Ranked Rewards

Is there anyway we can get rewards for ranked in the future? Like the possibility of getting 100 irredecent shards per rank up at the end of the season? I don't think that would be too unreasonable because getting to rank one would mean about 2000 shards.


  • CoolJakob
    CoolJakob Member Posts: 7

    Agreed. The only thing you get for ranking up is longer wait times and harder killers/survivors to face. There is no reason for someone to want to stay a high rank.

  • It would be nice to see a shard increase for each 'devotion' level you have and maybe a few skins you unlock. It is a shame rank doesn't, but you could have a modified weapon for each season? Something like an engraving for each rank in different seasons.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Devs should change the ranks. They took some "inspiration" from the R6 roadmap, why stop there? Just give use copper, bronce, silver, gold, diamond and grandmaster leagues with ranks in between like R6 or LoL do.
    A new season should start every time a new killer is released (3 months) and give rewards based on the rank a person has reached. They could also remove the specific ranks for survivors and killers and just have an overall rank.
    If they balance the game, they could even host tournaments, which would greatly increase the playerbase.

  • Likae
    Likae Member Posts: 3

    Totaly agreed. Why is there no reward at all? There should be enough compensation to motivate.