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Docter needs a nerf

Pumpkindog7000 Member Posts: 5

Docters power is too annoying because it disables the use of pallets, windows, dead hard and flashlights. Do you think he needs a big nerf, a minor nerf or doesn't need nerfing

Docter needs a nerf 123 votes

Major Nerf
SpiderTashKees_TKieran_GriffinFengIsChun_LiMartesa55VectorRisesSadeghDarkChaoticCovensurv43PheonwingsCaptnSquanchieskypinkxoxoTotemsCleanser 13 votes
Minor Nerf
OnryosTapeRentalsCheersShrimpTwiggsVolantConch1719TaigalazerlightAhoyWolfDetailedDetrimentMrsGhostfaceSebaOutbreakFelipexfury73Hero_awesomeDigglyzireael_AbsoluteZer0skillAwkward_FiendCephalon_LebronMiniPisaZolvezprofrog 27 votes
No Nerf
SnakeSound222KharSeiko300icemancatNescauyellowcactusluvcraftMiriamGDr_TrautstimidlukeBabyCameron10TragicSolitudead19970Fog_KingTheRockstarKnightNutty_ProfessorRaptorrotasimmortalls96StrancolDelsKibara 83 votes


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    Minor Nerf

    Something very minor, but nothing major.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Minor Nerf

    Just tampering with the chances of getting Random Location Reverse Skill checks is really all he needs. He's honestly balanced where he's at right now, so this minor nerf would keep him where he's at while also making him less irritating.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    No Nerf

    Yes, let's a nerf a Killer because he requires you to think more than you normally would.

  • Pheonwings
    Pheonwings Member Posts: 21
    Major Nerf

    I think he needs to be nerfed every other killer in the game if they mess up their move they suffer a slight annoyance such as leatherface once he moves he can only really move in one direction and cant stop his chainsaw, the hillbilly can only move REALLY fast with slight changes in his movement, the nurse bows her head down and shakes it if she misses hitting someone after blinking, michael has terrible vision as does scream it seems. The chain for the cowboy is ANNOYING because he has to reload if he misses.

    I dont really see the doctor suffering from ANYTHING at all to be completely honest with you, hes easy to farm bloodpoints on too to unlock his stuff at higher levels and farm bloodpoints to get other killer perks like the hag has some great ones.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    No Nerf

    Doctor is annoying but entirely fair.

    If you dislike him just run calm spirit which hard counters the the doctor's abilities minus tier 3 madness' interaction lockout.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    No Nerf

    Doctor gets punished for missing both of his abilities. He has a 1.5 second cooldown after using Shock Therapy where the only thing he can do is move and if he misses his Static Blast, then he has wait an entire minute to get it back.

  • Pheonwings
    Pheonwings Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2020
    Major Nerf

    You play the doctor so you will obviously say this but play any other killer and I guarantee you will rethink it. You can get madness up a disgusting amount so easily and you can never ever get rid of it so it messes up healing, and fixing anything so even if you miss finding them, a messed up generator will let you locate them. I'm not saying get rid of the doctor or destroy him but let us get rid of madness after a while that's fair enough. Plus a minute for static blast isn't a lot ESPECIALLY if you get AT LEAST one during the entire game because they'll be messed up the whole time. You can create illusions of yourself with madness, screw up every skill check, make fake palettes, make it so if they hit 3 they think you're after them and they have to successfully hit every skill check to get rid of it before they can even touch anything.

    Yes the doctor is unfair as someone who has played killers. The nurse is unbelievably hard and I give mad props to those who can play her really well. Her blink can get her stuck in really messed up situations, she's beyond slow as well

    Also static shock can be spammed and it can make you miss vaults, make it so you can't throw pallets either.

  • timidluke
    timidluke Member Posts: 8
    No Nerf

    He is very good and annoying to play against, but there are other killers id fear playing more (red ranks)

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    No Nerf

    I think he is good as he is now. He can be annoying, but I think it was worse before they changed him.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    No Nerf

    You're right, it is annoying... and intendedly so. Thats the whole intend behind doctors creation...

