Biggest issue with balance in DBD

So I play both sides at red ranks for quite some time so I believe my opinion on balance is unbiased. I have my survivor sided views and my killer sided views.

In my opinion the biggest issue with balance is generators, whether it's the time it takes to complete them or how easy is it for the killer to patrol them.

When this game first came out and until about two years ago, survivors were not as optimal as they are now. Survivors are more focused on completing generators, then they were before.

For example I was playing as Leatherface in a red rank game, the survivors were all below average. The chases were short, I was constantly hooking survivors not long after I hooked the other survivor, I don't know how I could possibly have applied any more pressure. Yet they were able to complete four generators. Granted I was playing as a weak killer, I didn't have any slow down perks, and I still got the 4k.

However, due to the quality of the survivors and how much pressure I was applying believe the win should have been more convincing.

This video by Otzdarva has already been shared on this forum but it's still a great example of how generators can be completed, despite the killer applying a lot of pressure.


  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    At the moment the first gens don't matzer and just buy you time to setup/create pressure by hooking.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    Hey I understand the pain. I main both survivor and killer and I see imbalances for both. Thing js, that video is kind of an anomaly, BECAUSE the survivors were well coordinated. They knew exactly who was being chased and when. When one person was being chased, everyone else jumped on the same generator. I think that right now, the game is more balanced than it has ever been before. With the new map layouts and loops, SFW aren't OP anymore, killers actually have a chance. Granted, not all maps have the loops fixed yet. But thats on the way. The devs don't work 24/7. And plus with coronovirus, they're all working as hard as they can from home. So give it a couple more months and I'd say the game with look really healthy. As long as players keep giving their input and opinions, the game will stay healthy

  • vaal
    vaal Member Posts: 22

    1-5 ranks - killers blame survs for genrush, loops, DSs\BT.

    10-20 ranks - survs blaming killers for their movement speed, BBQ and Whispers.

    It's just bad rank system. I.e. Otz played this game rly badly cuz he is bad ad Hillbilly. Many misses and chainsaw-stuns. So he spent too much time for tunnelling one person instead of pressing gens. He even didn't take any slow down perk like ruin (haha), PGTW, Corrupt Int but took zanshin lmao.

    I am good at killer but quite bad as surv, but managed to reach r1 both. Playing Doctor and Rin as killer, crouching with Urban evasion and Spin chill as surv.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So youre really complaining about gens with examples that counter your complains?

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Early gens always get done extremely quickly, but it doesn't mean a lot.

    Hell, most of the time I don't even consider the game to be past the beginning stage until 3 gens are done, give or take. Sometimes I don't get into full swing until we're down to 1 left. (This is assuming a good survivor team. If I start killing people at 5 gens, nothing matters anyway.)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2020

    I agree. You don't have to be good at the game as survivor to win if your team is simply efficient at rushing gens. Not saying they shouldn't be focused on gens, but that the speed at which the gens can be completed is way too fast. This results in many games at red ranks where you lost even though you didn't get out played at all, they just did gens fast.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    And still the Survivors lost in OPs Post and in the video.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    His point was the survivors were really bad in chase and were still able to get 4 gens done. Which means even 1 survivor on that team that had been good in chase he would have lost easily.

    I dont know how anyone can deny that match speed is to quick and favors survivors

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Keep in mind Otz was playing Billy. Try doing that exact same match as clown, pig, trapper, doc ect.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    There's more to Dead By Daylight than "Chases", believe it or not. Killer Awareness is a big part of survivor play, and getting gens done isn't tied to how long you can chase, but rather your awareness of what the killer is doing. This is why OoO is so strong. There's more to it than on the killer side too, and if you make tactical errors, survivors are going to get generators done. Sometimes even all 5 of them! Doesn't matter how good you are in a chase if you make mistakes elsewhere. Including choosing to tunnel someone instead of putting pressure on another survivor. Or running into things with a chainsaw. Yes, there are ways to improve your game. And even if you play perfectly, you shouldn't expect to finish games with less than 2 or 3 gens getting done.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2020

    They played bad and lost, what's the issue? There are varying degrees of playing badly, it isn't static.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Well, you stated that you dont need to be good to win.

