No Mither
no mither is not the best perk i only use it in meme builds with freinds why not buff it a bit like you recover from exhsuted quicker or leave less scrath marks
No mither is also broken with Oni, you have no trials of blood but the game decides to show red bubbles. Such an advantageous “perk” for a survivor when facing Oni /s
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I always thought "No Mither" was a weird name for a perk that basically forces you to be much more careful and "worried" about everything.
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I think its supposed to be dodgy and weak. Don't get me wrong the ability to pick yourself up is great if the killer lets you do it, but thats just the thing. The killer has to let you resolve the effect which if they are smart wont ever allow. Its a fun meme though.
I've always wanted a killer equivalent meme perk for the lols, something that removes the killers entire lunge? 😂
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I feel no mither and other perks that are absolutely useless should really get fixed on both sides. Hell I would even use it more if it gave more bp but it’s just useless. Even just hiding the no heal icon for it and appearing healthy could help at least in one situation. Not that it’s on the same level but like monstrous shrine is useless considering the hook time doesn’t go that much quicker at all. I don’t even want that part buffed just something else. I believe when it comes to perks if there’s a drawback especially large ones like being injured the pay off should be huge like always able to pick yourself up but with no Icon or way to discern from others. On top of this only 50% less sound is useless as well. Its just a lot of useless debuffs with no pay off And can still be memes but I want all perks to be usable in like a real sense even if it is just more BP
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its only good in meme builds and very small amount of normal builds it is worse than usless normally alwaysgive you 1 hit down if they see it they wont slug you but there is 1 good build with it and that is deliverance desicive strike no mither and dead hard but except from that and meme builds it is usless
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The injured music really needs to be turned off when using it.
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I think they should make it so you start the trial broken and after your first hook you can get healed, it would be better that way.
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yes u r genius that would be perfect
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i would probably main no mither then
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yeah that would be good and aslo maybe when using no mither you get more bloodpoints in a certain catogory
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Agreed. The category should be Survival, what with the greater likelihood to be tunnelled and just having the broken state, make it more tricky to survive longer.