As unlikely as it is, How would you react if Chapter 16 was based around Scooby-Doo

If Chapter 16 was based around Scooby-Doo, with the killer and survivors coming from the franchise, what would your reaction be?
I mean if it was done well I would find it a little goofy. It would really open the next chapter up to almost anything though :P
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I would have to ask if one of the new perks will be a scooby snack and will it allow you to heal others or grant them a speed boost by giving them a scooby snack?
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Don’t think the game could handle even 0.7% of Shaggy’s power. I’d be excited about it though.
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I'd look at the calendar and see that it's past April 1st.
But anyway , we already know it's Candyman.
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Only if we get a lewd playable velma.
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DBD lost its horror element a long time ago. In a world with Elf Dwight cosmetics, a Scooby Doo Chapter wouldn’t be a massive departure from the norm.
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Only if the survivor is John Cena since he was in Scooby Doo as well.
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....I would be concerned it would be too...cheesy? Weak? I dunno, it's meant to be a dark horror type game. I'm just not sure if they could add that and make it "dark" enough
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Could we get a Scooby-skin for Demogorgon?
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😂 Oh don’t get me started I always loved that show Still do.
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I'd be happy its cool and just fun
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Would be funny if it was just Demogorgon with one of those ridiculous costumes people like to put on their dogs.
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I'd be pretty impressed and very amused.
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Hilariously disappointed.
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I love Scooby-Doo to death, so I would love some playable characters from the franchise, that would be 10000/10 amazing.
But then the killer would probably get bullied with a weak power and toxic SWF would taint the image of Scooby in my head so I'm not entirely sure.
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Wouldn't care. Every update just makes this game worse and worse, no matter whet they release
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If it was based off of Mystery Incorporated and not the original, I'd love it. I know Warner Brothers have licensed Mystery Incororporated to an independent film studio on YouTube so it wouldn't surprise me.
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Yess that show was fire. We could get a Nazi death robot maybe.
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I'd actually love that; hands down would buy it almost instantly lol.
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The most sympathetic killer ever. Some shmuck in a costume pulled to murder people because the entity wanted some badass werewolf or something. Poor guy whos never hurt anyone in his life now has to kill teens and crap and he cant stop himself lol. Guess it could be the first killer whose objective os to let everyone live 👍
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Nice. Have no interest in the content unless one of the characters is specifically made to be a sex symbol instead of actually fitting the damn game.
And you people wonder why the devs dont take us seriously/refuse to listen.
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That would be kind of ... AMAZING actually.
If done right. 😄
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Ruh roh Raggie, are re rearry goin to be in dis game?
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It would pretty much be the end of the DBD.
They would never be able to top that ever again, every chapter after would pale in comparison
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Well when you have Sarah Michelle Gellar then yes.
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First off it was a joke much like the thread itself and 2nd off shirtless David is fine ?
Lul k
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As long as I can unmask the killer at the end, I'm totally up for it!
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You've never faced a clown with insidious doing a swandive from the rafters then. Dbd still has a horror element to it, but the horror is depending on the killer.
Which actually is funny, the more efficient a killer plays, ditching any roleplay of being scary, the more I can focus and the more easily I can help my teammates escape. The less efficient a killer plays, roleplaying into something with constant jumpscares, the less I can focus and the more easily I make mistakes, ending up in me accidentally killing myself or one of my teammates in the process.
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Don't take my shirtless David away from me; my gay-ass couldn't handle it.
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Only if Scrappy Doo was the killer.
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Would it be this version of Scrappy?
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Gotta go with classic Scrappy, he was definitely killer material on his own.
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Scrappy Doo confirmed as new killer or we riot.
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Hell no. He'd be worse then Claudette. How the hell are killers gonna see him?
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Only if one of the survivors was shaggy, and his perk is screaming zoinks, doing the foot tumble burnout and running away with his hands in the air.
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Every match would end with the survivors wrestling me down, pulling a mask of and me mumbling something along the line "if only it werent for these kids".
Sounds like most red rank games.
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Honestly, Doctor already feels like a Scooby villain. He shocks you and laughs... That's kind of cartoonish, no? Plus all the screaming in a doctor match.
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You can keep those tight David pecks this time doodle !
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Thank you lol
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I would be disappointed if the Trapper doesn't have a Fred skin.
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Are you talking about Otzdarva’s Shinobi Clown?