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Tunnelling, Camping, Flashlights

Member Posts: 160

Hello again! I wanted to see what everyone's opinion was on these topics. So basically, I wanted to know what people think about tunnelling (chasing the survivor who just got unhooked when there is another survivor), proxy camping (staying relatively close to the hook so that you can ensure the survivor does not get unhooked), face camping (standing in front of the survivor who is hooked to ensure their death/that they don't get unhooked), and flashlights (ya know the "toxic" item every killer complains about). LET ME KNOW ⬇️⬇️⬇️!!!


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  • Member Posts: 54

    Play some killer

  • Member Posts: 1,289

    As a killer personally I don’t like to tunnel or camp hooks it’s just not me. But as a survivor though it is never fun believe me I know But we can’t always avoid the hook. I completely understand some people don’t like being camped and tunneled but that’s just how some killers play the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,014
    edited May 2020

    Camping: I hate killers who camp. They take a lot of the fun out of the game. If you're camping with 1 gen left, then I don't have an issue. But when you camp with 5 gens left... just totally unnecessary. When I play killer, I always leave the hook. If 'free unhooks' bother you that much, then run Devour Hope or something. Yeah, sometimes it goes down. But when it stays up, it's amazing. I always hope campers run into Rank 1 Survivor Team 6's and nothing else.

    Proxy-Camping: Again, proxy camping is pretty unnecessary. You should be looking for your next chase. Now if a survivor is in the area, then I wouldn't count it as proxy camping. It's only proxy camping if you stay in the area while there are no survivors, no pallets to break, and no generators to kick. It's not AS bad if you go after the person who did the unhooking. But staying in the area with the intention of going after the guy who got unhooked, they're some of the least fun people to play with.

    Tunneling: Also really hate killers who Tunnel. Now, survivors do have an extreme range of what they consider tunneling. But personally, if you purposely go after the person who's been unhooked within... 10 seconds of being unhooked when: #1. You weren't already in chase with the survivor who did the unhooking (This is on that survivor, not the killer) or #2. The last gen isn't done. I mean it makes sense to tunnel when 4 gens are done, and you need to get that kill. On the other hand, I don't expect killers to look the other way if I run into them after leaving the hook. But when you go AROUND my teammate to get to me, it's just not fun.

    Flashlights: They really don't bother me. Maybe it's because I haven't run into a squad of survivors who just blind me all the time yet. But the clicking isn't nearly as annoying as teabagging. As a survivor, I don't bring them into matches. I almost never use them (though I will click to get a survivor's attention if I find one in a treasure chest, or the killer's if I'm trying to save a teammate and I think I'm in a better position to run from

    As a killer, I feel way more in control of the game. If the survivor is being toxic, I can punish it pretty easily unless its at the exit gate. As a survivor, I'm pretty helpless. If a killer tunnels me off the hook, I can't punish him. My team MIGHT be able to, but I play solo and that's relying on strangers who may or may not know what they're doing. But ultimately I have NO control. So that's why Killer Toxicity probably bothers me a bit more than survivor toxicity. Even when it comes to end game, I can always bring a Mori the next time i see the survivors. I don't know when I'm facing the same killer again, so I can't bring stuff to gen rush them with.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    So Flashlights aren't used for telling scary stories or hand puppets. That's what i do when i use them. 😄

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    "tunneling/camping" is just made up words for legit strategies. Killers could say that survivors are facecamping gens also lol. Flashlights is also a part of the game. There is no problem with any of these things. The only problem is bad players and they will always find things to complain about.

  • Member Posts: 1,836
    edited May 2020

    theyre all fine

    unless you camp at 5 gens, then thats just boring

  • Member Posts: 160

    So your saying tunnelling and camping doesn't exist???

  • Member Posts: 160

    I'm a rank 1 killer who streams on Twitch and has 1000 hours I have also been playing for almost 2 years...thanks though😂

  • Member Posts: 160

    So your saying tunnelling and camping aren't real😂😂

  • Member Posts: 160

    Camping and tunnelling are absolutely real and in the game...I have been playing for almost 2 years and I know what the true definition of both are and I have seen both many many times. I also watch most streamers that are popular and they will tell you that tunnelling and camping exist.

  • Member Posts: 961

    As killer, I get crap for playing nice, playing toxic, or playing sweaty. I get crap for tunneling, camping, slugging, or using a strong killer. The only time i don't get crap is when they get a 4 man escape. So screw it, play how you want.

    I personally loathe flashlights, like most survivor things, they're way too all purpose. Can save people, aid in chase, hard counter hag, and hurt wraith. Plus they work from ridiculous angles.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Ive literally been accused of camping gens, recently, by a red rank.

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    My man said CAMPING GENS 🤣

  • Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    This will make some survivors happy:

    I DiDnT LeT tHeM hAvE fUn

    (It was a 4-man SWF and they brought 3 toolboxes - albeit crappy ones. No, I wasn't going to go easy. Although at the end of the game everyone was respectful and we shared GG's.)

