NAME: Lily Reed
GENDER: Female
REALM: Lily's Dream Plane | Sprinkle's Magic Kingdom
POWER: Tattletale
WEAPON: A Last Resort
MOVEMENT SPEED: 115% | 4.6 m/s
ALT. MOVEMENT SPEED: 460% | 18.4 m/s (Eternal Bond)
HEIGHT: Average
MOVEMENT SPEED: 96.25 % | 3.85 m/s
ALT. MOVEMENT SPEED: 115% | 4.6 m/s (when a Survivor is found)
LORE (IN A NUTSHELL): Lily Reed often tended to herself alone in her room, drawing pictures and striking up conversations with her teddy bear, Sprinkles. Shut out from society, her grandmother kept her inside the house at all times aside from carefully monitoring her to and from school. She only knew three places: her school, her house, and her dream world. She would look forward to sleep every day, because her dreams were the only place Sprinkles and her could play out in the meadows of pink, puffy clouds and under beautiful pale sunsets. One day, Sprinkles seemed different in her dream. Sprinkles began to tell Lily things, command Lily to do things. She didn't understand fully, but she did feel a twinge of hatred towards those who had forgotten her; her grandmother, her school peers, her parents. Maybe Sprinkles was right. Maybe she should let this world know she was here. She awoke from her dream during the dead of night, Sprinkles hovering over her, black tentacles protruding from his back. A tentacle descended, fog filling up her room, handing Lily a sharp piece of torn metal from unknown origin. This was it. This was her last resort.
Police cars swarmed the front of Lily's house minutes later, after multiple calls reported screams and cries for help. Her grandmother's remains were found splattered and strung across the living room, but no signs of Lily.
The Child's Description:
A set of two Killers, able to pressure multiple areas and punish those who decide to tamper with her abilities by using her power, Tattletale.
Her personal Perks, Gimme, Gimme!, Tantrum, and Suppertime give her the ability to prevail in specific situations and catch up to Survivors.
The Child's Power: Tattletale
You start the trial with your best friend, Sprinkles!
While looking in the direction of a highlighted generator, chest, or totem within your line of sight, hold the active ability button to dispense Sprinkles. While Sprinkles is dispensed, he will enter Patrol Mode.
In Patrol Mode, Sprinkles will begin searching the areas around the nearest generators, chests, and totems.
When Sprinkles spots a Survivor within his line of sight, he will enter Attack Mode. During Attack Mode, he will charge towards the Survivor spotted and begin emitting a high pitched screech that can be heard from 16 meters.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Sprinkles' Screech
Sprinkles' screeching effects all Survivors within its hearing range. Survivors effected by Sprinkles' Screech cannot work on generators, open lockers, open chests, open exit gates, use items, heal, or cleanse totems.
Up to two Survivors can dismantle Sprinkles while he is screeching. Dismantling Sprinkles takes 15 seconds as one Survivor, and takes 10 seconds as two Survivors. After dismantling Sprinkles, he will no longer roam and will instead stay in place and cry, revealing his aura and Survivors within 16 meters of him to you.
After being dismantled, you can pick Sprinkles back up and he will passively begin repairing himself for 90 seconds. Once fully repaired, you may once again hold the active ability button to dispense Sprinkles into Patrol Mode.
While Sprinkles' is crying, you can activate Eternal Bond.
Eternal Bond allows you to gain an extreme speed boost. You can no longer attack during Eternal Bond.
While Eternal Bond is activated, all previously patrolled generators by Sprinkles show how much progress they have by the intensity of their aura.
While Eternal Bond is activated, you lose your terror radius.
After cancelling Eternal Bond, you suffer a brief fatigue period.
Additional Sprinkles interactions:
- Monitor & Abuse, Furtive Chase, Insidious and Dark Devotion effects both Sprinkles and The Child's terror radius.
- Dropping a pallet on Sprinkles is useless, since he's so short he will crawl right under it.
- Using a flashlight on Sprinkles will slow his movement speed for a brief period of time, but will make you the new target of his Attack Mode.
- All status effects have effect on both Sprinkles and The Child, including Haste, Bloodlust, and Undetectable.
