Two days on forums - y'all are whiny babies [and so am I]

Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

Honestly! There's barely any originality. I see and appreciate all the killer, survivor, perk and add-on ideas like anyone else, I'm pretty much invested in the chase for the new killer as much as the others (my vote is on Jason or candyman, if you're wondering) but one thing I cannot get behind is HOW 👏🏻 MUCH 👏🏻 Y'ALL 👏🏻 WHINE 👏🏻

Killers see a good survivor and WHINE!

Survivors see a good killer and COMPLAIN!

Killer runs a perk that helps them in the game and MOAN!

Survivor runs a perk that helps them and GRIPE!

Like seriously? It's like you guys go up against something you don't know how to deal with and you just gripe and moan. It's a perk, dude. Shut up, and learn how to counter it. There are always counters. Y'all will find ANYTHING to whinge about and you're like two year olds.


  • Lowkeysaurus
    Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50

    ... 😳😔 I have been outsmarted

    I just don't understand. Why moan about something so trivial? It's a perk that elevates the chances of an escape or a 4k or whatever, but that doesn't mean it's something to ######### about..? Talking about "toxic build" Sorry bud I just can't get over how you're bad at the game so you're finding anything you can to place the blame on. It's hilariously annoying.

    As for your game predicts, cool! They're the only two that make any actual sense to me, a lot of the others have been huuuge reaches honestly... Though, the argue of Candyman not being iconic is stupid. Iconic differs in different areas of the world. Y'all might not have heard of say something like Train to Busan, but that's pretty famous in Korea, right?

  • Lowkeysaurus
    Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50

    I'm just pointing out how long it took me to notice how much most people on here ######### about anything that doesn't go their own way.

    😔 I'm just gonna take the L

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Some people just gotta vent after a frustrating game, y'know? And when it's an actual problem it's good to put it in writing.

    Not everything on here has to be some well though-out thesis on the implications behind using Botany Knowledge over Hope.

    And at least this hasn't devolved into 99% low-quality memes that get reposted every twenty minutes because someone didn't bother to scroll down half a page.

  • Lowkeysaurus
    Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50

    True I suppose, but it's so irritating. I understand the need to vent, games are huge tension builders, but a lot of the time it's... Not a genuine problem? For example, calling DS 'op' but it's only useable once is farfetched at best, and BBQ and Chili with it's 7 counters is just stupid.

    But yeah, at least it's not ######### memes. That'd be just annoying.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    GG EZ! 😏 On a serious note I think negativity is pretty normal in PVP game forums as that's where two opposite sides can discuss about how "unfair" the other side is.

    I'm (for instance) posting in Borderlands forums as well and everyone seems chill with each other since the PVP aspect is non-existent so everyone basically wants the same thing when it comes to changes, buffs and sometimes nerfs.

    I could obviously be wrong, though.

  • Lowkeysaurus
    Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50

    Well, yeah. I can see how PvP would cause tensions to run high, since it puts everyone against everyone in the search of completing their agendas. Still, why the perk-slamming? I mean, it was designed in a way that puts the opposing player at an advantage, and in the end, that's all that perks are. It does the same thing but in a different way. It just doesn't make sense to me.

    I guess I don't understand because I don't have the incessant, nonsensical need to constantly have attention, then. I mean, I can whine myself (as we can see) but that's really only when something has annoyed me THAT much. Albeit I am slotted neatly into that 'teenagers and 20-somethings' category, so I could play on that if I wanted to. Maybe you're right and I should start whining more.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    The problem is that the game naturally divides the game into two factions, survivor mains and killer mains (those that play both are forced into one of those categories, depending on their opinion on the specific topic). Since mains don't play the other side, they are completely clueless about the real situations. They complain about what they don't like and attack anyone that tries to explain the other side to them. They also don't like to adapt to new things, so if they don't like it, instead of trying to play around it, they just come here to whine and ask for a nerf.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Well, like I said, blaming other people is the easiest thing to do and it makes people feel better about themselves and their loss. Often trying to explain what they did wrong or why they shouldn't complain doesn't help and just makes them feel worse, so it's generally best to ignore it and let them vent, I find.

