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General Discussions

Im done, i quit peace out

Member Posts: 124
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

this has happened to me for so long, i cant play the killers i like because i get bullied every game. A green rank agaisnt red ranks. I cant deal with this ######### anymore im legit trying, i am. But when i cant even get one kill with my best killer its frustrating. Untip they fix matxhmaking i quit, peace yall see you guys when the game gets better with matchmaking.

Post edited by jiguiri on

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  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Goodluck dude, and I hope to see you back here soon.

  • Member Posts: 124

    same here my guy, sad that i had to get to this point causw i really like the game and want it to succeed but there are some fatal flaes that took too long to get looked at. Ima be back wither when matchmakimg gets fixes or this next chapter is cool

  • Member Posts: 124

    Sad but true, but they are woeking on an mmr ranking system so you wipp get matched with people of the same skill level. But they have "better" priorities.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Fun fact: developers can split into teams to work on multiple things at the same time. In fact, it's preferred. Too many cooks and all that.

  • Member Posts: 124

    Wait but arent they assigned to something specific? Like cosmetics, chapter development ect?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    No, they work on things concurrently. Why would they have dozens of people (I think hundreds at this point) working on a single aspect of the game? That would just make a big mess of things, there'd be too many people to coordinate.

  • Member Posts: 124

    Well i dont know, im not a game dev i didnt know how things worked. I already had respect for game devs and everything for their passion and all but now i understand a bit more

  • Member Posts: 186

    Switch to survivor... more and more killer switching to play survivor is more and more healthier to the game, devs want the killers to switch to survivor thats why the matchmaking is being this and thats why killers are so bugged and most of them underpowered.

  • Member Posts: 124
    edited May 2020

    Ok but why would they do that? I dont see the point. Make one part of their game and the thing that brings most people into the game intentionally bad so they can play another mode? I dont see the point cause you could say money but they spend money working on the killers too so i dont see the point. That would be very stupid

  • Member Posts: 124

    Same here bro, i hope the mmr thing gets added soon so the game can be what it was intended to be

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    See you next dlc

  • Member Posts: 882

    Yeah that's super frustrating for you guys. I'm red rank for both survivor and killer so I have no issue playing red rank games. If anything, as a solo, it's harder for me to actually escape as survivor than me getting winning as killer. There's a lot of survivors who clearly do not belong in red ranks at all and the SWF I sometimes get matches with do not bother saving me at all despite me lasting in chases/repairing all the gens. As killer, the competition I face off against are the team mates I wish I had when I play solo, but the difference is that as killer, I can control the match most of the time to my liking.

    I highly suggest you take a small break for the game if this is getting to you. Whenever I lose as killer, I take it as learning opportunities to perform better next match. You can't win em all!

    When I'm facing survivors who are clearly not very good at the game, I will hook them once or twice and let them repair generators, pretend to chase them so they get points, etc. I sympathize with those not so good survivors and don't want to make their experience frustrating if I go all out. The queue times for survivors are long so why make them wait so long for a not so pleasant match?

  • Member Posts: 315

    Well.. yeah

  • Member Posts: 62

    Truth. But not having a proper matchmaking system 4 years into the games lifespan is just plain idiotic. One would think it had higher priority.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Even once it’s done do we have real hope it’s going to be any better? If there are too many “high skill,” survivors and not enough killers then “low skill,” killers still have to be matched up against people better than them.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Yeah just go, dont try to get better at the game.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    They've been making improvements to the matchmaking and ranking system throughout those four years. However, those improvements didn't pan out how they would've liked. It happens.


    • We're not their bosses, so they're not required to give us status updates. The updates are nice, but let's not kid ourselves and pretend they're a requirement
    • If they change their approach after mentioning their current approach (very common in software development and basically every other project), people will complain
    • They have actually mentioned they're working on MMR and don't have an ETA yet. Even if they hadn't already mentioned that recently, if they were to give an update saying the same thing they said before, people would complain that they're not saying anything new

    If you look at their track record, they follow through on big changes like this. So trust them and chill out a bit.

  • Member Posts: 649

    YO! Those are my survivors you're killing! Give them back! Lol

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Imo the matchmaking should be based on player level aka devotion.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Player level isn't a good measure of skill at all. There are so many players killers and survivors alike that despite their high hours are terrible at the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Try giving the game a chance again once the new matchmaking system is designed likely sometime this year.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Dude I'm not trying to defend the matchmaking or anything, because obviously the ranks don't match up well, but that honestly shouldn't matter when rank isn't indicative of skill. I can understand if you're like rank 20 going against all rank 1, but I see people even complaining about being purple or green ranks going against red ranks.

    It seriously doesn't matter if you're good at the game. Devs are working on a new matchmaking system entirely from the sounds of it so why not just try to eliminate the problem by, I don't know, just playing the game more to catch up with those people? Too many complaints about the meaningless number next to somebody's name, and not enough effort put into people actually trying to play the game...

  • Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2020

    "did u have fun? Yes A TON. this is a huge problem and they sayed they are working on it, lets see what happens.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I agree. If you can't play the game, better find another easy game, like Mario, Tetris. It's funny how this post teaches everyone to quit and stop getting better. Inspiration in 2020, we made it!

