Who do u guys think is the best Killer Youtuber/Twitch streamer?

Now when i ask who is the best Killer Youtuber or Twitch Streamer overall, im only talking out of Pure Skill and not Enjoyability.
Ohtz from what Ive seen
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otz or trutalent
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Otz, OhTofu, Fungoose, Umbra etc come to mind.
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I'd say either otz, umbra, zubat or maybe tru3
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ArchdruidDrey is one amazing doc. TheEntityLeftHand is both skilled and enjoyable. Fungoose is really good. Otz is... the man's powerlevel is immeasurable.
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Zubatlel, Otz, Umbra, and Monto are my favorites when it comes to killer players.
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Otzdarva with no doubts, he is a beast and can handle every killer with a high skill lvl, also his trapper is sick
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Fungoose is amazing but being he's from Australia, I don't think he's consistently playing top level SWF teams like otz and tru3. He's still incredible though, 4king 95%+ of his games with no add ons with any killer
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Tru3, because he has to deal with the very best survivors on a consistent basis. Umbra and monto stomp, but any decent killer would stomp the survivors they get.
The few times I've seen monto get the really strong teams, he's depipped.
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Have you considered that maybe Tru3 just isn’t as good as you think? The narrative he uses is that any game he doesn’t win easily is due to a “4 man stretched screen optimal bully squad”. How often do you hear someone like Zubat rant and rave constantly about having no chance against survivors? Are we really going to believe Tru3 is the one streamer who gets nothing but 4 man death squads? Just think about it, hes in the business of making himself look good.
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Definitely otz, you can pick up so much from watching his stuff
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Thank you.
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Otzdarva, I've learned a lot from him and also watching him kinda motivates me to improve even more, plus I like the way he expresses himself
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Fungoose and Umbra are I think two of the best I've seen.
Otz and True are good but they make dumb mistakes sometimes or don't know what a perk or something does. Like you have 6k hours how do you NOT have every perk/item/add-on description memorized? (This is more True than Otz).
Monto I'm pretty sure cherry picks his games. He also plays really scummy as killer, where I've seen other killers perform better than him and play fair, which takes a lot more skill. Not saying there is something WRONG with playing scummy, just that it takes less skill at the end of the day.
Zubat is good but he also plays a bit scummy. He has a complete IDGAF attitude, which again is fine, just I see Fungoose/Umbra rarely play that scummy and do as good or better than he does.
Nothing against any of these people BTW. I watch them all. But Fungoose/Umbra I think are the most skilled killers. The fact that Fungoose can play AND explain everything a mile a minute, oh boi does that take a lot of skill in an of itself, then he goes on to consistently 4k as Freddy with no add-ons and no slowdown other than Pop. That's skill man.
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Both Otzdarva and Monto are some beast killers. Fungoose is great, and I feel that he is underrated, but I think the OP was asking for killer mains while Goose is more of a survivor main. I saw a video the other day where Tru3 was playing survivor and the killer he was up against did not really try to chase anyone, and Tru3 said that the killer is playing very fair. I was just sitting there thinking fair? The killer is not challenging you at all dude. Maybe he was just joking though idk.
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Ardetha is the best Nurse I've ever seen and he's the reason why she's my girl.
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I want to say Otz, but the way he talks annoys the everliving hell out of me so I haven't watched much of his stuff.
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What's wrong with the way he talks?
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Watch them. Movement, coordination, knowledge of maps, the perks they run, how optimal they are on saves or gens are all top notch. I recognize it, because i deal with it. Like it or not, certain regions have a higher quality of survivor.
Watch his survivors, then watch umbra, you will see a clear difference in how they play.
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Only because tru3 says that does not mean it is true. He is suspecting SWFs everywhere, when I know that they are Solos or 2 mans at best. I play with and against the same Survivors and it would be very strange when I get them as Solos every time while he gets them as SWF every game. This dude simply cannot accept that other players might be better than him.
(And personally, I hope he will stop bitching about SWF or stretched resolution so that his fanboys will reduce the number of Forum Posts about that a little bit, lol)
Otz is an amazing Killer. Other than that, I really enjoy watching Tofu because he has a good attitude while still playing on a good level. Also Scorpionz is a really good Killer Main IMO.
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Marth. From a pure skill standpoint.
Any other answer is wrong.