Additional Power information:
- Even though you lose your terror radius during Eternal Bond, you still emit creepy crawly leg sounds that can be heard up to 20 meters away and your red stain is still visible.
- Her unique perk, Tantrum, has direct synergy with the power, as once Eternal Bond is activated chase is immediately lost, much like Wraith's cloaking. This also means Play With Your Food has direct synergy.
- Once all generators have been patrolled by Sprinkles, it's possible to have complete generator information using Eternal Bond.
- To prevent Sprinkles from being completely useless during endgame, once all generators are completed you can dispense Sprinkles onto an Exit Gate to guard it.
The Child's Perks:
Gimme, Gimme! - LVL 30
You grow enraged in a deep jealousy when others have it better off than you.
When chasing a Survivor who is holding an item of certain rarity values, you gain Bloodlust faster.
- While chasing a Survivor holding a Common item, Bloodlust takes 2 seconds less to activate.
- While chasing a Survivor holding an Uncommon item, Bloodlust takes 4 seconds less to activate.
- While chasing a Survivor holding a Rare item, Bloodlust takes 6 seconds less to activate.
- While chasing a Survivor holding a Very Rare item, Bloodlust takes 8 seconds less to activate.
- While chasing a Survivor holding an Ultra Rare item, Bloodlust takes 10 seconds less to activate.
The Survivor gains a visual indicator that Gimme, Gimme! is in effect once they are in a chase.
If the Survivor loses their item by any means during the chase, you lose your Bloodlust.
• Removes the ability to gain Bloodlust Tier II & III.
- The Child
Tantrum - LVL 35
Anger overtakes you when things don't go your way.
After losing a chase with a Survivor, the aura of all Survivors within a 24/32/40 meter radius are revealed to you.
Tantrum has a 90 second cooldown.
"You're a meanie! Come back!"
- The Child
Suppertime - LVL 40
You savor in the torment you cause.
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
When you hook your Obsession in the basement, all injured Survivors become Broken for 60/90/120 seconds.
Injured Survivors' auras are revealed to you at all times while Suppertime is active.
Injured Survivors gain a 10% increased speed boost outside of chase.
All injured Survivors become immediately healthy after Suppertime has ended and their aura is suppressed for 60 seconds.
Suppertime can be used up to four times per trial and has a 60 second cooldown between uses.
You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
"I think it's suppertime!"
- The Child
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Maternal Caretaker
LORE (IN A NUTSHELL): Maria lost her toddler son due to medical complications. To remedy herself and occupy her thoughts, she took up caring for the homeless. Finding her newfound altruistic hobby extremely therapeutic, she managed to set up a homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Her community nicknamed her "Esperança", as her name filled up the local newspapers. One day, while cleaning up the shelter's kitchen, she noticed thick black mist seeping from underneath the broom closet. Opening the closet, a black, spindly tendril extended from the darkness and pulled her into The Fog.
Maria Fernandes' Description:
Maria Fernandes is a maternal caretaker, tending to Survivors and providing warmth within the trial.
Her personal Perks, Safeguard, Hit and Run, and Guiding Hands provide a way out of tough situations for her and her teammates.
"Safeguard" - LVL 30
You guard the ones under your care.
Those on their final hook stage have their aura revealed to you, and you heal these Survivors at an additional 50/75/100% speed increase.
While healing a Survivor on their final hook stage, the Killer's aura is revealed to you and the Survivor you are healing.
The Killer aura reading capability has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
"You're safe with me, child."
- Maria Fernandes
"Hit and Run" - LVL 35
Steering clear of all danger is your top priority.
After performing a Killer stun with a pallet, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Hit and Run cannot be used when Exhausted.
You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.
"Leave me and my children alone!"
- Maria Fernandes
"Guiding Hands" - LVL 40
You must guide those who stray off the safest path.
Your aura is shown to injured Survivors in a chase.
When within the Killer's terror radius while they are chasing another Survivor, you gain a 3/4/5% speed boost.
Performing a successful Killer grasp rescue transfers your speed boost towards the rescued Survivor for 5 seconds.
After performing a successful Killer grasp rescue, you gain the Blindness status effect for 30 seconds.
Guiding Hands has a 30 second cooldown.
"Come! You must survive!"