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    Competitive Tetris play is actually far more challenging than anything in DbD, but hey!

  • Member Posts: 3,047
    edited May 2020

    Honestly the majority of red rank survivor's today or any rank honestly are not very skilled anymore. Most are only red rank through the power of the new rank reset and the safety pip system keeping them at higher ranks than they should be. With how extremely easy it is too pip as survivor they are beyond boosted. I run into a lot of people who act like rank 13's from a few years ago. I've seen and had matches that have been so one sided with survivor's being terrible at basic gameplay that you would honestly think you were heavily down ranked to play with new players. While the pip system is too blame for this another issue is EGC (which is necessary) giving a free hatch that was not earned (used to require 2 gens be done to spawn hatch as last survivor)

    While you may think that I'm being unfair and overly critical of survivors in general. Killers are generally more skilled after they start leaving green ranks in a consistant basis. The pip system for killers is significantly more harsh. This requires more or less a higher standard of playing. This also means a killer who can't juggle and provide good pressure to the survivors is usually losing from the start of a decent team. With the loss of Old Ruin a lot of the killers who remained adapted and became a lot better.

    TLDR: survivors are bad nowadays, while killers have a lot going for them of they realize it. The only difference is experience in general. Rank means nothing.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    Currently at green ranks, and I am also getting almost nothing but red ranks, even when the games load real fast. Thought that was only supposed to happen if the wait times were long?

  • Member Posts: 578

    I hate that you are leaving for now, a big reason that matchmaking is happening like this is because there are killers that are deranking to bully lower ranked survivors. In a ton of my matches lately, I've gone against really skilled killers that knew what they were doing, sacrificing high purple ranks and a few reds even. I get to the results screen and they're rank 16s and 17s, with some learned purple perks. Something fishy is going on and I believe this is why with killers such as yourself are getting paired with red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 51

    This is when it's okay to camp and tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I say leave. The games MM sucks and they arent going to truely fix it. It feels like their goal is to toss out a new dlc to get more meat in the grinder to replace the killers that left. In between dlc they make some minor buffs or tweaks to maintain the few people left playing killer.

    Those four r'1 were probably queing up for 20 mins until the game threw you at them. But hey, majority rules. 4 people's unhappiness vs 1 person's unhappines. "Come on killer, take one for the team" Well that seems to be all were doing. Every match is a coin toss. It used to be if you didn't want to only face reds you stop playing for 3 months and derank to face casuals. Now no matter your rank you can be paired against try hard reds. I want to have fun too. I don't want to have to bring my meta build and play my best every single game to stand a chance.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I came here to complain about the matchmaking too. I'm killer rank 12 and constantly getting lobbies full of red rank survivors. It's making me start to hate playing as killer. I don't feel like any kind of threat to these survivors, so what's the point?

    I've got a couple of friends who've just started playing the game in the past month and they won't touch killer cuz even though they're brand new Brown rank, they still get matched against highly experienced survivors.

    The matchmaking really needs to be sorted or you won't have any killers to play against.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    And then I start wondering...

    "Why the hell are survivor queue time so long on PS4."

    This is why.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Literally Noone wants to play killer

    Thats why they fill 20min Survior ques with any killer they can get even fresh ones

    Hmmm I wonder why Noone wants to play killer after the ruin rework... hmmm so many mysterys why the killer playerbase isn't having fun with these super powered survivors...

    The killers that are left are doomed to be picked to pieces like this because the role isn't that strong

  • Member Posts: 587

    I've been experiencing the same thing but I've been loving it. I often stop playing DBD for months on end but when I get that tickle for killing people, it's open season again. Luckily right now, due to matchmaking being like it is, I find matches so fast that it's insanely enjoyable to play. I often end up 3-4 kills a match as well. So, unlike I suppose everyone else, I rather enjoy matchmaking being FUBAR right now. Not only do you get to go against better people who you KNOW will run you round and ragged, you also get people you're skill level. It's a really nice medium of finding what you need to do to improve yourself and your capabilities. Is that rank 1 running loops godlike? Watch how he's running them. That dude you keep downing over and over? He's more than likely worse than you so give him some space. I think there should always be more skilled opponents to face to continuously improve yourself. I dunno. Food for thought?

  • Member Posts: 587

    Ruin was never to blame for the downfall of killers. It was never really a staple perk, people just liked to believe it was because it bought maybe a minute of time in the match. New perks address the issue much better in every way. Don't rely on perks to win.

  • Member Posts: 961

    Then the team working on matchmaking needs better leadership, because it's unacceptable for the most basic function of an online game to be broken for 6 months. Matchmaking should have been fixed in days, not months. Should be the top priority, but it's not and here's why.

    No money to be made. By the time killers figure out how bad it really is, they're past the refund period. Already have their money, so who cares if they quit? We have a new horror license in the works that will bring in new players.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Upvote for the sentiment

    But like what new perks you running ?

  • Member Posts: 124

    Yeah im taking a break so far and ik yoi cant win them all. But when every matxh survivors bully you it gets annoying

  • Member Posts: 124

    There is still some hope that this matchmakimg mmr system will make it better, but not alot

  • Member Posts: 124

    Could be a solution but smurf accounts may br a problem

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