Great job DBD you've outdone yourselves with MM

Once upon a time MM never changed. I am still matched with red ranks all the time. People may say ha, ranks has nothing to do with it well I think it does. With maintaining your red rank, you must win countless games. If you look carefully at their perks you can see the difference. Now look at my perks.

You can't just blame me for having a low level killer, I have lvl 40 killers too, I just don't want to play the same killers repetitively, I want to vary my choices. However when I vary my choices its more like I'm taking a risk going against red ranked survivors, the game wasn't fun and ended quickly, is this the outcome that you want for your players?



  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    yeah played a game yesterday with a four man swf two rank ones the other two were rank two and three (i was rank 7 killer). I chased one guy and hooked him within the first 2 mins and when i turned around my ruin got popped then 2 gens right after and i kinda just gave up and followed them around

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited May 2020

    You're purple rank, so this is to be expected. Meanwhile I just had a game on EU server half an hour ago vs a rank 20 nurse. The player in question had 13 hours in the entire game.

    I'm rank 1, as were 2 others on my team apart from my duo who is currently rank 7...

  • TheeHappyDalek
    TheeHappyDalek Member Posts: 46

    I have like 20 or 30 hours into the game if that, and I am (was) 15. I was playing Nightmare and got paired with four folks who were in a party and super, super good. I had no chance. Like, literally embarrassing no chance. I then of course got messaged afterward about how I am totally garbage which I am already quite aware. lol Sometimes it's rough going through the L2P process when as I L2P I get games that are like 3 minutes and pretty one sided, then my next game I kill all four people doing their L2P in like 5 minutes, there's like no middle ground. The game with Freddy I mentioned, I guess like toolbox or something I don't know, they had two gens complete before I was able to cross the map to check them. Def wish MM was more forgiving. I don't want to get roasted, and I don't want to roast others, just wanna learn man lol

  • thai_libra
    thai_libra Member Posts: 35

    oh damn, that is pretty brutal, but thanks for sharing atleast I know I'm not the only one with the problem.

  • TheeHappyDalek
    TheeHappyDalek Member Posts: 46

    Literally the next game I played after my comment. And I know what you're going to say "But you killed three." Yes, because they wanted to teabag so I made like I was going to give up and go left, revved chainsaw and then sprinted down exit gate swinging XD but yeah, this is an issue. I'm not just 16, I'm a new 16 lol. My Bubba is 41 but that's because I have played two killers more than a couple matches and he's one of them. My next highest is 15. This game despite the lawls at the end was as you imagine, about 6 minutes in length (might've been less)

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    ######### IS EVEN THAT?!

    I literally said that out loud.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You're new to the game right?

    I can't imagine new killers going through this, no wonder PS4 Survivor queue times are a literal nightmare!

    No killer wants to play against Red Ranks!

  • TheeHappyDalek
    TheeHappyDalek Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2020

    I have definitely noticed that survivor queue times are like three and four times longer than killer queue times. If I queue as a killer which is what I normally do that's what I play most thus far, the queue times are pretty near instant I mean under 30 seconds. If I queue survivor especially late at night like now... when I'm playing survivor as I am right now I have time to do things like scroll through TikTok or you know, check the forums lol

    That's genuinely why I'm so active on the forums right now because I have nothing to do for 8 minutes between matches and right now what I want to do is dead by daylight so that's what has me on the forums while waiting for the game.

    Edit: I didn't mean to totally disregard your question there I'm sorry. Yeah, I mean I've been playing for a bit now, like 20 hours or so but definitely not an extended amount of time. I have one survivor at level 44 and one killer at level 41 because I'm kind of like, focusing for that orange perk so that I can take self heal and barbecue and chili on other people but that's about as far as my progress has come.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    Off-Topic, since you complain about having bad Perks:

    You also opened a Spirit-Thread with bad Perks. Spirit was Level 40, Legion is Level 16. Why dont you level up one or two Killers and play them before playing every Killer with every one of them somewhat levelled?

    This would certainly a better experience to go into a game with a Level 50 Killer with some decent Perks instead of a Level 16-Legion with whatever you found in your Bloodweb.

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    People just look at the rank numbers and start whining. Why dont they instead look at themselves and how they played, and what they could have done different during the match. *sigh*

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    You are a rank 8.

    Even if the MM was working properly it would have matched you with people who had a difference of 6 ranks with you, which it seems the case based on you screenshot, the only exception would be the rank 1 but it could even be that the survivor was rank 2 at the start of the match, so still in the 6 ranks range. I'm not saying that the MM is working rn, because it is not, but complaining about it when you get a somewhat fair match is just stupid.

    I'm not saying anything about your loadout and the fact you are using a lvl 16 killer because you should be able to understand that yes, if you pick a killer/survivor which doesn't have good perks and then lose it's on you, not on the MM.

  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368

    As a rank 8 killer you really can’t complain about this.