- Maria Fernandes
NEW REALM: Lily's Dream Plane | Sprinkle's Magic Kingdom
Sprinkle's Magic Kingdom Description:
Wonder, fear, childish wonder, and twisted thoughts. This realm takes place inside of Lily Reed's dreams, now corrupted by the Entity. Pink, fluffy clouds morph into dark, putrid blobs of flesh and spider-like legs protrude from the sweet, gumdrop roads.
This map is extremely surreal. It's supposed to be very childish and dream-like, so all walls are fluffy clouds and the ground is made up of cracked candy roads. However, there are some pockets that change the lighting, like Hawkins. It becomes dark, gloomy, brown, black and red, the Entity's tentacles coming out and squirming from the ground. The entire map is on a huge cloud, suspended in the air. It's extremely open, much like Dead Dawg Saloon, but there are certain unsafe areas that generators or tiles may spawn in. I'm not super good at level design, so I can't really provide detailed schematics for the map.
Credit to user Onyx_Blue for helping me out with the perks and The Child's power!
(Thanks so much for reading this far! Please let me know if you think some perks are completely useless or completely broken, if some perks are similar to others, what you think about the designs, what you think about the concept, what you think about The Child's power, and whether or not you'd play as badass mama. Could you imagine this old lady fast vaulting windows and t-bagging at exit gates? Wild.)
(Seriously though, criticism & feedback SUPER appreciated and wanted!)
I'd say it's a cool concept, but the power seems kinda weak/counterproductive in it's current state, to my understanding of it. So I have questions about it. Sprinkles is AI controlled? And how would his patrol function with routing; movement speed; his AI intelligence when it comes to spotting survivors?
Also, the fact that Sprinkles follows a survivor around once the focus is locked onto them, makes me curious as to how his targetting works. As the killer, would you be notified that Sprinkles is locked-onto someone? How long would it take to dismantle Sprinkles?
Saying this, the parts that seem counterproductive is the cooldown and fatigue aspect of the power. For a power that is a passive tracking/pressure one, the fact that the range of effect is so short, makes me wonder if there wouldn't be a point to that survivor dismantlinb Sprinkles; they could simply just be the bait that makes you waste time on them. And when they do dismantle him, that's that part of the power gone, replaced with, essentially a cloaked wraith with Windstorm+++++. Cannot attack, meaning zero threat. And then when the killer wants to attack, they endure a Legion style fatigue, and then has to wait 3 minutes to get their power back. Reducing them to Basic Attack only. I'll have proper feedback after hearing your vision of the killer's power functions.
Gimme Gimme is very unique, however, not a lot of survivors find or bring in Rare+ items too often. When I play as killer and survivors, majority of items (medkits and flashlights are yellow with stacked add-ons). My suggestion would be to reduce the item criteria down to Uncommon from Rare.
Tantrum is almost in a good state with it's current function. But, since it is very easy to end a chase, break LOS for a brief amount of time (it can even end during certain loops if the killer tries moonwalking too often). The range restricts it to be very situational, eg vs altruistic teammates that want flashlight saves etc as opposed to allowing the killer to feel as though they can gain intel to help aid with pressuring others when going up against strong runners. Maybe make it 24/32/40m and have a cooldown of 90 seconds? Could make it so that it allows killers to have accurate intel as to whom they may want to switch focus to and pressure elsewhere.
Suppertime would be better if it was reusable. For what it does, it's limited to criteria outside off Killer control (other survivors staying injured) you could combine it with other perks to help get that result, but, it would be one of those perks that is heavily synergised for usage. Maybe make it so that it's restricted to 4 times (possible of 4 individual obsessions in a game due to DS, Nemesis, Furtive Chase) with a cooldown of 60 seconds to match the survivors aura supression effect, making it so when it's reusable, the killer knows the survivor(s) aura can now be seen again?
