You know the killer is supposed to kill you, right?



  • Liannet
    Liannet Member Posts: 86

    "I also do view killer as if I am hosting the party and survivors are my guests."

    You are amazing. I am happy that people like you exist! <3

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    People should master the art of "Feelsbadman" when you get screwed. And just cue again.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    There once was a time when some survivors would sacrifice themselves at endgame to a killer that obviously struggled during the match. Those days are long gone sadly. Now, they just crush you, laugh, and leave. I still do it when I notice the killer having a hard time. I still pip, or even double pip, so I don't mind dying. I know the feeling of getting your ass handed to you as killer, and walking away with nothing.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    You realise the sword your using cuts both ways right? Its not only surrvivirs but many other players abd some killer mains complain about surrvivor stuff and how they are too over powered. It seems to me like you see the killer threads through rose tinted glasses.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Yeah, I just need to get off this forum, honestly. These people are absolutely the most entitled, toxic people I've ever seen in any gaming community. And they act as if they're the "good guys" because they're just trying to spread their Good Word to other players.

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    I mean I play survivor more than killer, and don't expect any of these "implied rules" to be followed. I love games that aren't one sided. Hell losing is great too if the killer is better than me. The thrill of being challenged and the adrenaline high from the chase is why I enjoy survivor. Granted tunneling and camping and other such tactics are viable, a good killer doesn't solely relay on them as their sole counter to everything.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    Indeed. Every tactic has a use, you just can't lean on any one of them

    Normally I never camp a hook. It's just not interesting, and it's usually not beneficial to me, either. But last night on an Oni match I fully admit that I camped SUPER hard. Full on pitched a tent, lit a campfire, and roasted some marshmallows. Why, you ask? Well, I was getting schooled. Was playing another perkless/no-addon game for practice and the survivors were honestly too good for me to get away with that.

    But they made one big error: The last 3 gens were all packed together in a corner of the map.

    So you're goddamned right that I set up a campsite worthy of legend over in that corner, and every time I downed a survivor I made damn sure that I gave them my full attention to make sure they enjoyed their stay in Casa Del Corner. Turned out to be a 4k when it probably should have been a 0k if they had just rushed a little less and paid attention to the gen layout.

    Sometimes the necessary strategy is messy. That's just how it is sometimes. But honestly, what else was I to do? The entire game collapsed into that tiny little corner, every remaining gen was there, all 4 survivors were there, so why would I go somewhere else?

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    That's fair. It sucks but I get it. I try to treat it as a learning experience and adapt. Another side to that is when a killer employs these tactics there are counters. But getting the other survivors, randoms or not to do anything but run straight into the problem and make it worse is irritating. It's not the killers fault if survivors won't leave their hooked teammate and try to cause pressure elsewhere. Its not the killers fault you survivors were clumped together for an easy slugging. And it's not the killers fault objectives don't get done.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Tickle's and a hug is the killers job!!!

  • SomeCringyWeeb
    SomeCringyWeeb Member Posts: 1

    Not gonna lie, the only problem I have is the hitboxes. I don't care if the killer, ya know, kills me unless my hitbox randomly becomes the size of Antarctica and I die. THAT is the only time I'll get mad at the killer doing his job.

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    That's not the point of my post at all. I'm saying the killer is supposed to kill you. No matter if its tunneling camping or slugging those are all allowed and it doesnt matter how your killed. And how dunce are you. Have you forgotten about the nurse rework, the legion rework, the ruin nerf, the constant nerfing of spirit. The entirety of haddonfield and the game as a map? Your acting as if this last update is the games first update. Killers we're constantly being nerfed last update with survivors constantly being buffed.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256
    edited May 2020
    Post edited by Exor on
  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    You're literally crying and encouraging dying on hook because a killer played the way he wanted. Just disconnect every game you play since the killer has to play in a way that satisfies your baby bullshit tendencies

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Well... A lot of killers have a hard time understanding that survivors are supposed to try and escape?

    A survivor looping... Is toxic

    A survivor using a flashlight... Is toxic...

