Fear Of The Dark Chapter Idea (no images)

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

The Boogeyman


24m 🎯

Average ↕

Power: Shadow Realm

Your power over perceptive-reality is rooted in the tales and urban legends told over hundreds of years. Existing for so long outside of human perception, the fear of the unknown and the things lurking in the dark have fueled your lifeforce.

Special Ability: Out Of Body

Press the Power button to drag a targeted survivors soul into the Shadow Realm. Once inside the Shadow Realm, the Survivors Repair, Searching, Cleansing and Sabotage speed is decreased by 75%. Out Of Body has a duration of 90 seconds, and enters cooldown for 30 seconds after one survivor is no longer in the Shadow Realm. Only two survivors can be in the Shadow Realm at one time. When two Survivors are in the Shadow realm, the duration is immediately extended by 10 seconds and then halved for both Survivors.

Hitting a survivor that's in the Shadow Realm gains you a token. Each token gained increases your vault and break speed by 5%. But also increases your terror radius by 4m. Up to 3 tokens can be earned. Lose 2 tokens each time a survivor that's not in the Shadow Realm is hooked.

When in the Shadow Realm, the Survivor:

- Cannot be seen by teammates that aren't in the Shadow Realm.

- Has no collision with teammates that aren't in the Shadow Realm.

- Exudes a black partical cloud.

- Cannot heal teammates or be healed by teammate that aren't in the Shadow Realm.

- Can still perform unhooks.

- Sees The Boogeymans true form.

Special Ability: Night Terror

When within 4m of a locker, reveal the auras of all other lockers on the map. Press the Active Ability button to Transition into the Shadow Realm and reappear out of the selected locker. Has a cooldown of 25 seconds. A survivor that is inside the locker you transition to will be placed into the Dying State.

Boogeyman bio:

A creature built from thoughts, comprised of darkness and fueled by fear. Appearing only to those that it intends on feeding on, meant that the only way this creature had notoriety was through the stories of the alleged victims that had survived its attacks. The world is riddled with believers and non-believers, but as long as their are memories and stories to be shared, this creature will continue to exist and feed on humanity.

The town of Golden Oak saw a home to this creature. As if the fear in that town was far sweeter than anywhere else. A stench that kept the creature nearby, looming over it.

The creature set its sights on a young boy of 7 years old, Derek Gerwin. As typical for it, it began by plaguing his dreams with terrible images of sharp claws, hideous teeth and vicious red eyes in the shadows.

As the fear of nightmares grew within the boy, the creature began to move that fear over into paranoia by revealing those images to his awakened mind within the darkness of his bedroom.

His parents grew worried as they heard stories from Dereks friends saying that he's going to be the next one to disappear. Desperate for that not to be the case, they turned to the one man that could help...had to help.

The creature loomed over Derek, a shadow cast in darkness on the ceiling. Waiting for Derek to finally cry out in fear. A cry that would be his last in this world.

As the creatures viscious red eyes glared, and the hideous teeth grinned, and the sharp claws reached down towards him, it paused; suddenly aware of a second presence in the room. It's shadow extended, darkening the room even more than perceivably possible. Its shadow still holding Derek while it began to roam the room in search of the second presence. It stopped, then snarled a noise that penetrated the mind of Derek, causing him to utter a cry from underneath the blanket.

Soon after, there was knocking on the door, the parents pleading to be let in. The second presence stepped out from behind the curtains and looked over at the shadow. In a loud voice, said "i'm not afraid of you anymore! You will not take this boy!"

The creatures shadow retreated back, sliding down the wall like inky water, shrinking behind the closet. The door to it slowly creaked open to reveal viscious red eyes. Sharp claws loudly grasped the trembling wood of the closet. Hideous teeth no longer grinned, instead grinded together like nails on a chalk board. It clambered out, an essence of pure darkness being exuded like a black flame all over its body.

It stalked towards the second presence, a shadow spilling into the room. The second presence switched on a flashlight and aimed it at the floor. The shadow burned away, causing the creature to screech. The flashlight was raised up to the creatures face as it began to stalk closer. The creature screeched again before swatting the man across the room, knocking him against the door. The creature turned its attention and slashed at Dereks bed sheets, causing more and more cries to explode from Derek. The blanket tore off of Derek, against the will of the creature. Derek was shaken and yelled at to open his eyes. The creature screeched, all the while the flashlight beamed down onto the boys body. Derek opened his eyes as the creature screeched and lashed out, the boy unflinching sat up in bed. "I'm not going to be scared of you anymore!" Derek stood up and grabbed the flashlight; he shined it right up at the creatures face, bowing the creature away, the shadow sinking with it. As the creature entered back into the closet, the room filled with whispers. Whispers that ate away at the darkness, leaking into a place fresh with fear. The creature closed the closet doors and embraced the whispers and legs that reached out to it. A thick fog enveloped the shadows and melded into them. The creature snarled it's hideous teeth into a grin and glared its red eyes out towards the campfire far off in the distance.

