Where is piggy in peoples opinion?

yandere777 Member Posts: 728

At first i personally thought she was pretty bad. Until i started using her and using her dash attack more often, i learned just how deadly she can be. And even though end game piggy got hurt it doesnt matter because thats just a gimmick. Her traps are still just as game threatening. Forget the head pops, just having 1 or even 2 traps on them around the start gives her sooo much pressure all you need on her are tracking and chase perks.

Speaking of chasing she is actually better than someone like bubba, clown or legion. Her dash can do so much to a survivors brain and even just crouching and uncrouching does numbers.

Incase you didnt notice i personally think she is pretty decent but I'm not here for that. I wanna know what you think about her when playing as or against her.

Ps if you a pig main slide me some tips lol



  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Former pig main, she's near the bottom or at the bottom. Good survivors will just run off the tile when you crouch for a dash attack, so it's borderline useless against them.

    She is good with double purple add-ons for the head-traps but what killer isn't good with double purple add-ons? Stock traps are nothing more than a time waster unless you are tunneling off the hook, and at higher ranks that usually just means you will get DS'd.

    Her greatest strength is that random people will come up to boop the snoot, and it's up to you if you want to take advantage of that or not.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I personally love her. I've been playing her a lot more recently and I can delay most matches to my liking. Her add ons can be quite nasty too depending on the combinations you use. Her dash attack is great at loops and since I use STBFL on her, hitting the obsession with a dash attack doesn't take away my stacks. Very underused killer IMO.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    She above clown and bubba but below everybody else.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    She's DECENT, but not great. Somewhere in the middle, but can seem stronger when someone really understands her. Needs small buffs to parts of her stealth ability, like faster crouch walking or dash charge.

    Super fun though.

    Advice? Slug those with traps on if you run into them. Don't go out of your way though.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    amanda is just amanda

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Your dash example is true unless the pig does it to bait them out of the loop. You crouch, roar then uncrouch and they'll be in a sticky position. Personally all i use is her brown crouch addon and brown recovery addon. It lets me have more leeway with her dash and use it more freely.

    Not sure what you mean with the stock traps part. If you can could you be more clear on which addons they are lol. But either way whatever they are tunneling as pig hurts her more than any other killer. If she tunnels a trap then the trap is useless.

    Not necessarily trying to defend her or say shes good or bad, just trying to bring some clarity to your points lol

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Honestly i recommend ditching stbfl on her, with how reliant she could be at times on it you'll be wasting time going for the stacks and it'll generally wind up a net loss of time saved. Sure it's great and all but you'd want a decent amount of your hits from the dash lol. It's still a great choice but I'm just reminding you of what i call "stack vision" where you'll be hella hungry for those sweet stacks lol

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Thats honestly what i think too, she's never useless and has the potential to snowball as well. Bigger maps are actually a double edge sword on her as well because of the boxes being so far apart. Where most killers suck at she can make a profit. Almost every pallet becomes a mindgame with her dash and not to mention it can do some pretty funky stuff in certain situations lol

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I will always slash the obsession with a regular attack because I use sloppy butcher. I will only use the dash attack once the obsession is injured. I get what you're saying though, but I don't have stack vision whatsoever with STBFL. if the obsession dies oh well.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842
    edited May 2020

    I've destroyed 2 reds, a purple and a green as a green rank killer, but I think they were all solo's. And I don't play killer that much, so I'm a bit lower rank.

    Coordination will actually destroy a Pig, in some ways more than other killers.

    Also, STBFL is kinda gimmicky on Pig. I use Nurse's, BBq, Surveillance and Ruin.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    She needs to move faster when she is crouching, that's all I ask.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    Imo she's sitting pretty with Myers in B tier, good, but not amazing.

    If your picking her up, Ruin, RuinRuinRuin, RuinRuin, Ruin, RuinRuin, its her best perk

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Pig is the Killer that got me to rank 1 for the first time prior to the second BNP nerf. Part of what I love about her is her ability to control. If you're smart with where you hook people as well as just a bit lucky, you can remove players temporarily and/or permenantly from doing hook rescues, breaking totems, and working on generators.

    Yeah her crouch kinda sucks in many regards. I see a lot of people advertising, "Well you can do this to make it useful" and that's great and all, but those minigames only work a little less than half the time.

    Not helped is also the fact that her add-ons are mostly worthless. That has changed a LITTLE (see also the point in time when crate of gears and bag of gears were bugged and DIDN'T slow down search time for about 6-9 months), but for the most part you're either running all purple, yellow, or brown add-ons. Nothing else.

    I'd put her around where Legion is currently. Above Clown and Bubbah certainly. Has the POTENTIAL to snowball heavily, but like Legion requires a lot of luck and more misplays than average.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    So I main Nurse, but lately I have found that Pig can be one of the best killers if you utilize her well enough. Many people tell you to use her dash attack more and more, I only use it to get a free hit on large loops. It's her stealth, you could say... "Well Myers has stealth and so does Ghost face, yeah Myers can't duck down but ghost face can and he's just as small as Pig..." Yada yada yada... A good pig player knows how to utilize stealth on approaching gens, hooks and beating a loop. I have spent the last several hours of my life working my way up from rank 17 to now rank 9 and having won 26 straight games in a row.

