Salty Endgame Chat "Dont say GG"



  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    It's a low key brag. "I got a 4k with bubba and people were salty"

    They were RELENTLESS with that one flashlight, blinded me like 3 times at pallets. And they even clicked it at me.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    So it is completely fine for survivors to be as obnoxious, toxic, racist, whatever they feel like if they lose a game? That would explain the post game trash talking if survivors think that way. I haven't done nothing wrong and yet people are dicks 80% of the time in-game and post game.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Honestly this post reminds me of this video


    When in reality, he got blinded like 5-6 times, and I don't think they made 1 flashlight save? Hardly even worth a video, beyond noting the fact all 4 survivors had flashlights.

    Salty endgame chat is standard in DBD.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    How does my chat indicate anything? The chat didnt use the words camp, slug, tunnel, ect... You can clearly see I didnt bring a mori. They just went straight to calling me disgusting. And no btw, I'm not saying anyone HAS to say anything. I'm saying what your mom told you when you were a kid about if ya dont have anything nice to say...dont say anything at all. You dont get to spew hate at the endgame chat just because the game doesnt give you enough ways mid match to show hate. As a matter of fact, its specifically against the rules and something to be reported over.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You're meant to be a punching bag and that's it.

    That's all we're suppose to be to them. I've been ignored too many times last year from GG's I stopped saying it.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Why are you so intent that harassing messages in the endgame chat should be normalized? Why should I just accept being targeted because god forbid I played a videogame on the opposite side as someone else? Why is it a bad thing for me to say to keep things civil?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    I dont mind if people dont say it back. Its the people who start gettin rude for no reason other than losing at a videogame that I'm talking about here. Theres even people in the thread excusing it because "thats how survivors are suppose to vent" or whatever.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    PWYF/Nemesis Bubba is really strong, not gonna lie.

    But I find nothing wrong with it. Just drop pallets early, he can't chainsaw them or he loses tokens. Alternatively don't drop pallets if it looks like you might get hit, just take the hit and run off. He's betting on you dropping the pallet whether he gets a hit or not.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I noticed them claiming you slugged, and 3 of them had DS. That's the price they pay for having it, and I'm an Avid DS Supporter. It's the price we pay for using the perk and I'm glad to see more killers slugging.

    May I ask, why is it strong? Stunned at pallet, stunner becomes Obsession then what? Ignore the Obsession and go for someone else?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Oh I dont tend to M1 very often, lol. Typically if you plan on just running off without dropping gonna use the saw. Either way though, doesnt really matter what a build is... doesnt change the fact that you should remain civil in the endgame chat, which was the whole point I was trying to make. Apparently some people on this thread disagree with that.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    PWYF is a very strong perk. It increases both map pressure and chase potential. Bubba can also fully charge his saw and NOT lose stacks, meaning he can bait pallet drops and such. PWYF also makes his chainsaw movement faster. He only loses stacks when he actually uses his chainsaw.

    My friend @ill_Boston_lli plays this build all the time and it's ridiculously strong. You disrespect every pallet, force drops, get stunned, and it's instantly 1 stack of PWYF. If he wants more he can just follow a bit and suck up a few stacks before moving on to someone else. The only way to beat it is to drop pallets early, force him to kick it (because using the chainsaw would lose stacks), and then if you are the obsession you avoid him at all costs.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    As Suicide said... Nemesis makes you the obsession, which helps grant PWYF stacks that Bubba makes GREAT use out of. The fact that they were constantly blinding or stunning me means they were constantly insuring my current obsession was directly infront of me for more stacks. I feel like some of the people in this thread missed that part. I had brought it up not because I felt bullied or anything, but because its incredibly stupid to stun the killer who has nemesis. You're playing into his hand and making him stronger.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    @BigBrainMegMain I should also point out those screenshots were from various games, not the same game. The one complaining about slugging, I was using a build with the perk infectious fright and had no problem leaving someone on the ground if another chase was readily available.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Its perfectly fine for survivors to express their frustration and their feedback in post game chat, yes. And they don't have to do it using "killer approved" verbiage. Just like Killers don't either. If someone is being an ######### and they tell them they were being an #########...yeah, I deem that fine. You deserve to know the truth about what people think of your game play. If you don't agree, or you have your own opinion, that's fine too. Both parties are free to leave post game chat at any time.

    Also, it's never ok for anyone to use racist remarks - Killer or Survivor, and doing so is reportable.

    I play Killer as well, and I very rarely get rude post game chat. Certainly not 80% of the time...maybe 10% of the time - even when I 4k, which is pretty often. Why? I don't play like an #########.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Harrassment is harrassment. It doesnt have to be a racist remark to be reportable.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I didn't know you didn't lose stacks when you revved your Chainsaw.