    They were bad and lost.

    So, everything is fine?

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    Oh if Otz was playing Trapper, the survivors would have combusted upon loading in due to the sheer power he gained from

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You can be bad and win, you can be bad and lose.

    My point is that the line of how bad you can be and still win is too large.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited May 2020

    I won, however killers shouldn't get stressed playing against survivors far below their skill level. If I'm playing against bad red rank survivors I should be able to have a chill game.

    Contrast to when I play survivor and I play against a killer far below my skill level, it becomes an extremely chill game.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I'm a low/mid rank killer,and never get survivors below my rank,let alone my skill level lol. It's only a chill game when I happened to pick the right killer for that specific map.

  • ChicoRockz
    ChicoRockz Member Posts: 34

    I believe one way the devs can slow the gens down without actually adding more time, is by giving killers another perk slot. After all they are killers. Why should they be "equal" in power against 4 survivors who need to be hooked 3 times? Add a 5th perk slot that maybe only allows you to use a green perk. It would buff all killers without having to rework each one individually.

    Just my opinion, but I feel like if this was implemented a lot of other things wouldn't be necessary. Like the reworking of some maps. There's times I've been a survivor and I've given the killer a good run and only seen 1 pallet the entire chase. That's unacceptable. In the same breath I've seen 3 pallets close together and one of them is God pallet.

  • TheEndOfSolace
    TheEndOfSolace Member Posts: 16

    I think they should just change things up obviously gens are difficult for some killers to control *cough* *clown* *cough* I think they could solve this while also adding some great variety to the game by adding different objectives based on the killer. Hillbilly hes decent map pressure and freddy and oni are decent as well but trapper spends so much time setting up (or rather trying to set up) that it seems it would be better to give survivors a different object maybe the survivors spend a min preparing themselves, finding items and the trappers sets up and then it's some grand chase to see if survivors can last a certain amount of time. Idk maybe there's better ideas but that sound like more fun and easier to balance than trying to force one type of objective to fit all these really cool and varied killers

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    The biggest issue with balance is not generators. How much easier do they have to make downing survivors for killers though? How much smaller are the maps going to get? How much worse are loops going to be or the amount of pallets? How come they haven’t done anything about Mori’s? It’s not fun coming in and being a part of your Mori montage or stare at myself on a hook all game. How much more do they need to nerf survivors? To where it’s just unplayable and you get easier 4Ks just handed to you? Are you playing yellow ranks?

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Jungle gyms, walls aren't the issue. Looping is a big part of survivor game play, it separates the good survivors from the average to bad survivors. Infinite loops were an issue, but they got reworked.

    I personally don't use Mori's and keys as I don't think have no place in DBD in 2020.

    I'm actually a survivor main, and the nerfs were needed.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Being good at survivor isn’t just about chases, though. Of course it’s important but it isn’t the be all and end all.

    Taking the killer on long chases is good but you also have to pressure the map properly. Avoid three gen scenarios, keep tabs on where the killer is, figure out their perks and play around them, adapt to the playstyles of your teammates, save at the right time, heal or don’t heal when necessary, know when to take a hit or a hook state, avoid running the killer to progressing gens. Having good game sense is just as important as your mechanical ability in a chase.

    The same also goes for killer. Plenty of killers are good at chases but they have little map control or awareness, so they’ll lose to survivors who are weak at chases but good at pressuring the map.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Taking the killer on long chases is good but you also have to pressure the map properly. Avoid three gen scenarios, keep tabs on where the killer is, figure out their perks and play around them, adapt to the playstyles of your teammates, save at the right time, heal or don’t heal when necessary, know when to take a hit or a hook state, avoid running the killer to progressing gens. Having good game sense is just as important as your mechanical ability in a chase."

    My point is that most these thing's don't matter if you know how to focus gens. You can be bad at all these and still win.

    "The same also goes for killer. Plenty of killers are good at chases but they have little map control or awareness, so they’ll lose to survivors who are weak at chases but good at pressuring the map."

    The point is that survivors have much more of the control in how much map pressure you can have than the killer does.