    A survivor bringing a toolbox... Is toxic...

    Genrushing.. Is toxic... Palletstunning is toxic... Trying to save a team-mate is toxic

    However camping, slugging and tunneling seems to be a legit and fine strategy, and none of you seems to have anything against that? Even though we all know it ruins the entire game for the person charged with it, and on top of that also equals a depip. Apparently its fine being a dick as long as you are on the killer-side, cause you are all just doing your job right?

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    People keep trying to make this equivalency, except no one actually says this #########. People get frustrated by stuff like flashlights, sure, but I've never seen killers - as a community - saying the things about survivors that survivors seem to believe about killers. Literally no killer goes around saying, "Toxic dick survivor looped me!"

    (Some people do whine about genrushing, but that's nonsense, too. It's just the survivors job. They do it exactly as fast as the killer lets them. Of course they're always "rushing" it, that's their job.)

    Just look at this thread. People have already said that a killer is, "selfish", "childish", "toxic", "a dick", "indecent", "disrespectful" and survivors even justifying quitting or disconnecting. Why? Because a killer chased someone they don't think the killer should have chased. That's literally it. They see the killer chasing Survivor X when they believe the killer should not have, and therefore is deserving of everything said above.

    And the worst part is that they really seem to believe that they're the good guys in the equation. That by holding these beliefs about other players, making demands with regards to other peoples gameplay, and engaging in these behaviors, they're actually better people than the killers they're backseating, judging and insulting. That they're the ones holding the "mutual respect" and being "decent people".

    Also, *the killer is not a dick for winning*. What leads survivors to think that? So you died and depipped, that's part of playing a game, sometimes you lose. That the killer is not a decoration, they're an obstacle. Their goal is to stop you from escaping. That's it.

  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    I understand the perspective tunneling is bad. But like the OP said this game is designed for hunt and kill. If you survive that's just a bonus really.

    I do think killers complain a lot about stuff ie being baited. But it's no hard. If you have a survivor actively seeking you to teabag and lead you, ask yourself 'why?'. Usually it is a distraction. Ignore that. I leave them well alone, if they escape who cares. But usually you find that once you nail a couple team mates that individual panics because they're a one trick pony and can't do gens well at all. You get them in the end... 😏

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Wow. Usually i try to look at both sides but. It seems the higher the rank of survivor the worse they act. I hope the devs see this, their survivors saying its ok to DC if the killer is mean, hooks you first. The sheer anger their survivor community has for its killer playerbase is ridiculous

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    If you only knew... The things I have been called in end-chat for looping and doing my best to escape a chase. I know the killers job is to kill, and I actually dont mind not getting out, as long as I feel the killer actually made an effort to make the game fun and fair for all, instead of tunneling, face-camping and slugging just to get their 4K within 3 minutes. It's like not only do they want to win, but they don't want survivors to get any points either, and it seems like its just quantity over quality ,and I think that's sad. I don't mind a killer doing their job, hell even if they Mori me, if I feel we had a good match, where everyone had a fair chance, and the killer didn't feel the need to just rush through it to get 4k, even if it wasn't fun for anyone. But that's just my opinion. I do realise that many killers just focus so damn hard on points, that the quality of the match doesn't matter.

  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    @alaenyia not to completely disagree with you but I was put off playing killers for a long time, and still have my settings to block messages (PS4 albeit) precisely because I was getting VERY good with hag and wraith. But I was getting a lot of abuse every match. I win? I was (insert insult of choice) , I'd cheated, I had no skill etc etc. If I lost? I was even worse. Might as well no play, N00b, wasting peoples time even playing.

    Survivors can be toxic. Sometimes I had positive messages but it got so bad...