    I understand what you mean about Candyman, though a lot of people are going to be very disappointed if it is him because while he may be a classic in some circles, he's not considered iconic universally. The way they've talked about it makes me think Jason is really the only character big enough to live up to the hype, but then there are all the bee puns, so I'm torn. I think either it's Candyman and people are going to be disappointed, or it's Jason and all the Candyman hints were misdirects. Guess we'll find out soon 😊

  • Lowkeysaurus
    Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50

    Yeah, I had noticed, and it's incredibly annoying at best. The stubbornness it takes to reach that level of ignorance is astounding

    Yeah, that's a good tactic. At this rate I'll become that stupid 'I pretend I do not see it' meme that I see all over discords.

    Personally, I really want it to be Candyman. He's a classic where I come from, my step-dad and I are religiously waiting for the day it's released (his birthday), but Jason is top-tier slasher horror, he's the last of the Big Three that DBD needs and it's a very hard decision, though for me it boils down to the fact that Jason already had his own game where his powers would be less limited and... Yeah, I'm not gonna debate with myself, but I just don't see how a game with limited powers can live up to, well, Jason. They got Freddy and Michael well enough because all they know is 'stabby mcstab', but Jason... Just did more than that.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm not a big horror buff myself, and I haven't played F13, so I wouldn't really know, but I do think completing the 'Big 3' is a worthwhile goal for DBD. They've done some good stuff with killer powers in the past, so I'd hope they'd be able to do any new ones justice. I've heard the devs saying some very promising things about the new chapter, so hopefully it will be awesome either way 😊

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Must be new to pvp games, don't you know that if you lose it's the game's fault? Not yours smh.

    Jokes aside that is just how it is on pvp games, I come from dark souls pvp and I remember it not being all about whining, you need to see how it is now, crying everywhere, ganks send hatemail bait and to make things worse invaders send hatemail.

    People don't really understand that whining doesn't do anything and that includes me

  • Lowkeysaurus
    Lowkeysaurus Member Posts: 50

    Oh yeah, either way I think the community has very high expectations whether it be Jason or not! I just assumed they might wait until after the lawsuit to gain his license is all.

    True true, from what you've said a little bit of game-blame is probably the best I can get on a PvP then. But yeah, I don't play a lot of PvP so you're right (usually I'm very ######### at the game and rage quit because I'm just embarrassing myself, I think I'm at least acceptable as a Wraith and Nea on here though, albeit I haven't prestiged any characters yet, so I've got a lot to come).

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited May 2020

    I don't know how they would have done it, but it would certainly be a big surprise worthy of the hype if they've somehow managed to acquire a license for Jason.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    You don't need to prestige if you don't want to, you only get a bloody cosmetic that only wraith looks good on it imo.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Don't play F13: The Game. It's terrible.

    Imagine playing against Spirit with old Prayer Beads while you permanently have Hindered, they have Exposed and can immediately Mori you. I'm not going to say that it isn't fun, but it's just not that good a game. You don't even get a choice in which side you play as.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Don't forget that if you are new to F13, some survivors can actually stunlock you if you play as Jason

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    My first post on this forum was titled, "Killer mains are the biggest babies" and I stand by that comment. Killer mains absolutely refuse to take their own advice and get good. They don't try out new techniques, they continue to over commit to a chase, they get tilted by one flashlight save and tunnel one survivor and still somehow expect they're gonna get a 4k. They just wanna down, BBQ to next survivor, repeat without any stress. Well newsflash: Killer is supposed to be stressful. And when you do a good job as is survivor!

    A lot of what survivors say does have some merit to it (Like Freddy being OP). The devs have been setting up survivors to fail for a long time and its really frustrating, especially with the most recent patch that created dead zones. It's given killers more incentive to camp and even tunnel because odds are the survivor is in a dead zone when they get hooked and there's very little pallets now to protect themselves with.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I think a lot of times killers say it's OP because they don't want to go through the hassle of rechasing someone they already downed, even in a situation where they really had no choice but to tunnel, other than just walking away from the only survivor they see.

    It depends on the survivors you're going against, it depends on the killer you're playing, it depends on a lot of things. I personally find DS to be a completely useless perk for myself, but I think it's very fair in how it works. You get to use it once, and you become the obsession once you've used it. I think there should be more baseline obsession perks on the killer side, other than Rancor. Maybe like an aura reader that activates every minute that lets you see where the obsession is and any survivors within a 10M range of the obsession, for some short amount of time.