How would you rank these 5 candidates for the new killer based on how excited you would be for them?

Noire Member Posts: 41

How would you rate these 5 based how excited/hyped you would be if they were the new killer:

Jason, Xenomorph, Pennywise, Candyman, Pyramid Head

for me:

  1. Candyman (most excited)
  2. Xenomorph
  3. Jason
  4. Pyramid Head
  5. Pennywise (least excited)


  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Most Excited to Least Excited:

    1. Jason Vorhees
    2. Pyramid Head
    3. Pennywise
    4. Xenomorph
    5. Candyman

    Vorhees would be the Ultimate Addition to Dead by Daylight. He's THE most iconic horror film character. Camp Crystal Lake would make for a fun map, and the chances of him ever being in it are so low at this point that him being added would just be Mindblowing.

    Pyramid Head is another unlikely one. Silent Hill would make an incredible map, and it'd pave the way for future horror game characters making an appearance.

    Pennywise would be pretty good. I wonder if hey'd have creepy red balloons around the map.

    Never really watched Alien, but seems like an okay addition.

    Candyman would be fine, too, though. Just least excited of all of these. He's not really iconic. And while his addition wouldn't be a bad thing, it's basically what's expected at this point. I'd say its like adding DQ Hero to Smash. "Cool, but yeah we figured this."

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    1. Xenomorph
    2. Jason
    3. Pennywise
    4. Candyman
    5. Pyramid Head

    I’m a HUGE fan of the Alien and F13 series but seeing the Xenomorph would be the coolest to me personally.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259
    1. Xenomorph
    2. Jason
    3. Pennywise
    4. Candyman
    5. Pyramid Head

    Alien is one of the most influential horror movies ever, so much so that it's preserved in the Library of Congress. A Xenomorph would also be a terrifying creature to deal with.

    Jason is one of the big boys of the slasher genre. Yet the lawsuit has kept him so far away from his slasher brothers.

    Pennywise is such a cool creature, but my big issue with him is how powerful he is, potentially on par with the Entity. You just can't show that power in the game without completely breaking it.

    Candyman's cool, and if they had Tony Todd voice him, it would be perfect. But he's just... not really all that iconic.

    Pyramid Head is so far at the bottom he doesn't count. Maybe it's just my lack of experience with Silent Hill, but I just don't see the appeal of this character. From what I've seen others say, he doesn't even truly exist either, being a figment of the main character's guilty conscious or something.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    1. Candyman

    2. Jason

    3. Pyramid Head (I don't think he'll ever come to the game because for one he moves at a glacial pace, but I love the character)

    4. Pennywise

    5. Xenomorph (I don't think they fit the universe in the slightest)

    But my true number one, that you didn't mention, is Pinhead. I'd also love a classic monster like Dracula, Wolfman, The Mummy, Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506
    1. Xenomorph -> Cmon it is a freaking Alien
    2. Pyramid Head -> I love his design
    3. Pennywise -> We have a Clown, yes. But Pennywise is not really a clown. Also he is a legend in the horror community.
    4. Jason -> This guy should be Nr.1 actually, but I feel like he is already in the game.
    5. Candyman -> Couldn't care less about him.
  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    1. Pyramid

    2. Xenomorph

    3. Pennywise

    4. Candyman

    5. Jason

    Never been much of a horror anything person really so Saw was actually the only property I'd heard of before dbd enough to actually remember it's existence. Always been a gamer though so I atleast know about pyramid head and be looks dope. Love alien everything games and movies but unsure how they'd put a Xenomorph in. Pennywise is atleast a non human which could be interesting and candyman bees sound like an interesting power. Don't know anything about Jason other than something about legal battles.

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    1. Pennywise

    2. Candyman

    3. Xenomorph

    4. Jason

    5. Pyramid Head

  • rottmeister
    rottmeister Member Posts: 316

    1. Xenomorph

    2. Jason

    3. Pennywise

    4. Pyramid Head

    5. Candyman

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Most excited to least excited

    1. Pyramid Head
    2. Jason
    3. Xenomorph
    4. Pennywise
    5. Candyman
  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    1.) Xenomorph

    2.) Jason

    3.) Pyramid Head

    4.) Pennywise

    5.) Candyman

    I love the Alien movies and would like to see another non-human killer.

    I don't really think it's gonna be Candyman. They told us the chapter is gonna be ICONIC and Candyman doesn't even come to mind

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395
    1. Candyman
    2. Pennywise
    3. Jason
    4. Pyramid Head
    5. Xenomorph

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003
    1. Pyramid Head
    2. Jason
    3. Xenomorph
    4. Pennywise
    5. Candyman

    I really hope it's Pyramid Head, since he's strong and scary and a KILLER, but I don't really care otherwise. I don't really see the point of Xenomorph, Pennywise or Candyman, but Jason would be alright.

