Answer Honestly

How do you feel about Huntress’s insta down hatchets. Personally, I feel they should work like deathslinger where they have to be thrown a certain distance
I think they are fine.
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This was an add on that was made while insta heals were in the game. I believe this addon has power creeked and should be tuned with how the game is now.
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They're fine. Having a key balances such a game if survivors are decent with chases.
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I agree something needs to change with them, but i see them so rarely i doubt its a problem, on console anyway
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They are pretty cheap at pt blank range, combined with a belt.
Huntress is my favorite killer, and I just don't use them. It doesn't feel like a win.
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How does a key balance out an add on? You can’t save someone from the ground with a key. All a key allows is to open hatch due to the game being over.
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The addon must be changed if you ask me.
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Should be tied to distance like Deathslinger's Iri add-on. I think at this point they're afraid of how many Iri Hatchet games there'll be in the weeks the PTB is active.
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Don't care for them, myself. Feels kind of cheap, imo.
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Remember how it took the devs three years to nerf Decisive Strike down from the free second chance Perk it was, and even then it just became a free second chance Perk with a timer?
Iri hatchets are the Decisive of Killers. It's only been given minor, insignificant nerfs in the three years it's been around, and even though it probably wouldn't be hard at all to nerf it, BHVR have done nothing about how ridiculous it is.
I just hope that when they do nerf it, it doesn't mimic DS again in that the nerfs are arguably buffs.
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I see them but not very often. If it gets changed then fine. If not, fine. If a Huntress uses them in a match i got to be more cautious in my gameplay. I also get to see if people DC because of the add-on. I'm fine with them but if it gets changed that's fine too.
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I’d like iri heads to count as a instadown with an accurate headshot.
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One of the cheapest add-ons in the game. Thankfully, devs are looking at it.
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It's the combination with ebony mori that makes Iri hatchets really powerful. Otherwise I think it should stay as it is. But I wouldn't mind some tweaks.
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It needs to be reworked, no good huntress uses them because they know how strong they are and she doesn't need them.
Making it work only on long range shots (15 meters like Deathslinger) is the way to go. It makes using the addon feel rewarding because shots that far aren't guaranteed to hit, so landing them already makes you feel accomplished. Adding an insta down on top of shots like that is a great feeling, the survivor would feel less cheated as well as they'd actually have a chance to avoid it.
Insta hatchets in melee range of the huntress are downright impossible to dodge (unless you have a baby huntress who can't aim)
I hope the change the devs make is something along the line of this
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Yeah i feel they are fine I don't use them and I've never had a game where they've been used against me playing Survivor
The only time I used them was when I was going for my adapt Huntress achievement other then that i just played as her normal (also not a fan of Huntress to play as)
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I'm pretty indifferent. I've never used them, and the number of times I've been up against a Huntress using them could be counted on one hand. Hard to say how powerful they really are when everyone DC's or suicides on the first hook.
I guess if anything I think Huntress's iri heads should work like Deathslinger's add-on, and Deathslinger's add-on should actually work like current iri heads because his weapon does not have infinite range and it's much more of a pain to use. That's just my opinion, though.
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Definitely not... If the huntress is halfway decent at her, they can end matches with top tier survivors at 4-5 gens every time . I don't like the feeling of being downed at 50+ meters. Also, keys should be out of the game too. :)
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They're fine, as they are. However, they shouldn't pair with extra hatchet addons.
It's an insta down, sure, but she's limited to one shot. She'll then have to break chase to reload. Every shot she misses is more time wasted reloading, so it has pros and cons.
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The only issues with the instant down hatches is the ability to bypass the downside with the extra hatchet add-ons.
Without the extra hatchets its a fair and high skill add-on that rewards a huntress who have good aim.
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Get rid of them. They are ridiculous. Hatchets should never insta down a healthy survivor.
Some of the best Huntress players I've seen wouldn't be caught dead using them.
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I kind of agree with this? But theres a lot of other killers who can do similar stuff. Clown's pinky finger, Myers/Oni power. I dont think instant down hatchets are really a huge problem.