    Its not like zapping you three times deals any damage.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020
    No Nerf

    Nerf for the Doctor is absolutely not necessary. People find he might be annoying because "herp a derp, cancels stealth = not fun" but you also need to realize that beyond that it takes a decent amount of skill to actually use the doctor. I know because I suck using him (or maybe it's just the fact I haven't played in awhile, or that it's a real ######### to play a new killer in high ranks)

    In order to use his power effectively to "cancel pallets, windows, etc." you need to time the stun properly and be aware of not only how long the stun actually lasts (survivors are put on a cooldown of 2.5 seconds), but also the precious centiseconds it takes for the ability to actually take effect because there's a window of time between when the shock goes through the ground and when the survivor actually gets shocked. If the shock hits the survivor at more or less the same time they drop the pallet, the system is going to prioritize the pallet drop over the shock. You need to be aware of the slow where Doc moves at 3.08 m/s (77%) which will put you farther back in a loop while charging, you need to be aware of time it takes to actually charge a shock itself (1s), you need to be aware of the distance between you and the survivor, the survivor and the pallet, whether or not they are going to drop the pallet early or not, etc.

    And obviously people don't actually think about all the minute details in the moment they just "get a feel for it" more or less, practice makes perfect and all that. However it just goes to show how many factors go into actually using the doctor's power effectively and if you don't perform all of this more or less perfectly and flawlessly, not only are you the perfect example of an m1 killer, you're actually extending your chases longer than they would normally for an m1 killer because you're wasting time slowing down to shock survivors. Which means you're actually at a higher risk of performing worse than with many other killers.

    Besides, whether or not the Doctor needs a nerf / rework or doesn't need a nerf / rework doesn't change the fact he's already had one (rework) in the recent past and a pretty significant one at that. A lot of effort went into that patch and it clearly shows, the Doctor is in a much better state than he was before the rework went through. There are other killers who need more attention than the Doctor right now AKA The Clown, Probably the Legion, The Pig, The Plague, basically killers who haven't had attention in a much longer time. That's where the devs need their focus to be. Especially the Clown, which by the way the devs confirmed is the killer they currently have their eyes on and are working on to buff / rework / improve in their most recent Q&A which is really good news to hear.

    Post edited by Seiko300 on
  • Pheonwings
    Pheonwings Member Posts: 21
    Major Nerf

    I won't screenshot my account to prove anything to you I think it's rude that you decided to devolve the conversation on insulting my rank. This is why new players wont join.

    1. I have played the doctor and so has my partner we both play survivor together as well he agrees the doctor is far more powerful he feels bad using him but he uses him to farm bloodpoints to level up all of his other killers, he feels bad but it's the fastest way to do it.

    2. I have had one game where his range didn't reach me all game because 3 people were bunched on one side of the map which was my saving grace, yet ever other map like Gideon meat he can hit you even if you're a floor above or below which is completely unfair, the plague couldn't puke on floors above her so why should he be able to?

    3. He isn't punished for missing though it is really hard to lose when chasing a survivor if you really want to see what slow is play as the nurse.

    4. The doctor absolutely dominates in indoor maps than any other killer, Hawkins, Leroy's, and Gideon I really don't think you understand his range as much as you say.

    Play against the killer who's using the doctor as a high rank survivor instead of just killer and you will understand. When I first started yes I whined I was new and thought stupid things as a killer. As I played more and am close to being able to prestige my main survivor a 3rd time with calm spirit to avoid screaming and iron will etc I still find myself struggling when the doctor has madness 3 since it will never go down past 1, if anything I'm asking to atleast lower it after to 0 if you're far enough away or even better yet fix it so he CAN'T cover 2 entire floors with it seeing as he's the only killer that can.

  • Redgrave
    Redgrave Member Posts: 3

    And by that account, you seem like a typical red rank toxic trashpiece that plagues most of this game and community. But that's not what this is about now is it? Keep the discussion to the topic at hand.