    You're insured 1 Stack of PWYF whenever you're stunned, I get that but do you go for the current Obsession and down them, or change targets? That's what I don't understand. I guess I'll play around with it to get a better feel for it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It depends. If you can afford to chase for more stacks you do it. Once you have 3 stacks there is no looping you. I used PWYF a while ago on an old Freddy build centered around old Dying Light and catching the obsession super fast. I felt it was a REALLY strong perk back then, and the only reason it wasn't meta was because there was no way to change the obsession. Now we have several ways to do that, Nemesis being the best pick, so it's super easy to get PWYF stacks. And when a Bubba with 3 PWYF stacks comes at you with his chainsaw you are going down. There's not outrunning it or spinning it. It's too fast.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    You can do either really. The game from the original screenshot I was constantly swapping targets. I'd get stunned and swap to move after someone else on a gen. This made it so people were either using up pallets in the area EXTREMELY fast or going down in seconds. I might chase after the original obsession if I dont know where someone else is at in which I'll purposefully drop chase and restart, but surveillance is good at showing me alternate targets.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Imagine complaining about "harassment" because someone said your build was disgusting. 😂

    Venting frustration and giving you feedback about your play style is not harassment and absolutely no one owes you a GG, sir.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol I'll try it. I never liked PWFY because it sort of forced you to go for someone else mid-chase like...why?

    I'm a Nurse so everything I see has to die instantly, but I gotta try this out.

    Nemesis and PWYF Bubba. Hope that combo doesn't get nerfed next patch. -_-

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Because they are normal? You can play pretty much any online game and salt is the norm. Something like league, you will get harassed by your own team mid-match for not performing, let alone at the end where it can't even tilt you.

    It's a game about getting violently murdered, and alot of people can't handle when their death is particularly brutal. That's why DBD is so salty. One of the saltiest I have played. Is talking about it on the forums going to change that? I don't think so.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Deserve to know the truth? I deserve to be called a noob killer playing piece of ######### and how I should kill myself, no matter how I play and if I got kills or not? I deserved that? You possibly cannot be that dense. There are healthier and better ways to cope than venting out in post game and harrassing people.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    You know how many times I've been told to kill myself while playing killer? Exactly zero.

    I have been called a baby killer by a SWAT team or even by a survivor I very obviously (at least obvious to me) let live. Is that survivors venting frustration or providing feedback? maybe...maybe we play like noob killers, idk 😂 but its definitely not from a place of frustration and also not the scenario being discussed in this thread.

    The idea that Killers can have a clear outlet to keep this game enjoyable, but survivors should keep their mouths shut and say nothing when they're upset is ######### ridiculous and denies the sheer humanity. There was literally a post today about how nice it is to be able to kill a whole team with moris because the game is stressful and its a great release. That's fine and dandy...but survivors have nothing remotely like that...except end game chat. But survivors are expected to stay silent and simply GG a killer, no matter what their reasoning for being annoyed is? Nah fam. It's not going to work like that. Killers dont get to act however they want in game and then try and dictate the actions of survivors post-game.

    Do I think survivors (or killers) should chastise the other team in post-game chat when they clearly won and call them a baby or noobs? Of course not. Thats ridiculously juvenile.

    Do I think survivors should call people racial slurs or sexual orientation slurs or insult their looks or their family because they dont like how the match went? No - and those things are reportable for a reason.

    Do I think survivors need to keep their negative opinion about how someone played a match to themselves and GG like a submissive sheep at the Killer's request? No. That's ridiculous. They have every right to ask why you played the way you did...point out why they disliked how you played...and suggest how you change your tactics in the future. Just like you do as Killer.

    There are always healthier ways to deal with frustration and stress than what people choose. TALKING ABOUT IT is not really that unhealthy. And if you don't like what they have to say and don't want to engage them - CLOSE THE CHAT WINDOW.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Ok, that is it, I'm done with you. No reason to keep talking with people who approve abusive behavior.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    What others say to me doesn't influence the enjoyment of my game. So even if I were to have a game where other subhumans are salty, I'll say ggs anyways.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited May 2020

    No, it's not okay when people tell you to kilyourself.

    It's never okay. EVER ,EVER.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Its got survivor guts on it, needs to be washed off, lol

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    No one should feel like they have to GG at the end of the match.

    For example, a solo survivor dying to an Iri head huntress may not want to say GG. Likewise, a mori'ed survivor who was tunneled because the killer couldn't wait to do his/her mori, might not want to say GG. By the same token, killers who felt bullied by the survivors or had exploits used against them, may not want to GG. It's fine. Let them not say it or disagree with your GG comment. Honestly the salt the OP experienced pales in comparison to most salt.

    This game (and its social) are very us vs. them (much like American politics ATM). There's bound to be animosity, salt, etc. Just close the chat window or leave the match ASAP if it bothers you.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360
    edited May 2020

    Im not saying anyone has to say ANYTHING, but rather that the opposite is not true. You do NOT have the right to say whatever you feel like. If you cannot say something civil, you shouldnt say anything at all. That report for chat harassment button is there for a reason. If you felt like you had a horrible game and you dont wanna say GG, dont say it. All I'm saying is dont turn around and say "I hope you get aids and die you ****sucker" because you lost. I COULD share plenty of screenshots of worse things said, this was just the most recent. If you feel like looking through some of my collection, search through my threads for any titled "Salty endgame chats".

