Bullying and Toxic Players

I have played DBD on the ps4 for roughly 3 years. I started on pc a few months ago and I must say the Survivor bullying in chat after game is brutal. I wont even go into the matching making issues. But as a player who mains both I would like to ask this community why is it that most survivors are so horrible to killers in chat after the match? Scenarios below:

I don't camp, tunnel, use toxic addons and play "Fair" I user that term loosely. If I get a 4k, its usually something irrational on how I should have not done this or you chased me constantly. Or my favorite you tunneled me. When a Survivor unhooks someone right in front of me, after I just put them on the hook. Or when I swing back by while patrolling.

Or I start a game, I find a survivor and I get the instant, pallet drop, try to bling, tea bag and repeat. Then I will put them on the hook. Go about my way and start patrolling, hit a few others survivors. O look its the same survivor with the flash light, tea bag, pallet drop. Hook again and repeat. This usually goes on with most survivors, then comes the Borrowed time, DS, Flashlights, Locker stuns, Body blocking, etc. Game ends and regardless of my intentions here comes the hate speech and belittling.

I get some people are just jerks. I get that all the tools a survivor has at his disposal is far game. But if you are the killer. Regardless of what you do, you are wrong, a bad player, etc. After playing a game with a 4 man SWF, where I was body blocked, blinded, stunned(Locker and pallet), Fireworks and DS.... Gates are open, I have NOED. I am able to down one and put him on the hook. Question do survivors just expect me to just leave the one for sure kill I have at end game to run around? Also after every stun, blind, DS, borrowed time etc. No I patrol the hook and sure enough three are running all around me and trying to unhook(Good for them, thats the point) I down a second and time is about to expire so I chase the other two out of the gate. Pick up the last survivor and hook him. So 2 out of 4. As soon as the game ends the chat explodes with how bad I am, Tunnel, face camp etc. I try to explain my side of it and yah that does not go so well.

I know there is no answer to this question about why people are the way they are. I know its not every player but man it seems more so than not if I play killer this is what I get. Why is it that if a killer stays close to the hooked survivor(Not to close and at end game) that it is horrible? Or why is it even bad if a killer tunnels? No were does DBD say this is not allowed. So the moral of this long story is, Killer will always be called out for using things at their disposal. Survivor on the other hand can be as toxic as they want and its perfectly fine. Blows my mind Anyway that's for reading my rant. Had a rough few nights on DBD and needed to get this out there.

Be kind to fellow players, its just a game.


  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    yeah just got told to kill myself because im a toxic meta killer that tunnels then when i said i didnt tunnel you because i wanted to but you kept trying to cleanse my ruin but all the survivors agreed that im trash at least i 4k'd 😀

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    People are “toxic” because it’s fun. That’s it. It’s almost a maturity thing but even then it’s fun to let go of rules.

    Also, imo there are no sins in EGC. Face camp, proxy, slug, whatever. Anyone who plays killer should be empathetic. Anyone who makes any accusations about something in EGC is just inexperienced.

  • Kayvault
    Kayvault Member Posts: 3

    Exactly, my last game I was told to go find a rope and hang yourself. I have thick skins so its not like my feelings are hurt. I am just trying to understand why the toxic behavior. Are these people like this in real life? Can you imagine not getting your way or if one little thing goes wrong and just turning into a hateful child lol.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Yeah, I wish the devs would crack down on it, but they don't seem to care. What's the worst is when new killers get told how much they suck, after going up against far more experienced survivors. They are trying to learn the game and the killer, of course they aren't going to be good at them yet, but some people just have to be #########.

