is Demoboi worth learning?

i leveled up the Demogorgon because i never see him in the game (like Plague) and i like being the outsider lol.
Of course i got destroyed most of the time due to inexperience with him, but after 10 games (rank 3-5) i ask myself if he is even worth learning. His shred seems to be easily avoidable, the timing is annoying (1 second can be really long if you need the lunge right now), the portals are cool but except for the time savings, the suprise effect is rather low due to his loudness. He is not unfun to play but i don't want to spend my precious BP on him if you can't compete in red ranks with him - or should i continue learning him?
Mastering Demoboi is MANDATORY here! GO SHRED THEM ALL!
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He needs some practice, but his shread is extremely effective and his portals are a good map pressure/time sink tool. He is definetly worth it.
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He is a fun killer. You shoud continue
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He can be fun (if not a little clunky) but it can be rewarding to master a tougher killer like Demo.
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If his shred worked like blink where you could use it not at full charge for lesser distance I would probably use Demo more.
But since his power can be completely controlled by survivors and you have to have a minimum charge time to shred he's just meh and not worth it when Nurse does what he is trying to do but better.
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pls continue, demo is so rare atm and i love seeing him in the wild.
imo the problem with the whole 'you must play top tier killers at red ranks if you wanna win' thing is that it's self-proving. if people are too scared to main uncommon killers at red ranks, they don't get to practice with those killers, therefore when they do play them, they lose. stay determined and prove 'em all wrong.
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Honestly a lot of survivors in red ranks arent that good. I had a game last night where during the game I genuinely believed MM had put me against yellow ranks. Unfortunately 3 of them were rank 2s and the other was an 11. Right now is a good time to learn whatever killer you want and use whatever build you want because every game is either a hit squad or people who kinda suck.
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You do hit a ceiling at some point though and other killers will have a higher one than some of the more niche. It would be amazing if nearly all killers were close to equal in strength though wouldn't it