  • Member Posts: 720

    you don’t acknowledge the importance of defending yourself though. Sure as a killer you might get mad at the use of flashlights. But when there are pallets every mile or so, dead ends and bad loops, you’ll be wishing you had more than once chance every match playing survivor. It grows tiresome coming into games and getting Mori’d or tunneled or camped on because I got caught once giving me almost no playtime. It’s the

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    I understand why people use them, and as I said, I'm totally fine with that. They're just not for me, simply because they don't really suit my playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2020

    the only thing that i dont like is face camping as leatehrface or billy because there arent reliable things to do (and should be adressed specially face campers leatherfaces) to counter it because literally u cant do NOTHING against it, u waited 15 minutes for being face camped with a fat chainsaw without any chance of literally anything other than that...

  • Member Posts: 59

    Actually sometimes i let the killer kill me at the end. The only time i want to survive desperately is when my daily requiers so.

    I only get mad as a survivor if i can't complete my daily, but mainly because I'm a killer main and don't want to be stuck at survivor dailys.

    I'm sorry to hear about survivors accusing you of doing something you didn't do, but it is still a thing that exists massively. Tunneling/Camping is a valid strategy, that isn't fair in most cases. I'm just glad i don't play much, even when i want to rank up (most of the time i get a bit sad after seeing myself de-ranking when i check in after a long time). I can't imagine what playing at high ranks has to be like since my experience with low rank is actually good regarding messages (probably bc i play on ps4).

  • Member Posts: 51

    As killer, I won't play without lightborn 3.

  • Member Posts: 621

    LMFAO HOLY ######### THANK YOU FOR THIS HAHAHA I LOVE this meme and this has got to be one of the best iterations I've ever seen of it! 🤣

  • Member Posts: 298

    Are people still complaining about flashlights in (enter current year here)? At this point if someone gets a flashlight save on you as killer its your fault 95% of the time. Blinded at a pallet? Who cares, be thankful that survivor wasted time blinding you instead of gaining distance.

  • Member Posts: 632

    down a survivor in a dead space then someone does a flashlight save. How is that the killer fault? I know you can face walls when picking up but sometimes thats not an option and you can't always know that there is a survivor with iron will crouching in a corner waiting for a save. Whats your option just slug all 4?

  • Member Posts: 298

    Slug that person you downed and chase the flashlight? I dunno, playing killer is just making really simple decisions like this. You have someone down, someone in a chase, someone is going to have to come get the downed survivor back up. You have pressure on 3 survivors in this situation, at most 1 gen is getting done. Sounds ideal to me.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Flashlight are equally annoying and great for a killer. If the killer plays it right he can get a free hit or down from the flashlight user.

    Never facecamped because I don't like it. Proxy camping and tunnelling is a situational topic. It all depends on if you see a survivor near the hook, near an exit door, near a 75+% gen or they are situated in a spot near a 3 gen.

  • Member Posts: 632


    thas not what i said.

    I said you down someone in the open,you only know the whereabouts of ONE survivor(the guy you downed), you pick up said survivor and a second comes out from hiding and does a flashlight save. How is that the killers fault. Also saying "killer is just making really simple decisions like this" makes me feel like you know nothing about playing killer, you have to play around 16 perks, gens, hooks,etc etc

  • Member Posts: 298

    Keep track of who brings a flashlight into the game, if you are worried about it slug that person. On the off chance someone finds a flashlight and just happens to be in a position to sneak up and get that save, congrats that would be the 5% of the time its not your fault.

    Also, yes most killers over exaggerate how difficult killer is to play. Half the battle is making simple decisions in situations just like this.

  • Member Posts: 632

    nah you're wrong. If a killer gets hit with a flashlight its 99% not their fault. Also survivors have the most simple decisions in game aka holding m1 on a gen,unhooks, and crying post game.

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Killers on the fourms are also crying about games ending in 5 minutes not just survivors.

    I got accused of being in a toxic gen rushing swf when we were all solos but the spirit chased one survivor the whole game

    I got told that im a toxic survivor who has to rely on crutch perks when the only good perk i was using was bt

    And much more.

    Both sides make up excuses to justify losing.

    ACTUAL tunnling and camping isnt fun for either side

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    Rush generators all you want, I'll never judge survivors for trying to win.

    What the hell else are survivors gonna do but "genrush" anyway? Is there some other win condition I'm not aware of? The entire complaint seems silly to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Okay, Camping Gens is such a stupid term.

    I get camping hooks and like...but....

    Wow, my mind is blank at that stupid statement.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah i was literally just patrolling the decently close 3 gens they left me on haddonfield. I caught that guy in a corner trying to shake off the crows that had formed over his head 😂

  • Member Posts: 160

    I agree with the 1st paragraph...not with the 2nd one though. Either way respect your opinion and thanks for the response ❤️

  • Member Posts: 160
  • Member Posts: 160

    Agreed! I don't like tunnelling either but I will admit being face camped by these 2 are the worst

  • Member Posts: 160

    Yea exactly...tunnelling and camping is a thing absolutely and I actually do let the killer kill me at the end of the game if I feel bad for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 160

    Yea but lightborn is so boring to play against 😭...but thanks for the response❤️

  • Member Posts: 54

    I love when survivors bring flashlights. Id rather have a survivor try to save their teammate than doing a gen.

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