Boogeyman perks:

Hex: Lights Out - Shadows in the darkness often go unseen.

While active, all Hex Totems appear Dull.

When Cleansed, all survivors suffer from the Blindness status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.

"Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there." -  Book of Urban Legends chapter 1"

Bump In The Night - Noises heard in the dark can be quite frightening.

When a survivor misses 4/3/2 skill-checks, they percieve the Terror Radius as though the killer were approaching up until a distance of 8m.

"The darkness always plays tricks on the mind." - Book Of Urban Legends chapter 3"

Background Noise - This method of relaxation will not mask the screams of pain from those that intend to inflict it.

When survivors healing a teammate reach 50% progress, gain the Undetectable status effect for 8/10/12 seconds.

"Do not feel that you are safe until you feel the sun kiss you." - Book Of Urban Legends chapter 11

Jorge Peroza bio:

The small town of Golden Oak has been plagued by horror for nearly a century. Whether it be the murder sprees of '59 or the Gold Mine collapse of '18. But one horror pricks the ears more than the others, the Child Disappearances that continued to happen annually without end.

He woke up screaming for his mama, tears soaking his blanket and shirt. She rushed in and sat with him, cradling him in her arms and soothing the terror out of him. When he regained his composure, his cries turned to gentle sobs and he began to tell his mama what was wrong. Blood eyes. Wet, razor teeth. Sharp, curled claws. His mama stroked his hair and reassured him it was just a dream; and no matter how scary or real it felt, nothing would happen to him. Believing his mama, but not wanting to sleep just yet, she pulled the blanket over both of them and laid down with him; her voice softly speaking in his ear. He didn't remember falling asleep again, but he did remember the feeling of those blood eyes watching him in his dreams.

He didn't tell his mama about it when he woke up. Instead, he got up and proceeded to have a day like any other. That is, until his best friend never showed up to school. Nor the days following that either.

Feeding his curiousity, he got his mama to drive him across town to go visit him. His house, unusually, had the curtains drawn on the brightest of days. When they came to the door a wave of sadness flooded out. His friends parents informed them that Harvey had been missing for 5 days. He sunk to the floor in despair at the news, he could hear the three voices above him talking. A soothing tone from his mama and a scared tone from his friends parents.

Both him and his mama recoiled in terror as the dad proceeded to tell them of a series of dreams that Harvey had. His dad suspected that someone in town must have been dressing up and stalking Harvey for days prior, but they just dismissed it as a childs bad dreams. His mama tells the two that he had been having dreams like that too. Grabbing her son by the hand, his mama dragged him back to the car and drove home without saying a word.

Arriving at home, she rushed upstairs where he could hear both his mama and papa talking. They returned downstairs with 3 rucksacks full of food and clothes.

He didn't know where they were going until he was halfway out of town. His mama said they were going to stay with grandma for a little while.

18 years later he came back to Golden Oak. The town a shadow of itself. Some stores closed up, stores he used to frequent as a child. He spoke with towns folk and heard the horror stories of frequent child disappearances. He decided to settle down at the motel. A focus in his mind that he would help these people, he'd escaped the clutches of whatever was doing this to these peope only because of his mamas fear compelled her to leave. He would not be afraid, he would help them.

Jorge drove through town, gathering as much info as possible about the more recent disappearances. So many people turned him away as soon as he mentioned the subject. Either too sensitive or too crazy to go into. The ones that did speak dismissed it as a sicko who was still at large preying on the kids in town. Some told stories of a creature made of darkness that took them away. Those stories were the ones that Jorge wanted to hear; and those were the people he came back to help.

Jorge soon built up a reputation as 'the story teller'. Most called him crazy, but he knew he was right. He made a business out of sharing his horror story with the town, but occasionally someone would join his radio station on the air and ask him to help them. He had never actually heard from anyone truly genuine, that is, until Rachel Gerwin called in one night. She spoke to him about the stories the kids told each other about the creature with 'blood eyes'. Jorge froze up, he told her he'd help. Even though he had no idea how. Jorge went straight over to her address and was greeted by the terrified woman; her eyes looked exactly like his mamas all those years ago. Jorge went straight up to the boys room, he read the name 'Derek' on the door.