Safeguard sounds really solid. However, there is a lot of numbers attached to it. Maybe make it work with more user control. A survivor on their Final Hook has their aura revealed to you. Heal the survivor at 50/75/100% increased speed. While healing the survivor, both you and the injured survivor have the killers aura revealed to you. Has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
Hit and Run seems perfect the way it is. I love the idea! I'd use it often lol
Guiding Hands is too strong. It gives the grasp rescued survivor Sprint Burst without exhaustion. So, not only is a killer punished for misplaying a pick-up/carry, but they also have to just give up on that survivor, since they'd have to play catch-up which is never a good decision. A balanced way of doing it could be: your aura is revealed to an injured survivor that is being chased. During their chase, while in the terror radius, your movement speed is increased by 5/6/7%. Performing a killer grasp rescue causes the rescued survivor to gain the 5/6/7% movement increase for 5 seconds. You are afflicted with the Blindess status effect for 30 seconds?
I like the concept for this chapter, the perks are really creative and fit both characters personalities well :)
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Thanks so much for the feedback! Yeah, I kind of left the power vague on purpose because I'm really bad with numbers lmfao.
My main idea was to make The Child a multi-pressure killer; able to basically annoy and waste a survivor's time while you chase another survivor, similar to the Pig but being limited to survivors within Sprinkles' terror radius and not needing the requirement of a generator being completed. Sprinkles would roam around the map using AI, but it would be fairly simple AI, considering it follows a specific path from generator, to chest, to totem, to generator, etc., and it would only stray off its pathing to charge towards a survivor's position and follow them. His targeting would work like Spine Chill, Head On, Premonition, Small Game, etc., as it would be a cone of vision in front of Sprinkles that a Survivor would have to be in to be targeted. You would not be alerted once Sprinkles targets a survivor (unless you're literally already next to Sprinkles as he finds them) and are only alerted once Sprinkles is dismantled (considering once Sprinkles is dismantled, you gain Eternal Bond's speed boost). I put Sprinkles' movement speed below The Child's, he'd be as fast as a walking survivor while patrolling and the moment he spots a survivor, he will become 115% and start chasing them until dismantled. The way I wanted The Child to work was, Sprinkles would go patrol a side of the map in the beginning of the trial while you patrol the other side. You find a survivor, chase them, down them, and hook them, and hopefully by then another survivor would have dismantled Sprinkles (as they would be basically useless if they didn't). If they haven't dismantled Sprinkles yet, great! They can't do anything productive as long as Sprinkles is screeching near them. After hooking that survivor, use Eternal Bond to gain extreme mobility and either find another survivor or pick up Sprinkles from the other side of the map and start repairing him (which will happen passively for 3 minutes while you hold him, so you can still chase, damage gens, etc.).
Dismantling Sprinkles as one survivor would take 15 seconds, two survivors takes 10 seconds -- not a big efficiency boost, so it gives survivors a choice to either dismantle slightly quicker when in a pinch or to let one survivor take the longer dismantling time.
I was thinking of making the power less punishing, however. Probably reducing the cooldown after Eternal Bond to a slightly longer Plague or Clown type fatigue in which they just suffer slow movement speed for a short burst and can't attack during it, or simply just a shorter Nurse/Legion style cooldown -- enough to give survivors the chance to run to a tile but also enough for the speed boost to be worth using to catch up to the survivor. I would have also thought for a shorter repair time for Sprinkles, maybe 1.5 minutes. I just wanted a longer repair time since she can basically have pressure on sides of the map she's not even on for little effort, but I also didn't want it to be super punishing since then her role as a multi-pressure killer can be taken up by others like Pig or Plague.
As for the Perks, I pretty much agree with a lot of your changes!
Gimme, Gimme! was a perk that I battled with on its restrictions. I wanted it to be useful in a lot of situations, but not so much so that it would basically be a free Bloodlust. What would you say if it was that different item values had different capabilities: like if it's a brown item, Bloodlust takes 1 second less, if it's a yellow, 5 seconds less, etc.?
I LOVE that idea for Tantrum. I didn't even think of it as a pressure switching perk, so I very much agree with all of your changes for it!
Suppertime is a perk I was too afraid to make more than a one time use, since then I would think its game-changing capabilities would be more fitting under a Hex perk, and I also didn't want it to be like old Dying Light where obsessions would basically get tunneled. However, you make a good point about multiple obsessions being available in a match. I think I should make it a four time use -- so that in order to get the better value out of the perk you'd have to force obsession switches.