    If not Pyramid Head, maybe they could add Scissorman from Clock Tower.... 😏

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    1: Candyman

    2: Jason


    4: Pyramid head

    5: Pennywise

    The reason I have Candyman as my number 1 pick because a lot of evidence is pointing to him, however they might be doing that to trick us. Jason because there is a decent amount of evidence like the date in which the stream will go live. Xenomorph, I have never watched the full alien series because I'm not that into it. Pyramid head because I don't know if they would be able to fit something like that into the game. But Pennywise is the least for me because I wouldn't mind seeing him in the game but I don't see how something as powerful as him can be controlled by the entity. however these are just my opinions

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843
    1. Candyman
    2. Jason
    3. Pyramid Head
    4. Pennywise
    5. Xenomorph

    Honestly 3 4 and 5 are all about the same excitement level for me. I'd be most excited for Candyman or Jason but ultimately I don't care as much about who it is as I care what their power is. If they have a good power it doesn't matter how excited I was for the character I'll like them. On the other hand if their power sucks I'm not going to like them even if it ends up being who I want it to be.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    1. Jason

    2. Xenomorph

    3. Jack Frost

    4-6 candy man, pennywise, pyramid head

    1. Jason is so iconic he transcends the horror genre and is known throughout popculture. Of the big 3, he's the biggest. Have always loved him.

    2. Xenomorph again transcends the sci-fi genre. If you look at the structure of the films, and put it on earth you have a horror movie. Its only sci-fi because, space. As long as they dont make it a demogorgon clone I would be happy.

    3. Killer snowman. Completely underrated and ignored!

    4-6. Havent seen any of the movies nor played the game. As for pennywise, except for runningman, i hate Stephen king.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445
    edited May 2020
    1. Jason
    2. Candyman
    3. Xenomorph
    4. Pennywise
    5. Pyramid Head

    EDIT TO ADD: Other than Jason, I'd much rather have Pinhead (Hellraiser) and the Tall Man (Phantasm) or even Chucky (Child's Play).

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    1. Candyman
    2. Pennywise
    3. Xenomorph
    4. Pyramid Head
    5. Jason

    2-4 are pretty much random since I don't think the devs would do any of them justice.

  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73

    Most excited is number 1, least is gonna be 5 ^^

    1. Candyman (most excited)
    2. Pennywise
    3. Jason
    4. Xenomorph
    5. Pyramid Head (least excited)

    1 I love the original Candyman, I've always loves his aesthetic and style and just the many messages the film conveys, controversy or not it's a cult classic!

    2 Love the IT movies, especially the most recent incarnation of IT but the original was awesome as well so I wouldn't mind seeing it as a cosmetic.

    3 Jason has never been my favorite slasher, I liked the first movie but everything after that is kind of meh to me. I hate the whole fact that he's impossible to kill. Myers is different as I only count the first and 2018 edition as he's a bit more cunning and though he survives against the odds it never really feels like he's un-killable.

    4 Love Xenomorphs and the whole Alien franchise as a whole, but it would be weird to see it assimilated into the game and it's aesthetic. If it were a Big Chap style alien I wouldn't mind it, and would probably be excited and you know I'd main Ripley as a survivor

    5 I know little to nothing about the guy, and the whole thing looks absolutely goofy imo and another sword wielding killer so close to Oni is boring but I suppose I should attempt to learn more about him if he does come to the game.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    From most to least excited

    1. Jason- C'mon, he's the king of slashers
    2. Xenomorph- Xeno's are awesome through and through, a Alien is my third most dreamed about chapter @MegMain98
    3. Pennywise- I'd definitely take Penny, I really enjoyed IT chapter 1.
    4. Pyramid Head- I haven't played the SH franchise but know of PH, isn't he supposed to simply be just a manifestation? Still, would be cool
    5. Candyman- The ultimate "ok" for me, I do really enjoy the first film(haven't seen the others) but I personally think there's much bigger ip grabs to go for. Still, I'd be fine with Candyman, oh, plus, Tony Todd is awesome!
  • Lucian
    Lucian Member Posts: 51
    1. Xenomorph
    2. Pennywise
    3. Candyman
    4. Pyramid Head
    5. Jason

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262
    1. Jason
    2. Pyramid Head
    3. Candyman
    4. Pennywise
    5. Xenomorph

    And if I'm being perfectly honest, I'm only excited for the first two. Pyramid Head would be my number one, if it wasn't for the fact that Jason should just be in DBD already. So many people want him, he's the most iconic character missing from the roster. Pyramid Head on the other hand is actually scary to me, and he'd be one of the most iconic monsters from a video game they could add. I've always loved his character design, and BHVR could have a lot of fun designing that one's powers.

