bit less brown , a little more yellows. The rest seemed to not change (green ,purple and pink).

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    @Sam00077 said:
    I notice a slight difference when it comes to getting items in the bloodweb. As for perks, there isn’t a huge enough difference for me to notice if I’m getting better perks or worse ones.

    It doesn't affect perks.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Killigma said:

    @redsopine1 said:
    Milo said:

    When you prestige you have a slightly higher chance to get more rare items in the bloodweb (with every prestige)


    So everytime you prestige you get more chances with getting ebony Mori the thing that saves items iridescent axes 2 extra throw belts and stuff?

    Basically yes. It is still RNG based but it slightly improved the chances of not getting a lot of commons filling your web.

    It also makes it more expensive to go through the blood web. 

    Imo prestiged killers have more of an incentive than survivors. I think that's a good thing it keeps us guessing 😊 I play survivor and don't prestige many characters as I get most teachable on the shrine.
    However, with the new cosmetics I find myself now playing different characters. I like shiny new things 🤩