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Jason and DBD



  • Member Posts: 23

    @Rathoric actually a really cool idea however Xenomorph would require a lot like ability to climb walls. Plus premise was done with isolation which was good but slightly annoying too.

    Think they should go classical. Like a Banshee. Have abilities like is she screams and your within a radius pattern you either get halo or terror status. Kind of. Mix between nurse and doctor.

    Or a scarecrow. Make a map or model where random scarecrows are placed round the map, his perk can be like insidious. If he stays still he has no terror aura, but have a perk to counter like of you stare at him for x time he then shows as killer? It would slow down survivors too scanning for him amongst four or five others

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    It just crossed my mind... What about swamp thing? He's a huge iconic horror character, would bring fresh life into the game, could have a cool level, could have some awesome powers.. Hmmm. I wonder..

  • Member Posts: 578

    The idea of a Friday the 13th game was awesome, until I played it. Downloaded it for free through PS Plus and after a few matches, I was done. The controls were cluncky and the character movement was very stiff. I also didn't care for the voice chats between counselors and Jason, because there were troll counselers that helped Jason. And this game was supposed to be better than Dead By Daylight, but it fell on its face, IMO. It would be smart for the F13 devs to release the rights of Jason to DBD, but I seriously doubt if that happens.

    Which brings me to this and everyone else has said it already, Trapper is not Jason. Trapper can't teleport and Jason might have used a bear trap once? Other than a machete and a mask, there are not a lot of similarities between the two.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    -Trapper is bald, has a white mask and a machete=we have jason? no

    -Is the license impossible to get? no, there is a table game of F13th coming this year

    - He would be weak, and his powers would be stupid? Omg I wish this game had something called game designers, how would they give Myers a power? He's just a man with a knife!

    -Game programmers aren't the ones who search for new content,

    -Extra: people said the same after the ghostface leaks, he wouldnt fit because of legion. Look now, he's better and people love him

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    Because Randy made it clear to the fans that the code is so messed up that Black Tower can't do much of anything with it, and Illfonic, the original coders, are no longer interested.

    Randy made clear several times in 2019 that Uber Jason, the Grendel Map, none of it is coming at any point. The game is dead as far as any new content goes. Does it suck? Yes. But that's where Gun Media stands. They've lost several years on the license due to the lawsuit, and when it ends in two to three years, stated they are not renewing it.

  • Member Posts: 107

    The lawsuit for Jason only includes the mention of his mother and other very minor details. His outfits, name, weapon, kill types, all of those are free game to license through Sean Cunningham. People have overestimated what the lawsuit entails. Devs for F13 stopped making content on their own accord, they were not forced by the lawsuit, they just saw no reason to continue making content until it was resolved.

    Long story short, Yes they can use Jason, yes they can use any of his outfits, they would just need to change up his story some. You cannot mention Pamela Voorhees, which from a gameplay perspective isn't that big of a deal.

  • Member Posts: 51

    They confirmed that it is a licenced character im pretty sure. I doubt it is Jason. I'm guessing it will be the alien or something.

  • Member Posts: 477


    One grab is all it takes to kill you if you have no pocket knife. He can even just m1 you and after being injured/feared enough you can't even sprint anymore. Not to mention how many interactions can teleport up to you and how after a while he will essentially always be able to find you, so you can't hide.

  • Member Posts: 70

    Well i think your very ignorant thinking that way. First of all, the lawsuit is based off a survivor, not the whole game. Second of all, how is Jason like trapper? At all? Plus the devs are smart enough to make good perk for him. "He wont be able to see the survivors at all times." You know they are basing off the movie and not the game right? So maybe think again. (Plus not all killers need skins.)

  • Member Posts: 70

    I made mistakes in my last message. First of all, I cannot stress this enough, it's based on the movie not the game. Saying hes only gonna have the game perks is stupid. Second of all. The lawsuit is a very dodgy thing and it could prevent jason from coming, but any other movie titles could have the same lawsuits undergo.

  • Member Posts: 617

    That's incorrect. Gun still owns the game. They simply took Illfonic off development and brought in a different dev to handle maintenance. Gun absolutely abandoned it... They were "forced" to stop adding things because of the moratorium that landed because of the suit, but withing a month, they said they'd no longer add anything to the game, even if the lawsuit was finished tomorrow. They knew that lawsuit was coming when they got the rights from Cunningham, because Cunningham knew the suit was coming. They went into the game knowing they had a built in escape clause in the upcoming lawsuit. I was around in beta days, all through launch, the balancing ######### show, and all. There's a reason they dragged their feet with patches. Everything about that game was designed with that lawsuit in mind. With an expiration date in mind. Never trust Gun or Illfonic.

  • Member Posts: 617

    Well, Gun is the major bad actor in terms of f13 being a well played cash grab. Illfonic is just a crappy dev house that can't code its way out of a hello, world. The only thing they are good at is capturing the feel and sound of the 80s.