    Candyman fits DBD. Pennywise, sort of. We have to ignore the lore. Where Pyramid Head canon wise shows up after the initial lore in Silent Hill 2, Pennywise has a much more structured lore. He's an alien. He's an eldritch creature. He's trans-dimensional. He's a God. He's def on par with the entity in terms of being. Stephen King has all but stated he is a major villain outside of "IT" in his "Dark Tower" series. Again though, we can ignore the lore. BHVR does for a couple of current characters on the roster.

    Xenomorph? Idk man, just not interested. I know we have the Demogorgon and everything, but beastly creatures seem a hard fit.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    1. Jason Voorhees

    2. Xenomorph

    3. Pyramid Head

    4. Candyman

    5. Pennywise, the Dancing Clown


    Friday the 13th is the slasher franchise and it's mark on not just horror, but pop culture, is undeniable.

    Getting Jason and the Friday the 13th license would be the dream for Dead by Daylight. The ultimate feather in an already well-adorned cap.

    Additionally, I personally would to love to see BHVR's take on Jason, as well as whomever they'd choose to be his Survivor (Tommy? Chris? Alice? Ginny? Paul? Or maybe someone who got killed in a particularly memorable way?).

    All this said; I don't really see this happening until the lawsuit is settled, regardless of what other people say.


    The first Alien film is a masterpiece of horror; due in no small part to H.R. Giger's insane and otherworldly designs or how it challenged pop culture views of science fiction at the time.

    Getting the Alien and either the Nostromo or the Space Jockey's spaceship as a map would be incredible.

    This said, I don't see how Dead by Daylight could feasibly transfer an Alien into their gameplay loop. Their sneakiness, resilience, and superhuman cunning aren't traits that I can see being easily translated into the gameplay loop of hit, down, and hook Survivors.

    The best thing I could see them accomplishing would be making a sort of Alien skin for Demogorgon. Which would be as lame as getting Alien would be cool.


    I've never had the privilege of playing the original Silent Hill games, they were before my time, but from I've heard they were really impressive and atmospheric.

    If BHVR miraculously somehow coaxed Konami into letting them use Pyramid Head it'd be incredible - as long as he comes with some of that much lauded Silent Hill mood, and isn't just dumped unceremoniously into the game with a forgettable power and nary a thought for the source material; like *cough* Leatherface *cough* some licensed Killers.


    I'm not a fan of Candyman, and I don't really see how he'd fit in Dead by Daylight in a way that respects the original character - he'd need major adjustments, like Freddy, to fit into Dead by Daylight.

    Maybe if he somehow gets a cool power or awesome perks I'd get excited, but otherwise I'd be more disappointed we didn't get someone else.


    As much as I love the original miniseries AND the new film adaptation (the book executed Stephen King's cool ideas terribly, fight me Stephen King stans) I would hate to see Pennywise in DbD.

    It's a demigod like being in her own right: and while it's theoretically possible the Entity's Spider Goddess status would trump It's Spider Goddess status, I don't think there is any way that It could be portrayed in DbD in a way that is both faithful to the source material and interesting to play as.

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    1. Xenomorph

    2. Pyramide head

    3. Jason

    4. Pennywise

    5. Candyman

    What can I say. I like monsters as Killers😂

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    1. Xenomorph

    2. Xenomorph

    3. Xenomorph

    4. Pinhead

    5. Candyman

    6. Pennywise

    7. Pyramid Head


    99. Jason

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015
    1. Xenomorph - because they are easily the coolest looking and, in my opinion, scariest of the bunch
    2. Pyramid Head - never played the Silent Hill games but from the little gameplay i've seen this character looks pretty damn menacing
    3. Pennywise - I've seen the original movie and the first of the 2 most recent ones and the character is interesting
    4. Jason - gotta say I don't really care for Jason as i've never found him to be all that interesting
    5. Candyman - last because before all of these speculations I genuinely had no idea this character even existed
  • monster89
    monster89 Member Posts: 148


    2.Pyramid head (huge fan of the franchise. More excited to play survivor. Hoping for Heather from SH3)



    5.Candyman ( not familiar with the franchise and least scariest out of all of them)

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    1) Xenomorph

    2) Pyramidhead

    3) Pennywise

    4) Candyman

    5) Jason

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    1. Pyramid Head
    2. Jason Voorhees
    3. Xenomorph
    4. Pennywise
    5. Candyman
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    1. Xenomorph
    2. Candyman
    3. Blair Witch
    4. Pennywise
    5. Jason

    I like the Alien film Series and actually quite recently played Alien: Isolation. A very well done horror game with awesome atmosphere. It couldn’t be replicated in DBD though I hope it will be enough

    I couldn’t care less for Candyman, never saw any of his films and even now I am not motivated - but I reeeally want to see the Devs implementation of the bees/ a power based on insects.