    I played killer for the first time since rank reset yesterday and only got matched with red ranks and I’m a rank 17 killer...

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Firstly op, if you depipped to rank 8 or the rank 1 reached rank 1 that game then the matchmaking worked exactly as planned.


  • TheMajor
    TheMajor Member Posts: 15

    This has happened to me consistently for the past few months. Rank 8 killer and I load into a game with all red ranks. They're usually not even swf. Loaded into a trapper game a couple days ago, 3 gens done in the first couple minutes before I've even seen a survivor. Just thought, "Okay, it's been 5 minutes, 4 gens are done and I've hit one of them once. I'm just gonna stand in a corner and cry."

  • Crackgear
    Crackgear Member Posts: 279

    What settings areyour graphics? Your killer looks so smooth as if 4k

  • TheMajor
    TheMajor Member Posts: 15

    You absolutely can and should complain. What you're saying here is that we should all just ignore and "deal with" something that is obviously broken. That would be like not complaining about being in a race where you have to run and everyone else gets a car.

  • mmorrow8
    mmorrow8 Member Posts: 59

    Reminds me of one game I played a few weeks ago. I spent 30 mins in a SWF que on PS4 with an all red rank/purple rank team only to get a rank 19 nurse who was obviously new. I didn't even do much to her while running her around. Heck I was walking half the time, but they got so mad they DC'd. I don't blame them though, they should've gotten paired with people their rank because it would've been (hopefully) easier. That and the poor soul decided to play nurse with probably not a lot of practice from the way they were playing.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    What I think @Taiga was saying is that the OP's match in particular is not something to complain about. The ranks in that game are not unbalanced, if you are a rank 8 killer there is a big chance of going against red or green rank survivors. And anyway all this discussion is pointless since they are aware of the fact that the MM is NOT working as they wanted and thay are implementing a different way of matching players.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2020

    Nah, there is often a huge difference between a purple and red ranked killer. It's pretty easy to get into purple ranks, especially with certain killers. But quickly ranking up doesn't mean you're ready to face survivors who've put 1000s of hours into the game.

    Fortunately, it's also stupid easy to rank up as a survivor, so not every game is awful. I just hope the new MM system makes these less awful games more frequent.

  • killerpunch
    killerpunch Member Posts: 6

    You know I play both sides and the common complaint is the survivors r to strong or the killer is. Now look of your gonna proxy a hook or don't know how to break chase then YOU messed up not dbd. Next ppl have became so reliant on location perks and gen regression that they don't know how to track and pressure but when they do have them and they 4k the survivor is trash right or salty hmmm... Then if they 4k cause we all go into save a person that your face camping then your good right. Ppl like this just want ez games n no challenge. I will play a bad killer with no perks to get good you gotta take the L... I play survivor with no perks and ppl don't understand I do not need to get out the door to win I pip I win called progress same as killer. And let's not start but you got crutch perks killer and survivor both do and they both use tgem.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    As a [enter irrelevant information], you can't tell someone what they can and can't complain about on an open forum. This guy got cucked by a game with terrible matching, bugs, and negligent devs.

    Let the guy blow off steam, since he's obviously putting up with the devs and their trash enough as it is

  • joeyprtr
    joeyprtr Member Posts: 42

    Yeah it's been difficult to understand why they took the time to separate ranks by color but disregard them with matchmaking. The other day the lobby ranks ranged from 2 to 18.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    I've had so many matches here lately where I was so frustrated by getting crushed so fast that I just stood by the exit so I open it and get it over with..

  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368

    I’m not saying that we should ignore it and deal with it. But currently the matchmaking is so broken that even yellow rank killers get matched with red ranks and that’s definitely way worse than for a purple rank killer.

  • Witherrr
    Witherrr Member Posts: 85

    It's a little disturbing how many death squads I go against considering I'm only green rank, there's just nothing I can really do

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    The new system starts everybody at zero, so until it gets the full picture of your skill level it will be a bit wonky, so if you are playing people better/worse than you it's because they are currently the same skill as you based on what the system knows, maybe give it some time to actually work before branding it as broken

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Yeah but there is no new system yet so.....

    What are you even talking about?