    Here is a little hint for you, if you utilize your stealth well enough you can turn the game on your favor almost instantly by forcing the survivors to play altruisticly. Have one person on hook, wait outside the perimeter for your MYC to kick in, down the MYC victim and then tunnel the person who got unhooked. Hook the person who had MYC affected on them and then put a mask on the person who was unhooked and wait again. It's a very dirty tactic but one that works all too well for that clutch kill and multiple downs to win the end game. Can't tell you how many times I had forced the survivors to end the game on a 3 gen because I guarded the right gens I needed to and hooked people in the center to keep them coming to me

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Not the WORRRRST, but not very good in my opinion. Her ability to slow down the game is wildly inconsistent, and her ability to challenge loops hinges way more on your opponent making a mistake than on the Pig's skill (even when you play a loop very well, it can very realistically not matter if your opponent just makes the correct read). She's got a lot of not great tools as opposed to a small number of good ones.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    She's mid tier, ok at loops with her dash and has great overall stall potential with her reverse traps.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Bottom teir needs rework n buff.

    Trial should start with everyone having reverse beartraps or something

    More add ons that actually change the power not just increase speed

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    People tell me that Ghostface is a better Pig. Yes, GF is more lethal in a sense, but I hate instant-downs and he doesn't have the stall potential of Pig.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I like playing as her more than I do Nurse, however I don't like that it's instantly revealed that shes the Killer due to the Jigsaw boxes.

    I have yet to face a Pig that doesn't tunnel the helmet Survivor that just got unhook though. For that, I highly dislike going against her.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    if your good at her she can be really strong, thing is not many people are good at her

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    She's low mid tier IMO. The biggest problem with Pig is that her main power, the bear traps, work solely on RNG. I once had a game as pig where everyone got the trap off in their first or second box. If her RNG was toned down and her crouch was faster she'd be a decent killer, but ATM she's just fun too play but also weak.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    She's decent, her traps are free map pressure. Her uncrouch needs to be faster, so she can deal with survivors who abandon loops while charging your ambush. You get around 20m distance if you leave when you see her go into crouch, which usually leads to the next tile. Removing the slowdown while (un)crouching would make it viable.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2020

    I've always mained piggy.

    She is a SOLID B.

    Can elimate terror radius and regain it with her crouch. This means she's one of the few killers that can actively switch terror radius sizes to confuse survivors. This is especially true when utilizng terror radius altering perks.

    Her dash has SOME anti-looping ability and potential mind game but is easily counterable. Most loops have such a tight curve turn that the dash can be just as much as a bother to properly use but it still has potential. The dash attack also can mind game people if you combine it with terror radius elimation perks like tinkerer or dark devoution since people won't have a radius call out for enteringi nto crouch for a prep.

    She can potentially kill people by just crouching and blocking them while they got a trap on their head. It's lame but she can do that.

    Her traps is one of the few pertinent powers that can actually stem the tide of gen completitions. Making it one of the few powers in the game that actually help at the greatest source of stress for most killers.

    The negative is that her head traps require downs AND gens to start getting done to work. This means that if you're struggling or getting looped all the head traps in the world do jack because the end is gone. It now incentivises gen rushes even more while prior head traps acted as a sort piggy specific ECG sort of. It also allowed piggy to put traps at the end of the game.

    It was one of the few cases where the killer actually has some sort of control of when the game ends if they play tactically. Then they removed it and now EGC activates only when the gates are open-aka they are all safe because you ain't activating blood warden with the new 99% meta-

    Almost all piggys addons are based on her traps. So if you aren't downing people and getting looped you have basically no help.

    She's not really special in terms of speed, radius or attack. She has to eat pallets and loop like every other killer.

    Her head traps are easily counterable by simply doing the game. If you don't either cause the gen waterfall to cease-good luck with that- or get everyone in traps running around like chickens very early on your power doing you little favors.

    Her head traps make it easier to run across survivors and hit them once for a slug since most head trap victim don't heal and assume you'll leave them alone...for some reason.

    PIG needs a new end game mechanic put in. It was fun and EGC dosen't replace it and takes away one of her most powerful builds. Which was her end game build, one of the few killers that could actually focus on that with her power in mind before ECG. Then they messed it up by making the EGC activate when the gates are open-survivors are pretty much safe unless they ######### around- removing all gate sprint tension in almost every case.

    It's basically a T bag timer at this point. What a waste.

    All of her addons require you to gain momentum. Which sucks. DBD has enough win harder or lose harder sort of side to it. Piggy power is a victim to this unlike other killers. Like say...michal or ghost face who despite all their flaws can turn the tides due to their exposed effects.

    Some of her add ons are poo poo.

    Amanda letter sucks if its not on the game. But on it the game it makes her pretty much nearly god like.

    Rule set 2 straight up sucks. It's a waste of a red space. Why waste a add on slot just so you can slap a head trap onto someone before any gens go off. It dosen't even stop the trap being unlocked. It just makes it so the machines can't be seen...until it activates. yawn. You're first instinct is to run towards the big white box anyway and the timer hasn't started...so why do you care as survivor. Just do gens until it activates.