    ... 😏 Saying that, using Wraith with Insidious really annoys people... Who knew quietly moving to a bottle neck, uncloaking and ambushing people was frowned upon... 😏

    MANDROID Member Posts: 6

    I used to play both sides but I play killer mainly now because of the long wait times in survivor lobbies. When I play killer I don't play to make sure survivors have "fun" doing gens, looping, flashlight clicking and teabagging me as they escape through the gates. Survivors objective is to stay alive and escape by any means necessary and mine is to put and end to that by any means necessary. Camping, tunneling, slugging are all methods I use to do that. Its a competition. 4 VS 1. I never forget this playing both sides. I don't need or care for "GGs" I play for BP and to win. I don't use Moris for this reason as I prefer the 3rd hook. If you don't enjoy or can deal with losing to your opponent then your playing the wrong game.

    Also If you have a problem with survivor lobbies then blame yourself for the fact that the reason your having to wait so long is because there aren't enough killers to go around to spread amongst all the survivors playing the game. Why? because you can't handle the stress or want to deal with playing the killer role. So the next time you want to B**** about killers being "unfair" why don't all you survivor mains out there stop playing so much survivor and help the health of the community and play killer more than survivor and see how your rules for how killers should "play with respect" will apply to the way YOU play against 4 survivors.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    Earlier today I switched from my wraith to my survivor main Claudette. And this other wraith was totally only going for me and let the others all escape. I didn’t even do anything salty or toxic though I think the user just hates certain people 🤷‍♂️.

  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    @alaenyia not to completely disagree with you but I was put off playing killers for a long time, and still have my settings to block messages (PS4 albeit) precisely because I was getting VERY good with hag and wraith. But I was getting a lot of abuse every match. I win? I was (insert insult of choice) , I'd cheated, I had no skill etc etc. If I lost? I was even worse. Might as well no play, N00b, wasting peoples time even playing.

    Survivors can be toxic. Sometimes I had positive messages but it got so bad...

    ... 😏 Saying that, using Wraith with Insidious really annoys people... Who knew quietly moving to a bottle neck, uncloaking and ambushing people was frowned upon... 😏

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    Or he couldn't catch anyone else and you were just the one that he ran into the most, or who hid the worst, or whatever other reason.

    People form these complex reasonings about how someone hated them and it's because of this and that and they were unfairly persecuted and it's just so terrible. It's usually much simpler than that.

    Post edited by Bovinity on
  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    as a fellow wraith myself don’t feel bad the survivors are not in charge.

  • Carisma1005
    Carisma1005 Member Posts: 17

    You know it's the survivors is supposed to survive right?

    Every thread on this forum is some killer crying about "whaaa they mean survivors pressed crouch when they stunned me after I bought a Mori" or some BS about looping then make forums complaining about people complaining when they camp this is one of the most vapid meaningless post on a forum full of similar post

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    The same can be said for killers that complain about survivors escaping, that's their job. Should I make a post about that to counter yours?

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    We can all see the front page, so lets not make things up, shall we?

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    For me personally teammates are the true real killer My brother and cousins for example.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2020

    Can't say much without more details/seeing the match, but survivors really need to realize that going for someone with 1 hook down is the quickest way to do your objective.

    Question: do you stop a gen at 33% then move on to another one? Of course not. So don't get mad at killers who get a kill to 33% and try to finish it if they see an opportunity to.

    We could give the survivor team as a whole a certain number of hooks, and if they all get used everyone gets sacrificed and then it really wouldn't matter. But until some some crazy change like that happens, the game ENCOURAGES prioritizing survivors that have been hooked over ones that haven't, which can mean tunneling. Better killers will usually go after 2 survivors at once, maybe 3 if they're having a really good game or playing Spirit or something.

    One of the easiest ways to be on track to losing a match as killer, is to hook everyone once before anyone gets hooked a second time/dies. Similar to if survivors had to get every gen to 30% before they could complete 1. To hook everyone once and be fine as killer means you're having a phenomenal game, probably because the survivors are potatoes.

    Tunnel gens = Tunnel kills. If the killer does not tunnel they're doing you a favor, rather than tunneling being an offense to you.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Correct. I've posted about this myself in the past. Everything you said is just correct.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715
    edited May 2020

    The last update just removed a good chunk of strong loops, devs are about to rework the Clown. I agree, there are a lot of things that need polishing but give it some time.

