Mori and keys

eXoDuSs Member Posts: 31

Do you feel keys and mori are toxic for the game or not?

Mori and keys 68 votes

No, i enjoy losing by ppl escaping by keys or getting moried 3 mins in the game.
VentingSylartoxik_survivorMattie_MayhemOGLordRegalMang_Anwara_good_playerRanchJuiceObject_Of_Depression 8 votes
I don't care.
CheersDelsKibaraxTudorTaigaMeowlancholyEnderloganYTGreentheNinjaChicoCosmicKitten27BassTramMiniPisaEpicu2RogueRoombaDead_by_GadflyMapersonPheonwingshahadrillgobrrrPixel_BoomBotTotemsCleanserAgitatedPenguin 23 votes
Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.
IhatelifeGHERBEARRULESluvcraftBabyCameron10ChickenAzurlynxtrevorj91ArashiNoHantashreamentSunderMunmusstang62MrPenguinoTechnicMrsGhostfaceeXoDuSsPlantCollectorHex_KillerMainBTWAvisDeeneDawnMadBingBongBoi_69 37 votes


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    I don't care.

    They far from ruin my experience. I'm fine with loading into a match and seeing a survivor in the screen with a key, or seeing a mori.

    They can be frustrating, but the best thing you can do is not let a video game get to you.

  • Pheonwings
    Pheonwings Member Posts: 21
    I don't care.

    Theyre 110% fine, its not as if the key is guaranteed win either you have to have more generators done than people that are alive so it isnt a for sure use anyways and Mori isnt always for sure, I hate Mori's but its fair and its very expensive on the bloodweb.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195
    I don't care.

    I think they're fine because of how hard they are to get on the bloodweb and their price. I would agree with it being an issue if it was something you saw almost every game. Just like a killer can run their ultra-rare add-ons but they don't get to do it every game

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    I don't care.

    Eh. I rarely see or use them and when I do I just accept it and move on. whatever happens happens.

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    They are unbalanced and should be remove, the people who use them are suck because they can never win a game so they use keys and mori. Sometimes I report people who use them although they can do this. So many noobs think they are fine so devs didn't remove them

  • RogueRoomba
    RogueRoomba Member Posts: 10
    I don't care.

    They are fine but with one exception.. Tunneling killers, they are the worst. They use a Mori that can provide them with 1 kill. They camp near the hook and just wait for someone to unhook the survivor to get that kill. After they used their one and only mori kill in that match they sometimes become a 'good' killer and let the others escape.

  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    When I play killer I only like to bring a green mori for dailies and even then I use it on last hook for a survivor, and if I bring a key it's for a challenge in the archives and it's only to get myself out since I think it's no fun when two or three people leave through the hatch as killer. One person leaving through the hatch with a key is fine imo, it's like "Oh well, what could I have really done different there?"

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    edited May 2020
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    Both of them cut the game short. An example of a key that royally pissed me off was after protecting a nasty 4 gen on Suffocation pit, one of the survivors opens up the hatch right in front of me, screwing the other two over (one was on hook, the other was injured on the other side of the map). The best part was that they didn't have plunders, but still found it in a chest. Mori's are Mori's you see them at the start of the game so they don't really have a surprise factor.

    Edit: After yet another 3 gen on Wrecker's Yard, one key allowed all 3 other survivors to escape within 15 seconds after getting the first kill. They were also cocky in post game, just to make the unsatisfactory ending even more insufferable.

  • TatsuyaSuo
    TatsuyaSuo Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2020

    I think cypress and ivory moris are okay, ebony should be either removed or reworked into only allowing you to mori someone off 1st hook once and then the rest only after 2nd hook or if they reach 2nd stage, giving you the option to mori instead of hooking them if they're dead on hook. Though i can see people just facecamping to force people to go on 2nd stage and tunnel for the mori, (I play in latin america and people are really that #########, like 2 out of 5 games you get people like that and 8/10 times i play as killer i get 4 man swf with smurfs to try and bully low rank killers, yet they usually suck and get destroyed and cry in post game lol) but that would be very easily punished and give a lot of time to work on gens, but i think ebony mori is much more difficult to balance than keys. And keys should only be usable after the killer closes the hatch and egc starts, it would also help balance the fact that in 7/10 games the exit gates spawn on the same side of the map making it almost impossible to escape in a lot of scenarios without pulling off weird mind games.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 135

    I just don't think they add anything to the game.

  • Pixel_BoomBot
    Pixel_BoomBot Member Posts: 116
    I don't care.

    I rarely see it happen to me, mostly it's because i'm not a high rank.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732
    I don't care.

    Key I don't really mind at all like you managed to do your gens, found the hatch, you go pal you made it.

    Mori is ok to me too. Tbh the only reason I find mori more annoying than keys are the tunneling killers. But I would say they're ok too.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127
    I don't care.

    I honestly don't mind either way. If I notice someone uses a Key as a Killer, I'll kick them out of the game first. Especially if they also bring someone who brought a Map into the game.

    As for Moris, I don't mind them either. I would like them to only activate when the Killer has hooked everyone at least once, but I like the challenge as a Survivor.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    Here's my problem.

    Moris: you can use on the first unhook. And that's if you're using an ivory or ebony. Absolutely annoying to deal with as survivors.