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Normally I would say instahatches are okay, but you shouldn’t combine it with the beltaddon. That’s to much!
the biggest problem if I face a instdown huntress is the whole setting:
iri + belt addon
noed, bbq, nurses, whisperer
ebony mori
thats the real tryharder that makes no fun to go against...
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If it couldn't be combined with infantry belt or leather loop I think it'd be fine.
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To be honest im all for nerfing them, but COMPETENTLY against making them like gunslingers add-on because i feel his addon is almost useless. maybe like @Lx_malice 1 hatchet period or one i thought of is that instead of reloading you get one hatchet per hook so if you down someone you can get it back but if there good at juking you have to wait until you can out play them to get it back
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Don't like them. In my experience so far, it makes for rather short games.
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You can't just name other things in the game or blame old broken survivor changes. Instaheals were removed because its bullshit.
Irr Ax is...
A rare resource-must be grind for
Has deep drawbacks limiting to 1 ax
Difficult to land easy to counter
Is still less powerful then most easily recharged more available killer attacks like the 6 who all have 1hk on basekit
Its good but its not that good and most people don't play killer because its not fun and they always loose so let's stop nerfing the few tools they have left
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I don't mind them. If they got changed or stay as they are it wouldn't bother me.
They do change up the game versus a huntress which makes me play a lot more careful, I kinda like that at times. It does feel rewarding to dodge three hatchets knowing each one could have downed me.
If hatchets weren't how they are right now in terms of how many feel like they shouldn't have hit. Would this change anyone's perspective on them?
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insta hatchets themselves are fine - actually they are pretty bad when you look at them alone.
however when combined with other add ons, such as the infantry belt they become way too powerfull.
also imo adding a distance to them would make them utterly useless - the iridescent coin is already extremely weak, we dont need a V2 of that - the iri coin rather needs a buff to it, honestly.
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why we can‘t compare instahatches with old instaheals?
a instaheal was ultrarare and you had to grind for too.
the instaheal you could use only onetime, while the instahatches give you onehits the whole match and this by this hitboxes... it’s a free win for huntress.
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I'd be fine with it, but only if it the penalty was harsher. As in, only 1 hatch may be carried at a time and no other addons could influence that.
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Fine when not used with extra hatchet add-ons; OP when they are.
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I only see them combined with belts, and that is the problem. Noone ever runs insta hatchets with a single use. Either make them not stack with other hatchet count addons or add a minimum distance.
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Irr Ax is...
Has deep drawbacks limiting to 1 ax
Difficult to land easy to counter
Takes windup time-refil time
Is still less powerful then most easily recharged more available killer attacks like the 6 who all have 1hk on basekit
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Insta heals could be used every match. Traded with other players, stacked with other powers and pulled from chests during matches. They also not even close to being as rare AND had no drawbacks and could be used while running with no skill
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Insta heals could be used every match. Traded with other players, stacked with other powers and pulled from chests during matches. They also not even close to being as rare AND had no drawbacks and could be used while running with no skill
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a instaheal is max one per player but you can instadown the whole match especially with these hitboxes. And the huntress can see a medkit in a lobby and use franklins, against a iri is no counter. The downside when combined with belt is only 2 hatches, that’s nothing for a good huntress.
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Its never bothered me. Ive always managed to dodge hatchets, almost exclusively being hit by dedicated. Plus it adds a lot of tension to the game, something it almost always lacks.
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Something that most people confuse: iri head is balanced. When combined with any of the belts it becomes broken. What I would simply change is that you can't equip any belts with this add-on. Simple.
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Of course, playing survivor, I don't like them. Yesterday I played against a Huntress that camped and had insta down hatchets, so no one could do saves at all.
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A) make it like deathslinger (but then what stops you from camping hook from X meters away)
B) or just make it so it blocks you on 1 hatchet only
C) rework it so it would make sth different
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No just no.
