The hatch doesn't give last survivors any escape chance

If you're a smart killer with good mobility (aka the Spirit, the Hillbilly, etc) and you kill some survivors before the hatch spawns and you want to get a 4k, you'd let survivors fix gens until it spawns, find it and then kill the rest of the team. Unless survivors have a key, they don't have a chance to escape in this scenario. If they refuse to fix gens, a killer may just wait until they fix gens or wait until both survivors appear at one spot.
The devs have stated that a last survivor always has at least a chance to escape solely but the whole mechanic makes this statement straight up a lie.
Edit: I can literally deny the hatch for survivors as a killer, 0 chances for them to escape, you see it? Z E R O. Not even a slight chance. Only if they manage to find a key in a chest, THAT'S IT.
The devs have said the last survivor should always have a chance.
But that chance is always going to be lopsided to favour the Killer. And that's how it should always be.
As a team you already failed to do generators or keep the Killer busy, so why should the alternative escape be even easier to use?
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Oh my god, now there's complaints coming from survivors. What does it take to satisfy you guys? The hatch is FINE.
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But then what's the point of the hatch? To stroll a failed match for survivors??
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Lol, I play both sides and I'm the one using this "technic" as a killer.
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The hatch is a CHANCE to escape. C H A N C E. It's not a guarantee escape. If you find it first, congratulations! You escaped! If the Killer finds it first, you have another chance, albeit a lower one, to open an Exit Gate.
That's the point of the hatch. It doesn't guarantee the Survivors an escape, it only gives them one after they failed to finish their objective.
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Hatch is a mechanic based on RNG sometimes you get lucky sometimes you dont sometimes the killer finds it before you but you still have a chance to technically escape through the door again based on the RNG either you get lucky or you don't but to sit here and say you can never escape is false and very bait worthy.
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Actually the point of the hatch is to avoid endless games.
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Then bring a key......................
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In some situations, it's difficult for survivors to escape via the hatch. Some killers will play smart and work around the hatch mechanic. Good on them for knowing how to play the game. Survivors in turn bring keys to counter killers who play to deny the hatch.
I see survivors escape via the hatch all the time, so... I mean, sometimes the last survivor escapes via the hatch, sometimes they don't. Is the hatch only a "fair" mechanic if the last survivor escapes 100% of the time? I don't really understand the issue, here. If no one ever escaped via the hatch, I'd understand the problem, but that's definitely not the case. The hatch is a hail mary, a last chance, a way to keep the game from being held hostage for eternity... if survivors escaped through it the majority of the time, it would no longer be a hail mary and would actually need to be re-looked at.
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Some killers are just made stronger, you can't change that. Some situations favour them, some don't. No use in complaining about it.
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They still have a chance, it may be tiny, but there's a chance.
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Sounds like someone relying on using the hatch to escape, rather than using it as a last resort. It's a chance that you did nothing to earn. Maybe you get to use it, maybe you don't. it's a chance. And once the hatch gets closed, you no longer need to repair gens. You can open the gates. No guarantees, but that is still another chance to escape.
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Well, I don't even give you a chance because I always find the hatch as a killer. You get me?
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Can you read? It's not about RNG when a killer waits until it spawns and finds it first.
Idk about the doors but if you play as a high mobility killer, it's impossible to escape after the hatch is closed.
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As a killer I ALWAYS can find it first because I can wait until it spawns. Can you get it?
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I wouldn't say it's just "a bit".
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🏆️ Big Brain.
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Finding the hatch as a killer is not a guarantee. It's a chance.
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If a killer doesn't have good mobility, a map is big, the gates are far away, a killer doesn't have Whisper/NOED/Remember Me/Fully-stacked PWYF, well, yeah, you can have a chance to open the gates!
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The situation:
I kill 2 survivors before the hatch spawns, 4 gens left, 2 survivors left. I find someone BUT I just chase them for a while so another survivor fixes gens until only 2 left. I down the chased one and look for a hatch, I have so much time to find it. After I look around, I get to a downed survivor, hook them, get back to a hatch and close it. Always works.
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Good for you for playing around the hatch, then.
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Heres my last survivor technique. Doesnt always work but it does quute frequently
1) i never camp hatch. Most games i never see it.
2) if last person dies and i hear it while making my way to an exit gate i will take it. If not i dont care
3) sit near gate and wait for killer to clise hatch
4) continue ti sit near door until killer comes to check it
5) open gate for 4 seconds then go and hide again
6) wait for killer to patrol again
7) open gate and escape.
Even if killer does come back most times i have enough time to open gate and escape while getting hit once thanks to spine chill
Doesn't always work. Door placement or killer with whispers can screw it up, but to me its better than hoping i make it to the hatch before the killer
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No, even with a killer with good mobility, you always have a chance. Think about it. It's tiny, but there's a chance.
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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you are the last survivor left alive after your team got wiped it should be difficult to escape whether it hatch or exit gates.
You essentially lost a game this is your last backup to try to at least claim victory for yourself why would it be easy it's going to be extremely in The Killers favor no duh.
Likewise once all the generators have been completed and the gates are open it's extremely difficult for the killer to secure a kill camping is not as effective as a survivors can easily co-ordinate and have a place to run to to leave it's going to be difficult but if you work hard enough you can claim Victory.
Both scenarios are about claiming victory in scenarios where you have lost it should not be in any way shape or form easy to do that
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dpending on the maps u have 2 alternatives going for the hatch or waiting at the doors for the killer closing it i escaped doin that multiple times aswell and lot of people dont even try looking for hatch just waiting at doors wich is a good strategy aswell, if u use wake up the chances are even higher.
