Why survivors don't talk during the trials

fogmuertos Member Posts: 7
So I was thinking about it, and thought up a pretty interesting theory. Survivors dont talk because no matter what, the killer would probably hear them. Let's think about the huntress. Her humming can be hear from over 45 meters, and she isn't yelling whatsoever. In fact, her humming is a little quiet to say the least. So I think that during the trials, or maybe in the entities realm in general, peoples voices carry.


  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Ever been in a bad dream and you wanted to say something but you couldn't? What about sleep paralysis? From personal experience i was not able to talk due to my whole body being paralyzed. Think of it this way, When you're in a world where the sole ruler is that of some kind of malevolent being hell bent on ruling your world. It has rules, and of those rules is that you are not supposed to talk during the trial. EVER. So to sum all of it up. The Entity probably restricted speech from the survivors, so when they try to talk it's nothing but muffled dialogue. There's your answer.

  • Wolff_Bringer
    Wolff_Bringer Member Posts: 90

    The entity stole the voice of the survivors. The only thing they can do is scream in pain and wave and point.
    They dont need more.

    The rules are made by the entitus as the one above me said, and the entity dont want ANYONE talking. Even the killers dont talk. Only grunts of pain.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319
    edited September 2018

    @Wolff_Bringer said:
    The entity stole the voice of the survivors. The only thing they can do is scream in pain and wave and point.
    They dont need more.

    The rules are made by the entitus as the one above me said, and the entity dont want ANYONE talking. Even the killers dont talk. Only grunts of pain.

    There's possibly some truth to this. Even in the Curtain Call trailer, you don't hear Kate singing, just the guitar, and a gasp at the end.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    In theory, the Survivors are supposed to know when to leave others behind on the hook and do so regularly. They don't want to get to know each other. Imagine if you got to know people whom you knew would leave you to be killed and vice-versa.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    Ever been in a bad dream and you wanted to say something but you couldn't? 

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    This is the official statement by MCote
  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    If voices carry across a long distance then why doesn't the laughing from the Clown or Doctor carry such a long distance, or even Killer stun sounds?

    I imagine it'll be something as simple as the Entity preventing anyone from talking, for whatever reason.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Actually if you look at Benedicts journal entries on the survivors at least Kate anyway he has heard her singing.

    Meaning it seems that outside of the trials the survivors can speak and talk with each other but it seems like The Entity takes that ability away once they actually start the trial. 

    This could also mean that the killers able to speak as well just not when there in trial but it's debatable considering the killers don't interact with each other and definitely don't interact with the survivors outside of the trial.
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    @Aari_Piggy66 said:
    Actually if you look at Benedicts journal entries on the survivors at least Kate anyway he has heard her singing.

    Meaning it seems that outside of the trials the survivors can speak and talk with each other but it seems like The Entity takes that ability away once they actually start the trial. 

    This could also mean that the killers able to speak as well just not when there in trial but it's debatable considering the killers don't interact with each other and definitely don't interact with the survivors outside of the trial.

    I remember one of the questions for the developers being "why don't survivors speak during trials" and the answer was "Perhaps their lips were too salty". Vigo's jar of salty lips is an offering that grants luck bonuses. Did Vigo collect lips from the bodies of other survivors? The bodies disappear so did Vigo need to take them before a survivor died? Were they taken willingly?

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    Probably too make the game more original, and they probably don't want to translate the dialogue for other languages

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Well, perhaps the lack of talking is to boost their aura reading capabilities? The term "Aura" can be used to describe an invisible breath, emanation, or radiation. Furthermore, the term "Aural" is used strictly to refer to hearing. This begs the question, is the aura reading mechanic based of a sort of sixth sense, or is it perhaps a way of representing legendary hearing capabilities? For example, in the survivor perk "Bond" the user can see their allies' auras within a radius. Are the auras revealed in this instance meant to represent some sixth sense vision or are they a representation of how the player's survivor can hear and recognize other survivor noise patterns?

    Just food for thought.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Peasant said:
    Well, perhaps the lack of talking is to boost their aura reading capabilities? The term "Aura" can be used to describe an invisible breath, emanation, or radiation. Furthermore, the term "Aural" is used strictly to refer to hearing. This begs the question, is the aura reading mechanic based of a sort of sixth sense, or is it perhaps a way of representing legendary hearing capabilities? For example, in the survivor perk "Bond" the user can see their allies' auras within a radius. Are the auras revealed in this instance meant to represent some sixth sense vision or are they a representation of how the player's survivor can hear and recognize other survivor noise patterns?

    Just food for thought.

    or like calm spirit survivors are focused on surviving than talking

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    I think I remember one of the devs saying it's because The Trials exist in a quasi dream realm, hence why Freddy has slightly more physical power in the world in the forms of searching lockers and breaking stuff. As such, since it is difficult, if not impossible to talk coherently in you're dreams, the survivors don't talk.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Anyone else find it hilarious how survivors speak in 'teabag' with each other?
  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    "tecnically" they are too scared to talk.
    Now, i know the "players" are all but scared playing this game, but the actual character is in a situation were there is abig bad monster trying to slash and put him on a hook... they surely want to make as less noise as possible...