Ur logic is flawed and I'm not arguing against something that doesn't even exist anymore
Hatchets are no different then the 9 other basekit 1hk killers. Killers are weak they loose most matches and need every advanged they can get right now expecally for how difficult hatchet shots are
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Rework them so that you still get 5 hatchets but only headshots from 30m+ are instadown or remove instadowns let fully charged shots pass through survivors
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Should be tied to distance like Deathslinger. The hit detection for the hatchets is already screwed up and it doesn't help when someone gets right up behind you with an insta-down hatchet to guarantee and hit
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When combined with Infantry Belt, iri hatchets are very OP. I agree with the suggestion you made, they should only instadown from a certain distance
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When I realize that a Huntress has the hatchet instadowns (this is often accompanied by one or more disconnections of survivors, even today, it's a shame), I am completely panicked and go crazy. I approach Huntress very quickly against my will, I become perfectly visible, and I try to aim the hatchet with my head. It may be the effect of the lullaby ? Sometimes the hatchets become grenades and affect me from a distance ! It’s very impressive.
I often have renewed hope soon after and regain my senses, since I am desperately trying to get off this hook. Unfortunately, I am a fragile survivor with no strength, I cannot fight enough against the Entity.
These Huntress have a lot of skills, and they can show off their muscles by staying next to a hook ! I totally bow to their superiority and their strategy of rare subtlety.
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I don't like them at all. The least they could do is make it to where it can't be used with infantry belt or add ons that add hatchets or make it alert you if they have it once it hits someone, like NOED or Devour hope on the third token.
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Eh. They're not my idea of a fun or good time, but I don't have a problem with them existing.
And yes, I've been on the receiving e d of them more than once or twice - and I can confirm that it is possible to Escape against them, just as I can confirm that everyone getting slugged in 2-3 minutes by them isn't too fun either.
Personally though, I don't see much difference between Iridescent Hatchets and Instasaw Hillbilly. They're strong builds sure, almost overbearing, but I personally don't think they need to be removed from the game. Unless the end goal here is that there are no strong builds for anyone.
That said, if enough people and/or BHVR do think Iridescent Hatchets legitimately ruin their fun or make the game unplayable, I wouldn't object to them being nerfed or removed. DbD is a game with five players per match, and any given match should be fun for more than one person.
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I just want to draw attention to a simple fact -
Look at the difference in tone of the overall discussion when one mentions nerfing killer vs. when one makes any suggestion that the survivor side has anything strong.
For reference, I made a post about the pairing of DS, Unbreakable, and Deliverence. My argument was that it may be a little strong with coordinated SWF, and there isn't much of a reason for these perks to synergies so well in a way basically ensures if you've used it right, you cannot be stopped at endgame.
Acknowledging mistake in not having found the survivor and hooked them before endgame (I killed one surv, two were on death hook, but the elusive one was found in the 3 gen scenario and pursued, mind you while playing a 110 killer), I still saw this as a scenario for potential continued abuse, or at the very least a strong combo with very little downside and no real counter.
My thread was met with accusations of my inadequacy, my personal failings as a player, etc. Because a scenario like that is always in my control, apparently. Maybe a single person addressed what I'd said and also commented on how crazy the scenario was.
Whether that was a solid or fair point of discussion didn't matter, nor did how I delivered it (non hostile or accusatory in any way, merely posing the question "is this combo too strong"). Meanwhile, anytime Mori's or killer add ons are discussed, the thread gets amazing support, the people in it engage in a calm and friendly manner, no one accuses or is allowed to accuse the creator of whining, having a bad game that doesn't create the rule, etc...
Just a thought, maybe we should all get an equal say and discussion without immediately expecting the worse of other players or the other side?
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They would be fine if "Ultra Rare" add ons were Ultra Rare... it's not so bad for killers with multiple red add ons because there's a variety to find in the blood web. For every "Fragrant Tuft of Hair" there's a Judith's Tombstone so to speak imo. But for huntress you either get an Ebony Mori or Iri Head hatchets. The problem is how common they are and the same goes for Ebony Moris. There's just not enough Ultra Rare add ons or offerings in the game for you to get anything else so you end up with considerably fewer Ivorys and a ton of Ebonys.
As others have said the add on itself is mostly problematic when it's combined with infantry belt or even leather loop. I'm sure a nerf to the add on or perhaps more preferably a rework to it completely might be in the works eventually. ^^