    Her traps are based around time and tension. She;s one of the few killers that can gain back a sense of time. On the upside she's one of the those killers that all perks go with her. She's fast enough to go for a smash and grab perk build. She's got enough skill check based events that skill base perks work for her. Slow down. Gen control. They all work. Even slug build works great due to the masks nature.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Okay good lord, didn't know we have a Sawyer in the community.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    If it was a tier list she'd be high c low b

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Come find me with 3 friends on Xbox then.

    Tunnelling trapped Survs is actually a terrible idea. Any Pig worth their salt (meat joke not intended) knows that targeting helmeted survivors is a waste of time.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2020

    She's pretty bad. Not as low as say Clown or Legion, but she's down there.

    Her main issue is her ambush being trash. 9/10 times you are better off just uncrouching and going for an M1, that is a sign of poor design when it's not even worth using. It's too telegraphed, just remove the roar from it and now it's decent. It's too high risk for little reward to use. I also think her viewpoint while in crouch is too low, it needs to be raised.

    Her traps need to be reverted to how they worked at end game before, the change was unneeded. Rule Set #2 in base kit.

    Lastly she just needs an addon overhaul, most of her addons are trash.

    The ambush problem is the main thing that is holding her back but she does still need those other things as well.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Then Pig's on Xbox play more strategically than Pig's on PS4 apparently.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    She's definitely not top tier, or even mid tier. I'd say she's at the top of low tier. So she's not priority or at the top of the list for requiring a buff or rework. Clown and bubba definitely need some work first, and then legion probably. And when that time comes, then they can start thinking about how piggy can receive a bit more love

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    I think she's the best early killer someone can pick up. She doesn't need any teachables to do well, for the most part generics are amaizing on her and you can work with surveillance. Sloppy, whispers surveillance being solid with a final of choice makes her extremely accessible as her gen slowdown is baseline not trapped endlessly in pop, surge, or ruin. New players should definitely pick her up if they want to have fun decently long games quickly. As for long term players I dunno, I'm still years away from having a decent perk list and am yet to wallet warrior for pop. Mostly because clown was dead on arrival and still is dead so giving money to the devs for him sounds like promoting cancer.

    I strongly believe her place in tier lists is HEAVILY determined by how many or how few slowdown perks someone has. The better the slowdown perk, the less relevant her primary benefit is so people rate her lower because they could just play another more lethal killer with pop and still get the game length they want.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    She is versitile

    She can play almost all playstyles and do work

    But she also is a challenge to master...

    So a strong low mid tier

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Shed be high tier if her traps either

    A: Worked in endgame or

    B: Were more consistent

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I love piggy.

    Her ambush is amazing for mindgaming at pallets and her traps are decent for map pressure

    I'd say shes in b tier

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    *Almo sees a pig forum

    *Goes in, realises that is a kinda serious forum

    *Types OINK and leaves


  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Be careful what you wish for. Billy's were fun before. A person could juke them all day. After the re-work. There is no juking of them anymore.

    The pig's add-ons need some reworks.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I think she's mid-high B tier. She's fine, maybe needing a QoL.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You still occasionally get a trap tunneller on Xbox, but they're pretty rare above rank 15.

    Well, besides the fact that Pig is a rare killer to face for me. I don't see the point in trap tunnelling because that person is essentially removed from the match for the time being.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    In the trash bin with Legion and Nurse.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Have not played her, so my opinion is from the survivor point of view.

    She has stealth, which is handy, and her head trap can waste a lot of survivor time, slowing the game down quite a bit. I think that puts her ahead of several other killers, imo.

    That said, i don't know anything about how she plays, so I can't really rank her compared to some of the better killers in the game.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    She is bad and totally boring.

    Half of her ability (crouch and ambush) are almost completely useless. You lose so much time when crouch walking since you are super slow. Ambush is totally useless as well since you can't use it in a chase properly and sprint burst hard counters it.

    The only "good"-ish thing she has is the traps. Yeah just press m2 on a downed survivor. So much enjoyment in doing that. It's just so passive and boring.

    That's why I play Pig the least out of all killers. 50% of her ability is not used and not useful, the rest, traps, are just boring to use and don't require any skill and is not an active ability either. She basically is just a m1 killer with traps. Nothing special. Any other killer has more active useful abilities than her.

  • OracleOfFilm
    OracleOfFilm Member Posts: 11

    I'm really fond of the Pig. Her weakness is high level survivors who are talking to each other. If your opponents are communicating, she can be out matched quickly. But just putting traps on people slows down survivors buying the Killer more time.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    For comparison then, who DO you play on the killers side? And why do you enjoy them?

    Also, how are you using crouch/dash? Because that may be half the problem. Sprint Burst only counters it if they have distance already. Dash is faster than Sprint Burst.

    You can also just stand up and use crouch similar to GF's Nightshroud ability. Cancelling your TR is a pretty effective strategy in a lot of situations.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    She’s good with STBFL but no killer should be perk or add on reliant, a lot of it is dependent on Head Trap RNG too.

    She’s fun, but not powerful.