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Here me out I equally play on both sides sometimes I win And sometimes I lose as either side we can’t always win. I know some killers will defend generators and then blame survivors and say do generators Especially if you’re the last survivor.But let’s be honest here That’s not always the easy Answer cause some killers constantly patrol generators. Yes the killer basically won and killed you’re teammates.Now this is not towards every killer so please refrain from being an angry mob as Someone who plays both a killer and survivor. How many sweaty killers do you run into survivors? let me know. And killers please refrain from saying survivors can only be sweaty tryhards especially if you assume they are all in a swf group. Yes some can be but I’ve Also met plenty of sweaty tryhard killers who Just flat out accuse people of being a swf group and down people denying both an exit gate and the hatch in front of them. Why in the world would you down someone waste their time then Proceed to tell the survivor(s) that they wasted yours when you downed the survivor(s)?.And Then just stare at them on ground and constantly pick the survivor up and drop him or her multiple times until the entity kills the survivor? And or hook him or her and hit them multiple times. Is it because you are less intelligent and enjoy people’s pain and suffering?.
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Yeah I forgot that pretty much 99% of players do this and it is a core issue and noone ever gets hatch escapes, therefore we should reshape the concept of hatches around this exact claim. Thanks for reminding me
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Ooookay, I guess you all are fine with it? #No3kOnly4k
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You have the hatch aswell as the exit gates to escape. You literally have 3 opportunities to leave and your really complaining?
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Maybe I'm getting too comfortable constantly getting 4k as the Spirit, idk, I just felt "oof, that's a not right". Of course, I can let RNG let a last survivor escape BUUUUT... I'm too thirsty for those bloodpoints.
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Bruh, here's a challenge, escape against a good Spirit with good add-ons in this scenario. But, I guess, there's a chance if you have all criteria above, be near gates from the very beginning, the hatch spawns very far away from the gates and a killer goes to the wrong gates, you may escape, congrats! Take your 0.1% chance and be happy.
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Who else remembers when you could grab people when they were going into the hatch, making it harder for survivors to escape?
That aside, the hatch is fine as it is now imo
Edit: also when survivors had to do 2 gens first before escaping through the hatch, no gens popping because X mistakes that survivors made when the match started didn't gave them a chance to escape, bhvr noticed that it was kinda unfair and balanced it
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How'd I know this post would start with "if"
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its just a small chance but if he had killed 3 survivors then found hatch and shut it he deserves the 4k
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You failed to do gens, and you failed to find the hatch, then you are a given one more chance to escape. The game is over the second the survivor finds it but it’s not when the killer does.
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Even if you do find the hatch, the killer in the scenario knows it's location, so it's useless at this point.
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Wrong line of action:
kill two -> wait until the hatch spawns -> find it -> kill the rest
Is it that hard to understand?
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It better not.
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You don’t know where the hatch is every game and if it hasn’t spawned yet and there’s only one survivor left both parties have a chance of finding it. You’re delusional
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I can let ring let the last survivor escape? Number 1 dont hit me with the "I get constant 4ks" bs because you dont account for the entire community. Number 2 it's called dead by daylight. Are you really calling the killer bloodtpoint hungry for killing the last survivor? It's their job . How entitled can you be?
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You're one of those people huh. Dont try and use that I get 4ks too often bs. You dont account for the entire community. And how does a killer killing the last survivor make them thirsty for blood points? Are you dumb. It's literally the killers job to kill you. You wouldn't let a killer kill you after a gen rush? How entitled can you be. Its their job. they aren't bloodpoint thirsty for doing the objective you dunce. The killer is supposed to kill you. Hes not supposed to scare you off gens. And hes not supposed to reward you if you're last survivor. Hes supposed to kill you.
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I don't think I agree. And you said it yourself. A killer with "good mobility". That already narrows it down quite a bit. Usually the last player is on the hatch,most of the time not even attempting to save their teammate. So yeah,if you happen to catch the second to last,and they aren't on last hook status,or don't might make it on time. If you are slugging for the 4K, you'll definitely get it lol. Otherwise I wouldn't say it's a gaurantee. I've lost the last guy quite a few times.
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Cause the killer pays attention, as both killer and survivor if I have the time I always look for the hatch when I know it has spawned
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BRUH, 2 gens, 2 survivors. I down one and look for a hatch, I've got all the time in the world to find it and when I do, I just hook a survivor and go back to the hatch. If you have more gens, wait until there are only 2 left. You're not using your whole brain potential here.
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0.1% is still a chance :P
You finally got it, thought I'd have to break it down for you lol.
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👁️👄👁️ I AM the one doing the whole thing? And because solo survivors so bad nowadays against non-M1-killers I get high killrates all the time? What's the deal with that???
Killing the last survivor with the whole process of chasing until there are only 2 gens left gives much more bloodpoints than killing all 3 at the beginning and loosing the forth survivor due to the hatch. Add BP offerings, BBQ, boom, you're kinda rich. It's kinda the whole in-game goal point of playing? Emblems go red as well after doing it, soooo...
Mate, if a killer tries to free me for nothing, I refuse to the point I fix all gens and let EGC kill me. I don't know why you're starting all that beef at me when I just pointed out a way of denying the hatch escape. Like, at this point it's just a thingy to start EGC, so the last survivor wouldn't stealth for the whole decade. That's it.
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🙄 Bringing Remember Me from now on to deny even this chance from me.
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Pls go read the thread I just made chief
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