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    You had the right idea playing with Freddy and Spirit though. Clown is just not good by pretty much anyone's standards. I can't speak for everyone,but most consider him low tier. I know the feeling though. I'm not arguing against something that frustrates me myself. For anyone that has trouble finding people I'd recommend BBQ and Chili...or better yet,Bitter Murmur,since you know they'll get a gen on. Will help you see if a bunch of people were on a gen,which direction they are headed,etc. Especially works well with Monitor and Abuse or anything that reduces terror radius. Small consolation,I know. And I know it sucks. I switched to survivor to play around for awhile. They say they are working on a new matchmaking system,so I just keep my fingers crossed for that.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    No. Basically they turned the matchmaking off lol. It definitely used to go by rank. It was very noticeable when it switched and it wasn't long ago. The queue times went up (mostly from lack of killers for many reasons) and this was their fix for times. I do have the odd match where everyone is the same rank. So I think it tries to find 5 people of the same rank,and then when it can't in a reasonable amount of time, it just grabs whoever is in the queue. It's supposed to go between a certain range from what I heard (+/- 6 ranks was what I heard thrown around) but I can definitely attest to that not being the case in my experience. I was getting rank 1s at rank 17.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I made another comment where I said it used to match by rank. It sometimes still does. I've been playing since like a few months after launch,and just got back after a long break. This literally just started a few months ago. A lot of killers were leaving the game for different reasons. Some didn't like certain reworks,the Ruin changes,the list goes on. And there was pretty much always a low number of red rank killers, especially rank 1. One of the main complaints for awhile was queue times. Sometimes it was 10+ minutes for each role, especially survivor. So I think this whole thing was in response to that..but then it caused this issue we have here.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    Yeah, some people say playing against better players will help you improve but you need to be able to play. If i was playing CoD and got killed everytime i spawned im not learning anything except i suck. Theres a difference between improving and getting clobbered.

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    Jesus christ, that could be an exact copy of my results every evening. But I must say that this happens to me most of the time in the evening. And the matches aren't close. Most of the time I get totaly destroyed, PS4.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    These matches were not played close together. The last screen shot your level went from 12 to 9. And there is a 68k point spread between the top two. So I agree whole-heartedly that match making is doodoo and this kind of match sucks balls. These examples were clearly cherry picked to prove a point. I will say that even as survivor it feels bad to get out of a match that went pretty smooth and find out the killer was over 10 levels higher than you, so you probably just came off as a dick in-game without even really meaning to.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Don't worry folks!

    The new system will be completely transparent....or invisible and based on secret metrics that no one seems to be able to discuss...or non-existent.

    I'm sure it's one of those.

  • DreamSmasher23
    DreamSmasher23 Member Posts: 12

    It happens to everyone no matter ur rank but I figure it's probably due to a lack of killers and them just trying to get u matched quickly. Would u rather wait 10 or 20 minutes to get matched with a perfect group? I Kno I wouldn't want to wait that long but sometimes there just aren't enough players playing to make perfect matches. And honestly playing against ppl ranked higher than u will make u get better. I Kno it's annoying and rough at times but it will eventually pay off.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Lol I love playing with my red rank friends. One of them will switch to an alt and we get to bully low rank killers.

  • zkelvln
    zkelvln Member Posts: 54

    Those survivors were probably waiting over 10minutes so they’d get matched with anyone at that point. If you want better matchmaking then help the game get more players.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Man, I had a rank 2 complaining to me, a rank 18 killer, about camping after the exit gates are open.

    "You don't play well."


    I'm not really looking forward to ranks being hidden because of interactions like that.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    My strategy was simply to not play as a killer or survivor until I had them to a decent level, therefore having decent perks and add-ons to work with. If you don't have good perks or add-ons, it's gonna be rough no matter what killer you are or how good the survivors are.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    If you'll notice my player level isn't that big of a difference between the 3.

    Also I play with BBQ and BP offerings on my other killers so I tend to get 40k BPs per match (If I at least manage to hook 2-3 people once).

    The first 2 were the same evening, I'm pretty sure. Most of my other matches are a mix of purple and red ranks, occasional green or yellow so I tend to only screenshot the completely awful matches where it's all red ranks. I have about a dozen more like this from the last week but I didn't want to bombard the post.

    If it's a mix of purple and green or a mix of purple, green, and yellow I do alright depending on the killer I play as but if there's any red in the match it usually goes south. Sometimes it's 3 yellow and one red or 3 green and one red and those turn out alright.

  • SirBDog
    SirBDog Member Posts: 31

    Rank and perks has nothing to do with it though. It just depends on who you play. I'm a rank 1 killer and sometimes I'll see higher ranks escape me. Also I switch characters a lot to ones with 1 or 2 perks and will get all the survivors. Sometimes my perks, add ons, and offerings are all decked out and all the survivors will escape. There really is no way to reliably win and you have to learn how to adapt to everything with what you have

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    The strangest matchmaking I had today was me (purple rank six) matched with three red rank 1 survivors against a red rank 1 Legion. The rank 1 legion downed all three of the rank 1 survivors within the first 5 minutes of the game. I was just sitting there like "uh oh..."

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    I would say in this case the assigned killer rank is absolutly ok. It's a little bit strange that you were matched with 3 rank 1, but perhaps there were no other players. But I think it should never happen that the rank of a killer is lower than the rank of any of the survivor.

    I mean, the idea is that it's hard to escape and not hard to kill someone in this game. It's "Dead By Daylight and not "Survive By Daylight".

  • imthedocotor
    imthedocotor Member Posts: 1

    Member to bring node if your going against red ranks