Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Concept of How They Could Change Killer Ranks

Recently I have been thinking that I'm not the biggest fan of how the ranking system works, especially for killers. It has been extremely demotivating to try out different killers at red ranks due to the fact it often ends up as a loss, as I will be going up against many great survivors.

For example, I myself are a hag main so when I try to learn such killers as nurse, it often ends up with me losing and barely getting any hooks.

So first of all I thought they could make it so every killer has an individual rank, but then I quickly realise that that wouldn't work as there are many killers similar to one another and it wouldn't be fair for a rank 1 wraith to then be a rank 20 pig as that just wouldnt be a great experience for new players.

So I came up with an idea that there could be different classes of killers, and there would be an individual rank to that class. For example they could have a stealthy killer class or a class with the likes of hag, demo and trapper due to the fact they each have a similar play style.

So do you like this concept and if not what might you change, feel free to tell me below :)


  • EpicBigBrain
    EpicBigBrain Member Posts: 177

    Forgot to add that obviously killers like nurse would have there on class

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89

    They are changing over to an MMR system soon, which will give them more flexibility to make these sorts of changes easier to implement.

    One potential way of doing it as well is to have an MMR for every killer, and then an overall MMR for the player as killer. Then, when matchmaking - average out (or whatever) the overall MMR with the killer-specific MMR. This way, really experienced players who only play an off killer every now and then won't just get a bunch of noobs they can crush, but still face weaker players then they normally would.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Just do what we all do, test different killers, take the losses, don’t let any negative remarks from the opposing team bother you. After several reps of gameplay, you’ll eventually start winning. Playing VS red survivors would be the best way to learn a new killer, you can practice and improve

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89

    Once MMR is implemented I honestly don't think it will be too hard to fix the situation. That way BHVR can keep one queue and promote playing off killers for those who care about their rank. Seems like an easy win for everyone - whether or not BHVR will do it is another story obviously.

  • EpicBigBrain
    EpicBigBrain Member Posts: 177

    Personally I don't believe I should be put with red rank survivors if I'm not good with that killer at all. Thats just my opinion though

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Just make individual killer ranks, it's good enough.