Which killer(s) puts the most fear in you?

Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

Which killer is the scariest to you to play against? For me it's probably Hag. Just minding your own business and stepping on a hag trap scares the absolute ######### out of me. Trapper too because he always has me worried to walk in grass and has me keep my eyes peeled.


  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2020

    Trapper. Walking on the ground makes me feel like I'm sticking my feet into shark infested waters.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054


  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Wraith because he just pops up anywhere lol.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Spirit and hag for jump scares. Spirits the only one i dont know how to counter so im in general more cautious in those games.

    I mained trapper for quite a bit so i know where to look and rarely step in one

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    Teammates isn’t it obvious their the worst killer😂 especially if it’s you’re brother.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Scratch mirror myers. That sneaky sob gets me everytime.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Not knowing who the killer is and triggering a random Hag trap always gets to me lol.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    The problem with DBD is that unless you’re a pants-pissing baby back #########, it quickly stops becoming scary after a few hours of play, and when scary things who get their entertainment value out of being scary STOP being scary, they become annoying. This has held true for every Killer in my eyes. When a Ghostface jumps out at me and smacks me, I think, “Wow, so fun, I’m glad I got hit by someone I had no chance of detecting.” When a Legion bears down on me in a rabid, demonic frenzy, I think, “So he’s gonna hit me for free and force me to hold M1. Holy damn, I hate this game.”

    Nut there is one exception to this rule. One big, fat exception.

    Oni. When I hear the furious roar of him entering Blood Fury, I gente sent on edge. When I hear the ominous sound of his Japanese-style theme playing, I get a tense stomach. When those Eastern wood chimes and drums coupled with Western brass are blaring in my ears as a giant flaming samurai ogre demon barrels down on me with a death stick the size of Nancy Wheeler, my heart is racing. When I hear the clanking of samurai armor and suddenly a humongous man is pounding me and my generator into the ground with a kaanbo, I jump out of my skin.

    Aesthetically and balance-wise, Oni is, in my opinion, the most well-made Killer in the game. And it makes him consistently awesomely terrifying to face.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    Myers for sure.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Trapper. Ghostface and Myers loses their shock value once I know I am facing them. But Trapper's SNAP always gets me everytime without fail.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Trapper makes me so damned paranoid, I hate going against them.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    snipetress. trapper makes me tense, hag just fills my heart with joy in the knowledge that someone besides me plays her, I run spine chill so myers and ghostface are out, thus only snipetress gives me that full gasp effect. i respect and fear her power.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Lol, well let me tell you after having a survivor break free of my grasp as pig, not her. She gives like the cutest little... Idek what you would call it, it's like a sneeze that a very small woman does and it's just so adorable. Nurse is kind of cute as well, but it's not as cute as it breaks my heart.

    All in all who's the scariest killer in my opinion? Gameplay wise it's Michael, a good Michael can sneak up on me more times than I like to admit and it throws me into a paranoia. Who's the scariest killer via sound? I'd say Wraith. When you stun him or break free of his grasp he unleashes this terrifying roar that strikes my heart all kinds of terrifying. Not to mention his bell that everyone knows all too well from memory of first playing this game.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Oni when he is rushing at you with his power. Nothing puts the fear of God into me like that guy, holy ######### he was done so well aesthetically.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Ngl I think his sound design is what sells it.

    That roar and scream still gets me everytime. Same reason why I love Demogorgon's screech so much.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2020

    i dont know probably an oni commiting to me when he has his power, also is not fear but we could say discomfort for trapper, i dont like going agaisnt him because of the potential traps.

    and of course a leatherface with a fat face camping chainsaw, u know you are done for unless buba was literally a rank 20.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Probably Deathslinger because he doesn't have a Terror Radius and there's little to no reaction time for his shots.

    Sometimes he'll pop out of nowhere and have you speared before there's anything you could reasonably do about it.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Spirit and Hag give me lots of scares. They also are fun to play against (even though I am not very good at it. : P),

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Trapper gives me PTSD. I will be checking windows and tall grass for the next few games even if it's something like a Clown.

    Nurse is scary only because if it's someone I know to be a good Nurse then we all gonna die.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    For me, it's more about nervous or paranoid rather than scared, only because of familiarity.

    But The Shape is always paranoia-inducing for me. Also, any killer that you can hear around the map (Doctor's blast; Demogorgan roar; Oni roar; Deathslinger shot). Those add an atmosphere which is good for adrenaline.

    However, Myers wins it for me.

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    Myers in tier 3 with mori add on. He does not even have to hook you once in order to Mori I think.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826


    Being paired with awful teammates puts the worse fear in me. Seeing someone down in less than 5 seconds after their initial hit makes me just want to suicide on hook when I get caught.

    Most red rank survivors can't last 20 seconds in a chase.

    Survivors are the best killer in this game.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
    edited May 2020

    So then, Buff Killers to make them even more fearsome!?!


  • Raeve
    Raeve Member Posts: 6

    If I had to talk about their gameplay, the one that scared me the most was Ghost Face, I literally jumped on my chair once when he stabbed me after I lost him during a chase.

    If we are not talking about gameplay, I'd have to go with Myers or, once again, Ghost Face. Thinking about someone stalking me or even breaking into my house is terrifying, the fact that Ghost Face is literally just someone behind a mask is what scares me the most due to how real any situation involving him could be.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Trapper, I'm cursed to be a magnet for stepping into traps that are very easy to spot.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Good Nurse and any killer with an active insta-down M1 attack. All others may give me a jumpscare, but that's about it.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842


    And the invisible extended attacks that just so happen to occur when it's conveniently going to get me killed.

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    Hm, really afraid of no one. But a mirror Meyers on Hawkins was really really cool. I knew he could come from everywhere and my cam was flipping around with lightspeed. And you don't know, if he is already watching you 😧, so exciting.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Definitely Leatherface. Seeing as i might not be able to get free from the hook if it’s a camping leatherface.