    My guess is that they are just immature people that don't succeed in real life, so they take any chance they get to dump on people anonymously, to make themselves feel better.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    they're just angry because they didn't win. In post game chat i always say gg......then i wait for them to freak out "you only killed us because you tunnel,camp.mori.etc etc" then you gotta hit them with the ez game, mad cause bad, etc etc i find it the funnest in post chat to just spam stupid boasting without even reading there messages. It annoys them to all hell but who should have to care when survivors start to cry in post chat.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 320

    I think that most people that engage in this behavior are either kids, or they're adults that have nothing going for them in life. Meaning they have no significant other, dead end or no job, low self esteem related to personal appearance c and lack of meaningful relationships. Their skill in DbD is the only thing they have to hang their hat on, so they either go berserk when they lose or when they win, they need to make sure you know how superior they are to you in game skill. Normal secure people with a satisfying life don't bother to engage in this stuff IMO

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah alot of in fighting between survivors or salt, normally happens due to events that took place during the end game. Yes failure to save a hook survivor, leading a 3 man escape turning into a 2 man. Than one survivor shouting at another survivor due to their team mate not having magical mind reading powers and just knowing where everyone is without any perks like bond.

    Well some people most likely do it, due to well it's the internet. No one knows who they are on the internet. So they can let off their mask, the persona they put forth in day to day life and show who they really are. Since they suffer no real negative backlash to their own real personal life and well, sometimes people seem to forget on the other side of the screen is another person. That and sometimes pvp games just simply bring out the worst in people. Since the best way to see someone true colors, is to give them total freedom to do as they please, which is a effect that some have when using the internet, believe they have total freedom to do as they please without a care in the way and well that leads to showing their true colors.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    • As a spirit, able to hit many times (because healthy survivors body block injured one) but barely able to down because all are red rank and I didnt play spirit for a while. Result in 1K.

    Post chat: lol, the tunnel is real.

    I dont know, hit each survivor 10 times and still a tunneler?

    • As a trapper, it was 2men x2 swf (lets name them A1 A2 and B1 B2). Able to sacrifice A1 mid game, when EGC starts, A2 escape right away. Only B1 B2 in the game, which is B1 on hook. I know B2 will try everything to get hooked one out. But I just casually walk to the gate, lay a trap. Unhook happens, both of them run to the gate, that B1 guy steps on trap, I pick up and hook him. Result in 2K.

    Post chat: why ** u put trap in that place, hope ur mom die in car crash.

    The more playing this game, the more I feel "survivors are a true villain in this game"

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah i remember having that happen in one of my first few games, when i was new to the game. Trying to figure things out. Well i got the lovely message of how people wish my family catches a certain disease, in post game chat. It was just lovely.

    Yeah some people are just massive aholes. Of course when it 4 survivors vs one killer. It just make senses to see more survivors who acted like rude. Just due to how large their numbers are. Of course i been very lucky to see way more good folk than i have bad folk. Majority of people i met in game, have been solid good folk. Lots more good than negative.

  • infinity_on_switch
    infinity_on_switch Member Posts: 34

    This 100% is exactly how I feel about it to. It's really the only thing that makes sense.

  • Kayvault
    Kayvault Member Posts: 3

    I love all these comments. Good stuff from everyone. One thing I was thinking about this morning was why not have match making go off the Survivor/Killer rank for the character you currently pick. Not the overall rank of your account. Examples of why I feel this way. Survivor or Killer main who has over 2000 hours, then takes say a year off. Most Meta perks are already learned and addons are obtained. They update the game on their pc, now they are rank 20 with every meta perk and addons and huge knowledge base of the game. Same thing for 1000+ hours and a red rank player. Lets say you have played one survivor for the majority of the game, you want to try out a new survivor and you dont want to farm 1million+ blood points. Well now you are a red rank "Baby" Survivor most likely going against a re rank killer(When match making works).

    I just feel there are better ways.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843
    edited May 2020

    In the Dev post about matchmaking I do believe that having at least for killer the rank be set for each killer instead of overall is their goal

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    this can be easily seen by watching some DBD streamers who behave this way. They sit isolated in a room 15 hours a day and do not have a wife or child etc,... not all but you can see this personality type in many people who stream this game and are toxic.

    you are 100%

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    just toxic people in video game dbd just got alot more

    i got told to unstall the game why tell me that?tell ever killer to unstall the game who survivor bully?