He went in to see a boy sat in bed with every light in the room on. He sat on the bed while his parents stood in the doorway. Jorge explained to Derek that he used to live in this town as a boy. He used to have dreams about something with 'blood eyes'.

Derek sat up further and asked him why he didn't get taken. Jorge told him that his mama saved him by leaving town and never looking back. Derek said he wanted to do the same. Jorge looked back to Dereks parents and told him "no." That this creature will just find someone else to take instead. Jorge vowed to him that he would help him get rid of this creature forever.

Derek believed him and asked him what he'll do. Jorge calmly replied that he's gonna have to go to sleep...or at least try to. Derek wimpered at that thought. Jorge said he wouldn't let the creature hurt him as he tapped on his flashlight. Derek smiled and nodded. The parents shook his hand and closed the door, their shadows not once ever making naked the doorway.

As the night came and the lights all switched off, the darkness in the room soon grew thicker. Jorge could see from behind the curtain Dereks blanket crease and quiver. It was then he saw the blood eyes glaring down at Derek. He shuffled forward to see clearer, but paused when the creature seemed to notice. He could see the shadows growing around the room, spreading out like searching hands. Derek cried out suddenly. Jorge burst out from his place of hiding and stared the creature down. "I'm not afraid of you anymore! You will not take this boy!"

The creature retreated into a thick blackness behind the closet, and soon, Jorge caught his breath as the door slowly opened. He held it tighter as the creature began sprawling out from the closet. Jorges grip tightened on his flashlight, his eyes never leaving the creature, his breath never escaping him.

As the darkness began to creep up on Jorge, he shined the light on it and watched as it peeled away. His hand lifting to the creatures face, was followed by an ear piercing screech and the sensation of something resembling a water-soaked and heavy club, bash into his ribs. His world became black. His eyes opened to see the creature clawing at a crying Derek. He hauled himself up onto the bed and ripped the blanket away. He grippped Dereks shoulders and yelled above the creatures screeching for him to open his eyes. He leaned closer and spoke softly, "the creature is afraid of us." Derek looked up to see the creature snarling and swiping at him. He sat up resolute. Snatching the flashlight out of Jorges hand, he shined it at the creatures face. Yelling at it "i'm not going to be scared of you anymore!"

The creature recoiled, the shadows falling behind it like a blackened water seeping down a plughole. Derek smiled a wide smile as he and Jorge watched it retreat into the darkness of the closet and the door shutting behind it.

Jorge unlocked the bedroom door and the parents rushed in to hug Derek. His mum squeezed him tightly while his dad ruffled his hair. He turned to Jorge and thanked him. He shook his hand once again and told him he should stick around for a while. Jorge nodded and asked to use the bathroom.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, he smiled as he could feel the darkness leaving this world.

Splashing water onto his face he glanced up to see a thick fog filling the room. A choking thickness. He tried to push through it to get to the door, but couldn't. The more he fought, the more the whispering in his mind grew. Cruel whisperings. As he choked on the fog filling the room, his vision turned black.

He awoke on the wet floor of concrete. He was outside his old house. A creeping darkness all around him. In the distance he could see a campfire, a glow that seemed to cleanse the darkness and fog around him. He walked to it and thought he could hear the sounds of others nearby. He swallowed hard and vowed to himself that he has more people in need of his help.

Jorge Peroza perks:

Ward Off Darkness - Your reliance on the light makes you desperate to find something of use.

The first chest you search guarantees a Flashlight/Sport Flashlight/Utility Flashlight. Noises made from searching are decreases by 8m.

"The light will always scare off the things in the darkness" - Jorge Peroza

Hour Of Need - Your drive to help people who need it, makes you an inspiration to those near you.

When you take a protection hit for a teammate, that survivor gains the haste effect of 5% for 10/15/20 seconds

"I will not leave you to the darkness. Trust me." - Jorge Peroza

Together Through The Dark - No amount of pain can stop you from ridding the world of darkness that threatens to claim your friends.

After Healing the equivalent of 2 Health States, this perk activates. While active, when you are placed into the Dying state, the killer is prevented from picking you up 15/20/25 seconds

"We can get each other through this!" - Jorge Peroza

Map - Childhood Home - Golden Oak


  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    I absolutely love this idea and would be excited if it made it into the game. There would need to be some slight nerfing to the shadow realm. But, I still think this is an awesome concept. 👏

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @ReaperTech thanks a lot :) what would you say would be an appropriate adjustment to the Shadow Realm? I always enjoy the criticism and responses to help me fine-tune the ideas.