    The Doctor needs at least some minor nerfing or "adjusting" since that's a less triggering word because like what's already been stated, he has very little drawback to using and abusing his ability in comparison to most other killers. Using my own experiences with the killers I have played myself, I'll do a breakdown.

    I have played Trapper, Hag, Wraith, Nurse, Legion, Michael, Doctor, Hillbilly and Leatherface. Of those, I have Adepts for Trapper, Hag, Wraith, Nurse, Hillbilly and Doctor. So I have played each killer enough to know before you try to "Git Gud" me in your argument. Stay with me now, I don't want to lose you at the most important part.

    -Trapper's traps can be stepped in as him, screwing up a chase or carrying a survivor. That can be chalked up to "pay attention pleb" but at face value, it's a drawback to his own ability that directly affects him even if it's a minuscule interruption.

    -Hag's traps cannot be teleported to from just anywhere without higher level add-ons, or while carrying a survivor. Even then, when you warp and aren't facing the right direction because you went too soon or too late... it goes nowhere and the survivor escapes.

    -Wraith's re-appearance time can be a hindrance if mis-timed and the animation can be sped up with add-ons, sure, but at the cost of some other aspect to his reappearing/disappearing.

    -Hillbilly and Leatherface's chainsaw interruptions can make or break chases without add-ons to assist.

    -Nurse has the blink fatigue which can be doubled down on if you miss near a pallet and get stunned as well, because then you have the stun animation and THEN the fatigue animation. Also, to compensate for her blinks, her base speed is much slower without matchbox or the green add-on that increases her base speed after landing a successful blink but disables your blinking for 60 seconds.

    -Michael's stalking impacts his speed while he drains, and even more so if using a tombstone or tuft of hair.

    -Legion's Frenzy doesn't down you and you have to incur the stun when disabling the power or missing an attack.

    This all leads to the Doctor whose base abilities still kick ass even without add-ons. Shock Therapy can find people above or even below you, and survivors are affected the same regardless of proximity to the Doctor. It will locate survivors in lockers, as well. "Madness can be overcome by being good at the game." Sure, if you are lucky enough to never be near the Doctor for him to inflict it on you. It would make more sense if you received less madness the farther away you are, as opposed to receiving the same amount as someone 2ft. away from him. Static Blast can be spammed almost endlessly with next to no stun or real drawback, and even if you mistime your shock on someone vaulting or throwing down a pallet it rarely matters because there's so little cooldown on it you'll be getting harassed with it very soon after. Full madness stops you from being able to do anything until you snap out, which is bullsh*t because that can be buffed even further to create smaller skillchecks combined with the reversed direction. There's no hard counter unless you, again, miraculously aren't in range when he Static Blasts.

    Freddy's dreamstate, the Plague's sickness, and the Pig's bear traps all have the podiums to remove their effects with only Pig's having skillchecks and the possibility of needing to find another Jigsaw station. Doctor has none of that. Distance is the only thing that saves you, and you can't guarantee that in any game against any killer regardless of how good you are at the game.

    So indeed, a minor nerf at least is needed. Restricting Shock Therapy to only the floor your on would be fairer, and perhaps having a set number of Static Blasts before needing to recharge in some way would make more sense. No other killer can spam like he can without repurcussion and that is what makes him so annoying and overpowered.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195
    No Nerf

    He can definitely be hard to play against for newer players but he isn't top tier. He just went through a major rework and I think the devs put him in a really good balanced spot.

  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73
    No Nerf

    I think it's less that he needs a nerf and more that he's annoying to play against for those that prefer to play a bit more immersed and tend to want to avoid an early chase. I'm personally not a fan of Doctor because when it's a survivor game it's either him or Freddy. Like come on, I wanna see some Pigs, Plagues, Michaels, Billys, and Trappers. ^^

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Minor Nerf

    The removal of reversed DS, and a slight decrease in range to Static Blast.