  • Cold_Oats72
    Cold_Oats72 Member Posts: 12

    Sometimes to win you need to slug. If slugging is that toxic run unbreakable.

  • oogabooga
    oogabooga Member Posts: 7

    Look at the dude who messaged you saying "dISguSTinG BUiLd" bruh he's got some of the most op survivor perks

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Someone told me to "get covid" because I was running BBQ&CHILLI on Spirit

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Clearly, you missed the point. He wasn't saying they had to say GG. They told him that he couldn't say GG. Did you even look at the pic.?

  • Saranghei
    Saranghei Member Posts: 19

    Well there are times when you shouldn't say GG. If you literally exploited a bug... Yeah that's not a good game. Hook suicide, dc, afk? Not a good game. It's insulting when it's pretty clear something is being taken advantage of. I have yet to find someone that doesn't take advantage of a bug if it occurs on either side even when they are ones that can clearly be seen.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    you probably slugged and tunneled, so your opinion is invaild

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Ah yes, I tunneled because someone did an unsafe unhook in front of me without Borrowed Time.

    I slugged because I literally saw another survivor the moment I downed the survivor I was chasing.

    I'm soooooooo toxic, guess my opinion is invalid.

    You want to know what an actually slugging game is like? It looks like this:

    This Deathslinger never hooked anyone until one person died from Bleedout (You can tell because everyone is almost dead from bleedout). Slugging because you saw someone else and decided to chase them to exert pressure on multiple survivors isn't toxic, it's just a smart play.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    A slugging deathslinger. I was in a game like that awhile go and it took place on the Swamp as well. I think i was the first one to die from bleed out. Since i spend a majority of my time on the ground. Since the minute i would get back up, down again i would go. Only a single person escaped that game.

    Which yeah if someone unhooks in front of the killer without borrowed time. That is the survivor who did the unhooking being a moron. Since if you can get two down survivors, well that is way better than one.

    Which slugging and moving onto the other nearby target, sounds like well what playing Oni is like. Aka making the best and logical use of his power.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    No, I don't expect you to. Seeing as you're defending someone who accuses the Killer of Slugging and Tunneling when they didn't do that in the first place. I would show you the VOD the streamer put up but that would go against the forum rules.

    But I assure you, the reason this happened was because the streamer themselves unhooked without Borrowed Time thinking he is safe when he isn't. He only had himself to blame.

    If you're not willing to actually have a conversation though, and just say you won't believe anything I say, then I believe our conversation is over.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah some people just seem to wanna think the worst of people who play killer or think a killer can't be a nice person. Like in most cases, slugging is not really that bad. Oh hey the killer left me on the ground. Now a team mate can get me up while they chase after someone else. That or after the killer chases off the other survivor or downs them, they will come back straight for you and pick you up. If a team mate didn't get to you first. Rarely from what i played, does it end up like the Deathslinger case on the swamp. Which yeah in my case as well, it was a deathslinger on the swamp with a slugging build.

    Most would rather hook you, rather than leave you on the floor to die. That and sometimes there is that sound bug, of someone making no noise, even while they are on the floor. So it possible the killer might of not found them in time, if they were the last one. Heck almost had it happen to me in a recent trapper game. The survivor crawl off and their bar was almost gone by the time i found them. I let them go and open the gate. For i just like letting the last person, if a game goes very well for me. For i honestly had no idea where they crawled off to, for i was not running whispers. For i like playing ghostface, maybe not the best killer for every map. Curse you corn curse you. Yet hey it's fun sneaking around and being spooky and getting them bbq stacks. For at the end of the day, it's a video game and everyone is trying to have fun. Which is why when the post game chat comes, i normally do gg and often follow it up with good luck and have fun [if someone acts salty than is a different case]. Since most people in game are good folk. That and hey, maybe they will enjoy being wished good luck and hoping they have fun or that was simply the thing they needed to brighten up their day. For sometimes a bit of kindness and sportsmanship goes along way. For if someone a good sport in post game chat, they get a thumbs up form me. For being a good sport, no matter if the game when well or poorly for them.

    Since hey at the end of the day, both killer and survivor is just someone playing a video game and trying to have some fun. Since hey, both sides can reach common understanding and enjoy a good old time. Since heck one of my favorite games was as ghostface, where both me and the survivors were just messing around and playing super casual. Even the survivors enjoyed it, like everyone enjoyed it. It was a jolly good old time. Which is a good reason to be a good sport at the end of match, for hey you never know who these random strangers are. They might just become your new buddies down the line or look forward to meeting them again in another match. That or hey maybe this time around your the survivor and they are the killer. Leading to another jolly good old time, just in different roles.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Imagine using all survivor meta builds and calling the killers build disgusting, hypocrisy is strong with this one

  • Puffieball
    Puffieball Member Posts: 64

    Some people are just sore losers lol