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The Sh0wstopper is a great killer main on PS4. I like watching him he is sometimes funny, especially when he Claudettes a thing. 🤣🤣🤣
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A lot depends on the killer:
huntress: umbra, Ralph
trapper: lefty
demo: Bronx
nurse: tofu, Marth, tru3 (when he’s practiced up)
to name a few folks I consider best on particular killers. As far as overall I’d have to go with Zubat hands down. As far as some other killers like billy, spirit etc. I feel many streamers play them outstanding
this is just my opinion
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Tru3Talent, Otz, Monto (when he's having a great game, however he seems to enjoy his games more than usual when he's playing causally)
But that's just my opinion, anyone who can take a loss and has fun with it is a winner in my book!
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TruTalent for gameplay.
Noob3 and HybridPanda for entertainment.
TheKing and PaulieEster for news and information.
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Didn't he get stomped during the tournament?
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He grown up since then. I didn't know Show used to do that. 🤣🤣🤣
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Tru3. I watch him smoke red ranks using killers without even equipping perks. That's skill
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I can´t watch the guy with the cap. Whenever one Semi-Competent Survivor is playing against him hes literally complaining the next 3 games how OP SWF are. Also his YT Videos are like "TOXIC SWF BULLY FAIL!!!!" while the content is one claudette with a flashlight tries to flashlight save once, but misses.The streamer every time after the attempt: "i´m not your typical run-of-the-mill killer, lad". so annoying.
In terms of good gameplay i would suggest Zubat and Scott.
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Why would tru3 get such good survivors at a consistent levels, but people like umbra or monto not? Stream snipers aside maybe.
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From what I’ve seen I have to go with Umbra, but she does get a lot of potatoes. Even from her mouth she said that bad survivors can make any killer player look good.
But a majority of the playerbase are not hardcore players, they’re just casual.
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I'm a fungoose fan as well. Don't forget 116 games in a row he 4ked with the plague!
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Yeah I watch Umbra and she is amazing. But she herself has said she doesn't mind facing swf groups because the majority of the ones she gets are really bad.
Her own words.
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Otz...his knowledge and skill at the game is unmatched
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I don't think there's one "best" content creator. It depends on what you're looking for.
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Top tier: Tru3, Otz, Goose
Good killers but cherry pick and will dodge maps/swfs: Monto, Umbra. The survivors they vs are usually very bad as well.
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Absolutely Otzdarva, he even got sponsored by BHVR to play DBD mobile
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Yeah, not Tru3, he's not the best. Although he was a good Spirit at a point, but not the best.
For Hag, I'd say Michi, even Otz couldn't read Michi's moves at points.
Overall, Otz though.
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TheEntityLeftHand on twitch , he is a very good killer , not toxic , very meme , and also his content is different from most dbd streamers , he adds a atmosphere and different experience to his streams
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All are good in their own way though :/
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For overall, I would probably say Otz. However if you are specifically after the best Pig main, that would go to Scorpionz. Just wanted to bring him up because no one else has yet.
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Yep, one reason I like Fungoose is because he will tell you plainly that the game is survivor-sided. I appreciate his honesty.
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Im surprised barely anyone's mentioning Scott, I don't really follow any DBD streamers besides a few, but from what I've seen he's really good
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I know he's not the biggest of streamers... But Marth is probably the best. Could also be because he doesn't play very often anymore. Tofu is up there as well. Otz I never watch stream but I do watch his youtube videos and they're entertaining. Tru3 is really not good. I do put him on sometimes but usually have to dip out when he whines too much.
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Close between Otz and Tofu.
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I haven't watched many, but of the ones I have seen I'd say Otz. But that's an incredibly limited list of streamers I've watched. As far as skill goes, he's good at a variety of killers. Yeah, you'll see him get stomped once in a while. But you'll also see him absolutely stomp sometimes. He's also the best in terms of fairness for the most part. Sometimes he gets tilted at stupid stuff, but who doesn't? Usually you'll see him playing fair, and considering things from both sides. (Sometimes he doesn't, but I think that's partly because you can't see the survivor's perspective.)
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Some people really hate seeing credit given to streamers they hate, and it says a lot about the 20+ people upvoting it too. No wonder this community is such an embarrassment when it comes to allowing others to hold different opinions.
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There use to be alot more out there streaming the game. DC penalties have been a real turn-off for streamers now these days.
We really just need a Casual play mode at this point. WITHOUT the penalties.