    Have you forgotten about the insta-heals nerf, toolboxes nerf, the BNP nerf, the gen times nerf, the skillcheck bonus nerf? The game is constantly changing, and things for both sides change. Yeah, killers could have got some more love but I think devs are working on it considering recent updates.

    Buddy, I've seen oppressed killers on this forum. But your speech here sound like this:

    Also, you're keeping my comment here as a bright example of an "entitled survivor"? Shesh, how rude of you.

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    Nothing you mentioned in this comment even makes a point. Wow. The dev's balances things that needed to be balanced? Omg they're so killer sided. And they're making the clown useful? Omg who will the rank 19s bully now?

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    Actually yeah. Go ahead. I rarely see killers complaining about the ways survivors escape so go ahead. I dont see second chance builds complained about as much as forever freddy and spirit so yes. Please make the thread.

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    How often are survivors reported for any of those things? I could write a book made up of reported messages from when I tunneled or slugged as a rank 17 killer when I first started. Theres constant posts on the forums of someone saying slugging and camping should be punished. How often do you see someone saying looping or gen rushing should be banned?

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Yeah, they balance things that need to be balanced. Why can't you apply the same logic on your own statement? There aren't things that need a nerf hummer from the devs on the killer side? Use your brain for once. It goes BOTH ways.

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240
    edited May 2020

    Killer bugs are balanced the day they happen. What do you think on the killer side needs a nerf? Only thing I can think of off the top of my head is moris.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Oh wow, you do it again. You do it freaking again.

    Show me where I stated "killers need a nerf now, they are OP". Where?

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    What did you mean by "there arent things on the Killer side that need the nerf hammer from dev's?" Were you being dead serious with that again?

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Ugh, NO, you got it wrong AGAIN. It's about the fact that broken stuff can happen on both sides in general. These things can exist, not only survivors are the ones that get unbalanced OP stuff.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Interesting, so now we balance bugs instead of fixing them?

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    No one ever stated or even alluded to the fact hat only survivors are op.

  • Pizza_Dweet
    Pizza_Dweet Member Posts: 68

    Survivors are entitled to hatch and if you disagree well, you've revoked your living privileges

  • parkrrt
    parkrrt Member Posts: 11

    The thing is, killers get a lot more points and a better chance of pip if they get more kills. You might argue that survivors have to survive to get more points, but that's just not true. Survivors have a lot more bp potential, like totems, gens, chests, unhooks, etc. Killer only has one job. A survivor can go a whole game just doing generators, searching chests, and cleansing totems, and probably still pip once or twice. If the killer doesn't get any more than two kills, he better pray to God that he got enough points in the other categories, which can be very difficult at times.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715
    edited May 2020

    "Killers we're constantly being nerfed last update with survivors constantly being buffed." Don't even try it, why else would you write that? If we follow you logic here and say that killers are constantly getting nerfed and survivors are constantly getting buffed, doesn't it mean that survivors are OP? Either killers were OP and now they are getting nerfed for good, or survivors get unjustified buff that gives them too much of an advantage, aka they have become OP.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    We should also remember it is the survivors job to work as a team to escape. Stop getting salty when a survivor doesn’t run on a straight line for you, tries to prevent you from hooking their teammates and doing the objective as quick as possible.

    The killers job is to prevent survivors from escaping, the survivors job is to escape. Not a hard concept. It’s the players choice if they want to complete their tasks in a manner that is fair or if they want to intentionally upset the other team. It’s not difficult to do the objective without being toxic. You don’t need to t bag the killer after you stun them, you don’t need to shake your head at a survivor who ran you for a little longer than you liked.

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    I said killer were constantly being nerfed to allude to the fact that the devs didnt favor killers. Do you just pick and choose what you will and wont read?

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    None of my post is even about the way survivors play so why are you even mentioning this? I'm saying there's too much of a stigma around judging the killer and the ways he kills no matter if you like it or not. Making this whole paragraph about what survivors do was pointless. Did you even read the post?