    The Blair Witch replaces Pyramid Head because I don’t know anything about him and i think the witch does go in the iconic horror genre killer category. I see very interesting power potential and Perks here!

    Pennywise is someone or better something that I know of but still not that excited. It is iconic and the devs already said they want it so I got nothing against it. But bring the sewers of Derry as a map! And the power could be very interesting!

    Jason is last on my list. He is a pretty normal slasher boy that kinda belongs in the game at this point but I don’t see that great of power-Potential nor am I in any way attached to him or the Friday the 13th franchise.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    1. Pyramid Head: Love Silent Hill and the map in particular would look amazing.

    2. Xenomorph: The Alien would be class and Ellen Ripley as survivor would be cool. The map would also be excellent. I'm worried about how they would do the power justice though..

    3. Pennywise: His power can be pretty much anything which can be quite exciting. The map will be meh I think and the survivor won't be great I don't think.

    4. Candyman: I don't know much about cnadyman but I think a bee power would be cool. The actor also looks cool in the role. I'm just think the bees would be leggy as hell lol

    5. Jason: I'm just not a massive Friday the 13th fan so this chapter isn't interesting to me at all.

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336
    1. Pennywise: Great fit for the game. Had his ass beaten by children, than some random adults so I wouldn’t say he’d be too strong just because he’s similar to the entity. Freddy is also a man who made some pact with the Devil that made him an entity too who’s nearly omnipotent in his own world as long as he’s feared. Same goes for Pennywise. He just don’t need you to be asleep to manipulate you.
    2. Jason: A true icon but he’d be boring and underwhelming compared to how strong he is in his own game.
    3. Pyramid: Don’t remember who he was but I know his looks. Silent Hill is really cool too so he’d be great whatever he does.
    4. Xeno: Too out of the place. And physically too strong and mobile to be any realistic for this game. Some barrels and a pile of garbage with a pallet in the middle wouldn’t stop it. Neither walls. After all it can run around the floor qiuckly like it’s the most natural thing.
    5. Candyman: Ehh. Only one of these five I’m not familiar with. He looks too human also which would be weird. He’s like Adam with a hook hand and some ugly thing going on in his chest. Don’t wanna see that guy in this game. If it’s him, it’s a no buy for me.
  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    Jason is basically the true slasher killer stereotype. He comes, he’ll go, and leave nought behind. (You’re cool if you know there this line came from).

    A more violant Michael basically that doesn’t bother with stalking.

    About the legal battle, the guy who held his licenses and sold it to Friday13th the game was a greedy idiot and made the wrong choice by getting the money instantly rather than part of the profit over time. So now he’s boiling the shitsoup to make sure noone’s happy.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    1-Pennywise: I really love the concept of the character and his last movie was sick!

    2-Jason: He is one of the most recognazible horror icons, and i also want to see the reaction of the friday the 13th community.

    3-Candyman: i'm not familiar with the character but it seems that he would be an interesting killer.

    4-Pyramid head: The killer is cool and all but i think it is very unlikely that he would come due to his creators and the character's origin.

    5-Xenomorph: I don't really see the appeal for it, and i really like the lore of the game and the ideia of the entity bringing a killer and a map from a place that it's not earth sounds weird to me. You can argue about the Demogorgon but at leats it and the upside down are tied to earth somehow.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    That's pretty cool. Only read a few responses before posting my own.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Most to least, though I'd be happy for any of them.

    Pyramid Head





  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344
    1. Xenomorph
    2. Pennywise
    3. Pyramid Head
    4. Candyman
    5. Jason

    1. and 2. could also be swapped.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    1: Pyramid Head

    2: Jason

    3: Xenomorph

    4: Pennywise

    5: Candyman (Honestly overrated even IF the actor did have a silky smooth voice)

  • Alify
    Alify Member Posts: 347
    1. Xenomorph - I love something foreign that can terrify, especially if it does not look like a human.
    2. Pennywise - There is a slightly different situation, but it can also cause enough horror if devs repeat his images from the last two films.
    3. Jason - In Friday the 13th he’s pretty cruel and can also scare a little, if the developers give us almost the same, then I would not mind.
    4. Pyramid Head - he doesn't look scary.
    5. Candyman - he’s really not scary at all and I don’t think he will fit into the game.
  • Player35
    Player35 Member Posts: 119

    While I love the Alien movies, I'd much rather have some of the old, iconic horror killers like the mummy, Dracula, gillman ect.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Well, they actually CAN use the name Jason Voorhees because Victor Miller doesn't own his name or the name Camp Crystal Lake.