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How to get a 4k

Member Posts: 259

Apparently all I have to do is play Doctor, and everyone just runs at me and kills themselves on 1 hook. 3 games in a row now. I'm only level 19 on the Doc, not running any purple or red addons...


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  • Member Posts: 963

    Another doctor thread...

  • Member Posts: 583

    I hear Iri hatchet huntress does pretty much the same

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    If survivors want to wait 20 minutes for a match to then kill themselves instantly bc they don't like the killer I'm playing that's cool, your time is yours to waste.

  • Member Posts: 259

    Nonono, I don't play survivor, like, unless I have to for a ritual or something. Check my old posts. I don't think he's OP at all is the strange part, I'm just wondering why people hate him so much.

  • Member Posts: 1,522
  • Member Posts: 8,342

    As with many killers that are popularly hated, the short answer is they don't like having to change their playstyle. They think he's OP because their old tricks don't work on him, and they don't know how to come up with new ones. Everyone has killers that they prefer playing against over others, but killing yourself right away instead of trying to learn how to counter them doesn't do anyone any favours.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I played doc to get the make survivors scream challenge. He makes those challenges so easy lol. There was one person who kept running after me trying to get my attention. When i did turn on her (meg) she didn't even run. Guess she just wanted it over without the DC. So i would zap her and slug her and go after someone else. After the 2nd time she gave up and started contributing. I eventually hooked her after everyone else was 2 hooked. She really didn't want to eat that DC penalty i guess.

  • Member Posts: 6,358

    I find doc much more annoying than lethal, although his anti-looping is way more strong than his previous version. Matches against him do take the longest no matter the outcome, and with the ping & frames on Xbox he is, well...... annoying af.

  • Member Posts: 833

    look at the ranks u are playing, people dont know waht to do in thse ranks go to red ranks and youll see how there people deal with doctor...

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    No, not really. He’s not even that difficult to win against, I just don’t want to spend 10 minutes having to endure survivors screaming over and over and his annoying chase music, plus the sound of his static really irritates me. I’m sure I’m not alone in finding matches against him physically difficult and annoying.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    A lot of Survivors have no idea how to play against different killers. I always shake my head when people do gens with RBT's on their head without Rule Set 2, or Wait Myers out at a pallet (thanks for the easy stalk) Doctor seems to give a lot of people a lot of trouble.

  • Member Posts: 476

    I hate doctor but I don't dc against him. I find him actually really easy to beat. Because a lot of doctor's are so obsessed with winning a chase around a pallet that they end up wasting a ton of time. That being said. I hate the fact that he can stop you from vaulting at times and it feels a little bit bad.

    Don't think he's OP or anything. But he does take away a pretty important part to the game. You can out mind game him like all the other killers but sometimes his power will make you unable to do anything. Outside of that... His skill checks are bad. I have trouble finding them sometimes on my screen. The doctor build there that focuses on really hard skill checks is pretty annoying. I don't think he's bad though. I think he's really strong. But nothing over powered. I would assume people might feel kinda like they do with Freddy. He's kinda a boring killer to play against.

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