The reason why facecamping need to be fixed.

Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

before someone start writing like headless chicken "it's a good strategy according to the developers" I ask you to take 60 seconds to read my point of view.

I am not talking about facecamping in the endgame, but during the game. The hooked person doesnt Have fun. The other 3 survivors can only make gens and they don't enjoy themselves.

Ok, is that a problem? Yes.

If from tomorrow every killer started to do facecamping in every game, what would happen to the game? Short answer: it would die.

Long answer: more people would play survivor and enjoying the facecamping army, until no one will play survivor anymore.

In this strange period of our life (quarantine, i'm Italian) i Have played with almost 50 players.. 15 of them quit dbd for a bad night full of facecampers/ebony mori/irihuntress.

This things (like a keys) there are totally wrong for healthness of the game, because if every match u play vs a ebony mori/facecampers/key, why should u play another totally unfair and unpleasent game?

Starting tomorrow i gonna play only with purple keys (i Have at least 100) ebony mori (i Have at least 600) and facecamping. Maybe if every player starts playing in this way, the developers will finally understand that these things are a problem and that they should be fixed ASAP.


  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    I'm main killers and the main reason to camp is genrush

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    Okay cool, most of us don’t like face camping. However you haven’t provided any solutions. You can’t just throw at them “stop face camping” without any solution. You already don’t gain BP nor do you PIP from face camping. Yet people still do it. So what’s your solution to stopping it?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    So to prove a point you're going to ruin everybody's fun time and literally become the person you hate just to make this point that the developers are well aware of and it's pretty hard to fix.

    Sorry to be that guy but you're genius ideas on how to fix facecamping don't work nine times out of ten the extremely abusable or literally won't bother people who face camp just to be douches but will only affect the people who do it in endgame or because survivors are crowding the hook.

    Now when it comes to your face camping ebony mori and key plan let's be honest no one is going to listen to because you're just one person being a douche.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    "it's a good strategy according to the developers"

    If anyone did say that, it would be a serious misquote, because the developers said literally the opposite of that in the most recent stream. What they said was that facecamping is not a lucrative strategy as long as survivors don't feed it, and that's the way it's meant to be, but they also said that they know it isn't fun for the player on the hook and they've been talking about ways to rebalance facecamping as a mechanic with that in mind.

    So there's no need to go out of your way to make other players' lives miserable just to send a message to the developers, since they're already aware of the issues you're talking about.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    The devs said it is a legal strategy, they did not say it was a good one. All killers know it's a bad strategy, at least at ranks where survivors know better than to throw themselves at the killer, making it a good strategy. For the survivors that do know better, it is a horrible strategy for the killer. You sound like someone in a previous post. It doesn't matter if survivors like doing gens, they still have to get done. I don't see how that is an argument. You still have to do them. With the killer camping, they can be done in peace, without any worry of the killer sneaking up on them and interrupting them. If survivors stop suiciding, by throwing themselves at the camper, and did gens, those killers would stop camping.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    What needs to be fixed is the entitlement...but that goes deeper than dbd...this goes back to how you were raised. BHVR is not responsible for that...

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I feel like a lot of you were raised by lawn mower parents and don't know how to handle failure

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2020

    Do gens noob and get on to the next match

    U get free points and an escape

  • EwokVDub
    EwokVDub Member Posts: 13

    The Devs said, in the the most recent Q&A, that they are not looking into "fixing" face camping. They said they want the killers and survivors to make choices and react to the others' choices. They said that face camping is a legitimate strategy the killer can choose to use. They did emphasize that it is a BAD strategy and the survivors can EASILY counter the killer by doing the gens quickly. The person on the hook is kinda outta luck, but it's ultimately up to the survivors at that point on whether or not they escape. So basically, do the gens and get out.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    I'll tell you what would happen if all killers started facecamping. The survivors that have a higher IQ than warm pudding will figure out what the killer is doing and genrush them into oblivion, guarenteeing a black pip at BEST and less than 18k points. Meanwhile, the survivors will get at LEAST a black pip, maybe even +1 pip if they can get a heal or save the camped survivor in endgame

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    edited May 2020

    Sorry for writing "good strategy" and not "legit strategy" but the core of my post is fun vs unfun.

    I dont care about bps, people doesnt play this game for bps and for making gens.. people play this game for having fun.. and fun is chase, hiding, mindgaming and some other stuff (jumpscare, boop the snoot etc..).

    One chase that have result in facecamping totally destroy the "fun".

    if every surviving game you find would always happen to you as a faceamping killer who would do it, would you still want to play this game?

    Do you want some ideas for a solution? Ok, fine...

    1) "winning solution": after X seconds that killer stay between Y ms from the hook and there isnt another survivor in this range, another gens or hex totem and at least 2 gens are missing, the struggle phase of the hooked survivor stop and repairing gens got buffed. (This idea come from Otz, main killer) this isnt fixing the trouble fun/unfun but make easily close the game.

    2) "teleport solution": after X seconds that killer stay between Y ms from the hook etc.. the killer get teleported at the opposite of the map (maybe near at one gen)

    3) "another target solution": after X seconds etc.. the killer can see other survivors aura for Z seconds, the hooked one get unhooks itself with X seconds of "shield" like BT+DS (that can stop if he starting a gen, healing another survs, bodyblocking killer etc..)

    4) "ban solution": make facecamping bannable within certain limits.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    Otz early two weeks ago play one streaming with noed and facecamping for make a point: noed is broken and deserve to nerf.(4k every game btw, except one 2k). at the end of those games otz admitted that he not only saw how broken the noed is, but how totally unfair facecamping is.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I agree that facecamping is crap, but why should killers care for the fun of the survivors if the survivors dont care for the fun of killers?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Facecamping sucks to go against, you know what else does? 3 gens done in a minute and a half. Problem with both issues is you cant penalize them without punishing people who are just playing the game. Whatcha gonna do, invincibility field around rhe hook? Block generators so only 1 can be worked on at a time? Sounds dumb doesnt it

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    If you're talking about what I think about, he only played like 7 games. NOED only activated twice. And two of those games the survivors literally walked themselves into 4Ks. Like he's Bubba revving the saw while facecamping and the entire team comes over and dies instead of doing gens.

    This only proves that survivors playing like ######### is OP for Killers. lol Bubba is over there facecamping the hooked person with his chainsaw revving, let's all go over there and save him! lololol

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    That's my point. Face camping only works for the killer if you fall for it.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    The OP's reason he wants it fixed is because he doesnt like it. Too bad. Dont get caught. Ive said it before, Your fun is no concern to the killer. I dont spend money on games for someone else to have fun. I didnt buy a ps4 so some little brat I dont even know can have fun or tell me how to play

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I'll never understand why a killer facecamps. Personally I think the devs have done all they can to ensure that such a playstyle isn't rewarded. You get a pitiful amount of bloodpoints for doing next to nothing, and you're guaranteed to depip. Other than that I don't know what else could be done.