A Perk Rework for Vigil

Well vigil is a perk for Quentin Smith that can be unlocked as a teachable at lvl 40. Vigil allows exhaustion to go down faster, but rarely anyone runs this perk after the nerf that survivers got a while ago, when they no longer lose exhaustion while running. So for a buff for this perk, running vigil allows survivers be able to have exhaustion go down while running, but in do so makes losing the exhaustion even slower by 8% 7% and 6% based on tier of the vigil or something like that. Think of it like the self care nerf. You change the numbers around, or give your opinion of what you guys think. I want only the best for dead by daylight, in right now it's currently getting there, with balance and everything. Tell me what you think, but if you are rude... I won't care what you think. Thank you /\/\/\(.__.)\/\/\/


  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    TBH if vigil just made it so you could recover while running when exhausted, it would be a damn good perk.

  • bluedog1116
    bluedog1116 Member Posts: 27

    Thats what im thinking, A lot more players would run it. Now I just need to think about other perks, I mostly thought about vigil

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Nothing against it, we need Perk reworks and new Perks that shake up the meta a little bit and with the right numbers it shouldn’t be too powerful.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Uhm, no.. You know why the exhaustion was "nerfed" (actually fixed), why bring back that again? So you can make another infinites? Imagine BL on haddonfield, it would be a nightmare to play against it since every 40 sec you will get the BT again. 6% more recovry is less than 3 seconds. So every 43 seconds in a chase, the survivor will get his exhaustion perk again.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    It would be fine if Vigil could let you recover from exhaustion faster, but they brought "Exhaustion" into the game for a reason.  A perk should not be able to reverse this mechanism. Although even the last patch shows that they have no problems with it -> prove thyself + multiple ppl on gens change for example.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    When exhaustion recovery while running existed it took twice as long to recover while running, that's a 100% slowdown. You suggest an 8% slowdown. That's absolutely insane.

    We had exhaustion recovery while running. It was absolutely awful. It is a terrible mechanic that can never come back in any way.