Very much agree with all the changes to Safeguard and Guiding Hands. I didn't even realize how strong Guiding Hands was until I kinda realized... yea it's basically a free SB to SWFs lmfao.
If you have any other comments about the power now that I explained it a bit more please feel free to tell me. I'll totally implement your changes to the perks because they sound super well rounded. Again, thanks for the feedback!
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Yeah that clears up a lot about Sprinkles function. Maybe it could work smoother in these two possible alternate ways:
My first idea is that Sprinkles start on the opposite side of the map to where you, The Child spawns (much like Corrupt Intervention). The second idea is that Sprinkles starts with you, but you have to manually press the Power Button to command Sprinkles to start his patrol starting with the gen, totem, chest you target (via aura reading or fov/los). That way it would be smoother and more in line with Sprinkles mechanics post dismantling, since he'd be with you until repaired, once repaired you would be able to manually command his patrol again using the same button prompt. What do you think of those alterations?
My concern with Eternal Bond was that it would be a really swift and fleeting function in-game. You'd have Sprinkles deactivated, then automatically gain Eternal Bond, the ultra speed with no offensive presence. Then you cancel it when you get to an area you want to prioritise your focus, then gain Sprinkes cooldown. Maybe Eternal Bond could have an additonal function to it. Maybe to make it more useful, you could have it give the killer more intel during Sprinkles cooldown. Maybe, all the totems, chests and gens that were patrolled before he found and targetted a survivor are now revealed to The Child via a white aura. And, much like Legion and Wraith ultra-rare add-ons, The Child sees the progresss rate of those objectives highlighted during Sprinkles cooldown. That way, The Child still retains the map intel and pressure potenital she has while Sprinkles is in play, but not quite in the same way to keep her experience fresh. It would make the name 'Eternal Bond' be more apt too.
Gimme, Gimme! I think wouldn't be one of those perks anyone vsing it could complain about. Since, they are visually told the killer is using it. And the simple counter to it would be to drop your item during the chase. So the function of Bloodlust being gained faster depending on item rarity would work fine. Maybe Common=2secs Uncommon=4secs Rare=6secs Very Rare=8secs Ultra Rare=10secs reduced time to gaining Bloodlust?
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Hmmm, I quite like your idea about Eternal Bond! I think that info would be a perfect trade off for a momentary no-attack mode.
I was definitely thinking something more along the lines of what you said, about how you start the trial off with Sprinkles and use him as an indicator where to go (the exact opposite direction to where he's going, basically). I'll be reworking the power with more clarification and adding some extra usefulness to Eternal Bond, as well as making Sprinkles much more smoother to use.
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Yeah, objective intel is never overly strong for killers. Very useful, but by no means broken. Especially having thay map intel during a period where the killer is essentially purely only Basic Attack seems a fair balance. The power comes back fairly quick too at 90 seconds. That's also a good enough time to utilise the intel before regaining the passive pressure and slowdown that Sprinkles grants.
I really enjoy the sounds of this chapter. Be very cool to see an AI involved in the online aspect of console and pc dbd for the first time too.
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Totally! I'm surprised I didn't think of Eternal Bond in a Legion-like respect, where even though Legion has a cooldown he still gets information once he hurts someone.
I also changed Eternal Bond in other respects, like removing the terror radius but having a Demogorgon approach in stealth where you can still hear ambient noises emitted by the killer. Also added an endgame mechanic because I kind of realized that once all generators are done Sprinkles won't be able to patrol efficiently anymore.
Here's hoping that if DBD does add some form of AI mechanics it won't be like... this.
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The changes made are very cool! When Sprinkles is guarding a Gate, does he still have Attack Mode applied if a survivor enters his FOV? Or is he like a sentry that just defends that gate?
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I think an attack mode would be better balanced due to the fact that it lets one survivor take aggro while another opens the gates. I think it'd be a lot stronger if it was a sentry, but at that point there's basically no counterplay since you can just sit at one gate while he handles another, plus it'd be super broken with NOED.
also late reply ftw, pyramid head got me shook0 -
I love the way Pyramid Head (Executioner) is designed. Only issue I have is that he can spam his power even while it recharges. I think that allows him to be a little braindead in almost all loopable areas