Hillbilly bug

Version_241 Member Posts: 1

(Ps4) After chainsaw sprinting and comming in contact with an object but also releasing your chainsaw at the same time bugs out the game and you get stuck in place for 4-5 seconds. When stuck you can turn around but not move or do anything else.

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  • widescreen
    widescreen Member Posts: 49

    There are many bugs on billy atm, that one feels like bumping into a wall and the normal chainsaw cool down timers are stacking. its ridiculous and its on PC as well. Also if you think you let go in time before you hit the object and you get that glitch, its bcs you came too close to the object and letting go at that time some how cancels the bump animation. So you get both cool downs timer debuffs. It also feels like the debuff stacks when bumping into windows; billy just stands there cant move and you watch the survivor run far away or bm and tbag you on the other side of the window. The 3.7.0 up date broke billy and a few other killers.