Im done, i quit peace out



  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Yeah thats what im gonna do, im either fonna come back id i like the new chapter or when matchmaking mmr system gets added

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    So your telling me im making other people quit? Im sorry tf. If other people wanna quit thats their own decision im not making an influence

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Yeah i had fun, i still wanna keep playing cause it has alot of elements of a good game but sadly matchmaking isnt one of them for now

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    This. This here.

    THANK YOU! I wish more people thought this way!

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Yeah same here bro, someone said that thanks to me posting this im making other peiple quit. Toxic people

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I was going against reds at rank 18. I feel you. I've seen this post a million times. I just switched to survivor or I probably would have quit playing too. I dunno. It's a bit more chill and you don't have to worry about as many things. I just play killer for challenges or when I want to get more BP. And when I do,I play with the mindset that I don't have to win. I still get frustrated,but it helps. Some of those high rank players aren't as good as they,or as other people seem to think,either. Pretty much anyone can be outplayed. I'm not going to say git gud,or try to act like it doesn't suck though. It's like playing Street Fighter or something,and every other match is against one of the best players in the world. You'd get better,to a point,but your skill is eventually going to peak,and then it's just frustrating.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    I guess i should do the same. Im tryinf out survivor now cause yes they r pretty chill to play

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2020

    @Huff Some people are just never going to be as good as others. Period,end of statement. Pro gaming wouldn't be a thing if that wasn't true. If you're out matched,you're out matched. I like boxing,but I'd never be able to beat Muhammad Ali,or Mike Tyson,lol. Should I just stop boxing?

    I understand what you are saying,I really do. And I'm not trying to discount it. Rank doesn't necessarily mean that you're the best. But obviously some of those reds are going to be the super good players that are really dedicated. Like,look at the top streamers and such. Do they play as yellow ranks?

    I've gotten way better at the game as both roles from when I started. And I give some of that credit to playing against better players. I can pretty much tell when a chase is a lost cause. You don't have much time to play around. Its going to get frustrating playing any game where you feel the opponents are way better almost every match. Even if they really aren't and you just think they are.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    It's the same with PS4 and PC. Lack of killers for numerous reasons.

  • cynichism
    cynichism Member Posts: 52

    So I'm kind of benevolent at this point.

    Killer Main here, though I do run a P3 survivor so I'm not all bad, to say matchmaking is only bad when everyone is in the red (or killer isn't using top end perks and add-ons).

    I mean look yeah if you're in a game with red ranks and you are playing a baby Trapper with no add-ons, you're gonna take a beating, and well you should. Matchmaking is bad, but you're also pretty terrible, so it's a wash.

    When I hit purple rank I thought things would be harder.. but I just kept doing well so long as I had fully pipped perks and the best add-ons on my killers. In fact I thought maybe things were too easy considering, so long as I kept up with the items.

    Now when I hit rank 4.. Jesus help me I needed to play while sitting in a bathtub thanks to all the sweat (theirs and mine). The best I could seem to do was break even - no pip, no pip loss - over a dozen games. I ran out of kit and was getting so frustrated with the little twerps in the 1 and 2 range that I just have it up and went back to purple/green.

    Anyways there's my rant. Probably get lost in all the comments, but even so.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Im not saying matchmaking is the only bad thing about the game, there are alot of flaws with the game. At this point i have a full inventory of aalt shackers from all the survivors i find in matches