  • Zolvez
    Zolvez Member Posts: 19
    Minor Nerf

    Kind of, but I think you should scale ot down to a minor nerf

  • Zolvez
    Zolvez Member Posts: 19
    Minor Nerf

    I see so many Michael's, Doctor, and billy's

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    No Nerf

    Hes in a great spot. Just a case of git gud imn afraid

  • Pheonwings
    Pheonwings Member Posts: 21
    Major Nerf

    Yeah I should have put minor nerf stuff needs to be tweaked a bit on him. I'm rank 2-3 it switches between those and I see so many doctors barely enough nurse. Otherwise I get Michaels and t bagging scream players.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    You don't see many nurses because of the biggest skill floor. While most of the killers took me just 1/2 matches to get hang of their basics, the nurse needed something around 16 hours and that was with her overpowered range addons

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274
    No Nerf

    My Doctor build is purely anti-gen and works decently assuming my main perk isn't broken. Even then, he can still get beaten in a gen rush if Survivors are capable of running tiles well. Doctor can't do much for loops with his power. Survivors who can so skill checks can beat him, running Calm Spirit makes him easier to beat, and looping efficiently beats him. Doctor is nowhere near needing a nerf.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    No Nerf

    I don't think he disagrees because he doesn't go against Docs at high ranks. I've played against the new Doc at red ranks often enough and I think he is perfectly fine. Not too strong and not too weak.

  • Pheonwings
    Pheonwings Member Posts: 21
    Major Nerf

    I bounce rank 1-3 as a survivor. I have died to many killers obviously and won many games the only killer I have literally 0 fun against is the doctor. How is it fair that he can hit someone 2 feet away and someone at the very very end of his static blast and they'll both be affected by exactly the same thing? How his madness never fully goes away you get it once and that's it for the rest of the game. Or he can spam static shock with no problems whatsoever so even if they somehow manage to get away if you weren't paying attention you have maxed out madness so if they miss the clockwise or counterclockwise spin for the skill check theyll scream but if they get past that they may mess up the generator because of madness or fake docs will pop up so he knows where you are. No matter what way you swing it he really is op he needs a bit of a rework, a small nerf sure keep him annoying with taunting doctor players blah blah but fix him make it so I don't dread playing a 15 minute game with the worst killer I have more fun against unfair Freddy than I do the doctor. And yes I use calm spirit, but that's not that much help anyways.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617
    Major Nerf

    You can't really hide from him because he makes you scream, he disables your ability to vault/throw pallets, makes you recover your sanity every now and then, gives you those reverse skill checks and also those that show up in random spots on the screen. He's a bit too much in my opinion, with the right perks he's deadly no matter the skill of whoever is playing as him. People compare him to characters that are deadly in the right hands like Nurse but the problem here is that it doesn't even matter in whose hands he is.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    No Nerf

    I really don't think his skill checks are in any way a problem, skilled players can still hit them easily. Static Blast is also fine the way it is in my opinion, I don't see any reason why it should affect survivors differently based on their distance to Doc.

    I think Doc has strong chase potential with a good detection power, but his map pressure is lacking a bit, i would say he is very balanced the way he is now. I understand that you don't enjoy going against him, but no one can really like every killer. There are always people that dislike certain killers.

  • AgitatedPenguin
    AgitatedPenguin Member Posts: 93
    No Nerf

    Doctor doesn't need a nerf, he's a very easy killer to loop since his shock require decent timing to deny pallets or vaults.

    As a doctor player, I think he definitely needed a rework as with his old design if he got a 3 gen with the unnerving/distressing combo he could effectively hold the game hostage if he wanted to.

    However, as he is now he is pretty average I think as he is still very easy to loop if you don't try to live at a single pallet.

    There are much weaker killers and much stronger killers to worry about before looking at doctor. Then again, people will never agree on anything. Some people think doctor is the strongest killer in the world while others think he's the weakest and simply annoying.

    The key issue is people not understanding how to use him properly so they just shock 100% of the time.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233
    No Nerf

    oh! I didn't realize they'd added that to Calm Spirit! Neat!

  • SeaBass216
    SeaBass216 Member Posts: 5
    No Nerf

    Doctor is in a very good position. Certainly not one of the strongest killers in the game but more like #6 or 7. The only thing I would get behind is removing the counter to dead hard. Otherwise, he's in a good state