    Keys: you can just find in a chest, and get a free escape. I honestly rather see them fix the gate spawns so they're not right next to each other

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2020
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    Honestly they both do the same thing: undermine the match completely. Hatch does the same thing. The killer uses a mori/closes hatch, the survivors are most likely screwed. Survivors use key/hatch killer gets screwed.

    All of these mechanics honestly need either a rework or removal. Keys are the better of the two in my opinion, but that a convo for another time.

  • Epicu2
    Epicu2 Member Posts: 46
    I don't care.

    I don't enjoy getting killed by a mori, sure it's annoying, but it always looks cool, even though you die, so I'm on both sides here.

  • trevorj91
    trevorj91 Member Posts: 30
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    I think both are in desperate need of a nerf. No way should 5-6k BPs cause that big of a factor in the game. I do play both killer and survivor, and here's what I think should be done to both.

    Moris should not work after only 1 hook. They should be limited to only being available after 2nd hook (or stage), however, I think they should be performed much faster if this were to get implemented.

    For keys, I have 2 possible ideas. First being that the key only allows the user to escape through hatch (the time difference of 10 seconds to 30 seconds still makes red significantly better). Second being that the hatch doesn't even spawn until either 1 survivor is remaining or all 5 generators are complete. This gets rid of the situation of 3 people escaping after 3-genning themselves like idiots, and doesn't allow anyone to escape when they can't even complete a single gen.

    Thoughts? Comments? Love? Hate (as long as it's not crybaby hate)?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    My answer to this is more complicated than a simple extreme-ends binary yes/no.

    I do think that, of all the character build options available in the game, keys and moris are the most pernicious because they completely move the goalposts of the game, in ways that other build options do not.

    A mori means that at least one survivor "life" is flat-out removed from the game. In my (anecdotal) experience, a mori usually winds up being a red one, and that removes four survivor "lives," reducing them by a full third (from 12 total to 8 total). This would be the rough numerical equivalent of telling the killer that survivors only have to repair 3 generators + the exit gate (if we're counting the exit gate as a sixth objective).

    A red or purple key means that at least one survivor has a decent chance of finding the hatch early and orchestrating an escape that the killer cannot reliably play around. I believe that the key is less of a problem than the mori, since it can potentially be lost and it is subject to some measure of luck, but it also (mostly) rewards poor play, because a key-based exit is usually most likely only after multiple survivors die.

    Dead by Daylight is -- by nature of its 146 perks, 19 killer powers, 18+ survivor items, 71 offerings, and god knows how many add-ons, all multiplied by 5 players, plus 34 maps -- a giant roulette wheel in every individual match. There's a lot of randomness to it, and some of the options are going to be harder to deal with than others, depending on the combinations that you get. But there is nothing that circumvents the game's internal rules and objectives as directly as these do.

    Moris could be fixed overnight by limiting their use to only dead-on-hook survivors; it would essentially save the killer the trouble of hooking them a third time. I dunno how you fix keys, though.

  • AgitatedPenguin
    AgitatedPenguin Member Posts: 93
    I don't care.

    The aren't toxic in themselves, but people can be very toxic using them.

    A killer tunneling a single survivor for a quick kill 30 seconds into the game is toxic. Whereas a killer using a mori to eliminate a survivor when they have 2 gens left is a bit of a crutch but not toxic.

    A survivor waiting around hatch vaulting a pallet to bring the killer over so they can escape in front of them is toxic. Whereas a survivor alone with the hatch shut and the gates next to each other against a mobile killer using a key because his team were potatoes or the killer was very good again is a bit of a crutch but not toxic.

    They need to be reworked or removed sure but they aren't responsible for toxic people being toxic with them.

  • eXoDuSs
    eXoDuSs Member Posts: 31
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    Well if you don't enjoy to play against them at the worst times (being hooked, then farmed by one temmate and after that you are out of the game) or as killer 1 gen left and 3 ppl escape with 1 key, then you shouldn't pick the 1st option.

  • eXoDuSs
    eXoDuSs Member Posts: 31
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    About the moris i don't think that you ''take 1 hook off of everyone in their current stage''. Most killers that have mori hook someone, patrol near the hook so someone comes to save the person on hook and after that you get moried without the chance of using decisive strike because they don t pink you up which is unfair so you practicly get hooked once and then downed.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Moris erase a life, that's the outcome in terms of game mechanics. And yeah, killers play around that aggressively, which includes camping/tunneling. Being able to dodge DS and similar perks is just the rotten cherry on top.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,187
    No, i enjoy losing by ppl escaping by keys or getting moried 3 mins in the game.

    Honestly they are purple and pink colors for a reason. They are supposed to help you win. It's not like you go against moris or keys every game.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    As a killer, I don't mind keys; they're rare, and either one or two survivors get out and it's the same as if they disconnected, or all the survivors get out and the match immediately ends and I congratulate them on doing a tricky thing. As a survivor, I've never used a key because I can never find the hatch. 😊

    As a survivor, I don't like moris because getting moried makes me feel "cheated" out of the rest of the match, and as a killer I don't like to use them because I don't like to make survivors feel that way. Even when I run Devour Hope I tend not to mori people when I get the power to.

    I also don't like moris because some of them are too gory for me (especially Leatherface's). Yes, I realize how ridiculous that sounds in a game about hanging people on hooks. 😄

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    Keys rob kills and punish good play on the killer's part. Moris are a waste of time especially after first hook, which is completely unfair.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    Yes,I hate them, they just ruin my experience.

    Hate them as most as my life 🤣