Killer Concept: The Bioterror

Milord Member Posts: 273
edited June 2020 in Creations

(TL;DR a Trapper with more tools to work with)

Note: Numbers/values are placeholders.

Power: Doomsday Vault

The Bioterror can plant seeds that will grow into various plants.

He starts with a Type 1 seed. It can be injected (similar to Clown's Reload) for 3 seconds to create a Type 2 seed, which can be injected further to create a Type 3 seed. Injecting a Type 3 seed will return it to Type 1. 

Planting takes 2.5 seconds. Once any seed is planted, The Bioterror will return to holding a Type 1 seed. Only 6 plants can exist simultaneously; each subsequently planted seed will replace the oldest one.

Type 1: Mandrake

It functions similar to a crow. If a survivor is close, it'll shout and give the killer a visual notification. It'll then enter an 8-second cooldown. Like with crows, survivors can avoid triggering it by crouching. Has a time limit and will disappear after 3 minutes.

Type 2: Yateveo

Pretty much a Trapper's trap. A small bud on the ground marks its presence, and it'll catch any survivor that steps on it (the killer can walk past). To differentiate from Trapper's, it will give the survivor that it caught a difficult skill check. Succeed and they will be released unharmed; fail and they will be injured and have to break free just like with Trapper's trap (25% chance). It cannot be disarmed and will disappear after a single catch.

Type 3: Rafflesia

This is a tall flower that'll spray acid and injure any survivor that passes in front of it (the spray range is about 8 metres). Survivors can avoid getting sprayed by crouching past or walking behind it (it only faces one direction). Additionally, its trigger area is slightly wider than its spray range, meaning careful survivors can trigger it without getting injured. Will disappear after a single spray.


Mutagen - Type I [Very Rare]

Change how Type 1 seed works. It is now attached to interactables and will block survivors from interacting with them (generator, totem, chest, and locker; maybe window, pallet, or exit gate switch box, but not hatch). It still has a time limit of 3 minutes, but survivors can also try to uproot it (hold M1). Uprooting takes 20 seconds, in which the survivor will face a difficult skill check every 4 seconds; failing will make it shout, notifying the killer and pausing progress for 1.5 second (current progress is saved if uprooting is interrupted). Once uprooting is complete, it'll shout one last time and disappear.

Mutagen - Type II [Very Rare]

Change how Type 2 seed works. It now becomes an area trap that can trap multiple survivors (about 10 metres in diameter). It still gives the survivor a skill check upon catching them, but failing it won't injure them. It's also easier to break free from (35% chance). Once it traps a survivor, it won't trap the same survivor again unless they leave its trigger area and return. Additionally, there is a grace period of 3 seconds for any survivor that's unhooked on its trigger area. Will disappear after 3 catches.

Mutagen - Type III [Very Rare]

Change how Type 3 seed works. It now becomes a blossom that will spray toxic gas and damage all nearby survivors (the spray range is about 7.5 metres in radius, with a trigger area of 4 metres). The spray has a prep time: once a survivor is detected, the plant will pulse for 3 seconds before spraying. It detects all survivors except those that are in the dying state, hooked, or in the locker. Will disappear after a spray.

Radiotoxic Solution [Ultra Rare]

All three Mutagens in one add-on. Change the way injection works: injection only takes 1.5 second and will cycle through all 6 seeds available (Type 1 > Mutated Type 1 > Type 2 > Mutated Type 2 > Type 3 > Mutated Type 3 > Type 1).

Biotelemetric Device [Ultra Rare]

Reveal the aura of any survivor that's within a range of 8 metres from a plant. Any survivor that's injured or trapped by a plant becomes your Obsession.

Other add-ons:

Flowerpot/Vertical Planter [Common/Uncommon]: Increase the number of plants that can exist simultaneously by 1/2 (cannot stack).

Plant Key/Gardener's Toolbox [Common/Uncommon]: Slightly/moderately decrease planting time (-0.4/0.8 second).

Sowing Robot [Rare]: Increase the number of plants that can exist simultaneously by 2 (cannot stack) and considerably decrease planting time (-1.2 second).

Prefilled Syringes [Common]: Reduce injection time by 1 second.

Grafting Machine/Cloning Tube [Uncommon/Rare]: Increase the number of times Type 2 or 3 seed can be planted before returning to a Type 1 seed by 1/2.

Wood Spirit/Necrotoxin/Antixenotics [Common/Uncommon/Rare]: Any survivor that's injured or trapped by a plant is afflicted with Blindness/Broken/Exhausted for 60 seconds.

Resistant Cultivar [Rare]: Increase plant durability by 1 (Type 1 lasts an extra minute, Type 2 can trap an extra survivor before disappearing, Type 3 can spray one more time before disappearing).

VOC Monitor [Rare]: Any survivor that triggers a Type 1 plant's killer notification will have their aura revealed for 2 seconds.

Perverted Tendrils [Uncommon]: Type 2 plants are harder to break free from (by 20%, i.e. Type 2 to 20%, Mutated Type 2 to 28%).

Alarm Pheromones [Uncommon]: Increase Type 3 plants' spray range (+2 metres; also adjust trigger area accordingly).


Bone Orchard

At the start of the trial, 3 totems located farthest from you are blocked by The Entity for 90/120/150 seconds. Blocked totems cannot be cleansed, and blocked hex totems will take the appearance of dull totems.

"It did appear to be dead. Silent as the grave, even. Apparently it was just dormant." - Bioterror's Research Note


When any generator is finished, The Entity will block a generator that is farthest away from the finished generator for 40/60/80 seconds. It'll block the generator even if it's currently being repaired.

"This scandent specimen seems to prefer efflorescing in shady corners, away from light." - Bioterror's Research Note

Hex: Forbidden Fruit

Up to 1/2/3 chests will be protected. When a survivor tries to open a protected chest, a trap will spring out and injure the survivor. The chest will then close again, notifying the killer. Upon cleansing, all protected chests will immediately open.

"At first glance, the fruit appears to be edible — a trick so the seed can feed on the rotting corpse." - Bioterror's Research Note

Basic info:

Movement speed 115%, Terror Radius 32 metres.

Weapon: Uh... syringe?

Lore: [Insert name] was a military scientist specializing in bioweapon. As his research advanced, he became paranoid about other people trying to steal his works. One day he snapped and killed everyone he found suspicious.

Mori: He plants a seed in the survivor's mouth. It grows and bursts out.

Map: Refurbished Léry's Memorial Institute.

Post edited by Milord on


  • StevenWinchester
    StevenWinchester Member Posts: 10

    The perks are a little lame to be honest but the concept is terrific!!

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    edited June 2020

    I suppose; I made the perks more based on his lore instead of power. If I'm to make a set of perks that are more harmonious with his power, it'll be:

    I decided to just edit the perks in the OP. Here are the other ones:

    Restricted Access

    When you enter a chase, all lockers within your Terror Radius will be locked for 10/20/30 seconds. Survivors cannot enter a locked locker, but those that are already inside can still get out. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds.


    Survivors that carry items are easier to track. They are 0/25/50% louder (breathing, grunts of pain, footsteps), their blood stains are moderately more discernable, and their scratch marks spawn moderately closer together.

    I See You

    Every time you receive a killer notification of any kind, gain a 4% movement speed bonus for 1/2/3 seconds. (Maybe except pallet drop and fast vault notifications, so as not to render them pointless in chase.)

    Post edited by Milord on
  • Yoinkus_Doinkup
    Yoinkus_Doinkup Member Posts: 24

    Really like the concept