    Go check out the history of Moving Hazard/ Dead Alliance, the Star Citizen Fps module, or the Revival Mmo some day. Last time I was around the Revival forums were still alive, but may not be any more. They sold player housing for a Lovecraftian mmo, with an AI director/dm that would organically cause monsters to form communities, etc... As well as a real time full climate/weather simulation system. Real pie in the sky stuff. They kept selling housing for months after the game had the plug pulled. They also made some terrible Sonic game, iirc.

    Moving Hazard/Dead Alliance is the one that really shows off their skills as a dev, though. You can find some YouTube vids of reviews.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    Actually Jason does pretty much know where you are at all times. It's called his sense. They just worked it into a viewable feature for the game. And trapper IS as close as they could get to Jason without overstepping copyright infringement. Anyone can clearly see that. And he could teleport anywhere, anytime, completely silent.( F13 6-10 pretty much) But, he always pulverizes ANYONE who crosses his path. He would never down them, carry them to a hook and hook them, and just walk away. That's why Jason doesn't fit in this game plain and simple. Same for Freddy. Makes no damn sense. LF is understandable because he did put people on hooks, and pig makes sense too, because it's all about the willingness to survive. That's also why I don't want candy man, because he's actually a victim himself, not an evil psychopath. He only punishes the people who taunt his reputation and call him out in the mirror. He makes them suffer like he does.

  • Member Posts: 70

    Once again. They are making him based off the MOVIE. Not the GAME. Its very ignorant to assume the perks while the devs could already have planned it all out. Plus, the only relation trapper has with Jason is the mask. And it doesnt even Look the same. Height is ruled out because every killer needs to be atleast a little bit taller than the survivor. Strength rules out because the killers all break stuff and the same speed and aggressiveness. Also for the end. I want you to think of any other iconic movie characters that hits people, picks them up and puts them on hooks. yeah, no other killers do that. But that doesn't matter because that's what the entity is for. To manipulate the killers and make them kill at the entitys pleasure. Hints at every killer hooking. So i think all your arguments are invalid.

  • Member Posts: 1,303
    edited May 2020

    I WAS referring to the films if you read my comment. How do you think Jason walked under water and track them to NY? It's called SENSE. F13 the GAME just implemented it in the way they did because you control Jason, and it's a game. How do you think Jason always finds everyone in his movies? No one can hide. And the entity couldn't control Jason unless somehow they tied it in to it tricking him like Freddy did and making him believe it's his mother, but that can't happen over the lawsuit. No one can control Jason but his mother. That's why the lore doesn't fit. If your gonna bring in an iconic character, you can't f his backstory/lore up just to fit your game. It kinda ruins said character.

  • Member Posts: 989
    edited May 2020

    1. How many bear traps did Jason use? One, once?

    2. It's called "neon lights Jason", because it never existed in any story line. Give him a bronze age helmet and copper sword, any time piece not related to his original story.

    3. Jason is not known for his bear traps. He's known for killing people and teenagers, as well smashing through walls, floors and windows. Jason should be able to destroy window vaults in DBD.

    4. Not necessarily, because of logistics. There's already Jason 3D models to base a game concept around, and even having to come up with one from scratch might not take as long as scripting, casting, filming, and producing an entire movie. Both are great endeavors, but I think a small relatively inexpensive team of visual artists would have beat an entire production company for costs and time, given the contrast between their type of products.

    Jason has a standing invitation from BHVR. He's always going to be welcome here. That's the real reason he may eventually show up.

    Post edited by PalletsAndHooks on
  • Member Posts: 1,726

    Jason having an unhealthy obsession with the voice of his dead mother in his head isn't of Victor Miller's writing. If they just refer to the voice as an unnamed mother, there wouldn't be any claim Miller could make about that.

  • Member Posts: 59

    I feel Jason would be a underwhelming or boring killer :/

  • Member Posts: 1,303
    edited May 2020

    Man y'all search for any hope you can. Any true Jason fan DOES NOT want him here, because they butcher iconic killers and turn them into punching bags. Is that REALLY what you want to see happen to Jason? Him just doing circles around loops, getting pallets dropped on his head, getting clicky-clicky into pointed at into butt dancing, etc, etc. I'm done discussing this. Believe what you want. Hell, I guess we could get scooby-doo and the gang on here too, with space ghost going coast to coast as the killer. If they do SOMEHOW manage to get around the legal hell, this is one I won't buy. He already has his own game that fits his actual style. He does not fit into dbd besides him being "Jason". Downing people and putting them on a hook is the stupidest thing you could have Jason do. I bet he would be a 110 killer also. Prove me wrong...

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    The same argument can be made for every 'killer' in the game except maybe leatherface. Possibly Freddy as he likes to play with his victims. Why would nurse hook someone? Or legion? Or trapper? Hooking makes zero sense at all for almost the entire roster of characters who kill people.

    I am a true jason fan and i would love to see him. Played his game a couple times and hated it.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    Because they're original characters designed for that specific game? Nurse,trapper,doc,etc don't have there own iconic movies. There universe is dbd only. Putting in movie icons was a cash grab and way to get people to buy there game, but they don't fit. LF yeah, he does put people on hooks. Pig, yeah, because the saw movies are about torture and the willingness to survive. Freddy and GF tho, hell no. They fit in this game like a meth head at a art exhibition. Just doesn't go well... Lmao

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